值得升级到Apple Watch Series 3吗?

It only seems like yesterday when Apple first announced the Apple Watch, but we’re now on the third generation (officially named Apple Watch Series 3). The big question, though, is whether or not you should upgrade your current Apple Watch to the latest and greatest.

就像昨天苹果首次发布Apple Watch一样,但是我们现在已经是第三代产品(正式命名为Apple Watch Series 3 )。 不过,最大的问题是您是否应该将当前的Apple Watch升级到最新的和最大的。

Apple Watch Series 3有什么新功能? (What’s New with the Apple Watch Series 3?)

The biggest new features with Series 3 is that it has cellular built into the watch itself. No longer does it need to be tethered to your iPhone in order to connect to the Internet.

Series 3最大的新功能是在手表本身内置了蜂窝功能。 不再需要将其绑定到iPhone即可连接到Internet。

This allows you to do things like send and receive calls, send and receive text messages, and even stream Apple Music right on your watch without needing your iPhone. You’ll even receive alerts and notifications from iPhone apps, even if your iPhone isn’t nearby. Technically, your Apple Watch can now act as a phone itself in a way, but it still uses your iPhone’s number. And instead of using a traditional nanoSIM card, it uses an integrated electronic SIM card that’s much smaller.

这样一来,您就可以在不使用iPhone的情况下直接在手表上进行发送和接听电话,发送和接收短信,甚至流式播放Apple Music等操作。 即使您的iPhone不在附近,您甚至还会收到来自iPhone应用程序的警报和通知。 从技术上讲,您的Apple Watch现在可以在某种程度上充当电话,但仍会使用iPhone的号码。 与其使用传统的nanoSIM卡,不如使用集成的电子SIM卡,该电子SIM卡要小得多。

Under the hood, there’s a new dual-core processor that Apple says is 70% faster than the previous model, which obviously allows for better performance. We’ll also get a faster Siri, who can now talk back, whereas before, Siri was voiceless. The Apple Watch has been plagued by a slow Siri, so this should hopefully improve things greatly on that end.

在引擎盖下,有一个新的双核处理器,苹果公司说它比以前的型号快70%,显然可以提供更好的性能。 我们还将获得速度更快的Siri,后者现在可以回话,而以前Siri却无语。 Apple Watch受到Siri速度缓慢的困扰,因此,这有望在很大程度上改善这一点。

The Series 3 also has a new W2 wireless chip, which brings 85% faster wireless and is 50% more power efficient than the W1 chip that’s found in the iPhone 7 and the AirPods. The Series 3 also comes with a barometric altimeter.

Series 3还配备了新的W2无线芯片,与iPhone 7和AirPods中的W1芯片相比,其无线速度提高了85%,能源效率提高了50%。 Series 3还配备了气压高度计。

Other than that, the size of the watch is the same as previous models, along with the same battery life that you’re used to. There is a new color you can get, though, with a gray version of the ceramic model on the way.

除此之外,手表的尺寸与以前的型号相同,并且电池使用时间与以前相同。 不过,您将获得一种新的颜色,途中将使用陶瓷模型的灰色版本。

At the end of it all, you’ll pay $399 for the Series 3. However, you can get a non-cellular version for $329, and the Series 1 model will come with an even lower price tag of $249. The Series 3 will release on September 22 with pre-orders starting on September 15.

最后,您将为Series 3支付399美元。但是,您可以以329美元的价格获得非蜂窝版本,Series 1型号的价格甚至更低,为249美元。 系列3将于9月22日发布,并于9月15日开始接受预订。

But before you get too excited, it’s important to think about whether or not it’s even worth upgrading to the new Apple Watch Series 3. Ultimately it’s your decision in the end, but here’s some advice if you’re on the fence.

但是,在您太兴奋之前,必须考虑是否值得升级到新的Apple Watch Series3。这最终是您的最终决定,但是如果您遇到困难,这里还是有一些建议。

如果您拥有Seri​​es 1或第一代Apple Watch (If You Have a Series 1 or First-Gen Apple Watch)

You may not have known this, but the Apple Watch Series 1 is actually different than the first-generation Apple Watch. The first-generation Apple Watch was the first version that Apple ever released, but when they came out with Series 2, they also upgraded the first-gen model with a slightly-faster processor and named it Series 1 (but still lacking all of the other new features of Series 2).

您可能还不知道这一点,但是Apple Watch Series 1实际上与第一代Apple Watch不同。 第一代Apple Watch是Apple曾经发布的第一个版本,但是当他们推出Series 2时,他们还用速度稍快的处理器升级了第一代型号,并将其命名为Series 1(但仍然缺少所有系列2的其他新功能)。

With that said, if you have either of these models and are absolutely in love with your Apple Watch, I see no reason not to upgrade to the latest Series 3. You’ll get the faster dual-core processor for improved performance all around, and the built-in cellular and GPS chips is a huge boon. Plus, you’ll also get the better water protection that was first introduced in Series 2—great for when you go swimming.

话虽如此,如果您拥有这两种型号中的任何一种,并且绝对喜欢您的Apple Watch,那么我认为没有理由不升级到最新的Series3。您将获得更快的双核处理器,以提高性能,内置的蜂窝和GPS芯片是一个巨大的福音。 另外,您还将获得系列2中首次引入的更好的防水功能-非常适合游泳时使用。

Of course, that recommendation only goes so far. If you’re like me and don’t use your Apple Watch religiously, you probably don’t really need to upgrade at all. Or at the very least you could wait a few months for used and refurbished units to come out at lower costs. Don’t get me wrong, you may still like your Apple Watch, but you might just not be using it enough to warrant spending a lot of money to upgrade it.

当然,该建议仅适用于此。 如果您像我一样,并且不虔诚地使用Apple Watch,则可能根本不需要升级。 或者,至少您可以等待几个月,以便以较低的成本推出二手和翻新的设备。 不要误会我的意思,您可能仍然喜欢Apple Watch,但您可能使用的方式不足以保证花费大量金钱进行升级。

如果您有Apple Watch Series 2 (If You Have an Apple Watch Series 2)

This is where deciding whether or not to upgrade to the Series 3 becomes highly reliant on exactly how you use your Apple Watch, or maybe how you wish you could use it.

在这里,决定是否升级到Series 3变得高度依赖于您确切使用Apple Watch的方式,或者取决于您希望如何使用它。

If you already have an Apple Watch Series 2, it mostly comes down to whether or not you want cellular capabilities. In other words, would you love to be able to use your Apple Watch without needing your iPhone at all?

如果您已经拥有Apple Watch Series 2,则主要取决于您是否想要蜂窝功能。 换句话说,您是否愿意完全不需要iPhone就能使用Apple Watch?

For example, Series 2 comes with built-in GPS, which means it doesn’t need to be tethered to your iPhone in order to get a GPS signal. This is great for runners and cyclists who don’t want to bring their iPhones with them. However, many still do in case of emergency—they can use their phone to call for help if anything should happen. Of course, if you get a Series 3 watch with cellular, you’ll presumably be able to place that emergency call with Apple’s SOS service, whether you have your phone or not.

例如,Series 2带有内置GPS,这意味着无需将其拴在iPhone上即可获取GPS信号。 这对于不想随身携带iPhone的跑步者和自行车手非常有用。 但是,在紧急情况下,许多人还是会这样做的-如果有任何事情发生,他们可以使用手机打电话寻求帮助。 当然,如果您获得带有蜂窝网络的Series 3手表,那么无论您是否有手机,都可以通过Apple的SOS服务拨打该紧急电话。

With Series 3, though, you can make phone calls and send text messages without needing your phone, making it perfect for those runners and cyclists who hate dealing with their phones during an intense workout session. It’s merely just a convenience, sure, but it’s a really nice convenience. However, if you’re not a runner or cyclist, you probably carry your iPhone with you everywhere anyway, so built-in cellular may not be the awesome new feature that you really need.

但是,借助Series 3,您可以在不需要手机的情况下拨打电话和发送短信,非常适合那些讨厌在激烈的锻炼过程中使用手机的跑步者和自行车手。 当然,这仅仅是一种方便,但这确实是一个很好的便利。 但是,如果您不是跑步者或骑自行车者,则无论如何您都可能随身携带iPhone,因此内置蜂窝电话可能并不是您真正需要的出色功能。

On the other hand, the faster processor is a great bullet point as well, with Apple touting 70% faster performance. However, these kinds of gains are rarely noticeable, and if they are, they’re usually not extreme boosts in performance by any means. Of course, this is something that we’ll have to wait and see about once the new model releases and real-world usage begins. But we wouldn’t be surprised to see apps load and perform faster—Apple has already said that Siri herself has gotten some pretty nice performance gains.

另一方面,更快的处理器也是一个很好的亮点,Apple宣称其性能提高了70%。 但是,这些类型的收益很少引起注意,如果确实如此,则无论如何它们通常都不能极大地提高性能。 当然,一旦新模型发布和实际使用开始,我们将不得不等待观察。 但是看到应用程序加载和运行更快我们不会感到惊讶-苹果已经说过Siri自己已经获得了相当不错的性能提升。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325754/is-it-worth-upgrading-to-the-apple-watch-series-3/





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