


You’ve set up parental controls in Netflix, and worked to make YouTube kid-friendly, and your kids already love it. But there are several other channels you can add featuring only kid-friendly content, from Sesame Street to Pokemon to GI Joe—all for free.

您已经在Netflix中设置了家长控制功能 ,并努力使YouTube对儿童友好 ,而您的孩子已经喜欢它了。 但是,您可以添加其他几个仅包含儿童友好内容的频道,从芝麻街到宠物小精灵再到GI Joe,所有这些都是免费的。

We’ve shown you the best free Roku video channels, but all of those add-ons focused on content for grown-ups. If you want to offer your kids a few channels of their very own to browse and watch, here’s the best free Roku channels with kids shows. Let’s get started!

我们向您展示了最好的Roku免费视频频道 ,但是所有这些附加组件都针对成年人的内容。 如果您想为孩子们提供一些自己的频道来浏览和观看,这里是带儿童节目的最佳免费Roku频道。 让我们开始吧!

PBS Kids :没有广告的优质教育内容 (PBS Kids: Quality Educational Content Without Commercials)

When it comes to offering kids shows without a subscription fee or commercials, it’s hard to match PBS. The network of public TV stations offers episodes of all its kids shows on the PBS Kids channel for Roku, all without commercial interruption.

如果要为儿童节目提供免费订阅或商业广告,很难与PBS相提并论。 公共电视台网络在Roku的PBS Kids频道上播放了所有儿童节目的剧集,所有节目均无广告中断。

Curious George, Bob The Builder, Thomas The Tank Engine: they’re all here. You don’t even need an account to use the channel. Just install it and you’re ready to go.

好奇的乔治,鲍勃的建造者,托马斯的坦克引擎:他们都在这里。 您甚至不需要帐户即可使用该频道。 只需安装它,即可开始使用。

芝麻围棋 :每个人最喜欢的教育布偶的片段 (Sesame Go: Clips From Everyone’s Favorite Educational Muppets)

PBS Kids offers a few full episodes of Sesame Street, but if you want to browse clips featuring Elmo, Big Bird, or Bert, you need to Sesame Go channel. There’s all sorts of clips here.

PBS Kids提供了芝麻街的完整整集,但是如果您要浏览Elmo,Big Bird或Bert的剪辑,则需要进入芝麻街频道。 这里有各种各样的剪辑。

Formerly a subscription service offering full episodes, Sesame Go became free when HBO acquired the rights to air new Sesame Street episodes before PBS. Installing the channel gives your kids a way to watch their favorite clips again, and you a way to browse clips by educational category.

以前是提供完整剧集的订阅服务, 当HBO在PBS之前获得播放芝麻街新剧集的权利时 ,Sesame Go成为免费的。 安装频道后,您的孩子可以再次观看自己喜欢的剪辑,也可以按教育类别浏览剪辑。

Popcornflix孩子们 :超级英雄卡通等等 (Popcornflix Kids: Superhero Cartoons And More)

Sick of all this educational stuff? Popcornflix offers good old American superhero cartoons, with titles from from Marvel and DC. There’s also a lot of video game content: Sonic, Mario, and The Legend of Zelda are all represented. And if you want to share some nostalgia with your kids, there’s also retro cartoons like Inspector Gadget and Popeye.

厌倦了所有这些教育内容吗? Popcornflix提供了很好的老式美国超级英雄卡通,其名称来自Marvel和DC。 还有很多视频游戏内容:Sonic,Mario和《塞尔达传说》均已出现。 如果您想与孩子们分享怀旧之情,还可以使用Inspector Gadget和Popeye等复古卡通。

The downside: commercials. You’re simply not going to find much free content without ads outside the public media ecosystem, and there’s a good chance any kids used to Netflix aren’t going to have the patience for that. But if they can get over that, this is a decent collection of free content.

缺点:商业广告。 如果没有公共媒体生态系统之外的广告,您根本不会找到很多免费的内容,而且任何习惯Netflix的孩子都不会对此有足够的耐心。 但是,如果他们能克服这些困难,那么这是一个不错的免费内容集合。

孩之宝工作室 :GI乔,变形金刚和柯南冒险家 (Hasbro Studios: GI Joe, Transformers, and Conan The Adventurer)

Remember GI Joe and Transformers? They, and many other 80’s and 90’s cartoons, were basically advertisements for various toys and games, but that didn’t stop Hasbro Studios—a fully owned subsidiary of the Hasbro toy empire—from creating shows beloved to this day. And the free Hasbro Studios Roku channel lets you and your kids watch them.

还记得GI Joe和《变形金刚》吗? 它们以及许多其他80年代和90年代的卡通基本上是各种玩具和游戏的广告,但这并没有阻止Hasbro Studios(孩之宝玩具帝国的全资子公司)创作迄今为止最受欢迎的节目。 免费的Hasbro Studios Roku频道可让您和您的孩子观看它们。

Your kids may or may not be interested in TV shows from your childhood, but hey, it’s free. Again, though, expect to see ads.

您的孩子可能对您童年时代的电视节目感兴趣,也可能不感兴趣,但是嘿,它是免费的。 同样,希望看到广告。

神奇宝贝电视 :捕捉所有这些情节和剪辑 (Pokémon TV: Catch All These Episodes and Clips)

Kids like Pokémon, right? If yours do, it’s worth installing this free Roku channel, which offers a variety of full Pokémon episodes alongside more than a few clips.

孩子喜欢神奇宝贝吧? 如果您愿意的话,值得安装这个免费的Roku频道,该频道可提供各种完整的神奇宝贝剧集以及多个剪辑。

Again, you can expect advertisements, but that’s what you should expect when watching free content. On the other hand: Pikachu.

同样,您可以期待广告,但这就是观看免费内容时应该期待的。 另一方面:皮卡丘。

Photo credit: Jim, the Photographer/Flickr

图片来源: 摄影师Jim / Flickr



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