


If you frequently send out mass email news letters and keep getting users replying to all recipients, or need to disable the ability to forward an email, Microsoft Exchange and Outlook have you covered.

如果您经常发送大量电子邮件新闻信件并不断使用户回复所有收件人,或者需要禁用转发电子邮件的功能,则可以使用Microsoft Exchange和Outlook。

Exchange and Outlook enable their own special flags that can disable this functionality and it can be extremely helpful if you need more control over your sent emails. This add-in works in Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, and Outlook 2013 if you are using an Exchange account.

Exchange和Outlook启用了自己的特殊标志,这些标志可以禁用此功能,如果您需要对发送的电子邮件进行更多控制,则它会非常有用。 如果您使用的是Exchange帐户,则此加载项可在Outlook 2007,Outlook 2010和Outlook 2013中使用。

And again, this will only work if you connect to an Exchange server at work and are sending to people at work. This won’t work if you send to other people on the Internet, even if they are also using Exchange.

同样,这仅在您连接到工作中的Exchange服务器并发送给工作中的人时才有效。 如果您发送给Internet上的其他人(即使他们也使用Exchange),则此方法将无效。

安装NoReplyAll加载项 (Installing NoReplyAll Add-In)

To disable Reply All and Forward on your sent email head over to the link below and download the NoReplyAll add-in.


Once you have downloaded it, close Outlook and extract the files to run setup.exe.


The setup will have you accept a few EULAs and depending on what version of Windows you have installed you may need to reboot once during installation.


If your system does need a reboot, make sure you allow the setup.exe to run after the reboot is complete. This window should pop-up automatically.

如果您的系统确实需要重新启动,请确保您允许setup.exe在重新启动完成后运行。 该窗口应自动弹出。

After the setup completes, you will be prompted to install the NoReplyAllAddin into outlook. Click install and then open Outlook.

安装完成后,系统将提示您将NoReplyAllAddin安装到Outlook中。 单击安装,然后打开Outlook。

测试加载项 (Test the Add-In)

Compose a new email and you should see two new options in your ribbon to disable reply all and forward. Click the buttons to disable those features and they will light up indicating that they are enabled.

撰写一封新电子邮件,您将在功能区中看到两个新选项,以禁用全部答复和转发功能。 单击按钮以禁用这些功能,它们将亮起,表明它们已启用。

Send a quick test email to yourself and your reply all and forward buttons should now be grayed out.


If the user tries to forward or reply to all from the quick menu in Outlook they will also get a warning message letting them know the feature isn’t available.


Make a note that if you are sending the email to anyone not on Outlook and Exchange the options will still be enabled for them to reply all and forward whenever they want.


If the person you are sending the emails to isn’t using Microsoft Exchange or Outlook you may also want to just BCC all of your recipients. This doesn’t stop them from forwarding the email but if they click reply to all it will only send the email back to you instead of spamming the whole list.

如果您要发送电子邮件的对象未使用Microsoft Exchange或Outlook,则可能还希望仅对所有收件人进行密件抄送。 这不会阻止他们转发电子邮件,但是如果他们单击“全部答复”,则只会将电子邮件发送回您,而不会向整个列表发送垃圾邮件。

奖励功能 (Bonus Features)

As a bonus, the NoReplyAll add-in will also detect when you are sending an email without a subject or missing an attachment. A warning for snding emails with a blank subject is built into Outlook 2010 but in Outlook 2007 you will get this warning when trying to send the email.

另外,NoReplyAll加载项还将检测何时发送电子邮件时没有主题或缺少附件。 Outlook 2010中内置了对主题为空的电子邮件进行警告的警告,但是在Outlook 2007中,尝试发送电子邮件时会收到此警告。

A similar warning will pop up when you type the words attachment or attached in a email without having anything attached to the email.


If you would like to add more words to the list of words to look for when sending attachments you can add words under the tools -> options menu. You also have the option to exclude certain uses of the words in the bottom window pane. You can type each exclusion if you use any of the words in your signature or predefined replys.

如果要在发送附件时在单词列表中添加更多单词,可以在工具->选项菜单下添加单词。 您还可以选择在底部窗格中排除某些单词的使用。 如果您在签名或预定义的回复中使用任何单词,则可以键入每个排除项。

Note: Each word you want to add needs to be on its own line. Spaces and commas do not separate the key words.

注意:您要添加的每个单词都必须位于单独的行上。 空格和逗号不会分隔关键字。

For all the features packed into a free add-in you really can’t go wrong. If you are using Outlook and Exchange for all your emailing needs this is a must have add-in.

对于免费插件中包含的所有功能,您真的不会出错。 如果您使用Outlook和Exchange满足所有电子邮件需求,那么这是必须具有的加载项。

NoReplyAll Add-in


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/28535/prevent-people-from-forwarding-or-replying-all-in-outlook/






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