sql azure 语法_Azure中的新SQL数据仓库

sql azure 语法

介绍 (Introduction)

In previous chapters, we taught how to create SQL Databases in Azure. In this new chapter, we will show you the new SQL Data Warehouse Service in Azure.

前面的章节中,我们讲授了如何在Azure中创建SQL数据库。 在这一新的章节中,我们将向您展示Azure中新SQL数据仓库服务。

The new SQL Data Warehouse is a Service provided by Microsoft Azure, where you can access to the dimensions and fact tables and you can create powerful reports with BI Power view (in Azure also). The Data Warehouse service is a columnar, petabyte-scale service.

新SQL数据仓库是Microsoft Azure提供的一项服务,您可以在其中访问维度和事实表,还可以使用BI Power视图(也在Azure中)创建功能强大的报表。 数据仓库服务是列级的PB级服务。

要求 (Requirements)

An Azure subscription already created.


入门 (Getting started)

In this new article, we will create a new SQL Data Warehouse in Azure and show some properties. In future articles, we will talk about creating report and connecting to the data.

在这篇新文章中,我们将在Azure中创建一个新SQL数据仓库并显示一些属性。 在以后的文章中,我们将讨论如何创建报告并连接到数据。

  1. In the Azure Portal, press the New option and select Data+Storage➜SQL Data Warehouse.

    在Azure门户中,按“新建”选项,然后选择“数据+存储”>“ SQL数据仓库”。

    Figure 1. The new SQL Data Warehouse 图1.新SQL数据仓库
  2. Specify the SQL Data Warehouse new name. Make sure that the name is unique.

    指定SQL数据仓库的新名称。 确保名称是唯一的。

    Figure 2. The SQL Data Warehouse name. 图2. SQL数据仓库名称。
  3. In the performance section, you will have the DWU and the price per hour. When you increase the DWUs, the price is also raised. The minimum value is 100. The DWUs are Data Warehouse Units. The DWU is used to measure how fast the rows are scanned, loaded and copied. If you need more performance, you need to increase the DWUs. The prices depend on the Region. It is usually cheaper to have your Data Warehouse in US than in Europe. In Austria is the more expensive region followed by Brazil.

    在效果部分,您将获得DWU和每小时价格。 当您增加DWU时,价格也会提高。 最小值是100。DWU是数据仓库单位。 DWU用于测量扫描,加载和复制行的速度。 如果需要更高的性能,则需要增加DWU。 价格取决于地区。 在美国拥有数据仓库通常比在欧洲便宜。 在奥地利,是价格昂贵的地区,其次是巴西。

  4. Click on the Server section. You can create a new server or use an existing one (if any). In this example, we will create a new server.

    单击服务器部分。 您可以创建新服务器或使用现有服务器(如果有)。 在此示例中,我们将创建一个新服务器。

    Figure 3. Performance and Server options
  5. Specify a server name, a login and a password. You can specify the location to store the server. The last version of SQL Server is V12.

    指定服务器名称,登录名和密码。 您可以指定存储服务器的位置。 SQL Server的最新版本是V12。

    Figure 4. The Server information 图4.服务器信息
  6. In the select source, select the Sample option. This option will allow creating a database based on a sample database.

    在选择源中,选择“样本”选项。 此选项将允许基于示例数据库创建数据库。

    Figure 5. Select source 图5.选择源
  7. Select the Sample option. This option will let you select an already created database.

    选择样本选项。 该选项将允许您选择一个已经创建的数据库。

    Figure 6. Adding the sample database. 图6.添加示例数据库。
  8. Select the AdventureWorksDW. This will create the Adventureworks Database, which is a fictitious company similar to the adventurewordsDW used in Analysis Services. This is a classic database with several tables and views used for testing purposes. You could also create a blank database or load from a backup. Once selected, press the create button to create the database.

    选择AdventureWorksDW。 这将创建Adventureworks数据库,该数据库是一个虚拟公司,类似于Analysis Services中使用的AdventurewordsDW。 这是一个经典数据库,其中包含多个用于测试目的的表和视图。 您也可以创建空白数据库或从备份加载。 选择后,按创建按钮创建数据库。

    Figure 7. The AdventureWorksDW 图7. AdventureWorksDW
  9. In the menu, you will receive a message that the Database creation is in progress.


    Figure 8. Creating the SQL Data Warehouse 图8.创建SQL数据仓库
  10. Once created, in the SQL databases of the Azure Portal, click on the Data Warehouse database created. As you can see the normal SQL databases and the SQL Data Warehouse databases are in the same place, but the icons are different.

    创建后,在Azure PortalSQL数据库中,单击创建的数据仓库数据库。 如您所见,普通SQL数据库和SQL Data Warehouse数据库位于同一位置,但是图标不同。

    Figure 9. The SQL databases 图9. SQL数据库
  11. You have the option to configure the settings, you can pause the database. The scale option (DWUs used) can be changed. You can open the database in Visual Studio or create reports using PowerBI. Here you have the options to restore the database or delete the database. You will be able to see the Group, location, subscription, server name, connection strings and a graphic of the query activity.

    您可以选择配置设置,可以暂停数据库。 比例选项(使用的DWU)可以更改。 您可以在Visual Studio中打开数据库或使用PowerBI创建报告。 在这里,您可以选择还原数据库或删除数据库。 您将能够看到组,位置,订阅,服务器名称,连接字符串以及查询活动的图形。

    Figure 10. The status and Data 图10.状态和数据
  12. The audit logs store the errors, warnings and informational messages. If the error is critical, the category of the message is critical. The color for a critical error is red, an error is orange, a warning is yellow and an informational message is blue. It is possible to filter errors or hide the charts.

    审核日志存储错误,警告和参考消息。 如果错误很严重,则消息的类别很重要。 严重错误的颜色为红色,错误为橙色,警告为黄色,信息性消息为蓝色。 可以过滤错误或隐藏图表。

    Figure 11. The log messages. 图11.日志消息。
  13. The check health shows the status of the database. If there is nobody connected, you will receive a message similar to the following:

    检查运行状况显示数据库的状态。 如果没有人连接,您将收到类似于以下的消息:

    Figure 12. Check health 图12.检查健康
  14. If you connect to the database. You will receive a message of the status of the database. If you have problems, you have the option to troubleshoot or submit a ticket with a support request.

    如果连接到数据库。 您将收到有关数据库状态的消息。 如果遇到问题,可以选择进行故障排除或提交带有支持请求的故障单。

    Figure 13. The database health status. 图13.数据库运行状况。
  15. The troubleshot option will help you with common problems. It will give you links of pages with solution to your problems like slow queries or connectivity problems.

    故障排除选项将帮助您解决常见问题。 它将为您提供页面链接,并提供解决问题的方法,例如慢查询或连接问题。

    Figure 14. Troubleshooting options 图14.故障排除选项
  16. The Troubleshooting pages will give you diferent possible solutions to your problem.


    Figure 15. The troubleshooting document 图15.故障排除文档
  17. If the troubleshooting option did not solve your problem, you can send a support request. This option will let you contact with someone from tech support from Microsoft. Sending s support request has 3 steps. The first one is to write the type of request. The second option is to describe the problem and finally you will send the contact information.

    如果故障排除选项不能解决问题,则可以发送支持请求。 此选项使您可以与Microsoft技术支持人员联系。 发送支持请求包括3个步骤。 第一个是编写请求的类型。 第二种选择是描述问题,最后您将发送联系信息。

    Figure 16. Support request 图16.支持请求
  18. In the properties, you can see the DWU units used, the status of the database, the collection and the Max Size for the database.


    Figure 17. SQL Data Warehouse Properties 图17. SQL数据仓库属性
  19. The connection string will show the code required to connect to the data warehouse database using ADO.net, ODBC, PHP, JDBC connection.


    Figure 18. String connections 图18.字符串连接
  20. In the properties, you can also see the server name, the location and the login. You can also see the group where it is located and the subscription information.

    在属性中,您还可以查看服务器名称,位置和登录名。 您还可以查看其所在的组和订阅信息。

    Figure 19. More properties 图19.更多属性
  21. The scale option is one of the most important options. If you pay more, you have a better performance in few seconds. In the scale section, you can increase or decrease de DWU. For example, I may want to have 500 DWUs during peak hours and 200 DWUs during the rest of the day. I could configure the Task Scheduler of my operative system to run a PowerShell script to change it automatically. The minimum values is 100 DWUs and currently the maximum value is 2000 DWUs (at 0.7 and 14 USD per hour respectably).

    缩放选项是最重要的选项之一。 如果您支付更多,您将在几秒钟内获得更好的性能。 在比例部分,您可以增加或减少de DWU。 例如,我可能想在高峰时段拥有500个DWU,在一天的其余时间拥有200个DWU。 我可以将操作系统的任务计划程序配置为运行PowerShell脚本以自动更改它。 最小值为100 DWU,当前最大值为2000 DWU(分别为每小时0.7和14 USD)。

    Figure 20. The Scale option 图20. Scale选项
  22. The audit and threat detection properties are inherited from the server. If you discard the default option, you can configure your settings.

    审核和威胁检测属性是从服务器继承的。 如果放弃默认选项,则可以配置设置。

    Figure 21. Auditing settings. 图21.审核设置。
  23. The transparent encryption allows you to encrypt your data in a secure way. By default, the data is not encrypted.

    透明加密允许您以安全的方式加密数据。 默认情况下,数据不加密。

    Figure 22. Transparent data encryption 图22.透明数据加密

结论 (Conclusion)

But as you can see, creating a new SQL Data Warehouse is a straightforward process. In future articles we will talk about creating reports and working with the data.

但是如您所见,创建新SQL数据仓库是一个简单的过程。 在以后的文章中,我们将讨论有关创建报告和使用数据的问题。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/the-new-sql-data-warehouse-in-azure/

sql azure 语法





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