如何记录SQL Server数据库对象

介绍 (Introduction)

In any good programming reference, you will read that a developer has to document his code, not only for him/herself but also for the person who, ten years later will be asked to maintain it. This would, of course, be made easier thanks to a good documentation of existing code.

在任何良好的编程参考中,您都会读到,开发人员不仅必须为自己编写代码,而且还要为十年后被要求维护代码的人编写代码。 当然,这要归功于现有代码的良好文档。

But, documentation is not simply some document we can open when we need it. It’s a complete process that should start no later than the end of every development task with other processes, like Code Quality Assessment and Testing. In the best case, both of these processes should take documentation into account. For instance, a unit test that fails whenever an undocumented object is found could be created. If everything is done well, then we are sure that each version of a database solution that is distributed always contains documentation. Note that a unneglectable step of this documentation process should be a regular review of existing documentation so that it stays up-to-date and reflects reality.

但是,文档不仅仅是我们可以在需要时打开的一些文档。 这是一个完整的过程,应该不迟于每个开发任务与其他过程(如代码质量评估和测试)一起开始。 在最好的情况下,这两个过程都应考虑文档。 例如,可以创建一个只要发现未记录对象就失败的单元测试。 如果一切顺利,那么我们可以确保分发的数据库解决方案的每个版本始终包含文档。 请注意,此文档编制过程中不可忽视的步骤应该是对现有文档进行定期审查,以使其保持最新状态并反映实际情况。

The following figure depicts and summarizes development workflow as discussed above.


As SQL Server database development is a good candidate for code documentation, this development workflow applies and this article will focus on following steps:

由于SQL Server数据库开发是代码文档的理想选择,因此此开发工作流程适用,本文将重点介绍以下步骤:

  • Inventory assets to document

  • Describe undocumented assets

  • Review documented assets


In the following sections, we will first review a solution provided by Microsoft for documenting SQL Server database objects and come to the conclusion that this has some missing features and that we could define another way to document our code.

在以下各节中,我们将首先回顾Microsoft提供的用于记录SQL Server数据库对象的解决方案,并得出结论,该解决方案具有一些缺少的功能,并且可以定义另一种方法来记录我们的代码。

Then we will discuss a first solution that consists in the implementation of a stored procedure that calls the built-in CRUD components presented above in order to manage extended properties from a single-entry point.


However, this solution won’t overcome some aspects. So, we will review a second solution that will implement steps in development workflow related to documentation.

但是,此解决方案不会克服某些方面。 因此,我们将回顾第二种解决方案,该解决方案将实现与文档相关的开发工作流中的步骤。

  • The first step, Inventory assets to document, will leverage a corresponding stored procedure that will populate one or more SQL tables based on objects in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema and optionally consider existing extended properties.
  • 第一步,要记录的库存资产,将利用相应的存储过程,该过程将基于INFORMATION_SCHEMA模式中的对象填充一个或多个SQL表,并可以选择考虑现有的扩展属性。
  • The second and third steps are more of a manual process and we will discuss a set of database objects that will become helpful in the completion of this process and the way to chain them.


Finally, as we should not close the door to direct extended property usage, we will review a stored procedure that will take the data back from the documentation we did, using the review process, and apply the documentation to extended properties for each SQL database.


Important Note


Some of the presented procedures are still under development and have only been tested with common SQL Server database objects like tables, views, procedures, types, and functions. Handling of other kinds of objects like those related to SQL Server Service Broker is still to be implemented.

所提供的某些过程仍在开发中,仅使用常见SQL Server数据库对象(如表,视图,过程,类型和函数)进行了测试。 其他种类的对象(例如与SQL Server Service Broker相关的对象)的处理仍将实现。

MicrosoftSQL Server文档解决方案:扩展属性 (Microsoft’s solution for SQL Server documentation: Extended Properties)

Well, SQL Server developers at Microsoft may agree with the principle of documenting database development. This is certainly the reason why we can find a feature called Extended Properties since (at least) SQL Server 2005 version.

嗯,MicrosoftSQL Server开发人员可能同意记录数据库开发的原理。 自从(至少)从SQL Server 2005版本开始,我们当然可以找到一个名为“扩展属性”的功能。

You can imagine it as metadata associated with a given database object (and even a database itself). Since the metadata are stored in the database, it are accessible to any database principal with sufficient privileges. Furthermore, it is backed up and restored whenever the database is respectively backed up or restored.

您可以将其想象为与给定数据库对象(甚至是数据库本身)关联的元数据。 由于元数据存储在数据库中,因此具有足够特权的任何数据库主体都可以访问它。 此外,无论何时分别备份或还原数据库,都将对其进行备份和还原。

We can define multiple extended properties to a single object. These properties can bear the name you want but there are commonly used names like:

我们可以为单个对象定义多个扩展属性。 这些属性可以带有您想要的名称,但是有一些常用的名称,例如:

  • ‘MS_Description’ that is used by multiple tools as the name for a description property of the object. We will talk about it again later in this article.
  • 被多个工具用作对象的描述属性的名称的“ MS_Description” 。 我们将在本文后面再次讨论。
  • ‘Version’ and ‘VersionDate’ (mainly for database or schema objects)
  • “版本”“版本 日期” (主要用于数据库或架构对象)

These extended properties can be accessed using a T-SQL query to sys.extended_properties table.


Here is a sample result of a query that selects every column from that table.


Records in that table can be respectively created, edited or removed using following stored procedures. Their names speak for themselves.

可以使用以下存储过程分别创建,编辑或删除该表中的记录。 他们的名字说明了一切。

  • sys.sp_addextendedproperty
  • sys.sp_addextendedproperty
  • sys.sp_updateextendedproperty
  • sys.sp_updateextendedproperty
  • sys.sp_dropextendedproperty
  • sys.sp_dropextendedproperty

There is also a built-in function that allows you to list extended properties based on a series of criteria. This procedure is called sys.fn_listextendedproperty. Those four programmable components will be referred as built-in CRUD components in the remainder of the article.

还有一个内置函数,可让您根据一系列条件列出扩展属性。 此过程称为sys.fn_listextendedproperty 。 在本文的其余部分中,这四个可编程组件将称为内置CRUD组件。

We could also access these properties using SQL Server Management Studio by right-clicking on a database object and choosing to display its properties. In the dialog, we will find an Extended Properties tab.

我们还可以使用SQL Server Management Studio通过右键单击数据库对象并选择显示其属性来访问这些属性。 在对话框中,我们将找到“扩展属性”选项卡。

While this feature seems very helpful, it’s really underused and there are simple reasons for it:


  • Lack of knowledge: developers do not even know it exists

  • Lack of time

  • Usage of three stored procedures above is not that simple: the add procedure fails when a record exists, the update one when there is no defined extended property

  • One database at a time: as extended properties are stored in a database, you can’t query for extended properties from multiple databases in a single SELECT query.
  • 一次一个数据库:由于扩展属性存储在数据库中,因此无法在单个SELECT查询中从多个数据库中查询扩展属性。
  • Properties are dropped when the object is dropped

  • etc


解决方案1:用于管理扩展属性的存储过程 (Solution 1: a stored procedure to manage extended properties)

There are some problems in the list of potential reasons for the lack of adoption of extended properties that can be overcome with the implementation of a stored procedure. For instance, it would be easy to remove the obligation to use multiple objects and check whether an extended property already exists or not.

缺少采用扩展属性的潜在原因列表中存在一些问题,可以通过实现存储过程来克服这些问题。 例如,很容易消除使用多个对象的义务并检查扩展属性是否已经存在。

That the raison d’être of Utils.ManageExtendedProperty stored procedure. This stored procedure will take action of any extended property no matter the database. It will use have almost the same signature as built-in CRUD components for extended events management.

Utils.ManageExtendedProperty存储过程的存在理由。 无论数据库如何,此存储过程都将对任何扩展属性采取措施。 它将使用与内置CRUD组件几乎相同的签名进行扩展的事件管理。

Let’s review its parameters.


ALTER PROCEDURE [Utils].[ManageExtendedProperty] (
    @DatabaseName                   VARCHAR(256)   = NULL,
    @PropertyName                   VARCHAR(256)   = 'MS_Description',
    @PropertyValue                  VARCHAR(1024),
    @LevelType_0                    VARCHAR(128)   = 'SCHEMA',          
    @LevelName_0                    VARCHAR(128),
    @LevelType_1                    VARCHAR(128)   = NULL,    
    @LevelName_1                    VARCHAR(128)   = NULL,
    @LevelType_2                    VARCHAR(128)   = NULL,    
    @LevelName_2                    VARCHAR(128)   = NULL,
    @OperationMode                  VARCHAR(32)    = 'Overwrite',    
    @Debug                          BIT = 0

First, there is the database name in which our stored procedure should apply modifications. If no one is provided, it will take current database name.

首先,存在我们的存储过程应在其中应用修改的数据库名称。 如果没有提供,它将使用当前的数据库名称。

Then, there is the name of the extended property on which we want to operate followed by common level<X>(type|name) parameters of sp_<action>extendedproperty built-in CRUD components.

然后,是我们要在其上操作的扩展属性的名称,后跟sp_ <action> extendedproperty内置CRUD组件的公共level <X>(type | name)参数。

Finally, we can find @OperationMode and @Debug parameters. First one will allow its user to tell stored procedure which action it has to take for this set of parameters. There are 4 operation modes:

最后,我们可以发现@OperationMode@Debug参数。 第一个将允许其用户告诉存储过程必须对这组参数采取哪些操作。 有4种操作模式:

  1. OVERWRITE (It’s the default. It creates or replaces value for the extended property)
  2. OVERWRITE (默认设置。它创建或替换扩展属性的值)
  3. APPEND (reads existing property if any and append provided value for @PropertyValue parameter to it.)
  4. APPEND (读取现有属性(如果有),并将@PropertyValue参数的提供值附加到该属性。)
  5. PREPEND (reads existing property if any and prepend provided value for @PropertyValue parameter to it.)
  6. PREPEND (读取现有属性(如果有),并在其之前为@PropertyValue参数提供的值。)
  7. REMOVE (calls sp_dropextendedproperty)
  8. 删除 (调用sp_dropextendedproperty

First three modes will generate a call to sp_addextendedproperty stored procedure whenever parameter set leads to an undefined extended property. In contrast, when an extended property is defined, then it will call sp_updateextendedproperty stored procedure.

每当参数集导致未定义的扩展属性时,前三种模式将生成对sp_addextendedproperty存储过程的调用。 相反,定义扩展属性后,它将调用sp_updateextendedproperty存储过程。



  1. The creation script for this stored procedure is attached to this article.

  2. This stored procedure is not complete and some additional work should be done on it so that it covers all the cases, but it works in all the cases presented here.


While this stored procedure could simply make the call, it does extra checks like:


  • Checking target schema exists

  • Checking target object exists

  • Checking target attribute exists


If one of those checks fails, then an error is raised and no modification is done to values of existing extended properties.




There is also a parameter @_NoChecks which, when set to 1, tells stored procedure not to perform those checks. In that case, all accepted parameter associations that are defined in the stored procedure body will affect corresponding extended properties. No extensive tests have been made with this mode but it should work

还有一个参数@_NoChecks ,当它设置为1时,它告诉存储过程不要执行那些检查。 在这种情况下,存储过程主体中定义的所有接受的参数关联都将影响相应的扩展属性。 没有使用此模式进行过广泛的测试,但它应该可以工作

In contrast, when @_NoChecks default value (0) is used, it will take into account only extended properties corresponding to accepted parameters associations, for which additional checks are defined and which corresponding values passed those checks.


The algorithm of this stored procedure is quite simple:


  1. Check parameters associations validity

  2. (Optional) check underlying objects exists

  3. Get extended properties if any

  4. (Optional) Append or prepend the extended property value

    • Delete extended property if @OperationMode is set to ‘REMOVE’ and an extended property exists
    • 如果@OperationMode设置为'REMOVE'并且存在扩展属性,则删除扩展属性
    • Create an extended property if no one exists

    • Update the extended property if it already exists


Here is an example call to this procedure in the context of documenting a function called Testing.GetDocTypeCount in TestSchemaDoc database.


EXEC [Utils].[ManageExtendedProperty]
               @DatabaseName   = 'TestSchemaDoc',
               @LevelType_0    = 'SCHEMA',
               @LevelName_0    = 'Testing',
               @LevelType_1    = 'FUNCTION',
               @LevelName_1    = 'GetDocTypeCount',
               @LevelType_2    = 'PARAMETER',
               @LevelName_2    = '@DocType',
               @PropertyValue  = 'Kind of document',
               @Debug          = 1

解决方案2:自制文档解决方案 (Solution 2: homemade documentation solution)

As solution 1 does not overcome all the limitations of Extended Properties, we will design our own solution.


In following, we will first review different objects that are core components of the implementation of the homemade documentation solution. Basically, they are tables or views. Then, we will review the 3 steps in development workflow that are considered in this article.

接下来,我们将首先回顾不同对象,这些对象是自制文档解决方案实施的核心组成部分。 基本上,它们是表或视图。 然后,我们将回顾本文考虑的开发工作流程中的3个步骤。

Core objects overview


Except when stated differently, all objects are in a schema called [Docs]. There are two tables:

除非另有说明,否则所有对象都处于称为[Docs]的架构中。 有两个表:

  • SchemaObjectDictionary which is responsible to keep track of objects defined in a database. All objects that come with SQL Server won’t be part of records for this table.
  • SchemaObjectDictionary ,它负责跟踪数据库中定义的对象。 SQL Server附带的所有对象都不属于该表的记录。
  • SchemaObjectsAttributes which will keep records of columns defined for either tables or views so as routines (procedure/functions) related to a record of former table.
  • SchemaObjectsAttributes ,将保留为表或视图定义的列的记录,以便与先前表的记录相关的例程(过程/函数)。

Here is the relationship between those tables:




  • As this documentation could be externalized, we already added a ServerId column which will be NULL on a single SQL Server Instance. This column could be removed from all code here if you don’t want it.
  • 由于本文档可以外部化,因此我们已经添加了ServerId列,该列在单个SQL Server实例上为NULL 。 如果您不想要此列,可以从此处的所有代码中删除。
  • You could notice the hasBeenDeleted column. With this, documentation can persist an object or attribute deletion. Documentation manager should define the way these records should be managed.
  • 您可能会注意到hasBeenDeleted列。 这样,文档可以保留对象或属性的删除。 文档管理器应定义这些记录的管理方式。

We will create CRUD stored procedure for each table. This stored procedure will be attached to this article and will be called using the following naming convention:

我们将为每个表创建CRUD存储过程。 此存储过程将附加到本文,并将使用以下命名约定进行调用:


Where <Action> is either:


  • Insert

  • Update

  • Delete

  • Upsert (insert or update)


As SchemaObjectsAttributes table only contains a reference to a schema object definition in SchemaObjectDictionary table, we will create a view that will join both tables. This view is called SchemaObjectsAttributesDetails and the query use to define it is as follows:

由于SchemaObjectsAttributes表仅包含对SchemaObjectDictionary表中的模式对象定义的引用 ,因此我们将创建一个将两个表连接在一起的视图。 该视图称为SchemaObjectsAttributesDetails ,用于定义它的查询如下:

        od.isDepreciated as ObjectIsDepreciated,
        od.DefinitionId as ObjectDefinitionId,
        cd.DefinitionId as AttributeDefinitionId
    From Docs.SchemaObjectDictionary od 
    inner join Docs.SchemaObjectsAttributes cd
    on od.DefinitionId = cd.ObjectDictionaryId

Here is a sample output for this query:


As final objective is to document every SQL Server object inside a given database, we will also create a view that we will call SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription. This view will return a list of objects with missing documentation either about itself or about one or more of its columns.

由于最终目标是记录给定数据库内的每个SQL Server对象,因此我们还将创建一个称为SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription的视图。 该视图将返回一个对象列表,该对象列表缺少有关其自身或其某个或多个列的文档。

If possible, we could generate a T-SQL statement. We would edit this statement in order to update record and make it disappear from records returned by that view. This goal will be achieved by DDL2UpdateDescription column. We could be willing to get details about related objects (or columns). This operation will be available using DDL2GetDependentDescription column.

如果可能,我们可以生成T-SQL语句。 我们将编辑此语句以更新记录,并使该记录从该视图返回的记录中消失。 此目标将通过DDL2UpdateDescription列实现。 我们可能愿意获得有关相关对象(或列)的详细信息。 使用DDL2GetDependentDescription列可以使用此操作。

In terms of implementation, DDL2UpdateDescription column will contain a call to SchemaObjectDictionary_Upsert procedure that runs an INSERT or UPDATE statement like a MERGE would do while DDL2GetDependentDescription column will call a stored procedure called GetRelatedObjectDescription that will query SchemaObjectsAttributes table to get back attributes and their description of a particular object. The creation script for this stored procedure is also attached to this article.

在实现方面, DDL2UpdateDescription列将包含对SchemaObjectDictionary_Upsert过程的调用, 过程将像MERGE一样运行INSERTUPDATE语句,而DDL2GetDependentDescription列将调用名为GetRelatedObjectDescription的存储过程,该存储过程将查询SchemaObjectsAttributes表以获取属性及其描述。特定的对象。 此存储过程的创建脚本也随附于本文。

Implementation of “Inventory assets to document” step




Now that the core tables are defined, we still need to populate them. We could do it manually and get used to creating a record each time we create a new table but how would we do for already existing systems?

现在已经定义了核心表,我们仍然需要填充它们。 我们可以手动执行此操作,并在每次创建新表时习惯于创建记录,但是如何处理现有系统呢?

We will need to create a stored procedure that will do the job for us. Let’s call it PopulateSchemaObjectDictionary. In order to test it and also to get an overview of extended properties, we will define a parameter called @ReadonlyExecution so that, when set to 1, will tell stored procedure not to update dictionary but to display lookup results instead.

我们将需要创建一个存储过程来为我们完成这项工作。 我们称之为PopulateSchemaObjectDictionary 。 为了对其进行测试并获得扩展属性的概述,我们将定义一个名为@ReadonlyExecution的参数,以便将其设置为1时,将告诉存储过程不更新字典,而是显示查找结果。

Moreover, we might know that a lot of tools with extended features, like ApexSQL Doc, that help a developer to document its SQL Server database objects use an extended property called MS_Description.

此外,我们可能知道很多具有扩展功能的工具(例如ApexSQL Doc )都可以使用称为MS_Description的扩展属性来帮助开发人员记录其SQL Server数据库对象。

As we will consider all objects inside the database, we should also consider getting back existing values from these extended properties. By the way, we should let the door open to the adoption of another standard and let user the capability to change the name of the extended property to consider.

当我们考虑数据库中的所有对象时,我们还应该考虑从这些扩展属性中获取现有值。 顺便说一下,我们应该为采用其他标准敞开大门,让用户能够更改要考虑的扩展属性的名称。

Finally, as an application is not always limited to a single database, our stored procedure will run by default against all user databases except if a value for a DatabaseName parameter is provided. We also added a filter @SchemaName to take only objects from that schema name.

最后,由于应用程序并不总是局限于单个数据库,因此默认情况下,我们的存储过程将针对所有用户数据库运行,除非提供了DatabaseName参数的值。 我们还添加了一个过滤器@SchemaName以仅采用该架构名称中的对象。

This will give us following signature for PopulateSchemaObjectDictionary stored procedure:


ALTER PROCEDURE [Docs].[PopulateSchemaObjectDictionary] (
    @ServerId                           BIGINT          = NULL,
    @DatabaseName                       VARCHAR(256)    = NULL,
    @SchemaName                         VARCHAR(256)    = NULL,
    @ReadFromExtendedProperties         BIT             = 1,
    @ExtendedPropertyName               VARCHAR(256)    = 'MS_Description',
    @PreserveDescriptionInDictionary    BIT             = 1,
    @ReadonlyExecution                  BIT             = 0,
    @Debug                              BIT             = 0

Implementation details


The code for this procedure is provided with this article. We will review some details in its implementation.

本文提供了此过程的代码。 我们将审查其实施中的一些细节。

It’s a three-step process that is summarized with following diagram:


Initializations and temporary tables creation


This procedure will first create two temporary tables #DiscoveredSchemaObjects and #DiscoveredDataObjectsProperties that are similar to both tables discussed above.

此过程将首先创建两个临时表#DiscoveredSchemaObjects#DiscoveredDataObjectsProperty ,它们与上面讨论的两个表相似。

Temporary tables population


Then it will populate #DiscoveredSchemaObjects temporary table using information from following tables or views in each database:


INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES to get a list with all user defined tables
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS to get a list with all user defined views
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES to get a list of all user defined stored procedure, function…
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS to get a list of user-defined data types
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES 获取所有用户定义的存储过程,函数的列表...

This will constitute a good starting point but should be extended in the future with sequences and other kinds of database objects.




The loop that runs the query to get back information has been replaced by Common.RunQueryAcrossDatabases stored procedure that will also be attached to this article but can to be replaced by either sp_MSForEachDB or another piece of T-SQL code.


The population of #DiscoveredDataObjectsProperties temporary table will be performed by following query. This query will be run against all databases of interest.

#DiscoveredDataObjectsProperties临时表的填充将通过以下查询执行。 该查询将针对所有感兴趣的数据库运行。

INSERT INTO #DiscoveredDataObjectsProperties(
    DB_NAME() as DatabaseName,
    cols.COLUMN_NAME as ColumnName,
    cols.ORDINAL_POSITION as OrdinalPosition
INNER JOIN #DiscoveredSchemaObjects objs
ON cols.TABLE_CATALOG = objs.DatabaseName
AND cols.TABLE_SCHEMA = objs.SchemaName
AND cols.TABLE_NAME   = objs.ObjectName 
    DB_NAME() as DatabaseName,
    parms.PARAMETER_NAME as ColumnName,
    parms.ORDINAL_POSITION as OrdinalPosition
INNER JOIN #DiscoveredSchemaObjects objs
ON parms.SPECIFIC_CATALOG = objs.DatabaseName
AND parms.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA = objs.SchemaName
AND parms.SPECIFIC_NAME   = objs.ObjectName 

Then the stored procedure will take @ReadFromExtendedProperties and @ExtendedPropertyName parameter values and eventually query sys.extended_properties table in each database of interest in order to update description for collected objects and columns/parameters.


Finally, based on the value of @ReadonlyExecution parameter, we will either return contents of both temporary tables (#DiscoveredSchemaObjects and #DiscoveredDataObjectsProperties) or update dictionary tables (SchemaObjectDictionary and SchemaObjectsAttributes).

最后,基于@ReadonlyExecution参数的值,我们将返回两个临时表( #DiscoveredSchemaObjects#DiscoveredDataObjectsProperties )的内容,或者更新字典表( SchemaObjectDictionarySchemaObjectsAttributes )。

Actual dictionary update


Actual dictionary update is performed using two MERGE statements. Data source for these statements are temporary tables discussed above.

使用两个MERGE语句执行实际的词典更新。 这些语句的数据源是上面讨论的临时表。

Calling the stored procedure


Following code will call population stored procedure for current database.


SET @DbName = DB_NAME();
EXEC [Docs].[PopulateSchemaObjectDictionary] 
                    @DatabaseName = @DbName, 
                    @Debug = 1

As we are in Debug mode, we can scroll down in the Messages part of SSMS and we will get a report on the number of objects it found.


Here is a sample of first collection.




Only 17 objects are displayed and we got 26 objects reported to have been inserted. This is due to the fact that I activated database diagrams and I got a set of objects from dbo schema related to this feature of SSMS. These tables are not shipped with SQL Server.

仅显示17个对象,并且报告有26个对象已插入。 这是由于我激活了数据库图,并且从dbo模式中获得了一组与SSMS的此功能相关的对象。 这些表不随SQL Server一起提供。

Documentation review (the other steps)


Well, now let’s say we have populated core tables and we are at step 2 which, as a reminder, is entitled “Describe undocumented assets”.


To do so, we will call Docs.SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription. This view will provide us a list with objects that has either not description for themselves or for one or more of their attributes.

为此,我们将调用Docs.SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription 。 该视图将为我们提供一个对象列表,这些对象本身或它们的一个或多个属性没有描述。

Here is a sample results of a query to this view to get back objects from dbo schema.


There are two columns we need to look at. First one is the MissingDescription column. If its value is 1, then we need to document the SQL Server object itself. This can be performed easily by editing and running the statement we get back from DDL2UpdateDescription column.

我们需要查看两列。 第一个是MissingDescription列。 如果其值为1,则我们需要记录SQL Server对象本身。 通过编辑和运行我们从DDL2UpdateDescription列返回的语句,可以轻松地执行此操作。

Here is the value taken from second row in previous example.


The second column to look at is DependentMissingDescriptionCount. If its value is bigger than 0, then we should copy and execute the statement from DDL2GetDependentDescription column value.

要查看的第二列是DependentMissingDescriptionCount 。 如果其值大于0,则应从DDL2GetDependentDescription列值复制并执行该语句。

For second situation, we have to run the T-SQL statement in DDL2GetDependentDescription column. Here is the value for that column still from second row with its results.

对于第二种情况,我们必须在DDL2GetDependentDescription列中运行T-SQL语句。 这是仍然来自第二行的该列的值及其结果。

If we move our horizontal cursor to the right, we will see the UpdateDML column. Those attributes without description can be documented using a modified version of the value from this column like we did for DDL2UpdateDescription column.

如果将水平光标向右移动,则会看到UpdateDML列。 可以使用此列中值的修改版本来记录那些没有描述的属性,就像我们对DDL2UpdateDescription列所做的那样

The review of already documented objects and attributes should be performed on regular basis but could be oriented based on the objects that were modified during development task. We could also add following columns and base our process on the value of these columns:

对已记录的对象和属性的检查应定期进行,但可以根据在开发任务期间修改的对象来确定。 我们还可以添加以下列,并基于这些列的值进行处理:

  • LastReviewDate would store date and time of last review of the asset LastReviewDate将存储资产上次审查的日期和时间
  • LastReviewVersion would store last version when the asset has been reviewed LastReviewVersion将存储最新版本
  • LastReviewComments would store optional comments of the review LastReviewComments将存储评论的可选评论

We could only display attributes that have not been reviewed since for instance 6 months or 10 versions.


将文档复制到扩展属性 (Copying documentation to Extended Properties)

Once we’ve completed documentation review steps, we could optionally apply this documentation to Extended Properties. Why? Because, as explained above, there are many tools (free or not) that use the MS_Description extended property as input to generate a read-only (or editable) version of your documentation in a transmittable format like HTML. Furthermore, SSMS users can access these properties and quickly get valuable information.

完成文档审查步骤后,我们可以选择将此文档应用于扩展属性。 为什么? 因为,如上所述,有许多工具(无论是否使用)都使用MS_Description扩展属性作为输入来生成可传输格式(如HTML)的文档的只读(或可编辑)版本。 此外,SSMS用户可以访问这些属性并快速获取有价值的信息。

To do so, we will create a stored procedure called that will look at records from SchemaObjectDictionary and SchemaObjectsAttributes tables and call previously discussed Utils.ManageExtendedProperty stored procedure. We will call this new procedure [Docs].[ApplyDictionaryDefinitionsToExtendedProperties].

为此,我们将创建一个名为的存储过程,该存储过程将查看SchemaObjectDictionarySchemaObjectsAttributes表中的记录,并调用先前讨论的Utils.ManageExtendedProperty存储过程。 我们将这个新过程称为[Docs]。[ApplyDictionaryDefinitionsToExtendedProperties]

The implementation of such a procedure is pretty trivial. It will store in a temporary table mandatory information for calls to Utils.ManageExtendedProperty stored procedure to succeed. This means it will scan for records that do not have a HasBeenDeleted column set to 1 and have a non-empty ObjectDescription or AttributeDescription column.

这样的过程的实现是很简单的。 它将在临时表中存储强制信息,以便成功调用Utils.ManageExtendedProperty存储过程。 这意味着它将扫描没有HasBeenDeleted列设置为1且具有非空ObjectDescriptionAttributeDescription列的记录。

This is done using following query


    ObjectType ,
    NULL as AttributeName,ObjectDescription, NULL
From Docs.SchemaObjectDictionary
        (@DatabaseName IS NULL OR DatabaseName = @DatabaseName)
    AND (@SchemaName IS NULL OR SchemaName = @SchemaName)
    AND ObjectDescription IS NOT NULL
    and hasBeenDeleted = 0
FROM Docs.SchemaObjectsAttributesDetails
    (@DatabaseName IS NULL OR DatabaseName = @DatabaseName)
AND (@SchemaName IS NULL OR SchemaName = @SchemaName)
AND AttributeDescription IS NOT NULL
AND DeletedAttribute= 0

Then it will loop on results from former query to call Utils.ManageExtendedProperty stored procedure.


设置文档解决方案 (Setup of documentation solution)

Attached to this article, you will find multiple files. They should be executed following this order:

本文所附,您将找到多个文件 。 它们应按照以下顺序执行:

  1. CreateSchemas.sql

  2. Table.Docs.SchemaObjectDictionary.sql

  3. Procedure.Docs.SchemaObjectDictionary_CRUD.sql

  4. Table.Docs.SchemaObjectsAttributes.sql

  5. Procedure.Docs.SchemaObjectsAttributes_CRUD.sql

  6. View.Docs.SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription.sql

  7. View.Docs.SchemaObjectsAttributesDetails.sql

  8. Procedure.Utils.ManageExtendedProperty.sql

  9. Procedure.Docs.GetRelatedObjectDescriptions.sql

  10. Type.Common.DatabaseNameList.sql

  11. Procedure.Common.RunQueryAcrossDatabases.sql

  12. Procedure.Docs.PopulateSchemaObjectDictionary.sql

  13. Procedure.Docs.ApplyDictionaryDefinitionsToExtendedProperties.sql


This order has been tested and was successful on a SQL Server 2012 instance.

该命令已经过测试,并在SQL Server 2012实例上成功完成。

使用第二个解决方案的具体示例的摘要 (Summary with a concrete example using second solution)

Testing object management


Let’s create a table with defined extended property and check that it’s well added in dictionary tables.


CREATE TABLE Testing.KeyValueTbl ( 
    KeyName VARCHAR(32), 
    KeyValue VARCHAR(1000)

Let’s now add a description to key value table:


-- Adding property to table
EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty   
	@name = N'MS_Description',	@value = N'A key-value pair storage table.',   
	@level0type = N'SCHEMA',    @level0name = 'Testing',  
	@level1type = N'TABLE',     @level1name = 'KeyValueTbl';  

And also to columns:


-- Adding to columns
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty   
			@name		= N'MS_Description',@value = 'The key to use to get back value',  
			@level0type = N'Schema',		@level0name = 'Testing',  
			@level1type = N'Table',			@level1name = 'KeyValueTbl',   
			@level2type = N'Column',		@level2name = 'KeyName';  
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty   
			@name		= N'MS_Description',@value = 'The value corresponding to a given key',  
			@level0type = N'Schema',		@level0name = 'Testing',  
			@level1type = N'Table',			@level1name = 'KeyValueTbl',   
			@level2type = N'Column',		@level2name = 'KeyValue';  

Let’s see what will happen if we run once again following query:


SET @DbName = DB_NAME();
EXEC [Docs].[PopulateSchemaObjectDictionary] 
                    @DatabaseName = @DbName, 
                    @SchemaName   = 'Testing',
                    @Debug = 1

We see that it detected the new table as we get a report with one object found in the database (Sorry for the stored procedure not to be good at grammar).


And if we check in tables, we can see that comments have already been added in ObjectDescription column:


Now, let’s say we rename the KeyValue column to Value4Key using following T-SQL statement.


EXEC sp_rename	@objname = 'Testing.KeyValueTbl.KeyValue',
				@NewName = 'Value4Key', 
				@ObjType = 'COLUMN'

Notice that we get a warning message:


Let’s run again the population procedure and see what will happen…


First, as expected, nothing has changed for the record describing table, but changes are visible in SchemaObjectsAttributes as you can see below:


We see that record corresponding to KeyValue column has been marked as deleted and that a new record corresponding to Value4Key has been added. Now it’s up to you to decide whether to complete ReplacementDefinitionId column for deleted record or simply delete the row.

我们看到对应于KeyValue列的记录已被标记为已删除,并且已添加对应于Value4Key的新记录。 现在由您决定是为已删除的记录完成ReplacementDefinitionId列,还是仅删除该行。

If we look at extended properties corresponding to the table, we get this:


Now let’s drop the table.


DROP TABLE Testing.KeyValueTbl

If we run again a query against sys.extended_properties table, we’ll get no results, meaning that an accidental drop of that table would lead to the loss of documentation about that table too.


Let’s see what happens when we run again the population stored procedure… First of all, it did not detect the table KeyValueTbl table as it has been dropped.


But we haven’t lost documentation so far: we can see that everything has been marked as deleted but it’s up to the user to decide the appropriate action.


Testing SQL Server object documentation

测试SQL Server对象文档

Now let’s say that we want to document the test SQL database in which we ran queries so far. To do so, we will first run population stored procedure without value for its @SchemaName parameter, then we will use the SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription view.

现在,我们要记录到目前为止已经在其中运行查询的测试SQL数据库。 为此,我们将首先运行填充存储过程,该存储过程的@SchemaName参数没有值,然后使用SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription视图。

The previous figure is a sample screen capture with first line returned by previous view corresponding to RunQueryAcrossDatabases stored procedure. We see that the object has a missing description so as eight of its parameters.

上图是一个示例屏幕截图,其中上一行视图的第一行与RunQueryAcrossDatabases存储过程相对应。 我们看到该对象缺少描述,因此缺少八个参数。

Here is an example of value for DDL2UpdateDescription column:


EXEC [Docs].[SchemaObjectDictionary_Upsert]
                 @DefinitionId           = 26,
                 @ServerId               = NULL,
                 @DatabaseName           = 'TestSchemaDoc',
                 @SchemaName             = 'Common',
                 @ObjectName             = 'DatabaseNameList',
                 @ObjectType             = 'TABLE TYPE',
                 @ObjectDescription      = 'TODO:YOUR_DESCRIPTION',
                 @RelatedApplicationName = NULL,
                 @RelatedModuleName      = NULL,
                 @isDepreciated          = 0,
                 @hasBeenDeleted         = 0,
                 @DeletionDiscoveryDate  = NULL,
                 @DeletionVersionFrom    = NULL,
                 @ReplacementObjectId    = NULL

As we can see, everything is ready to update record. We just need to change TODO: YOUR_DESCRIPTION with something else.

如我们所见,一切准备就绪,可以更新记录。 我们只需要更改TODOYOUR_DESCRIPTION即可

Let’s say we modify previous statement to the following one:


EXEC [Docs].[SchemaObjectDictionary_Upsert]
                 @DefinitionId           = 26,
                 @ServerId               = NULL,
                 @DatabaseName           = 'TestSchemaDoc',
                 @SchemaName             = 'Common',
                 @ObjectName             = 'DatabaseNameList',
                 @ObjectType             = 'TABLE TYPE',
                 @ObjectDescription      = 'A list of database names',
                 @RelatedApplicationName = 'Common Database',
                 @RelatedModuleName      = 'Core',
                 @isDepreciated          = 0,
                 @hasBeenDeleted         = 0,
                 @DeletionDiscoveryDate  = NULL,
                 @DeletionVersionFrom    = NULL,
                 @ReplacementObjectId    = NULL

We should do the same for every object appearing with MissingDescription column with a value of 1.


By the way, if an object is still in the list with a value of 0 for that column, it means that we should consider DDL2GetDependentDescription column.


You will find below the value of that column for RunQueryAcrossDatabases stored procedure.


EXEC [Docs].[GetRelatedObjectDescriptions]
                 @ServerId               = NULL,
                 @DatabaseName           = 'TestSchemaDoc',
                 @SchemaName             = 'Common',
                 @ObjectName             = 'RunQueryAcrossDatabases'

Here is a sample result of what we get when we run the previous statement:


As you can see, there are not only details we can get from SchemaObjectsAttributesDetails view but also an UpdateDML column. This column contains, for each record, an almost ready to use call to a DataObjectColumnDictionary_Upsert stored procedure as shown in following example:

如您所见,不仅可以从SchemaObjectsAttributesDetails视图中获取详细信息,而且还包含UpdateDML列。 对于每条记录,此列包含对DataObjectColumnDictionary_Upsert存储过程的几乎随时可以使用的调用,如以下示例所示:

EXEC [Docs].[SchemaObjectsAttributes_Upsert]
           @DefinitionId            = 140,
           @ObjectDictionaryId      = 25,
           @AttributeName           = '@database_list',
           @AttributeDescription    = 'TODO:ADD_YOUR_DESCRIPTION',
           @HasBeenDeleted          = 0,
           @DeletionDiscoveryDate   = NULL,
           @DeletionVersionFrom     = NULL,
           @ReplacementDefinitionId = NULL

Let’s modify previous statement to following one and run it.


EXEC [Docs].[SchemaObjectsAttributes_Upsert]
           @DefinitionId            = 140,
           @ObjectDictionaryId      = 25,
           @AttributeName           = '@database_list',
           @AttributeDescription    = 'A list of databases',
           @HasBeenDeleted          = 0,
           @DeletionDiscoveryDate   = NULL,
           @DeletionVersionFrom     = NULL,
           @ReplacementDefinitionId = NULL

Once it’s done, let’s run again the query against SchemaObjectDictionaryMissingDescription view and we can see that the DependentMissingDescriptionCount has a value of 7 instead of 8 previously.


最后的话 (Final word)

In this article, we’ve seen that we could use a built-in documentation feature called Extended Properties and we even extended it with a stored procedure. While this feature seems good, there are problems to it like the persistence of documentation after object deletion. That’s the reason why we defined a homemade solution we could use in common cases (some additional work should be done to consider all possible database objects) and that can interact with Extended Properties so that 3rd-party tools can also use our documentation.

在本文中,我们已经看到我们可以使用称为扩展属性的内置文档功能,甚至可以使用存储过程对其进行扩展。 虽然此功能看起来不错,但它存在一些问题,例如删除对象后文档的持久性。 这就是为什么我们定义一种自制解决方案的原因,我们可以在常见情况下使用该解决方案(应该做一些额外的工作来考虑所有可能的数据库对象),并且可以与扩展属性进行交互,以便第三方工具也可以使用我们的文档。

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参考资料 (References)

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/how-to-document-sql-server-database-objects/





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