sql2012 ssrs_SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS)共享数据集

本文介绍了SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) 中的共享数据集及其优势,如缓存机制和简化管理。共享数据集可以被多个报告使用,更改设置会自动应用到所有相关报告。文章详细讲解了如何在Visual Studio中创建和管理共享数据源,以及部署过程中的注意事项,包括目标文件夹、URL和版本设置。此外,还讨论了缓存行为和参数化共享数据集的特性。

sql2012 ssrs

In the SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) report development process; we can use a beneficial feature which is called the “shared dataset”. The purpose of SSRS embedded datasets are to retrieve data from target data sources for only one report but a shared dataset can be used by multiple reports to retrieve data.

在SQL Server报表服务(SSRS)报表开发过程中; 我们可以使用一个有益的功能,称为“共享数据集”。 SSRS嵌入式数据集的目的是仅从一个报告的目标数据源中检索数据,但是多个报告可以使用共享的数据集来检索数据。

And, also using SSRS shared dataset provides some advantages that differ than the embedded datasets, such as a caching mechanism which is the essential property of shared datasets. Another flexibility of SSRS shared datasets is simple management capability. If you change any setting of shared dataset, this change will automatically be applied to all SSRS reports which used this shared dataset. It is necessary to pay attention to one point about shared dataset, though, that is if we want to use shared dataset in SSRS, we have to use a shared data source. Now, we will explore some details about SSRS shared data sources and then go into the details of shared datasets.

并且,还使用SSRS共享数据集提供了一些与嵌入式数据集不同的优点,例如缓存机制是共享数据集的基本属性。 SSRS共享数据集的另一个灵活性是简单的管理功能。 如果更改共享数据集的任何设置,则此更改将自动应用于使用此共享数据集的所有SSRS报告。 但是,有必要注意关于共享数据集的一点,即如果要在SSRS中使用共享数据集,则必须使用共享数据源。 现在,我们将探索有关SSRS共享数据源的一些细节,然后进入共享数据集的细节。

A data source can be defined as a connection structure which includes connection details (Database IP, Name etc.) and security credentials about target data resources. The key difference between embedded and shared source is that shared data source can be used by multiple reports and data-driven subscriptions. This type of data source provides us with management simplicity in data connection management. You can easily change database security or connection settings of reports which were applied to shared data source before. But if you use embedded data source, you need to review all reports. We can create shared data source in different ways. It can be created in the SSRS web portal, Report builder or in Visual Studio. In this article, we will use Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017. At the same time with Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017 we can develop Integration Services, Analysis Services and SSRS report server projects.

数据源可以定义为一种连接结构,其中包括连接详细信息(数据库IP,名称等)和有关目标数据资源的安全凭证。 嵌入式源和共享源之间的主要区别在于,共享数据源可以由多个报表和数据驱动的订阅使用。 这种类型的数据源为我们提供了数据连接管理中的管理简便性。 您可以轻松更改以前应用于共享数据源的报表的数据库安全性或连接设置。 但是,如果您使用嵌入式数据源,则需要查看所有报告。 我们可以用不同的方式创建共享数据源。 可以在SSRS Web门户,报表构建器或Visual Studio中创建它。 在本文中,我们将使用Visual Studio 2017的Microsoft SQL Server数据工具。与此同时,我们将Visual Studio 2017的Microsoft SQL Server数据工具用于开发Integration Services,Analysis Services和SSRS报表服务器项目。

创建共享数据源 (Create a Shared Data Source)

Launch Visual Studio 2017, click New, click Project and then select Report Server Project

启动Visual Studio 2017,单击新建,单击项目 ,然后选择报表服务器项目

Right click the Shared Data Sources in the Solution Explorer panel


Click Edit and fill the connection string fields.


Click the Test Connection before to use data source because it helps us to test connection string settings.

单击之前的“ 测试连接”以使用数据源,因为它有助于我们测试连接字符串设置。

After these completed steps; we can deploy the report project to the report server. But before the deployment process we have to change some settings of deployment in the report server projects.

完成这些步骤后; 我们可以将报告项目部署到报告服务器。 但是在部署过程之前,我们必须更改报表服务器项目中的某些部署设置。

Right click report server project and select properties.


TargetDataSetFolder: This option specifies the target dataset folder in the report server.

TargetDataSetFolder :此选项指定报表服务器中的目标数据集文件夹。

TargetDataSourceFolder: This option specifies the target data source folder in the report server.

TargetDataSourceFolder :此选项指定报表服务器中的目标数据源文件夹。

TargetReportFolder: This option defines the reports folder in the report server.

TargetReportFolder :此选项定义报表服务器中的报表文件夹。

Overwrite DataSources: This option defines the enable or disable option to overwrite the old data source which was placed in the same data source folder and as the same data source name. If you set this option as false and when you try to deploy to the same data source folder and also the same data source name, the deployment process returns error. The error will look like the below image.

覆盖 数据源 :此选项定义启用或禁用选项,以覆盖放置在相同数据源文件夹中且具有相同数据源名称的旧数据源。 如果将此选项设置为false,并且当您尝试部署到相同的数据源文件夹和相同的数据源名称时,部署过程将返回错误。 该错误将如下图所示。

OverwriteDataSets: This option defines the enable or disable option to overwrite old datasets which were placed in the same dataset folder and as the same data source name

OverwriteDataSets :此选项定义启用或禁用选项,以覆盖放置在同一数据集文件夹中且具有相同数据源名称的旧数据集

TargetServerUrl: This option helps us to set target report server URL in which we will make the dataset, data source and report deployment. We can find this URL in the Web Service URL configuration settings.

TargetServerUrl :此选项可帮助我们设置目标报表服务器URL,在该URL中进行数据集,数据源和报表部署。 我们可以在Web服务URL配置设置中找到此URL。

TargetServerVersion: This option allows us to deploy report project to previous version of SQL Server Reporting Service. You need to be aware of all features which support your target SSRS version. Otherwise the deployment process will fail because of unsupported features and you will face this type of deployment error messages.

TargetServerVersion :此选项允许我们将报表项目部署到SQL Server Reporting Service的先前版本。 您需要了解支持目标SSRS版本的所有功能。 否则,部署过程将由于不支持的功能而失败,并且您将面临此类部署错误消息。

The reason of this error message is that the sunburst chart that is not supported by SSRS 2014 or earlier versions.

出现此错误消息的原因是SSRS 2014或更早版本不支持朝阳图

Now, we will make first deployment of our SSRS report project. Right click in report project and then select deploy.

现在,我们将首先部署SSRS报告项目。 右键单击报表项目,然后选择部署。

If the SSRS deployment is a success you will get an information message which looks like this in the output screen.


After this deployment; the shared data source will be created in the SSRS report server.

部署之后; 共享数据源将在SSRS报表服务器中创建。

创建共享数据源 (Create a Shared Data Source)

In the Solution Explorer, right click Shared Datasets and select Add New Dataset.

在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击“ 共享数据集”,然后选择“ 添加新数据集”

You can copy/paste the query from which you want to retrieve data from data source. In this demonstration, we will use the following query in Adventureworks2014 sample database.

您可以复制/粘贴要从数据源中检索数据的查询。 在本演示中,我们将在Adventureworks2014示例数据库中使用以下查询。

        ,p.[FirstName] + ' ' + COALESCE(p.[MiddleName], '') + ' ' + p.[LastName] AS [FullName]
        ,st.[Name] AS [SalesTerritory]
        ,YEAR(DATEADD(m, 6, soh.[OrderDate])) AS [FiscalYear] 
    FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson] sp 
        INNER JOIN [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] soh 
        ON sp.[BusinessEntityID] = soh.[SalesPersonID]
        INNER JOIN [Sales].[SalesTerritory] st 
        ON sp.[TerritoryID] = st.[TerritoryID] 
        INNER JOIN [HumanResources].[Employee] e 
        ON soh.[SalesPersonID] = e.[BusinessEntityID] 
    INNER JOIN [Person].[Person] p
    ON p.[BusinessEntityID] = sp.[BusinessEntityID]

We will re-deploy the SSRS report project and shared dataset placed into path which is defined in the report project property page. Our demo dataset will be placed into Home->Datasets path because we did not change the TargetDataSetFolder property and Visual Studio make deployment to default path. In the report server web portal, we will navigate to Home->Datasets folder and click manage in the SSRS shared data source; property tab will appear.

我们将重新部署SSRS报告项目,并将共享数据集放置在报告项目属性页面中定义的路径中。 我们的演示数据集将放置在Home-> Datasets路径中,因为我们没有更改TargetDataSetFolder属性,并且Visual Studio将部署设置为默认路径。 在报表服务器Web门户中,我们将导航到Home-> Datasets文件夹,然后单击SSRS共享数据源中的管理。 属性标签将出现。

In the Properties tab, we can edit, delete or change the folder of shared data source.


The Data Preview tab helps us to see a little part of data when we click Load Data.

单击“ 加载数据”时,“ 数据预览”选项卡可帮助我们查看一小部分数据

The Data sources tab allow us to change dataset of shared SSRS data source.


In the Dependent Items tab we can find reports, data-driven subscription or other objects which use this SSRS shared data source for retrieve data.

在“ 从属项”选项卡中,我们可以找到使用此SSRS共享数据源检索数据的报表,数据驱动的订阅或其他对象。

The Caching tab is a significant settings tab for SSRS shared datasets. In this tab we can enable or disable the caching mechanism for shared data source and at the same time we can determine the cache expiration time. And also we can create a schedule for cache expiration. Now, we will enable the caching and analyze the details of this option.

缓存选项卡是SSRS共享数据集的重要设置选项卡。 在此选项卡中,我们可以启用或禁用共享数据源的缓存机制,同时我们可以确定缓存的过期时间。 我们还可以为缓存过期创建时间表。 现在,我们将启用缓存并分析此选项的详细信息。

Check Cache copies of this dataset and use them when available and Cache expires after 30 Minutes options and then click the Apply button.

检查 此数据集的 缓存 副本,并在可用时使用它们,并且“ 缓存在 30分钟后失效 ”选项,然后单击“ 应用”按钮。

Now, we will click Load Data in the Data Preview tab two times with 1-minute gap. And then connect to the SSRS ReportServer database and execute the following query.

现在,我们将两次单击“ 数据预览”选项卡中的“ 加载数据” ,间隔为1分钟。 然后连接到SSRS ReportServer数据库并执行以下查询。

SELECT ItemPath,TimeStart ,TimeEnd , Source,Status,ByteCount
  FROM [dbo].[ExecutionLog3]
  where ItemPath LIKE '%SharedDataSetDemo%'
order by  TimeEnd desc

As you can see the above image; the first load data process connects to database and retrieves the recent result from SSRS target data source but the second report execution retrieves data from cache. The caching data is stored in ReportServerTempDB database. And the following query returns the details of cached data.

如上图所示: 第一个加载数据过程连接到数据库并从SSRS目标数据源检索最近的结果,但是第二个报告执行从高速缓存中检索数据。 缓存数据存储在ReportServerTempDB数据库中。 并且以下查询返回缓存数据的详细信息。

use ReportServerTempDB
select * from ExecutionCache
INNER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog Cat ON ExecutionCache.ReportID= Cat.ItemID

In this section we will explore the parameterized shared dataset behaviors with caching. Change the dataset query text like this.

在本节中,我们将探讨带缓存的参数化共享数据集行为。 像这样更改数据集查询文本。

        ,p.[FirstName] + ' ' + COALESCE(p.[MiddleName], '') + ' ' + p.[LastName] AS [FullName]
        ,st.[Name] AS [SalesTerritory]
        ,YEAR(DATEADD(m, 6, soh.[OrderDate])) AS [FiscalYear] 
    FROM [Sales].[SalesPerson] sp 
        INNER JOIN [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] soh 
        ON sp.[BusinessEntityID] = soh.[SalesPersonID]
        INNER JOIN [Sales].[SalesTerritory] st 
        ON sp.[TerritoryID] = st.[TerritoryID] 
        INNER JOIN [HumanResources].[Employee] e 
        ON soh.[SalesPersonID] = e.[BusinessEntityID] 
    INNER JOIN [Person].[Person] p
    ON p.[BusinessEntityID] = sp.[BusinessEntityID]
where st.[Name] = @SalesTerritoryName

When click the shared dataset parameters tab, we can see the parameter which name is @SalesTerritoryName. We will re-deploy our report projects.

单击共享数据集参数选项卡时,我们可以看到名称为@SalesTerritoryName的参数。 我们将重新部署我们的报告项目。

We will create a dummy report for testing parameter caching. Right click Reports and select New item.

我们将创建一个虚拟报告以测试参数缓存。 右键单击“报告”,然后选择“ 新建项目”

Select Report object and click Add.

选择报告对象 ,然后单击添加

Right click in the DataSets folder which is located in the right side of report project. And select the SSRS shared dataset.

右键单击报表项目右侧的DataSets文件夹。 并选择SSRS共享数据集。

Click the Parameters folder and allow blank values for report parameter. Re-deploy the report project.

单击“ 参数”文件夹,并为报告参数允许使用空白值。 重新部署报告项目。

We will run the Dummyreport in this parameter order.












When we will run the below query in the SSRS ReportServer database and analyze the parameterized shared data source behaviors.

当我们将在SSRS ReportServer数据库中运行以下查询并分析参数化的共享数据源行为时。

SELECT top 5 ItemPath,TimeStart ,TimeEnd , Source,Status,ByteCount ,Parameters
  FROM [dbo].[ExecutionLog3]
  where ItemPath LIKE '%SharedDataSetDemo%'
order by  TimeEnd desc

The above image illustrates that SSRS uses the cache only for the same parameters and also it is case-sensitive to parameters.


I want to add some notes about undocumented details of SSRS caching. In some case maybe we required to clear shared data source cache. To perform this operation, we can use this stored procedure with path parameter.

我想添加一些有关未记录的SSRS缓存详细信息的注释。 在某些情况下,我们可能需要清除共享数据源缓存。 要执行此操作,我们可以将此存储过程与path参数一起使用。

EXECUTE FlushReportFromCache '/Datasets/SharedDataSetDemo'

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-reporting-services-ssrs-shared-dataset/

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