Power BI Desktop报告中的Web URL配置

本文介绍了如何在Power BI Desktop中利用Web URL和图标为报告提供超链接,便于用户直接访问网页和电子邮件。通过数据建模、条件格式设置,可以实现超链接的创建,提高报告的交互性和用户体验。

Power BI简介 (Power BI Introduction)

Power BI Desktop provides many useful visualizations with simple configurations. You can represent data visually in different forms that help users and management in data interpretation. You can explore a broad category of Power BI articles here on SQLShack.

Power BI Desktop通过简单的配置提供了许多有用的可视化。 您可以以不同的形式直观地表示数据,以帮助用户和管理数据解释。 您可以在SQLShack上探索Power BI文章的广泛类别。

It is always a good practice to work on the latest release of Power BI Desktop to make use of the latest enhancements and features available. If you do not have it, visit URL, download December 2019 release and install it.

最好总是使用最新版本的Power BI Desktop来利用最新的增强功能和功能。 如果没有,请访问URL ,下载2019年12月发行版并安装它。

Power BI Desktop December 2019 release

You might be familiar with a hyperlink in a Microsoft Word document that allows specifying a URL using a familiar name. A user can click on the hyperlink, and it opens the web page for you. It is mostly useful for you in specifying web page references.

您可能熟悉Microsoft Word文档中的超链接,该超链接允许使用熟悉的名称指定URL。 用户可以单击超链接,它会为您打开网页。 在指定网页参考时,它对您最有用。

Let’s take a SQLShack articles report in Power BI desktop, that shows a few of my published articles in the year 2019. It contains information such as article title, article URL along with email address.

让我们在Power BI桌面上获取SQLShack文章报告,其中显示了我在2019年发表的一些文章。它包含诸如文章标题,文章URL以及电子邮件地址之类的信息。

We have a reference URL for each article in a separate column. Users can copy the URL in a web browser for reading the article.

我们在单独的栏中为每个文章提供了参考URL。 用户可以在Web浏览器中复制URL以阅读文章。

Do we want a user to copy each URL, paste it into the web browser and open it? No, Power BI Desktop provides you with adding a URL hyperlink in the report as well.

我们是否希望用户复制每个URL,将其粘贴到Web浏览器中并打开它? 不,Power BI Desktop还为您提供了在报告中添加URL超链接的功能。

URL hyperlink

导入报告数据 (Import data for the report)

Launch Power BI Desktop and import data using the Get Data menu.

启动Power BI Desktop并使用“获取数据”菜单导入数据。

Import data for the report

Click on Excel and specify an excel sheet location.


Click on Excel and specify an excel sheet location

Once you click ok, it establishes a connection to excel source, and you get a data preview.


data preview

Click on Load. In the above image, we see Load and Transform Data buttons disabled. We need to check the excel sheet, and it enables both buttons.

单击加载。 在上图中,我们看到“加载”和“转换数据”按钮被禁用。 我们需要检查excel工作表,它同时启用了两个按钮。

Load and Transform Data buttons

It loads data, and you see excel columns in Power BI Desktop fields pane.

它会加载数据,并且您会在Power BI Desktop的字段窗格中看到excel列。

excel columns

设计报告 (Design a report)

Now click on a table visual from the visualization section. It draws a layout for you in the visualization pane, as shown below.

现在,在“可视化”部分中单击表格视觉。 它将在可视化窗格中为您绘制一个布局,如下所示。


Check the required columns, and it gives you a list as shown below.






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