The whole premise of Analysis Services (SSAS) is to place business logic into a central repository (a database). This central repository should be easy to understand from the average reporting user. Simplicity for SSAS databases starts with the Dimension and Fact tables in a data mart or data warehouse. These tables need to have as little additional computed columns as necessary. With this design, adding additional Measures to the SSAS database, both Multidimensional Cubes, and Tabular Models, can help with performance monitoring of the company’s indicators.
Analysis Services(SSAS)的整个前提是将业务逻辑放入中央存储库(数据库)中。 普通的报告用户应该易于理解该中央存储库。 SSAS数据库的简单性始于数据集市或数据仓库中的Dimension和Fact表。 这些表需要具有尽可能少的附加计算列。 通过这种设计,在SSAS数据库中添加多维多维多维数据集和表格模型等其他度量,可以帮助监控公司指标。
The fact tables should be full of keys to the dimensions and measurable columns to use in an Analytical database type structure. If this is done, SSAS can use its own language to calculate ratios, percentages, targets, and indicators. The MDX language is used for cubes and DAX language is used in tabular models. These measures will assist the reporting of performance measures. Reporting tools like Excel Pivot Tables and Power BI can benefit from these databases while using visualization objects.
事实表应包含用于分析数据库类型结构的维和可测量列的键。 如果这样做,SSAS可以使用其自己的语言来计算比率,百分比,目标和指标。 MDX语言用于多维数据集,而DAX语言用于表格模型。 这些措施将有助于绩效报告的报告。 使用可视化对象时,诸如Excel Pivot Tables和Power BI之类的报告工具可以从这些数据库中受益。
This article will look at a calculation and how SSAS can help centralize the logic in cubes and tabular models. The ratio is called Gross Profit Margin. Figure 2 shows the simple counts and sum for aggregate measures in a Multidimensional Cube. These were created using the cube wizard and will be used in the Gross profit Margin calculation.
本文将研究计算以及SSAS如何帮助将逻辑集中在多维数据集和表格模型中。 该比率称为毛利润率。 图2显示了多维多维数据集中汇总度量的简单计数和总和。 这些是使用多维数据集向导创建的,并将用于毛利润率计算中。
多维立方体 (Multidimensional cube)