oracle ola_Ola HallengrenSQL Server维护解决方案–数据库完整性检查

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This is the second article in Ola Hallengren’s SQL Server Maintenance Solution series. It will cover the jobs for database integrity, backup history cleanup and job history cleanup. The installation of Ola Hallengren’s Maintenance Solution is covered in the first article in the series: Ola Hallengren’s SQL Server Maintenance Solution – Installation and SQL Server Backup solution

这是Ola HallengrenSQL Server维护解决方案系列的第二篇文章。 它将涵盖用于数据库完整性,备份历史记录清理和作业历史记录清理的作业。 该系列的第一篇文章介绍了Ola Hallengren的维护解决方案的安装Ola HallengrenSQL Server维护解决方案–安装和SQL Server备份解决方案

Before proceeding with reading the article, to be able to follow along, make sure that all stored procedures from the Ola’s Maintenance Solution are installed properly on master database. To do this, Expand the following nodes in Object Explorer tree view in SQL Server Management Studio:

在继续阅读本文之前,为了能够进行后续操作,请确保Ola维护解决方案中的所有存储过程都已正确安装在master数据库上。 为此,请在SQL Server Management Studio的“对象资源管理器”树视图中展开以下节点:

Databases\System Databases\master\Programmability\Stored Procedures

数据库\系统数据库\ master \可编程性\存储过程

In the final node, four stored procedures should be present if the solution is installed properly:


  1. dbo.CommandExecute

  2. dbo.DatabaseBackup

  3. dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck

  4. dbo.IndexOptimize


It is possible to implement Database integrity check solution independently from the Backup and Index maintenance solutions. In this case, it is not necessary to install the procedures dbo.DatabaseBackup and dbo.IndexOptimize. The procedure dbo.CommandExecute must be installed though, as it’s used for all created jobs in the Maintenance Solution.

可以独立于备份和索引维护解决方案来实施数据库完整性检查解决方案。 在这种情况下,无需安装过程dbo.DatabaseBackup和dbo.IndexOptimize。 但是,必须安装过程dbo.CommandExecute,因为该过程用于维护解决方案中所有已创建的作业。

Besides these stored procedures, the installation script also created 11 SQL Server Agent jobs. To view these jobs, expand the nodes SQL Server Agent\Jobs in Object Explorer in SSMS.

除了这些存储过程之外,安装脚本还创建了11个SQL Server Agent作业。 要查看这些作业,请在SSMS的对象资源管理器中展开节点SQL Server Agent \ Jobs

数据库完整性检查 (Database integrity check)

When used with the default settings, the database integrity check jobs runs the DBCC CHECKDB command against system or user databases. The integrity check is often performed to ensure that there are no traces of corruption on a database. If the check fails, it is strongly advised to determine and remove the source of corruption to prevent the potential data loss.

与默认设置一起使用时,数据库完整性检查作业将对系统或用户数据库运行DBCC CHECKDB命令。 经常执行完整性检查以确保数据库上没有损坏的痕迹。 如果检查失败,强烈建议确定并删除损坏源,以防止潜在的数据丢失。

As all other jobs used in Ola’s Maintenance Solution, integrity check jobs also come without the configured schedules. These jobs can be used as such to run the integrity checks manually, but they do need the configured schedule if the solution needs to be automated. Running the integrity check on a large database might take the significant amount of time, so it’s best to schedule these jobs for a time window when low server traffic is expected. A common practice is to run the integrity check jobs daily, during the server maintenance hours.

与Ola的维护解决方案中使用的所有其他作业一样,完整性检查作业也不需要配置时间表。 这些作业可用于手动运行完整性检查,但如果解决方案需要自动化,它们确实需要配置的计划。 在大型数据库上运行完整性检查可能会花费大量时间,因此最好在预期服务器流量较低时安排这些作业的时间范围。 一种常见的做法是在服务器维护时间内每天运行完整性检查作业。

To configure the schedules for the integrity check jobs, perform the following steps:


  1. Right click on the integrity check job, and select Properties.


  2. In Job Properties form, navigate to Schedules tab, and click New… button to create a new schedule, or click Pick… button to use a pre-created schedule.

    在“ 作业属性”表单中,导航到“ 日程表”选项卡,然后单击“ 新建...”按钮以创建新的日程表,或单击“ 选择...”按钮以使用预先创建的日程表。

  3. In the New Job Schedule form, provide the name for the schedule, and specify its type, frequency, daily frequency and duration. Check the schedule Description in the Summary section, and if no further changes are needed, click OK button to save the schedule.

    在“ 新作业计划”表中,提供计划的名称,并指定其类型,频率,每日频率和持续时间。 检查“ 摘要”部分中的日程表说明 ,如果不需要进一步更改,请单击“确定”按钮以保存日程表。

    As the integrity check is usually performed daily, the schedule in this example will be set accordingly:


  4. In Job Properties form, click OK to use created schedule.

    在“ 作业属性”表单中,单击“ 确定”以使用创建的日程表。

  5. The job will now run on the defined schedule. If it needs to be run manually, right click on the job, and select Start job at Step…

    现在,作业将按定义的时间表运行。 如果需要手动运行,请右键单击该作业,然后选择在步骤开始作业...

  6. The success message is displayed if no errors are encountered.


DatabaseIntegrityCheck存储过程 (DatabaseIntegrityCheck stored procedure)

It is possible to use these pre-made jobs on any server, but the full power of Ola’s solution lies in its customization options. The stored procedure dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck accepts the total of 15 parameters, which can be provided through SQL Server Agent CmdExec script. The script can then be used to create a custom, fully automated SQL Server Agent job.

可以在任何服务器上使用这些预制作业,但是Ola解决方案的全部功能在于其自定义选项。 存储过程dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck接受总共15个参数,可以通过SQL Server代理CmdExec脚本提供这些参数。 然后,该脚本可用于创建自定义的,完全自动化SQL Server代理作业。

To see the list of all parameters accepted by the procedure, just expand the Parameters under the dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck stored procedure node in SSMS.

要查看该过程接受的所有参数的列表,只需展开存储在dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck下的Parameters。 SSMS中的过程节点。

It is not advised to change the default values of these parameters, as this will affect the pre-made database integrity check jobs. Instead, the custom parameters can be passed to the procedure by the script. To write the script, we need to check the properties and values for each parameter.

不建议更改这些参数的默认值,因为这会影响预制的数据库完整性检查作业。 而是可以通过脚本将自定义参数传递给过程。 要编写脚本,我们需要检查每个参数的属性和值。

  • Databases


    This parameter is used for the database selection. The parameter is usually followed by the database name. To include multiple databases in the script, just separate the names by comma (,) To exclude a database from the certain selection, add hyphen character (-) in front of the database name. Percentage character can also be used for a wildcard selection. Below is the table of all values supported for the Databases parameter:

    此参数用于数据库选择。 该参数通常后跟数据库名称。 要在脚本中包含多个数据库,只需用逗号(,)分隔名称即可。要从特定选择中排除数据库,请在数据库名称前面添加连字符(-)。 百分比字符也可以用于通配符选择。 下表是Databases参数支持的所有值的表:

    Value Description
    SYSTEM_DATABASES Selects all system databases
    USER_DATABASES Selects all user databases
    ALL_DATABASES Selects all databases on the SQL Server instance
    AVAILABILITY_GROUP_DATABASES Selects all databases in availability group
    Database1, Database2 Selects databases named Database1 and Database2
    %A% Selects all databases that have character “A” in their names
    USER_DATABASES, -Database1 Selects all user databases, but excludes Database1 from the selection
    SYSTEM_DATABASES 选择所有系统数据库
    USER_DATABASES 选择所有用户数据库
    ALL_DATABASES 选择SQL Server实例上的所有数据库
    数据库1,数据库2 选择名为Database1和Database2的数据库
    %一个% 选择名称中具有字符“ A”的所有数据库
    USER_DATABASES,-Database1 选择所有用户数据库,但从选择中排除Database1
  • CheckCommands


    The parameter specifies the integrity check commands that will be performed. To include multiple commands in the script, just separate them by comma (,).

    该参数指定将要执行的完整性检查命令。 要在脚本中包含多个命令,只需用逗号(,)分隔即可。

    Value Description
    CHECKDB Performs the DBCC CHECKDB command on the set of selected databases. This is used as a default value, if no other values are provided.
    CHECKFILEGROUP Performs the DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP command on the set of selected databases.
    CHECKTABLE Performs the DBCC CHECKTABLE command on the set of selected databases.
    CHECKALLOC Performs the DBCC CHECKALLOC command on the set of selected databases.
    CHECKCATALOG Performs the DBCC CHECKCATALOG command on the set of selected databases.
    CHECKDB 对所选数据库集执行DBCC CHECKDB命令。 如果未提供其他值,则将其用作默认值。
    检查表 对所选数据库集执行DBCC CHECKTABLE命令。
    切卡洛克 对所选数据库集执行DBCC CHECKALLOC命令。
    检查目录 对所选数据库集执行DBCC CHECKCATALOG命令。
  • PhysicalOnly


    This parameter limits all checks to the physical structure of the database. It is equivalent to PHYSICAL_ONLY SQL Server option for DBCC check commands. The accepted values are Y (Yes) and N (No). N is used as default value if not specified otherwise.

    此参数将所有检查限制为数据库的物理结构。 它等效于DBCC检查命令的PHYSICAL_ONLY SQL Server选项。 可接受的值为Y(是)和N(否)。 如果没有另外指定,则将N用作默认值。

  • NoIndex


    The parameter is equivalent to NOINDEX option for DBCC check commands in SQL Server. This option skips the check for nonclustered indexes. Available values for the parameter are “Y” (Yes) and “N” (No), “Y” being the default value.

    该参数等效于SQL Server中DBCC检查命令的NOINDEX选项。 此选项跳过对非聚集索引的检查。 该参数的可用值为“ Y”(是)和“ N”(否),“ Y”为默认值。

  • ExtendedLogicalChecks


    The parameter equals the EXTENDED_LOGICAL_CHECKS option is SQL Server. Accepted values are “Y” (Yes) and “N” (No). No is the default value. This parameter cannot be combined with PhysicalOnly.

    参数等于 EXTENDED_LOGICAL_CHECKS选项是SQL Server。 可接受的值为“ Y”(是)和“ N”(否)。 否是默认值。 此参数不能与PhysicalOnly结合使用。

  • TabLock


    Equals the TABLOCK option for DBCC check commands in SQL Server. Accepted values are “Y” and “N”, “N” being the default.

    等于SQL Server中DBCC检查命令的TABLOCK选项。 可接受的值为“ Y”和“ N”,默认值为“ N”。

  • FileGroups


    Performs the selection on the specified set of filegroups, but only if CHECKFILEGROUPS value is specified for the CheckCommands parameter. The syntax is same as for the database selection:

    仅在指定的文件组集上执行选择,但前提是为CheckCommands参数指定了CHECKFILEGROUPS值。 语法与数据库选择的语法相同:

    • Multiple filegroups can be included in the selection if they are separated by comma (,)

    • Hyphen character (-) is used to exclude a filegroup from the selection

    • Percent character (%) is used for wildcard selection


    Accepted values and examples:


    Value Description
    ALL_FILEGROUPS Selects all filegroups
    Database1.Filegroup1 Selects the Filegroup1 belonging to Database1
    Database1.%Filegroup% Selects all filegroups in Database1, that contain “Filegroup” string in their name
    ALL_FILEGROUPS 选择所有文件组
    数据库1.文件组1 选择属于Database1的Filegroup1
    数据库1.%文件组% 选择Database1中所有名称中包含“ Filegroup”字符串的文件组
  • Objects


    Performs the object selection. The same rules apply for the hyphen, comma and percent character. The parameter can be used only if CHECKTABLE is specified as a value for CheckCommands parameter.

    执行对象选择。 连字符,逗号和百分比字符也适用相同的规则。 仅当将CHECKTABLE指定为CheckCommands参数的值时,才能使用该参数。

    Value Description
    ALL_OBJECTS Selects all objects
    Database1.Schema1.Table1 Selects the Schema1.Table1 in Database1
    Database1.Schema1.% Selects all objects in Schema1 in Database1
    ALL_OBJECTS 选择所有对象
    数据库1.架构1.表1 选择Database1中的Schema1.Table1
    Database1.Schema1。% 选择Database1中Schema1中的所有对象
  • MaxDOP


    The parameter equals MAXDOP SQL Server option for DBCC check commands. It specifies the number of processors used for the operation. If not specified, the global maximum degree of parallelism is used.

    该参数等于DBCC检查命令的MAXDOP SQL Server选项。 它指定用于该操作的处理器数量。 如果未指定,则使用全局最大并行度。

  • AvailabilityGroups


    Selects the availability groups. Same syntax rules apply as in previous cases.

    选择可用性组。 语法规则与以前的情况相同。

    Value Description
    ALL_AVAILABILITY_GROUPS Selects all availability groups
    AvailabilityGroup1 Selects AvailabilityGroup1
    Selects all availability groups except AvailabilityGroup1
    %AvailabilityGroup% Selects all availability groups that contain “AvailabilityGroup” string in their name
    可用性组1 选择AvailabilityGroup1
    %AvailabilityGroup% 选择名称中包含“ AvailabilityGroup”字符串的所有可用性组
  • AvailabilityGroupReplicas


    Specifies the replicas in availability groups that will be included in integrity check. If not specified, the integrity check is run against all replicas. Available values are presented in table:

    指定可用性组中的副本,这些副本将包含在完整性检查中。 如果未指定,则对所有副本运行完整性检查。 可用值如下表所示:

    Value Description
    ALL Checks all replicas
    PRIMARY Checks the primary replica only
    SECONDARY Checks all secondary replicas
    所有 检查所有副本
    中学 检查所有辅助副本
  • Updateability


    Performs the selection on READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, or all databases.


    Value Description
    ALL Selects all databases, regardless of the read status
    READ_ONLY Selects READ_ONLY databases
    READ_WRITE Selects READ_WRITE databases
    所有 选择所有数据库,而不管读取状态如何
    只读 选择READ_ONLY数据库
  • LockTimeout


    The parameter sets the time in seconds that a command waits for a potential lock to be released. The default value is unlimited, but if needed, any integer can be used as the value.

    该参数以秒为单位设置命令等待释放潜在锁定的时间。 默认值是无限的,但是如果需要,任何整数都可以用作值。

  • LogToTable


    Set the value to “Y” to log the commands to dbo.CommandLog table. Otherwise, there is no need to specify this parameter, as “N” (no) is the default value.

    将值设置为“ Y”以将命令记录到dbo.CommandLog表中。 否则,无需指定此参数,因为“ N”(否)是默认值。

  • Execute


    Specifies if all defined commands will be executed (Y), or just printed (N). The default value is “Y”.

    指定是将执行所有已定义的命令(Y),还是只打印所有的命令(N)。 默认值为“ Y”。

编写自定义脚本 (Writing a custom script)

To create a custom script, use the parameters described inpreviously.


Each script should start with EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck (call for the procedure).

每个脚本都应以EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck开头(调用该过程)。

To assign a value to a parameter, use @ sign before the parameter name, equal mark to specify the equality, followed by the parameter value inside single quotation marks.


Each parameter needs to be followed by the comma (,).


For example, this script selects 3 databases, runs DBCC CHECKDB command, checks only physical structure of the databases, and skips the check for nonclustered indexes:

例如,此脚本选择3个数据库,运行DBCC CHECKDB命令,仅检查数据库的物理结构,并跳过对非聚集索引的检查:

EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck
@Databases = 'AdventureWorks2014, GenerateDB, GenerateDB2',
@CheckCommands = 'CHECKDB',
@PhysicalOnly = 'Y',
@NoIndex = 'Y'

To confirm that the script is working, run it against the master database.


Another option is to run the script with sqlcmd utility. Make sure to provide the correct server name after the S switch (DOMENATOR\MAIN in this case), and to place all commands in a single line:

另一种选择是使用sqlcmd实用程序运行脚本。 确保在S开关后提供正确的服务器名称(在这种情况下为DOMENATOR \ MAIN),并将所有命令放在一行中:

sqlcmd -S DOMENATOR\MAIN -E -d master -Q “EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck @Databases = ‘AdventureWorks2014, GenerateDB, GenerateDB2’, @CheckCommands = ‘CHECKDB’, @PhysicalOnly = ‘Y’, @NoIndex = ‘Y'” -b

sqlcmd -S DOMENATOR \ MAIN -E -d master -Q“执行dbo.DatabaseIntegrityCheck @Databases ='AdventureWorks2014,GenerateDB,GenerateDB2',@CheckCommands ='CHECKDB',@PhysicalOnly ='Y',@NoIndex ='Y'” -b

The script can be executed directly from the Command Prompt.


自动化 (Automation)

Created scripts can be included in SQL Server Agent jobs, and set to run on a specified schedule. To do this, perform the following steps:

创建的脚本可以包含在SQL Server代理作业中,并设置为按指定的时间表运行。 为此,请执行以下步骤:

  1. Right click on Jobs folder of SQL Server Agent node in Object Explorer in SSMS, and click on New Job…

    右键单击SSMS中“对象资源管理器”中SQL Server代理节点的Jobs文件夹,然后单击“ 新建作业”。

  2. In General tab of the New Job form, provide the name for the job. Optionally, set owner, category, and description.

    在“ 新作业”表单的“ 常规”选项卡中,提供作业的名称。 (可选)设置所有者,类别和描述。

  3. In Steps tab, click New… button.

    在“ 步骤”选项卡中,单击“ 新建...”按钮。

  4. In the New Job Step form provide the name of the job step. Depending on the script that is used, choose one of the available options:

    在“ 新作业步骤”表单中,提供作业步骤的名称。 根据所使用的脚本,选择可用选项之一:

    – Select “Operating system (CmdExec)” as script type, if you want to use cmd script, described in previous chapter. Paste the script in the Command box.

    –如果要使用上一章中所述的cmd脚本,请选择“操作系统(CmdExec)”作为脚本类型。 将脚本粘贴到“ 命令”框中。

    – Alternatively, use the T-SQL script from the previous chapter, specify the Transact-SQL script (T-SQL) as a script type, and set the master database as the script target.


    Click OK button to save the changes.


  5. In New job form, navigate to Schedules tab. Click on New… button to create a new schedule, or Pick… to use an existing schedule.

    在“ 新作业”表单中,导航到“ 日程表”选项卡。 单击新建...按钮以创建新时间表,或单击选择...以使用现有时间表。

  6. In New Job Schedule form, provide the name and the type for the schedule, and set its frequency. Check the description to confirm that the schedule is configured well, and click OK to save changes.

    在“ 新作业计划”表中,提供计划的名称和类型,并设置其频率。 检查描述以确认时间表配置正确,然后单击“确定”保存更改。

  7. In New Job form, select the created schedule, and click OK to save all job settings.

    在“ 新作业”表单中,选择创建的计划,然后单击“确定”保存所有作业设置。

  8. To run the job, expand the SQL Server Agent and Jobs node in Object Explorer. Right click on the job, and select Start job at step… from the context menu.

    要运行作业,请在“对象资源管理器”中展开“ SQL Server代理作业”节点。 右键单击该作业,然后从上下文菜单中选择“ 在步骤开始作业... ”。

  9. The success message is generated as soon as the job completes.


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