oracle ola_Ola HallengrenSQL Server维护解决方案–索引和统计信息维护

oracle ola

This is the third article in Ola Hallengren’s SQL Server Maintenance Solution series. The article will cover the IndexOptimize stored procedure in more detail, along with the index optimization jobs created by Ola Hallengren’s scripts.

这是Ola HallengrenSQL Server维护解决方案系列的第三篇文章。 本文将更详细地介绍IndexOptimize存储过程,以及由Ola Hallengren的脚本创建的索引优化作业。

To get the detailed guide on installation procedure and solutions for database backup and integrity check, feel free to first review the first two articles of the series:


The SQL Server Index and Statistics Maintenance part of Ola Hallengren’s solution consists of IndexOptmize stored procedure and IndexOptimize – USER_DATABASES agent job, that are created during the installation process. The procedure CommandExecute also has to be installed in order to use the index optimize solution. All these procedures and jobs are installed by default, but if you prefer the custom installation, make sure that everything is installed properly on the server.

Ola Hallengren解决方案的“ SQL Server索引和统计信息维护”部分包括在安装过程中创建的IndexOptmize存储过程和IndexOptimize – USER_DATABASES代理作业。 为了使用索引优化解决方案,还必须安装CommandExecute过程。 默认情况下,所有这些过程和作业均已安装,但如果您喜欢自定义安装,请确保所有内容均已正确安装在服务器上。

In SSMS, connect to the server, and expand the following nodes in Object Explorer:


Databases\System Databases\master\Programmability\Stored Procedures

数据库\系统数据库\ master \可编程性\存储过程

Make sure that the procedures dbo.CommandExecute and dbo.IndexOptimize are present on the list.


The IndexOptimize – USER_DATABASES agent job is available at: SQL Server Agent\Jobs

可在以下位置获得IndexOptimize – USER_DATABASES代理作业:SQL Server代理\作业

IndexOptimize存储过程 (IndexOptimize stored procedure)

To fully understand the agent job created by the installation script, we need to go through the parameters that IndexOptimize stored procedure uses. The are total of 27 parameters that can be used to configure the procedure. To get full details on the procedure parameters, run a following query:

为了完全理解由安装脚本创建的代理作业,我们需要遍历IndexOptimize存储过程使用的参数。 共有27个可用于配置过程的参数。 要获取有关过程参数的完整详细信息,请运行以下查询:

SELECT 'Parameter_name' = name,
       'Type' = TYPE_NAME(user_type_id),
       'Length' = max_length,
       'Prec' = CASE
                    WHEN TYPE_NAME(system_type_id) = 'uniqueidentifier'
                    THEN precision
                    ELSE OdbcPrec(system_type_id, max_length, precision)
       'Scale' = OdbcScale(system_type_id, scale),
       'Param_order' = parameter_id,
       'Collation' = CONVERT(SYSNAME,
                                 WHEN system_type_id IN(35, 99, 167, 175, 231, 239)
                                 THEN SERVERPROPERTY('collation')
FROM sys.parameters
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.IndexOptimize');

Executing the query gets the following results:


It is possible to change the default values for each parameter inside the procedure, but this is not advised, as it will affect any agent job that already uses the procedure (like IndexOptimize – USER_DATABASES job for example).

可以更改过程中每个参数的默认值,但是不建议这样做,因为这会影响已经使用该过程的任何代理作业(例如IndexOptimize – USER_DATABASES作业)。

The common practice is to pass all necessary parameters to the stored procedure through a T-SQL, or CmdExec script. These scripts can then be included in a SQL Server Agent job, and assigned to run on a custom schedule. Creating and configuring these jobs would result in a custom, fully automated index maintenance solution.

通常的做法是通过T-SQL或CmdExec脚本将所有必需的参数传递给存储过程。 然后,这些脚本可以包含在SQL Server代理作业中,并可以按自定义计划运行。 创建和配置这些作业将产生一个定制的,全自动索引维护解决方案。

Before creating the script, it is necessary to understand the most important procedure parameters, along with the corresponding values.


  • Databases

    The parameter specifies one or more databases that will be affected by the script. To include multiple databases, just separate the database names by comma (,). To exclude a database, use the hyphen character (-) in front of the database name. For the wildcard selection, use the percentage character (%). The list of all accepted parameters is presented in the table.

    Parameter value Description
    SYSTEM_DATABASES Performs the operations on all system databases
    USER_DATABASES Performs the operations on all user databases
    ALL_DATABASES Performs the operations on all databases
    AVAILABILITY_GROUP_DATABASES Performs the operations on all databases belonging to the availability group
    DATABASE01, DATABASE2 Performs the operations on databases named “DATABASE01” and “DATABASE02”
    %DAT% Performs the operations on all databases that have the “DAT” string in their name
  • 资料库

    该参数指定一个或多个将受脚本影响的数据库。 要包含多个数据库,只需用逗号(,)分隔数据库名称。 要排除数据库,请在数据库名称前面使用连字符(-)。 对于通配符选择,请使用百分比字符(%)。 下表列出了所有可接受的参数。

    参数值 描述
    SYSTEM_DATABASES 在所有系统数据库上执行操作
    USER_DATABASES 在所有用户数据库上执行操作
    ALL_DATABASES 在所有数据库上执行操作
    DATABASE01,DATABASE2 在名为“ DATABASE01”和“ DATABASE02”的数据库上执行操作
    %DAT% 在名称中带有“ DAT”字符串的所有数据库上执行操作
  • Indexes 指标

    The parameter specifies the index selection. Comma, hyphen and percentage characters are used in the same way as with Databases parameter. If no other value is specified, the selection will include all indexes.

    该参数指定索引选择。 逗号,连字符和百分比字符的使用方式与数据库参数相同。 如果未指定其他值,则选择将包括所有索引。

    Parameter value Description
    ALL_INDEXES Selects all indexes
    Database1.Schema1.Tab1.Index1 Selects the Index1 on the object Schema1.Tab1 in Database1
    Database1.Schema1.% Selects all indexes in Schema1 in Database1
    参数值 描述
    ALL_INDEXES 选择所有索引
    数据库1.Schema1.Tab1.Index1 数据库 1中的对象Schema1.Tab1上选择索引1
    Database1.Schema1。% 选择Database1Schema1中的所有索引
  • AvailabilityGroups 可用性组

    Same rules apply for the availability groups selection, which is controlled by AvailabilityGroups parameter.


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