power bi报表服务器_如何将Power BI Report Server报表嵌入ASP.Net Web应用程序

本文介绍了如何将Power BI Report Server报表嵌入ASP.NET Web应用程序,对比了与SSRS报告的集成差异,并提供了使用<iframe>、<object>和<embed>标签的三种嵌入方法。此外,还讨论了在Power BI报表服务器中隐藏筛选器面板的技巧。

power bi报表服务器

Every once in a while, teams from different functional areas of the business (i.e. business intelligence, software development, web development etc.) would join forces to form a cross-functional development team with a common goal of integrating a business intelligence artefact such as a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report into a front-end web application. There are many reasons for forming such a partnership including a lack of report-development skill by web developers, BI team owns a better reporting tool for data visualization, or maybe to prevent the software team from “reinventing the wheel” by developing a report that has already been produced elsewhere.

每隔一段时间,来自业务不同职能领域(即商业智能,软件开发,Web开发等)的团队将联手组成一个跨职能的开发团队,其共同目标是整合诸如SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)报告到前端Web应用程序。 建立这种伙伴关系的原因有很多,包括Web开发人员缺乏报表开发技能,BI团队拥有更好的数据可视化报表工具,或者可能是通过开发报表来防止软件团队“重塑方向”。已经在其他地方生产了。

Regardless of the reasons for forming cross-functional teams, you would often find that whilst many tutorials have been written about the integration of Power BI Service with .Net applications, there is currently very limited content on the internet pertaining to embedding the on-prem version of Power BI Service (known as Power BI Report Server) reports into .Net applications.

无论组建跨职能团队的原因是什么,您通常会发现,尽管已经撰写了许多有关Power BI Service与.Net应用程序集成的教程,但互联网上目前有关嵌入本地内容的内容非常有限版本的Power BI服务 (称为Power BI报表服务器 )将报表导入.Net应用程序。

I was recently involved in a project that required an integration of a Power BI Report Server dashboard with an ASP.NET MVC application. As you can imagine, having so limited content on the internet relating to this type of integration meant that my team and I had to think out of the box and play around with a few ideas to get the project delivered but we managed to complete the project and, in this article, I will share my limited expertise on how you can go about embedding a Power BI Report Server reports with ASP.NET web applications.

我最近参与了一个项目,该项目需要将Power BI Report Server仪表板与ASP.NET MVC应用程序集成在一起。 可以想像,与此类集成相关的互联网内容非常有限,这意味着我和我的团队必须开箱即用,并想出一些想法来交付项目,但我们设法完成了该项目并且,在本文中,我将分享我有限的专业知识,介绍如何将Power BI Report Server报表嵌入ASP.NET Web应用程序。

将SSRS报告嵌入ASP.NET网站 (Embed SSRS Report into an ASP.NET Website)

In a way, this article is really a comparative piece between the ease at which web developers used to embed SSRS reports into their ASP.NET applications versus the challenges of doing the same thing but against a Power BI Report Server report. Thus, it is only fitting that before we proceed, we first look at how one went about integrating an SSRS report with ASP.NET applications.

从某种意义上说,本文确实是Web开发人员过去将SSRS报表嵌入其ASP.NET应用程序的难易程度与针对Power BI Report Server报表进行相同操作所面临的挑战之间的比较。 因此,在继续之前,我们首先要看看如何将SSRS报告与ASP.NET应用程序集成。

There are plenty of resources over the internet that gives you a step-by-step guideline on how to embed an SSRS report into an ASP.NET web application. Generally, the trick is twofold – (assuming that you have already developed and deployed an SSRS report):

Internet上有大量资源,可为您提供有关如何将SSRS报告嵌入ASP.NET Web应用程序的分步指南。 通常,技巧是双重的-(假设您已经开发并部署了SSRS报告)





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