微软 azure_有关Microsoft Azure技术的简介和常见问题解答

本文介绍了Azure作为云服务平台的功能,包括虚拟机、SQL Server数据库、Azure SQL、Azure Data Factory和Azure Machine Learning等。文章解答了Azure的普及程度、SQL Server本地迁移至Azure的方法、可用的数据库选项及与AWS的比较等问题。Azure支持Linux,可以处理大数据,并提供了多种数据库服务,如Azure SQL和Azure SQL Data Warehouse。此外,文章还对比了SQL Server数据挖掘与Azure Machine Learning的区别。

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Most of the DBAs, Data Scientists, BI and Database developers are working on SQL Server on-premises. Is it time to migrate to the Cloud?

大多数DBA,数据科学家,BI和数据库开发人员都在内部SQL Server上工作。 现在该迁移到云了吗?

In this new article, we will talk about numbers, statistics, Azure technologies like Virtual Machines with SQL Server, Azure SQL, Azure Data Factory, Azure Machine learning and other technologies.

在这篇新文章中,我们将讨论数字,统计数据,Azure技术,例如带有SQL Server的虚拟机,Azure SQL,Azure数据工厂,Azure机器学习和其他技术。

If you are not familiar with the Azure terms and technologies, this article is for you. We will give you an introduction to Azure technologies.

如果您不熟悉Azure术语和技术,那么本文适合您。 我们将向您介绍Azure技术。

This article will answer the following questions:


  • What is Azure?

  • Is Azure Popular compared with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or other cloud services?

    与Amazon Web Services(AWS)或其他云服务相比,Azure Popular是否受欢迎?
  • How can I migrate SQL Server on-premises to Azure?

    如何将SQL Server本地迁移到Azure?
  • What databases are available in Azure?

  • What is the difference between Azure SQL and Azure SQL Data Warehouse?

    Azure SQL和Azure SQL数据仓库之间有什么区别?
  • What is an elastic database pool?

  • What is Redis Cache?

  • I am using Linux. What are my options in Azure?

    我正在使用Linux。 我在Azure中有哪些选择?
  • Can I setup an Oracle or DB2 database in Azure?

  • Is it possible to handle Big Data in Azure?

  • What is Azure Storage, Azure Data Lake and what are the differences?

  • What is Azure Machine Learning?

  • What is the difference between SQL Server Data Mining and Azure Machine learning?

    SQL Server数据挖掘和Azure机器学习之间有什么区别?
  • What is Azure Data Factory?

  • What is the difference between Azure Data Factory (ADF) and SSIS?


什么是Azure? (What is Azure?)

Azure is a Cloud Service Platform where you can create Virtual Machines, SQL Server Databases, MySQL Databases, reports, Websites, Ethereum blockchain applications as well as store files and handle Big Data. It was announced in 2008 and released in 2010.

Azure是一个云服务平台,您可以在其中创建虚拟机,SQL Server数据库,MySQL数据库,报表,网站,以太坊区块链应用程序以及存储文件和处理大数据。 它于2008年宣布并于2010年发布。

与Amazon Web Services(AWS)或其他云服务相比,Azure Popular是否受欢迎? (Is Azure Popular compared with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or other cloud services?)

According to the Synergy Research Group, AWS has approximately 33% of the share revenue, Azure is in second place with 11% and then is IBM with 8%, Google 5%. There are hundreds of cloud providers. Here you have a list of some of them:

根据Synergy Research Group的数据 ,AWS拥有约33%的股份收入,Azure排名第二,为11%,其次是IBM的8%,Google的5%。 有数百个云提供商。 这里有一些清单:

AWS is winning the race (by far), but Microsoft is growing faster. According to the same reference, the Market Share Gain in the last 4 quarters was 1% by AWS and Azure 3%!

AWS赢得了比赛(到目前为止),但是Microsoft的增长速度更快。 根据同一参考,AWS和Azure过去四个季度的市场份额增长为1%,Azure为3%!

According to the Microsoft Shareholder Letter, the cloud revenue per year was $12 billion and 70 million people use Office 365. Revenue from Azure grew triple digits and database usage doubled each year.


如何将SQL Server本地迁移到Azure? (How can I migrate SQL Server on-premises to Azure?)

You can migrate your data to Azure Virtual Machines where you can install SQL Server or use Azure Templates or use Azure SQL. Azure SQL is a service where you have a Database to connect and you do not need to worry about the operative system. You can have a Database in the Cloud in few minutes with automatic backups.

您可以将数据迁移到可以安装SQL Server或使用Azure模板或使用Azure SQL的Azure虚拟机。 Azure SQL是一项服务,您可以在其中连接数据库,而无需担心操作系统。 您可以在几分钟内通过自动备份在云中建立数据库。

What are some Virtual Machines in Azure (note that you can have Windows or Linux machines):


There are several options to migrate the Data to Azure. You can use SSIS, the Azure Portal, BCP, Linked Servers, PowerShell, The command line, DMA, SSMS, etc.

有多种选项可将数据迁移到Azure。 您可以使用SSISAzure门户BCP链接服务器PowerShell命令行DMASSMS等。

Azure中提供哪些数据库? (What databases are available in Azure?)

By the moment you can have the following Databases as services:


List of options in Azure:


In a virtual machine in Azure, you can install any database supported by the OS.


Azure SQL和Azure SQL Datawarehouse有什么区别? (What is the difference between Azure SQL and Azure SQL Datawarehouse?)

Azure SQL is a simple database (with some replications depending on the configuration specified). Azure SQL Data Warehouse is a MPP (Massive Parallel Processing) that allows to process huge queries using multiple SQL DB Nones. That is why an Azure SQL Data Warehouse is more expensive.

Azure SQL是一个简单的数据库(某些复制取决于指定的配置)。 Azure SQL数据仓库是一种MPP(大规模并行处理) ,允许使用多个SQL DB None处理大型查询。 这就是为什么Azure SQL数据仓库更昂贵的原因。

什么是弹性数据库池? (What is an elastic database pool?)

An elastic database pool is used to group several databases and pay an optimized amount for all the databases with variable usage.


什么是Redis缓存? (What is Redis Cache? )

Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) is a NoSQL in-memory database. It is an open-source and supports string, lists, maps, sets and more types of data.

Redis (远程字典服务器)是NoSQL内存数据库。 它是开源的,支持字符串,列表,映射,集合和更多类型的数据。

我正在使用Linux。 我在Azure中有哪些选择? (I am using Linux. What are my options in Azure?)

Azure SQL is in the Cloud, it can be administered using a browser in any operative system. You can access to the Azure Portal from your tablet, smartphone, your Linux machine or Windows machine. Approximately 33% of the virtual machines in Azure are using Linux.

Azure SQL位于云中,可以使用任何操作系统中的浏览器进行管理。 您可以从平板电脑,智能手机,Linux计算机或Windows计算机访问Azure门户。 Azure中大约33%的虚拟机正在使用Linux。

The following browsers are supported:


  • Internet Explorer 11.

    Internet Explorer 11。
  • Microsoft Edge (latest version).

    Microsoft Edge(最新版本)。
  • Chrome (latest version).

  • Firefox (latest version).

  • Safari (in Mac only).


You can always have a virtual machine with Ubuntu, RedHat, SUSE, CoreOS and more.


Some VMs supported:


You can also use MySQL or PostgreSQL as cloud services and create your WebSite or another language of your preference in Azure and connect to the Azure Databases.


Azure supports PowerShell for Linux, Visual Studio for Linux, PHP, Java and more languages.

Azure支持Linux的PowerShell,Linux的Visual Studio,PHP,Java和其他语言。

我可以在Azure中设置Oracle或DB2数据库吗? (Can I setup an Oracle or DB2 database in Azure?)

There are some nice VM templates to setup Oracle or DB2.


The DB2 template for VM:


Some templates for Oracle VMs:

Oracle VM的一些模板:

是否可以在Azure中处理大数据? (Is it possible to handle Big Data in Azure?)

Yes, Azure includes HDInsight. You can have your Hadoop, Spark, R Server, HBase, Storm , Kafka in Azure.

是的,Azure包括HDInsight。 您可以在Azure中使用HadoopSparkR ServerHBaseStorm ,Kafka

You can store HDInsight in an Azure Storage or Azure Data Lake and Analyze the Data using Azure Machine Learning.


什么是Azure存储,Azure数据湖?有什么区别? (What is Azure Storage, Azure Data Lake and what are the differences?)

Azure Storage is a scalable, redundant, secure storage in the Cloud. Azure Data Lake is a hyper-scale repository optimized for big data and parallel processing.

Azure存储是云中的可伸缩,冗余,安全存储。 Azure Data Lake是针对大型数据和并行处理进行优化的超大规模存储库。

什么是Azure机器学习? (What is Azure Machine Learning?)

Microsoft offers this technology in the cloud to process and forecast data. You can use machine learning for churn prediction, text translation, facial recognition, heart desease detection, breast cancer prediction, fraud detection.

Microsoft在云中提供了该技术来处理和预测数据。 您可以将机器学习用于客户流失预测 ,文本翻译, 面部识别心脏 疾病 检测乳腺癌预测欺诈检测

SQL Server数据挖掘和Azure机器学习之间有什么区别? (What is the difference between SQL Server Data Mining and Azure Machine learning?)

If you want to kill a mosquito, you can use a fly swatter or a bazooka. Azure Machine Learning is the bazooka. It is very powerful and it can be integrated with R, Python that are very popular in Machine Learning and other purposes.

如果要杀死蚊子,可以使用苍蝇拍或火箭筒。 Azure机器学习是火箭筒。 它非常强大,可以与在机器学习和其他用途中非常流行的RPython集成。

SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) comes with Data Mining. It is included with a SQL Server license and it is very simple. You can use a Wizard and easily create some prediction analysis. You can create your own algorightms, however, it is not an easy task and they are less samples than Azure.

SQL Server Analysis Services(SSAS)随数据挖掘一起提供。 它包含在SQL Server许可证中,非常简单。 您可以使用向导并轻松创建一些预测分析。 您可以创建自己的算法 ,但这不是一件容易的事,并且它们比Azure样本少。

For languages required, you can create your Analysis in SSAS Data Mining without any programming knowledge (nor statistical knowledge) easily. If you want to customize your data, you can use DMX (Data Mining Extensions) for custom queries or automate administrative tasks. You can also use XMLA as a Data Definition Language (DDL). Data Mining can be integrated with SSIS which can allow more versatile applicability. It is also possible to automate Data Mining Tasks in PowerShell.

对于所需的语言,您可以轻松地在SSAS数据挖掘中创建分析,而无需任何编程知识(也无需统计知识)。 如果要自定义数据,则可以使用DMX(数据挖掘扩展)进行自定义查询或自动执行管理任务。 您还可以将XMLA用作数据定义语言(DDL)。 数据挖掘可以与SSIS集成在一起,从而可以实现更多通用性。 也可以在PowerShell中自动执行数据挖掘任务

On the other hand, we have Azure Machine Learning. As we said in can be integrated with R, Python. The Machine learning results can be displayed in a Web Service then it is easy to use the data in any programming language.

另一方面,我们有Azure机器学习。 正如我们所说的,可以与RPython集成在一起。 机器学习结果可以显示在Web服务中,然后可以轻松地以任何编程语言使用数据。

Azure Machine Learning (AML) is very popular and SSAS Data Mining is not as much so. There are more articles, samples, code, videos about AML. It looks like it may supersede SSAS Data Mining in the future.

Azure机器学习(AML)非常受欢迎,而SSAS数据挖掘则不那么受欢迎。 还有更多有关AML的文章,示例,代码和视频。 看起来它将来可能会取代SSAS数据挖掘。

About the interface, AML looks like SSIS. You have to drag and drop tasks and algorithms. Data Mining is a Wizard. Is less flexible than AML where you can create more sophisticated and customized models.

关于接口,AML看起来像SSIS。 您必须拖放任务和算法。 数据挖掘是一个向导。 不如AML灵活,您可以在AML中创建更复杂和自定义的模型。

什么是Azure数据工厂? (What is Azure Data Factory?)

It is an extract-transform-load (ETL), extract-load-transform (ELT) tool in Azure.


Azure数据工厂(ADF)和SSIS有什么区别? (What is the difference between Azure Data Factory (ADF) and SSIS?)

They can be used for the same purposes, but they are very different in design and architecture. Currently, SSIS is more popular and well known. ADF is new and few people know the tool. ADF is designed to handle big data. Is it designed for a big amount of data? It is also designed to work specially with Azure Data and it can handle relational and NoSQL data. You can handle NoSQL data in SSIS, but SSIS is specialized in relational data.

它们可以用于相同的目的,但是在设计和体系结构上却大不相同。 当前,SSIS更加流行和众所周知。 ADF是新工具,很少有人知道该工具。 ADF旨在处理大数据。 它是为大量数据设计的吗? 它还专门设计用于Azure数据,并且可以处理关系数据和NoSQL数据。 您可以在SSIS中处理NoSQL数据,但是SSIS专门用于关系数据。

If you are migrating data from servers on-premises, it is better to use SSIS. If you are working with Azure migrating to Azure from a server on-premises or from other Azure Data Center, ADF can be a good choice. Anyway, what we notice is that ADF is evolving a lot and the usage, features, sources, and destinations supported are growing each day.

如果要从本地服务器迁移数据,最好使用SSIS。 如果您正在使用Azure从本地服务器或其他Azure数据中心迁移到Azure,则ADF是一个不错的选择。 无论如何,我们注意到,ADF不断发展,支持的用途,功能,来源和目的地每天都在增长。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we analyzed that Azure is growing a lot. SSMS is improving the integration to Azure and some Azure features are easier to use and learn.

在本文中,我们分析了Azure的增长。 SSMS正在改善与Azure的集成,并且某些Azure功能更易于使用和学习。

It is hard to say if Azure will be the leader and surpass AWS. By the moment, we can say that the Cloud usage is increasing and it is a good idea to learn cloud technologies in general, but particularly Azure because it is growing in popularity.

很难说Azure是否将成为领导者并超越AWS。 目前,我们可以说云的使用正在增加,并且一般而言,学习云技术是一个好主意,但尤其是Azure,因为它越来越流行。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/introduction-faqs-microsoft-azure-technologies/

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