k8s extender_Windows Home Server的Drive Extender的9种选择

k8s extender

k8s extender

Now that Microsoft has officially killed off the best part about Windows Home Server what can you do? Here are some alternatives for drive extender that you can use if you want to build a WHS of your own.

既然Microsoft正式取消了Windows Home Server的最佳功能,您该怎么办? 如果要构建自己的WHS,可以使用以下一些驱动器扩展器替代方案。

那么什么是驱动器扩展器? (So What Is Drive Extender?)

The idea of drive extender for Windows Home Server is you can have as many hard drives as you want and they all group together into the same pool of storage. This is similar to a RAID setup but drive extender had a few cards up it’s sleeve that made it invaluable for a NAS appliance.

Windows Home Server的驱动器扩展器的想法是,您可以根据需要拥有任意数量的硬盘驱动器,并且它们全部组合到同一个存储池中。 这类似于RAID设置,但驱动器扩展器的袖子上有几张卡,这使其成为NAS设备的无价之宝。

  • No special RAID controller or hardware was needed.

  • Hard drives did not have to match in size or manufacturer so you could literally take any hard drive and use it in your pool.

  • Hard drives used standard NTFS filesystems. If something bad happened, you could just pull out the drive and plug it into another computer to view and recover files.

    硬盘使用标准的NTFS文件系统。 如果出了点问题,您可以拔出驱动器并将其插入另一台计算机以查看和恢复文件。

There were some downsides to drive extender as well and version 2 for Windows Home Server “Vail” was supposed to fix most of those problems. However Microsoft ran into other problems with v2 and they did not see it in their best interest to continue maintaining the software.

驱动扩展器也有一些缺点,并且Windows Home Server“ Vail”的版本2应该可以解决大多数问题。 但是,Microsoft在v2中遇到了其他问题,他们认为继续维护该软件并不是最大的利益。

Windows Home Server had a few other benefits as a storage solution over a standard Windows installation but for many people, drive extender was the only reason to use the product. Now that Microsoft has killed it off, let’s look at some alternatives.

Windows Home Server作为存储解决方案比标准Windows安装还有其他一些好处,但是对于许多人来说,驱动器扩展器是使用该产品的唯一原因。 现在,微软已经将其杀死了,让我们看看一些替代方案。

I am not going to shy away from Linux alternatives in this list because in many cases Linux may be easier and better for the solution you are looking for. Linux has the benefit of being free, has lower hardware requirements, and if you are just looking for shared storage, 100% compatible with samba shares for Windows and OS X.

在此列表中,我不会回避Linux的替代方案,因为在许多情况下,对于您正在寻找的解决方案,Linux可能会更容易,更好。 Linux具有免费的优势,对硬件的要求更低,并且如果您正在寻找共享存储,则与Windows和OS X的samba共享100%兼容。

Windows替代 (Windows Alternatives)

Windows built-in software RAID – Windows has come with its own software RAID built into the OS since the Windows 2000 days. While this solution may not have the best performance, it doesn’t require any additional software and is supported by Microsoft. If you are looking to set up Windows software RAID check out our how-to article explaining the process.

Windows内置软件RAID –自Windows 2000以来,Windows便已在操作系统中内置了自己的软件RAID。 尽管此解决方案可能无法获得最佳性能,但它不需要任何其他软件,并且受Microsoft支持。 如果您要设置Windows软件RAID,请查看我们的方法文章以说明该过程。

Note: Software RAID options may not be available in all versions of Windows.


disParity –  disParity is a software RAID solution that is very minimalistic. It is completely command line driven which can be very good for some people and very scary for others. It will allow you to set up your data drives and then also keep a parity drive for recovery. It doesn’t quite group drives in a pool of information but more focuses on the recovery aspect of RAID.

disParityDisParity是一种非常简单的软件RAID解决方案。 它完全是命令行驱动的,对某些人可能非常有用,而对其他人则非常可怕。 它将允许您设置数据驱动器,然后保留奇偶校验驱动器以进行恢复。 它并没有将驱动器归为一组信息,而是更多地关注RAID的恢复方面。

FlexRAIDflexRAID, similar to disParity, focuses on the recovery abilities of RAID rather than the massive storage pool. It requires a parity drive, just like disParity, but it can be configured from a web page and runs as a Windows service. There are also instructions in their forums on setting up FlexRAID on an existing Windows Home Server if you already have one.

FlexRAIDflexRAIDdisParity相似,专注于RAID的恢复能力,而不是大型存储池。 像disParity一样,它需要奇偶校验驱动器,但是可以从网页进行配置并作为Windows服务运行。 如果您已经拥有Windows Home Server,则在他们的论坛中也有关于在现有Windows Home Server上设置FlexRAID的说明。

Linux替代品 (Linux Alternatives)

Logical Volume ManagementLVM provides a management layer to set up multiple disks spanning into one, dynamic resizing of volumes, and even hard drive replacements inside of a volume. As a matter of fact, LVM sounds like the perfect alternative for any Linux based WHS replacement and it comes with every major distribution. Be sure to check out our upcoming how-to on setting it up with Ubuntu Server.

逻辑卷管理LVM提供了一个管理层来设置多个磁盘,包括一个磁盘,动态调整卷大小,甚至替换卷内的硬盘驱动器。 实际上,LVM听起来像是任何基于Linux的WHS替代品的完美替代品,它随每个主要发行版一起提供。 请务必查看我们即将推出的使用Ubuntu Server进行设置的方法。

unRAID – Lime Tech, the company behind unRAID, provides DIY licenses to build your own setup as well as whole servers that can replace your current NAS. The DIY server is designed to run completely from a USB drive and has the flexibility of drive extender while also keeping the data recovery of RAID. The server is free if you have 3 or less hard drives and there are reasonable license costs for more drives. If you are looking for a quick overview on how it works check out Revision 3’s video.

unRAID -石灰技术,该公司背后unRAID ,提供DIY许可建立自己的设置,以及整体的服务器上,可以取代当前的NAS。 DIY服务器旨在完全从USB驱动器运行,并具有驱动器扩展器的灵活性,同时还可以保持RAID的数据恢复。 如果您拥有3个或更少的硬盘驱动器,并且免费提供更多驱动器,则服务器是免费的。 如果您想快速了解其工作原理,请查看修订版3的视频

MooseFSMooseFS is a bit more involved than the other solutions but it is much more flexible as well. All of the other solutions have relied on one machine with a lot of hard drives plugged in. MooseFS relies on a couple servers running management with a lot of other computers doing the storage. It is called a distributed filesystem and if you have Linux computers lying around your house this may be your best solution. Otherwise it probably is best to leave it for corporations and businesses.

MooseFSMooseFS比其他解决方案要复杂得多,但也更加灵活。 所有其他解决方案都依赖一台插入大量硬盘的计算机。MooseFS依赖于运行管理的几台服务器以及许多其他计算机进行存储。 它称为分布式文件系统,如果您的房屋周围有Linux计算机,这可能是最好的解决方案。 否则,最好将它留给公司和企业使用。

GlusterFSGluster is a lot like MooseFS above, and Ceph below, and is probably a bit of a bigger solution than you are looking for. Gluster is another distributed file system that doesn’t rely on one computer to do all the storage, but you will need at least one that is on all the time to host the shared volumes to your clients.

GlusterFSGluster与上面的MooseFS和下面的Ceph非常相似,并且可能是比您想要的解决方案更大的解决方案。 Gluster是另一种分布式文件系统,它不依赖一台计算机来完成所有存储,但是您将需要至少一个一直在运行的系统来将共享卷托管到客户端。

Beta选项 (Beta Options)

All of the options above are fully stable and at least somewhat mature options. There are a couple more options you may want to look at. Despite being beta releases, they have some features that the others may not incorporate.

以上所有选项都是完全稳定的,至少有些成熟。 您可能还需要查看其他几个选项。 尽管是beta版本,但它们具有某些其他功能可能未合并的功能。

GreyholeGreyhole project employs the JBOD approach to storage but along with local disks you can also mount and use remote filesystems in your storage pool. Unlike some other solutions that only create a storage pool or only focus on redundancy, greyhole can do both and is a great open source alternative to drive extender and folder duplication on WHS.

GreyholeGreyhole项目采用JBOD方法进行存储,但是与本地磁盘一起,您也可以在存储池中挂载和使用远程文件系统。 与仅创建存储池或仅关注冗余的其他解决方案不同,greyhole可以同时实现这两者,并且是在WHS上驱动扩展器和文件夹复制的绝佳开源替代方案。

CephCeph is a new distributed file system that is just now starting to make its way into the Linux kernel. While it is very similar to MoosFS and Gluster it boasts better performance, is based on BTRFS, and has a cool octopus logo. It is aimed to be use by businesses and isn’t ready for deployment yet, but so was WHS in a sense.

CephCeph是一个新的分布式文件系统,刚刚开始进入Linux内核。 尽管它与MoosFS和Gluster非常相似,但它具有更好的性能,它基于BTRFS,并且具有很酷的章鱼徽标。 它旨在供企业使用,尚未准备好进行部署,但从某种意义上说,WHS也是如此。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/36458/9-alternatives-for-windows-home-servers-drive-extender/

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### 回答1: visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 是一个文件的名称,它的文件格式为.msi,表示它是一Windows Installer安装包文件。具体来说,visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 是一个用于扩展和增强电子邮件服务器的工具。 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 是一个邮件服务器扩展工具,它提供了许多额外的功能和增强选项,用于改进和优化邮件服务器的性能和功能。特别是对于使用SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 协议的电子邮件服务器来说,Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 提供了更多的设置和配置选项,以便管理员可以更好地管理和控制邮件交互的过程。 visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 是该工具的安装包文件,适用于64位的Windows操作系统。要安装 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus,您可以下载并运行 visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 文件,按照安装向导的指示进行安装。安装完成后,您可以在邮件服务器的设置中找到 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 的配置界面,并根据您的需求进行设置和调整。 总之,visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 是一个用于增强和扩展邮件服务器功能的安装包文件,通过安装并配置 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus,您可以获得更多的选项和功能,以优化和提升邮件服务器的性能。 ### 回答2: visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi是一个软件安装包,它为Visendo SMTP Extender Plus提供了64位操作系统的支持。Visendo SMTP Extender Plus是一个用于Windows操作系统的电子邮件服务器应用程序,它可以扩展和增强现有的SMTP服务器功能。 通过安装visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi,用户可以将Visendo SMTP Extender Plus安装在64位操作系统上。与32位操作系统相比,64位操作系统可以更好地处理大量数据和更高的性能要求。因此,使用64位版本的Visendo SMTP Extender Plus可以提供更稳定和高效的邮件服务器服务。 此外,visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi还包含了Visendo SMTP Extender Plus在64位操作系统上所需的依赖项和必要文件。通过这个安装包,用户可以快速、方便地完成Visendo SMTP Extender Plus的安装,并开始使用强大的邮件服务器功能。 总的来说,visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi是一个用于64位操作系统的Visendo SMTP Extender Plus的安装包,它可以提供更好的性能和稳定性,扩展现有的SMTP服务器功能。 ### 回答3: visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 是一个安装文件,主要用于安装和扩展 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 的功能。Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 是一专业的 SMTP 邮件服务器解决方案,旨在提供高级的电子邮件传输和管理功能。 通过安装 visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi,可以将 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 的功能集成到现有的邮件服务器中。这将带来许多优势,例如快速和可靠的电子邮件传输、高级的安全性和稳定性。 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 包含了许多重要的功能,如反垃圾邮件过滤、电子邮件存档、电子邮件报告和监控等。这些功能可以提高邮件系统的效率,减少垃圾邮件的数量,并提供更好的管理工具。 visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 的安装过程相对简单,用户只需双击该文件,按照指示进行安装即可。在安装过程中,用户可以选择自定义安装选项以满足特定需求。 总之,visendosmtpextender_plus_x64.msi 是安装 Visendo SMTP Extender Plus 的文件,通过它可以增强邮件服务器的功能和性能,并提供更好的管理和安全性。




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