


On Christmas day, 2013, many delighted people opened up new Xbox and Playstation gifts. That excitement turned to disappointment when they were unable to log onto game services and play. Now the hacker responsible will spend 27 months in jail.

2013年圣诞节那天,许多高兴的人打开了Xbox和Playstation新礼物。 当他们无法登录游戏服务并玩游戏时,这种兴奋变成了失望。 现在,负责任的黑客将在监狱中度过27个月。

Austin Thompson is the worst kind of trendsetter. Back in 2013, many game services, whether it be Xbox, PlayStation, or Steam, were ill prepared for DDOS attacks. That fact became readily apparent when Thompson easily took down multiple services over the Christmas holiday break.

奥斯汀·汤普森(Austin Thompson)是最糟糕的潮流引领者。 早在2013年,许多游戏服务,无论是Xbox,PlayStation还是Steam,都为DDOS攻击做好了准备。 当汤普森在圣诞节假期期间轻松取消多项服务时,这一事实就变得显而易见。

Under the name DerpTrolling, the hacker took requests, made announcements of next targets, and then frequently brought another game service to its knees.


Others took notice and followed suit, DerpTrolling inspired Lizard Squad, Phantom Squad, and others, some of which set up DDOS-for-hire services.


Later in 2014, Federal Agents found and arrested Thompson. In late 2018 he pleaded guilty. Now the hacker has been sentenced to 27 months in prison and ordered to pay $95,000 in restitution. If you think 27 months doesn’t seem that long, keep in mind Thompson has been in jail since his arrest in 2014. [ZDNet]

2014年下半年,联邦特工找到并逮捕了汤普森。 在2018年末,他认罪。 现在,该黑客已被判处27个月监禁,并被要求支付95,000美元的赔偿金。 如果您认为27个月似乎还不够长,请记住,汤普森(Thompson)自2014年被捕以来一直在监狱里。 [ ZDNet ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • Superhuman Promises to turn off Super Tracking: Superhuman, an email app that comes with fancy features and a $30 a month price tag, had a tracking problem. By default, it injected a tracking pixel into every email sent out that would tell you how many times a person opened an email and that person’s location. It was overkill, and problematic, and thankfully, Superhuman is rolling the feature back. [TechCrunch]

    超人承诺关闭超级追踪:超人是一款电子邮件应用程序,具有精美功能和每月30美元的价格标签,但存在追踪问题。 默认情况下,它会向发送的每封电子邮件中添加一个跟踪像素该像素将告诉您一个人打开电子邮件的次数以及该人的位置。 这太过分了,而且有问题,值得庆幸的是,超人正在回滚该功能。 [ TechCrunch ]

  • You should really stop using your ISP Wi-Fi router: Confirming what we’ve been saying for years, ISP provided routers tend to be subpar at best and only cost you extra money in the long run. A study shows that ISP supplied routers were unable to achieve full speeds on 100 Mbps networks. Worse yet the 2.4 GHz bands lost speed at a distance at a faster pace than 5 GHz band, which defies all logic. [TechRadar]

    您应该真正停止使用ISP Wi-Fi路由器:确认我们多年来一直在说的话,ISP提供的路由器往往最好的情况是低于标准的,从长远来看只会花费您额外的钱。 一项研究表明,ISP提供的路由器无法在100 Mbps网络上实现全速。 更糟糕的是,2.4 GHz频段的速度损失远比5 GHz频段快,这违背了所有逻辑。 [ TechRadar ]

  • Apple may soon ditch its terrible keyboards:  When you consider all the recalls as of late, the MacBook’s sterling reputation is a little bit damaged. One of the biggest reasons is the terrible keyboard that tends to stick or break altogether. Now Apple may be planning to change to a better design. Unfortunately, we don’t have confirmation yet; this is still a rumor. But here’s hoping the rumor is true. [Engadget]

    苹果可能很快就会放弃其糟糕的键盘:当您考虑到最近的所有召回事件时,MacBook的纯正声誉受到了一点损害。 最大的原因之一是可怕的键盘容易完全粘住或折断。 现在,苹果可能正计划更改为更好的设计。 不幸的是,我们还没有确认。 这仍然是谣言。 但是这里希望这个谣言是真的。 [ Engadget ]

  • Samsung sued for allegedly misleading ads:  Samsung regularly touts its phones as water resistant. And they are, under the right conditions. If you drop many Samsung phones in fresh water and they don’t go deeper than 1.5 meters, the phones will likely be fine. But water resistance ratings doesn’t cover salt water or pool water scenarios, which is where Samsung shows its phones in ads. Now an Australian watchdog is suing the company, claiming the ads are misleading. [Slashgear]

    三星以涉嫌误导广告为由提起诉讼:三星经常称其手机具有防水功能。 而且它们处于正确的条件下。 如果将许多三星手机放在淡水中,并且它们的深度不超过1.5米,则这些手机可能会很好。 但是,防水等级并不涵盖盐水或游泳池用水的情况,这是三星在广告中展示其手机的地方。 现在,澳大利亚监管机构正在起诉该公司,称其广告具有误导性。 [ Slashgear ]

  • YouTube bans Infosec videos in a bid to ban hacking videos: Kody Kinzie, a co-founder of Hacker Interchange, was in for a rude surprise when he went to upload the latest video to the Cyber Weapons Lab channel. He couldn’t upload it: the channel had a strike for “teaching about hacking.” While the subject of hacking is covered, it’s not about how to do it illegally. Instead, it covers how to use hacking skills to protect against illegal uses. YouTube doesn’t see the distinction it seems. [The Verge]

    YouTube禁止Infosec视频,以禁止黑客入侵视频: Hacker Interchange的共同创始人Kody Kinzie在将最新视频上传到网络武器实验室频道时感到意外。 他无法上传:该频道罢工了“示教黑客”。 虽然涵盖了黑客攻击的主题,但它与非法操作无关。 相反,它涵盖了如何使用黑客技巧来防止非法使用。 YouTube似乎看不到这种区别。 [边缘]

  • User Inyerface is the worst—on purpose: A well-designed user interface is incredibly important. To drive that point home, design firm Bagaar created a site that features the most frustrating user interface you will ever use. If you manage to complete it (instead of tossing your keyboard at the wall), User Inyerface will reward you with a celebratory gif and show the time it took you to finish. Our best is 5:19. What can you do?  [Ars Technica]

    用户Inyerface的目的是最糟糕的:精心设计的用户界面非常重要。 为了将这一点带回家,设计公司Bagaar创建了一个站点,该站点具有您将要使用的最令人沮丧的用户界面。 如果您设法完成此操作(而不是在墙上扔键盘),用户Inyerface会为您提供庆祝gif的奖励,并显示完成该操作所花费的时间。 我们最好的时间是5:19。 你能做什么? [ Ars Technica ]

  • SwiftKey Beta adds its own take on Animoji: Apple’s Animoji is all the rage, but you need an iPhone from the X series to use them. Now Microsoft has its own version of Animoji called Puppets, and the company is showing them off in a beta of SwiftKey. The most impressive part is just about any Android phone can use them, no special kinect-like camera needed. [9to5Google]

    SwiftKey Beta在Animoji上添加了自己的特色: Apple的Animoji非常流行,但是您需要X系列的iPhone才能使用它们。 现在,微软拥有自己的Animoji版本,称为Puppets,该公司正在SwiftKey Beta版中对其进行展示。 最令人印象深刻的部分是几乎所有Android手机都可以使用它们,不需要特殊的类似kinect的相机。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Google’s upcoming camera app makes Night Sight easier to find: We think Google’s Night Sight is amazing. But one of the main problems with it is the feature is buried in a submenu which may make it hard to discover. An upcoming update will solve that by moving the Night Sight option to an easier to find location. Very nice. Now if we could just get it on non-Pixel phones… [XDA Developers]

    Google即将推出的相机应用程序使Night Sight更容易找到:我们认为Google的Night Sight很棒。 但是它的主要问题之一是该功能被埋在子菜单中,这可能使它难以发现。 即将发布的更新将通过将Night Sight选项移动到更容易找到的位置来解决此问题。 非常好。 现在,如果我们可以在非像素手机上使用它… [ XDA开发人员]

Bad news: too much exposure to sunlight is generally bad for you. Good news: the Earth does a decent job of protecting you from that damage (but wear your sunscreen).

坏消息:太多的阳光通常对您不利。 好消息:地球在保护您免受损害方面做得不错(但要戴上防晒霜)。

Astronauts, however, don’t get that protection when they’re in space. So we’ve always naturally assumed that astronauts are more likely to face cancer and heart disease thanks to that greater exposure to the Sun’s harmful rays.

但是,宇航员在太空中并不会获得这种保护。 因此,我们总是自然而然地认为,由于更多地暴露在太阳的有害射线下,宇航员更有可能面临癌症和心脏病。

But a new study suggests that may not necessarily be the case, at least for the short trips we’re currently taking to space. The study focused on over 400 astronauts and cosmonauts, and how they fared after their return to Earth. What scientists discovered is, despite the time spent in space, the spacefaring individuals haven’t contracted cancer or heart disease at a higher rate than the general populace.

但是一项新的研究表明,不一定如此,至少对于我们目前正在太空的短途旅行而言。 该研究的重点是400多名宇航员和宇航员,以及他们返回地球后的表现。 科学家发现,尽管在太空上花费了很多时间,但航天人员患癌症或心脏病的比率并没有比普通民众高。

But the study doesn’t make clear if it controlled for the better healthcare astronauts and cosmonauts are likely to receive, and it cautions that all things considered our trips are short. A trip to Mars and back will be much longer, and thus more likely to be damaging. [Gizmodo]

但是该研究并不清楚是否控制了更好的医疗保健宇航员和宇航员,并且警告说所有考虑我们旅行的事情都是短暂的。 往返火星的旅程将更长,因此更有可能造成破坏。 [ Gizmodo ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-game-service-hacker-sentenced-to-27-months-in-prison/






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