


Golden Globes Awards
Gil C / Shutterstock 吉尔·C / Shutterstock

As the 77th annual Golden Globes Awards approach, you may be wondering how to watch it without paying a cable bill. These streaming services are the best way to watch the awards show tonight if you cut the cord.

随着第77届年度金球奖颁奖典礼的临近,您可能想知道如何观看而无需支付电费。 如果您切断电源线,这些流媒体服务是今晚观看颁奖典礼的最佳方式。

The annual Golden Globes Awards takes place on Sunday, January 5 at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT. The award show is hosted on NBC’s channel, so you’ll be able to watch it all unfold right from there. If you’re a cordcutter, you might be looking for a way to watch it without cable.

年度金球奖颁奖典礼于1月5日星期日,美国东部时间晚上8点/太平洋时间下午5点举行。 颁奖晚会是在NBC的频道上主持,因此您可以立即观看所有节目。 如果您是剪线钳,则可能正在寻找一种无需电缆即可观看的方法。

Here are some streaming services you can use to stream the Golden Globes.


E! 新闻 (E! News)

E! News Golden Globes

If you’re looking for constant updates from nominees to the best dressed, E! News is the place to go. The channel has a video stream going on all day on its website with information and opinions on the entire awards show. E! News will also look back on past years and form some thoughts on what may happen this year. If that’s right up your alley, then this is the site to choose this year.

如果您正在寻找从提名人到最佳着装的不断更新, E! 新闻是必去之地。 该频道全天都在其网站上播放视频流,其中包含有关整个颁奖晚会的信息和意见。 E! 新闻还将回顾过去的几年,并对今年可能发生的事情形成一些想法。 如果这对您来说很合适,那么这是今年要选择的网站。 (

You can watch the awards show right from the broadcaster that’s hosting it on or the NBC app. With the website or app, you can stream shows without having to sign into a TV provider. However, if you do have one, you can link your account and get more content than you would have without one. Either way, you can enjoy the Golden Globes through the website or mobile app.

您可以直接从NBC.comNBC应用托管的广播公司观看颁奖典礼。 使用该网站或应用程序,您无需登录电视提供商即可流媒体播放节目。 但是,如果您确实拥有一个帐户,则可以链接您的帐户并获得比没有一个帐户时更多的内容。 无论哪种方式,您都可以通过网站或移动应用程序欣赏“金球奖”。

YouTube电视 (YouTube TV)

YouTube TV

YouTube TV is another option that you can use to get the Golden Globes right in your home. For $50 a month, you can have access to channels like NBC and ABC so that you can catch any awards shows your heart may desire. YouTube TV is currently offering a free two-week trial until the 15th of January to help ensure that you’ll want to keep this all year round. After the 15th, it will be back to the usual five-day free trial, so you can still test the streaming service out.

YouTube电视是您可以用来在家中放置“金球奖”的另一种选择。 每月仅需$ 50,您就可以访问NBC和ABC等频道,以便获得心中渴望的任何奖项。 YouTube电视目前提供免费的为期两周的试用期,直到1月15日为止,以帮助确保您全年都保持这一状态。 15日之后,它将恢复为通常的五天免费试用,因此您仍然可以测试流媒体服务。

Hulu Live (Hulu Live)

Hulu logo

For $55 per month, you can try out Hulu Live to stream all of the shows and movies that you can enjoy. With channels like CBS, NBC, and ABC, there isn’t an award show you’ll miss this year. You’ll get coverage of the entire event without having to deal with the hassle of a cable bill. Plus, your first month of Hulu Live is free, so you can truly get the feel of it at no cost.

每月只需​​$ 55,您就可以试用Hulu Live ,流式播放所有您可以欣赏的节目和电影。 借助CBS,NBC和ABC之类的频道,今年不会错过任何颁奖典礼。 您无需涉及电缆账单的麻烦,就可以覆盖整个事件。 另外,Hulu Live的第一个月是免费的,因此您可以真正免费获得它的感觉。

AT&T TV现在 (AT&T TV Now)


AT&T TV Now brings you tons of fantastic channels without needing a cable TV provider. For $65 per month, you can bring in all your favorite award shows right to your living room. This bundle includes NBC, ABC, and CBS as well as HBO, for something to do between shows. It’s a great deal, and you can try it out for a week at no cost to you.

AT&T TV Now无需有线电视提供商即可为您带来大量精彩的频道。 每月只需​​$ 65,您就可以将自己喜欢的所有颁奖典礼带到您的客厅。 该节目包包括NBC,ABC和CBS以及HBO,用于在演出之间进行操作。 这很重要,您可以免费试用一周。

吊装电视 (Sling TV)

Sling TV

Sling TV is the perfect choice for someone who doesn’t want to pay a lot to cut the cords out of their life. To get the NBC channels, you’ll have to select either Sling Blue or Sling Orange and Blue to pick those up. Sling Blue is $20 for the first month and $30 every month after, while Sling Orange and Blue is $35 for the first month and $45 after that. You’ll be able to stream the Golden Globes and any other future award shows with less of a cost than the alternatives.

Sling TV是不想为自己的生活花费很多金钱的人的理想选择。 要获取NBC频道,您必须选择Sling Blue或Sling Orange和Blue来进行选择。 Sling Blue首月收费20美元,之后每个月30美元,而Sling Orange和Blue首月收费35美元,之后每月45美元。 您将能够以比其他方式更少的费用流式传输“金球奖”和未来的任何其他奖项。

fuboTV (fuboTV)


Last but not least, we have fuboTV as another wonderful choice for all your awards show entertainment. For $60 a month, you can stream all of your award show fun with NBC and E! News. It offers a seven-day trial as well, so you can get the hang of things by the time the next show comes around.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们将fuboTV作为您所有颁奖晚会娱乐节目的另一个绝佳选择。 每月只需​​60美元,您就可以与NBC和E一起畅享所有颁奖晚会的乐趣! 新闻。 它还提供了为期7天的试用期,因此您可以在下一场演出到来之前掌握一切。

With tons of choices for streaming all things Golden Globes, you’ll be able to see the red carpet fashion as well as all of the category winners. It’ll feel like you’re right in the audience as the winners get announced, and it will make the excitement at home even more magical.

拥有大量流式传输所有内容的金球奖的选择,您将能够看到红地毯时尚以及所有类别的获胜者。 当获奖者被宣布时,感觉就像您在观众席中一样,这将使在家中的兴奋更加神奇。



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