


DSLRs and mirrorless cameras have a lot of buttons. If you’re just starting to get the hang of manually controlling your camera, you’re probably wondering what all the—seemingly non-essential—ones do. Let’s take a look at the AE-L, AF-L, AF-ON, and * buttons.

单反相机和无反光镜相机有很多按钮。 如果您刚开始掌握手动控制摄像机的功能,那么您可能想知道所有这些(看似不必要的)功能都在做什么。 让我们看一下AE-L,AF-L,AF-ON和*按钮。

AE-L或*按钮 (The AE-L or * Buttons)

The AE-L and * buttons are the same. It’s just that Nikon and Sony use AE-L and Canon, inexplicably, uses the asterisk symbol. The AE stands for “Automatic Exposure,” and the L stands for “Lock.” In other words, when you press it, whatever exposure settings your camera currently has selected are locked until you take a picture or release the shutter button fully.

AE-L和*按钮相同。 只是尼康和索尼使用AE-L,而佳能则使用星号符号。 AE代表“自动曝光”,L代表“锁定”。 换句话说,当您按下它时,相机当前选择的任何曝光设置都会被锁定,直到您拍摄照片或完全释放快门按钮为止。

This is incredibly useful if you’re working in one of the semi-manual modes like Aperture Priority or Shutter Speed priority. For example, if you’re trying to take a silhouette photo or working in a tricky lighting situation. Here’s what to do:

如果您在半手动模式(例如光圈优先或快门速度优先)中的一种下工作,这将非常有用。 例如,如果您要拍摄剪影照片在光线不佳的情况下工作。 这是做什么的:

  • Select whatever metering mode you think will work best.


  • Half-press the shutter button to start your camera’s meter.

  • Focus your camera on whatever object in the scene will give you the exposure you want. If you’re shooting a silhouette, meter off the bright background if you want your subject well exposed despite a bright backlight, meter off their face, and so on.

    将相机对准场景中的任何物体,即可获得所需的曝光。 如果要拍摄剪影,请在明亮的背光下测光明亮的背景,并在测光的情况下测光。
  • Hold the AE-L button (Nikon) or press the * button (Canon) to lock the exposure settings. Keep your finger half-pressed on the shutter button.

    按住AE-L按钮(Nikon)或按*按钮(Canon)锁定曝光设置。 保持半按快门按钮。
  • Recompose the image how you want; the exposure settings won’t change. Press the shutter button fully to take the photo.

    根据需要重新构图; 曝光设置不会改变。 完全按下快门按钮拍摄照片。

If you don’t want to go fully manual, the AE-Lock button is a really handy tool to use.


AF-L按钮 (The AF-L Button)

Some cameras also have an AF-L button or the AE-L button may also double as one. The AF stands for “Auto Focus;” the L still stands for “Lock.”

某些相机还具有AF-L按钮,或者AE-L按钮也可能加倍。 AF代表“自动对焦”。 L仍然代表“锁定”。

Pressing the AF-Lock button locks the autofocus to where it’s currently set. This is useful for situations where you want to focus on a particular subject, but there isn’t an autofocus point where you need it.

按AF锁定按钮可将自动对焦锁定到当前设置的位置。 这在您要聚焦于特定主题但没有自动聚焦点的情况下很有用

The reason most cameras don’t have an AF-lock button, however, is that the shutter button doubles as one when you’re in Single Autofocus mode. Once you half-press the shutter button and it finds focus, it stays locked. The AF-lock button, then, is only useful if you’re using Continuous or Hybrid autofocus modes.

但是,大多数相机没有AF锁定按钮的原因是,在单次自动对焦模式下,快门按钮会加倍。 半按快门按钮找到焦点后,它将保持锁定状态。 然后,仅当您使用连续或混合自动对焦模式时,AF锁定按钮才有用。

AF-ON按钮 (The AF-ON Button)

The AF-ON button does the opposite to the AF-L button: it turns autofocus on. This is used by a lot of professionals with a technique called “back button autofocusing.”

AF-ON按钮的作用与AF-L按钮相反:它打开自动对焦。 许多专业人员都使用这种技术,称为“后退按钮自动对焦”。

Back button autofocusing involves setting your camera up so that the shutter button no longer controls autofocus. Instead, autofocus is only activated when you hold the AF-ON button on the back of the camera. This gives you much more control over how autofocus behaves—although it makes your camera slightly fiddlier to use.

后退按钮自动对焦涉及设置相机,以便快门按钮不再控制自动对焦。 取而代之的是,只有在按住相机背面的AF-ON按钮时才会激活自动对焦。 这使您可以更好地控制自动对焦的行为,尽管这会使您的相机使用起来更加灵活。

The automatic exposure lock, autofocus lock, and AF-ON buttons all give you a level of manual control over your camera’s automatic functions. If you want to master your camera, you need to know how to use them.

自动曝光锁定,自动对焦锁定和AF-ON按钮都使您可以对相机的自动功能进行一定程度的手动控制。 如果您想精通相机,则需要知道如何使用它们。

How exactly they behave can normally be changed in your camera’s settings. For example, you can change the behavior of Nikon’s AE-L/AF-L button so that it locks both focus and exposure (the default), just focus, or just exposure.

通常,可以在相机的设置中更改它们的行为。 例如,您可以更改尼康的AE-L / AF-L按钮的行为,以使其同时锁定焦点和曝光(默认),仅锁定焦点或仅锁定曝光。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396561/what-are-the-ae-l-af-l-and-buttons-and-what-do-they-do/


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