keep-alive使用_如何使用Google Keep进行无忧笔记



There are a lot of note-taking apps out there. Google Keep may not be as powerful as services like Evernote, but its value is in its simplicity. Let’s talk about how to make the most of it.

那里有很多笔记应用程序。 Google Keep可能不如Evernote等服务强大,但其价值在于其简单性。 让我们谈谈如何充分利用它。

什么是Google Keep? (What Is Google Keep?)

Keep is a free-form note-taking app. When Keep was first announced back in 2013, there were a lot of conversations on whether or not we needed another note-taking app. People made comparisons to Evernote and other similar services. But in the end, Keep is its own thing. It’s simple where it matters, but Keep still offers enough features to make it powerful.

Keep是一种自由格式的笔记应用程序。 当Keep在2013年首次发布时,就我们是否需要另一个笔记应用程序进行了很多讨论。 人们对Evernote和其他类似服务进行了比较。 但最后,Keep是它自己的事情。 它很重要,很简单,但是Keep仍然提供足够的功能使其强大。

Keep is also prolific. You can use it on the web, so it’s available on all your computers, and there are also Android and iOS apps. Since it’s a Google product, Keep syncs to your Google account, so it’s always up-to-date regardless of which device you’re using it on. There’s also a Chrome extension to make it easy to add things to keep as you find them.

保持也是多产的。 您可以在网络上使用它,因此可以在所有计算机上使用它,并且还有AndroidiOS应用程序。 由于它是Google产品,因此Keep会同步到您的Google帐户,因此无论您在哪个设备上使用它,它都始终是最新的。 还有一个Chrome扩展程序,可让您轻松添加要保存的内容。

I’ve been using Keep since the beginning, and I currently use it almost every day. Here’s a quick look at some of the things I personally use Keep for:

从一开始我就一直使用Keep,目前几乎每天都在使用它。 快速浏览一下我个人使用Keep的一些功能:

  • Grocery List: This is probably one of the most common reasons people use Keep. And it’s a damn good one.

    杂货清单:这可能是人们使用Keep的最常见原因之一。 这是该死的好人。

  • Meal Planning: This goes hand-in-hand with the grocery thing, but it’s not the same. This is where my wife and I plan meals for the following weeks, so we know what groceries to buy.

    用餐计划:这与杂货店的计划相辅相成,但这并不相同。 这是我和妻子计划在接下来的几周里用餐的地方,因此我们知道要买什么杂货。

  • Work Ideas: When it comes to keeping track of things to write about, Keep is absolutely invaluable to me. I have two lists: one for ideas I need to research, and one for ideas I need to pitch to my editor.

    工作思路:当要跟踪要写的东西时,Keep对我来说绝对是无价之宝。 我有两个清单:一个是我需要研究的想法,另一个是我需要向编辑推荐的想法。

  • Random Notes to Remember: My wife and I have recently been looking for a house to buy, so we kept a checklist of things to look at while we were at each one. This way we never forgot to look at the water heater or roof. Similarly, we have a list of things we’ll need to buy for said house. If I need any sort of random list—both short or long-term—Keep is where it goes.

    需要记住的随机注释:我和我的妻子最近一直在寻找要购买的房屋,因此我们保留了一份清单,列出了每人时要看的东西。 这样,我们就永远不会忘记看热水器或屋顶。 同样,我们列出了需要为上述房屋购买的物品清单。 如果我需要任何类型的随机列表(短期或长期列表),那么保持就行了。

  • A Holding Pen Between Devices: Since Keep syncs to my Google account, I often copy/paste things between devices this way. If I need to get a piece of text from my computer to my phone (or vice versa), Keep is the place to do it. When I’m done, I just delete the note.

    设备之间的握笔:由于Keep会同步到我的Google帐户,因此我经常以这种方式在设备之间复制/粘贴内容。 如果我需要从计算机到手机上获取一段文字(反之亦然),则可以使用Keep来完成。 完成后,我只删除笔记。

Now that you have an idea of some of the ways you can use Keep, let’s take a closer look at how you can make the most of it.


用颜色标记您的笔记 (Color Code Your Notes)

As you use Keep, it can start to get cluttered with all sorts of notes. If you leave everything the default white color, it can be a real pain to sort through and find what you’re looking for. There’s a search feature, but if you keep things organized from the beginning, it makes life a lot easier.

使用Keep时,它可能开始变得杂乱无章。 如果你把一切都默认的白色,也可以是一个真正的痛苦,以通过排序,找到你要找的内容。 有一个搜索功能,但是如果您从一开始就将事情整理得井井有条,它将使生活变得更加轻松。

Since Keep lets you change the color of notes, this is a great way to keep things organized. For example, you could make all your work-related notes blue, food-related lists green, and hobby-based notes red. So when you need to quickly find something related to work, you could scroll through and quickly glance at all the blue notes. It’s simple.

由于Keep可让您更改笔记的颜色,因此这是使事情井井有条的好方法。 例如,您可以将所有与工作相关的笔记设为蓝色,将与食物相关的列表设为绿色,将基于爱好的笔记设为红色。 因此,当您需要快速找到与工作相关的内容时,可以滚动浏览并快速浏览所有的蓝色笔记。 这很简单。

To change the color of a note on the web, open the note, and then click the palate icon at the bottom.


On mobile, tap the three dots in the lower right corner, and then select one of the colors at the bottom.


标记您的笔记 (Label Your Notes)

But wait, there’s more! You can also add labels to keep your notes organized, and if you have a lot of notes, a good labeling system can be a lifesaver.

但是,等等,还有更多! 您还可以添加标签以使笔记保持井井有条,如果您有很多笔记,那么良好的标签系统可以节省很多时间。

In the main Keep menu, just tap “Edit” next to the labels option. Here you can add, edit, or remove labels needed.

在主“保留”菜单中,只需点击标签选项旁边的“编辑”。 您可以在此处添加,编辑或删除所需的标签。

To add labels to your notes, you can tap the menu button on the note, and then choose the “Add label” option. You can also just type a hashtag directly in the note to open the labels menu. Easy peasy.

要将标签添加到笔记中,您可以点击笔记上的菜单按钮,然后选择“添加标签”选项。 您也可以直接在注释中输入主题标签以打开标签菜单。 十分简单。

The real beauty of labels is that you can you can view all notes with the same label as a sort of collection, making it really easy to browse through related notes. Here, for example, we’re browsing through my Guitars and Music label. Notice that they’re all color coded, too.

标签的真正优点在于,您可以查看具有相同标签的所有便笺,以作为一种收藏集,从而使浏览相关便笺变得非常容易。 例如,在这里,我们正在浏览我的吉他和音乐标签。 请注意,它们也都采用了颜色编码。

使用复选框进行列表 (Use Check Boxes for Lists)

If you’re using Keep for lists—be it a to-do list, grocery list, or some other type of point-by-point list—using check boxes makes things easier to read, and you can check items off as they’re completed.


There are two different ways to create a list with check boxes. You can either use the “New List” button, or add check boxes after the fact by tapping the “+” button and then choosing the “Show checkboxes” option.

有两种创建带有复选框的列表的方法。 您可以使用“新建列表”按钮,也可以在事实之后添加复选框,方法是点按“ +”按钮,然后选择“显示复选框”选项。

From that point forward, just tick these boxes as you’ve completed the items to move them to the bottom of the list. You can also hide or show them by clicking/tapping the little arrow.

从那时起,只需在完成项目后勾选这些框即可将它们移到列表的底部。 您也可以通过单击/点击小箭头来隐藏或显示它们。

If at any point you want to remove the checkboxes, uncheck all items, or delete the checked items, you can do that by tapping the three dots beside the list name on mobile or clicking the menu button on the web. From there, all the available list options show up.

如果您想随时删除复选框,取消选中所有项目或删除选中的项目,则可以通过在移动设备上点击列表名称旁边的三个点或在网络上单击菜单按钮来实现。 从那里,将显示所有可用的列表选项。

分享您的笔记和列表,以便轻松协作 (Share Your Notes and Lists for Easy Collaboration)

Shared lists are paramount for helping teams or families stay organized. To share a list, tap the menu button on mobile, and then choose the “Collaborator” option.

共享列表对于帮助团队或家庭保持组织秩序至关重要。 要共享列表,请点击移动设备上的菜单按钮,然后选择“协作者”选项。

On the web, just click the “Collaborator” button.


From there, enter the person’s email address, and away you go. Keep sends them a notification and automatically adds the note to their Keep. It’s cool.

在此输入该人的电子邮件地址,然后您便离开了。 Keep会向他们发送通知,并自动将注释添加到其Keep中。 这个很酷。

Also, if you have a Google Play Family Plan, you can share notes with your Family Group in one tap. This is awesome for families who want to stay organized.

另外,如果您有Google Play家庭计划,则可以一键式与家庭小组共享笔记。 对于想要保持井井有条的家庭来说,这真是太棒了。

使用提醒 (Use Reminders)

You may use another app to keep reminders, but if you’d like to keep all your to-dos, lists, notes, and reminders in one place, Keep can do it for you. Just open the main menu on the sidebar, and then choosing “Reminders” option.

您可以使用其他应用来保存提醒,但是如果您想将所有待办事项,列表,注释和提醒都保存在一个地方,Keep可以为您做到。 只需打开侧栏上的主菜单,然后选择“提醒”选项即可。

Adding a new reminder is almost identical to adding a new note: open the note box, give it a title, and add some text. The main difference here is that you can also choose a reminder time.

添加新的提醒与添加新的注释几乎相同:打开注释框,为其命名,然后添加一些文本。 这里的主要区别是您还可以选择提醒时间。

From there, it’s pretty self-explanatory. Keep reminds you when the time comes, and the rest is up to you.

从那里开始,这很不言自明。 当时间到了时,Keep会提醒您,其余的一切都取决于您。

Keep also adds this reminder to your Google Calendar, which is a nice touch. But if you do that, you’ll probably get double notifications.

Keep还会将此提醒添加到您的Google日历中,这很不错。 但是,如果这样做,您可能会收到双重通知。

将语音备忘录,图像或笔输入添加到笔记中 (Add Voice Memos, Images, or Pen Input to Your Notes)

Sometimes you need more than just typed words. For those times, you can also add images, draw pictures (or write words), and even add voice memos (mobile apps only).

有时,您不仅需要输入文字。 在那些时候,您还可以添加图像,绘制图片(或写单词),甚至添加语音备忘录(仅适用于移动应用)。

To do any of these things in a new note, use the buttons on the bottom bar (on the web, the “Drawing” option is hidden behind the “More” button):


To add any of those things to an existing note, tap the “+” button at the bottom, and then choose the appropriate entry.

要将这些内容添加到现有笔记中,请点击底部的“ +”按钮,然后选择适当的条目。

If you jot some text down using the “drawing” function, you can also ask Keep to transcribe it by using the top menu button, and then selecting the “Grab Image Text” option.


It will take a few minutes, but it generally does a pretty legit job.


Similarly, if you add a voice note, Keep will automatically transcribe it. That’s awesome.

同样,如果您添加语音注释,Keep会自动将其转录。 棒极了。

Eh, that’s close enough.

自定义您的保留设置 (Customize Your Keep Settings)

Keep doesn’t have a lot of options in its Settings menu, but what it does have is pretty useful. To access these options, open the main menu, and then click or tap the “Settings” option.

Keep的“设置”菜单中没有很多选项,但是它确实很有用。 要访问这些选项,请打开主菜单,然后单击或点击“设置”选项。

Here, you can change the way lists function by choosing whether newly-added items appear at the top or bottom. You also can choose whether checked items are moved to the bottom or remain in their current place on the list.

在这里,您可以通过选择新添加的项目显示在顶部还是底部来更改列表功能。 您还可以选择将选中的项目移至底部还是保留在列表中的当前位置。

Similarly, you can customize specific times for reminders, though the default options are really pretty good.


Finally, you can enable or disable sharing, as well as rich link previews. The latter basically adds a preview snippet and thumbnail image to any links you add to Keep, which can take up a lot of space.

最后,您可以启用或禁用共享以及富链接预览。 后者基本上会将预览代码段和缩略图图像添加到添加到Keep的任何链接中,这会占用很多空间。

使用Android Wear应用程序更快访问 (Use the Android Wear App for Even Quicker Access)

Okay, this one is sort of niche given that Android Wear isn’t as popular as Google would like for it to be. But if you are an Android Wear user, you should really get Keep on your watch!

好的,鉴于Android Wear并不像Google所希望的那样流行,因此这是一种利基市场。 但是,如果您Android Wear用户,则应该真正留意自己的手表!

This is such a great way to keep an eye on a list when, say, grocery shopping. You can look at list and check things off as you go. It even works in ambient mode, so you won’t drain your watch battery while keeping the list easily accessible.

这是在杂货店购物时密切关注清单的好方法。 您可以查看列表并随时检查。 它甚至可以在环境模式下工作,因此在保持列表易于访问的同时,您不会消耗手表电池的电量。

But here’s the thing: you won’t find Keep in the Play Store for Wear if you search for it. Instead, you have to open the Play Store on your watch, and then scroll down to the “Apps on your phone” section. That’s where you’ll find it—just install it from there.

但这就是问题:如果您进行搜索,您将不会在Play商店中找到Keep for Wear。 相反,您必须在手表上打开Play商店,然后向下滚动到“手机上的应用”部分。 在那可以找到它-从那里安装它。

Note: The above instructions are for Android Wear 2.0 only. If you’re using a pre-2.0 device, Keep should automatically sync from your phone.

注意:以上说明仅适用于Android Wear 2.0。 如果您使用的是2.0之前的设备,则Keep应该会自动从手机同步。

Keep is simple. It doesn’t have a full-fledged text editor like Evernote, but it’s powerful enough for simple notes. It’s great for lists, and for jotting down quick ideas. The shared lists work great for a family, and the color-coding and label systems keep things clean and organized. If you haven’t given Keep a shot before now and are looking for a new way to get organized, give it a try. And if you already use it, hopefully this list will help you make better use of everything Keep has to offer.

保持很简单。 它没有像Evernote这样的功能强大的文本编辑器,但是它的功能足以应付简单的笔记。 这对于列表和记下快速想法非常有用。 共享列表非常适合家庭使用,并且颜色编码和标签系统使内容整洁有序。 如果您没有在此之前保持关注,并正在寻找一种新的组织方式,请尝试一下。 并且,如果您已经使用过它,希望该列表将帮助您更好地利用Keep提供的所有功能。



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