智能手机丢失 数据安全_丢失智能手机时该怎么办

智能手机丢失 数据安全

智能手机丢失 数据安全


Phones get stolen or lost everyday. With a plethora of data ripe for identity-theft on it, a lost phone can easily make your blood run cold. Take a deep breath, How-To Geek will talk you through this.

手机每天都会被盗或丢失。 随着大量用于身份盗用的数据的成熟,丢失的手机很容易使您的血液发冷。 深吸一口气,How-To Geek会通过这个告诉你。

It happened to me just last week. My iPhone 4 hadn’t left my sight in the year that I had it, but one tiny 5-second window of opportunity was all it took for a thief to snatch it up. Luckily for me, I was prepared enough to not worry about someone stealing my private information, but I knew I wasn’t seeing that phone ever again. If this happens to you, or you’re just prone to losing your phone, taking some precautionary steps will do you a world of good, but even if you weren’t entirely prepared, there may still be something you can do. Let’s look at the process step by step.

就在上周发生在我身上。 我的iPhone 4在我拥有它的那一年没有离开我的视线,但一个小小的5秒钟的机会之窗就是小偷抢走它所需要的一切。 对我来说幸运的是,我已经准备好了,不用担心有人窃取我的私人信息,但是我知道我再也不会见到那部电话了。 如果这种情况发生在您身上,或者您只是容易丢失手机,采取一些预防措施将为您带来很多好处,但是即使您还没有做好充分的准备,仍然可以做一些事情。 让我们逐步看一下该过程。

(Images by AndWat and davestone)

( AndWatdavestone的图片)

步骤1:采取的预防措施和优先采取的行动 (Step 1: Precautions to Take & First Resort Actions)

Keeping Your Data Safe


I have a few friends who lose their phones a lot. A simple step you can take is to make your lock-screen wallpaper your contact information – like your name, work info, an alternate phone number, and email – so if an honest person finds your phone they know how to get it back to you. Depending on where you are, this may be more or less likely to happen, but it definitely won’t hurt as long as you don’t leave extremely sensitive information (like your home address) available for those without good intentions.

我有几个朋友,很多手机丢失了。 您可以采取的简单步骤是使锁屏墙纸成为您的联系信息(例如您的姓名,工作信息,备用电话号码和电子邮件),因此,如果一个诚实的人找到您的电话,他们就会知道如何将其找回。 根据您所在的位置,可能会或多或少地发生这种情况,但是,只要您不给没有好意的人提供极其敏感的信息(例如家庭住址),它就绝对不会受到伤害。


(Image by courtneyBolton)


A little bit of precaution can go a long way towards safety, however. Android and iOS both have options for passcode-locking, and you can enable automatic wiping of your phone after several failed attempts. Even without this last option on, most thieves aren’t savvy enough to figure out how to bypass the locking mechanisms and access your data, so they’ll probably try to restore/reset your phone to factory defaults. This is a pretty solid measure you can take to prevent someone from getting into your phone and stealing data right away, but it also decreases the likelihood of you getting your phone back.

但是,采取一些预防措施可以大大提高安全性。 Android和iOS都有密码锁定选项,您可以在几次尝试失败后启用自动擦除手机功能。 即使没有启用此最后一个选项,大多数盗贼也不足以弄清楚如何绕过锁定机制并访问您的数据,因此他们可能会尝试将手机恢复/重置为出厂默认设置。 您可以采取这种非常可靠的措施来防止某人立即进入您的手机并窃取数据,但这也降低了您取回手机的可能性。

Locating Your iOS or Android Device


If you have a newer Apple device and you’re updated to iOS 4.2.1 or later, then you can use the Find My iPhone feature for free without a MobileMe subscription. Once you have it installed, you can log in online and see where your phone is via its GPS coordinates. GadgetTrak is a $3.99 solution that can take photos of your thief and email them back to you in addition to the Find My iPhone features.

如果您有更新的Apple设备,并且已更新至iOS 4.2.1或更高版本,则无需MobileMe订阅即可免费使用“查找我的iPhone”功能。 安装后,您可以在线登录并通过GPS坐标查看手机的位置。 GadgetTrak是一款3.99美元的解决方案,除了“查找我的iPhone”功能外,还可以为您的小偷拍照并通过电子邮件将其发送回给您。


(Image by bizmac)

(图片由bizmac )

Jailbroken iOS products have Cylay, which does the same stuff as Find My iPhone and GadgetTrak, but can utilize commands received by text message (which are cloaked and hidden from the thief). iGotYa originally made a lot of waves in the jailbreak community because it had two unique features: the ability to take and send pictures of the thief, and a “fake-out” mode. This latter mode allowed the thief access to the device so that they’d be less likely to wipe or restore it right away, thus giving you more time to track and find him or her. It’s a bit of a gamble, considering they may be able to get your personal information, but you can also combine this with other recovery methods if your paranoia gets the better of you later on.

越狱的iOS产品具有Cylay ,其功能与“查找我的iPhone”和“ GadgetTrak”相同,但可以利用文本消息接收到的命令(被掩盖并隐藏在小偷中)。 iGotYa最初在越狱社区引起了广泛关注,因为它具有两个独特的功能:可以拍摄和发送小偷的照片,以及“伪造”模式。 后一种模式允许小偷访问设备,这样他们就不太可能立即擦除或恢复设备,从而使您有更多时间来跟踪和查找他(她)。 考虑到他们也许能够获取您的个人信息,这有点赌博,但是如果您的偏执症以后变得更好,您也可以将其与其他恢复方法结合使用。


Android users have tons of options, too. Wheres My Droid is a good option. You can text your phone with a pre-arranged code-word and it will automatically turn on the GPS and send its coordinates and/or start the ringtone at full volume (regardless of volume/silent settings). Lookout is an antivirus and security app that offers a similar functionality to Wheres My Droid. The premium version lets you wipe your phone remotely, too. Some people have replicated these functions using Tasker instead of using apps or services. Actually, I recently found out that many Motorola devices like the Atrix use a version of MotoBlur that has a built-in “remote wipe” command, so you may not even need an extra app if your manufacturer has added this to your phone.

Android用户也有很多选择。 My Droid哪里是一个不错的选择。 您可以使用预先安排的代码字向手机发送短信,手机会自动打开GPS并发送其坐标和/或以全音量启动铃声(无论音量/静音设置如何)。 Lookout是一款防病毒和安全应用程序,提供与Wheres My Droid类似的功能。 高级版还允许您远程擦除手机。 有些人已经使用Tasker而不是应用程序或服务来复制这些功能。 实际上,我最近发现,许多摩托罗拉设备(例如Atrix)都使用具有内置“远程擦除”命令的MotoBlur版本,因此,如果制造商将其添加到手机中,则可能甚至不需要额外的应用程序。


The makers of Lookout also make another app called Plan B. The beauty of Plan B is that you can install it even after your phone is gone and it will send you tracking updates with GPS coordinates by email. It’s also free, so there’s no reason not to try it.

Lookout的制造商还制作了另一个名为Plan B的应用程序。 计划B的优点在于,即使您的手机不见了,您也可以安装它,它将通过电子邮件向您发送GPS坐标跟踪更新。 它也是免费的,因此没有理由不尝试。

Lastly, there are services you can use. StuffBak (now ReturnMe) offers a way for someone who found your lost device to send it back to you safely and without a cost to them. You can even include a reward for the other person to sweeten the deal for them. Prey is an open-source project for Android phones and computers that will keep track of them for you, send you a picture of your thief, delete sensitive data, and more. There’s Linux compatibility, too, in case you run Ubuntu or Debian on your laptop. It’s definitely a great service and has a free option that works pretty well. Pro plans start at $5 a month (for up to 3 devices) and give you more features, like SSL encryption, and “Active” mode, and more reports per device.

最后,还有可以使用的服务。 StuffBak (现在称为ReturnMe)为发现您丢失的设备的人提供了一种安全地将其发送回您的方式,而无需花任何钱。 您甚至可以为其他人提供奖励,以帮助他们达成交易。 Prey是Android手机和计算机的开源项目,可以为您跟踪它们,向您发送小偷的图片,删除敏感数据等。 如果您在笔记本电脑上运行Ubuntu或Debian,也具有Linux兼容性。 这绝对是一项很棒的服务,并且有一个不错的免费选项。 Pro计划的起价为每月5美元(最多3台设备),并为您提供更多功能,例如SSL加密和“活动”模式,以及每台设备的更多报告。

prey android

These options give you a wide-range of flexibility in trying to locate and secure your lost or stolen phone. If you really need your phone back, though, you should hold off on wiping your data for now, as there are still things you can do.

这些选项为您提供了广泛的灵活性,可帮助您查找和保护丢失或被盗的手机。 但是,如果您确实需要回电话,则暂时不要擦除数据,因为仍有很多事情可以做。

步骤2:环回方法 (Step 2: Round-about Methods)


(Image by mrbill)

(图片来自mrbill )

If you didn’t take proper preventative measures, you might be able to figure out how to locate or access your device in a different way. Latitude on both Android and iOS can be configured to update your location in the background, something you can lookup online. You can also log in to your carrier’s website and see if your thief made any phone calls or sent text messages to weird numbers. You can then record this as proof for the police if you ever find the perpetrator but get stuck in a “his-word-against yours” situation. If that happens, knowing your device’s IMEI/ESN/Serial number will also be very handy, all of which can be found on your device’s box.

如果您未采取适当的预防措施,则可能可以弄清楚如何以其他方式定位或访问设备。 您可以将Android和iOS上的谷歌纵横配置为在后台更新您的位置,您可以在线查找这些内容。 您还可以登录运营商的网站,查看小偷是否打过电话或发送短信到怪异号码。 然后,如果您找到了肇事者,但陷入了“反对你的话”的情况,则可以将其记录为警方的证据。 如果发生这种情况,知道设备的IMEI / ESN /序列号也非常方便,所有这些都可以在设备包装盒上找到。

gmail ip add

Gmail and some other online services record a list of IP addresses used to access your account. You may be able to use this to access your phone via another means, like SSH, and you can grab important data and/or wipe your phone clean that way. I was lucky enough to do this, though I had a DDNS client on my iPhone for a project I was working on, so that made finding my IP address much easier. If you sit and think about what kinds of services you have running and how you can track them from the web, you might be surprised to find out how easy it is to track your phone down.

Gmail和其他一些在线服务记录了用于访问您的帐户的IP地址列表。 您可能可以使用它通过其他方式(例如SSH)访问手机,并且可以获取重要数据和/或以这种方式清除手机。 我很幸运能够做到这一点,尽管我在iPhone上有一个正在进行的项目的DDNS客户端,这使查找IP地址变得更加容易。 如果您坐下来考虑正在运行的服务类型以及如何从Web上跟踪它们,您可能会惊讶地发现跟踪电话很容易。

步骤3:损害控制 (Step 3: Damage Control)

Legally speaking, if all you have is an IP address, there’s not much you can do to get your phone back. It normally takes time and more proof to get a subpoena for the IP from the ISP, and even then, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to nab your thief. To make matters worse, he or she probably will have sold your phone by then even if you can establish proof. Having a picture emailed to you and having records from your carrier’s website can really help speed up the process, but it may not be enough.

从法律上来讲,如果您只有IP地址,那么您可以做很多事情来取回手机。 从ISP获得IP传票通常需要时间和更多证据,即使这样,也无法保证您可以窃取小偷。 更糟糕的是,即使您可以建立证据,他或她到那时也可能已经卖掉了您的手机。 通过电子邮件将图片发送给您,并从运营商的网站上获得记录确实可以帮助加快流程,但这可能还不够。

Phone thieves are usually clever enough to shut your phone off and switch out the SIM card before trying to use it again, which negates many of the protective measures we’ve discussed so far. If you have the ability to wipe your data and there’s no way to recover your phone, now is the time to do it.

电话小偷通常足够聪明,可以先关闭手机并关闭SIM卡,然后再尝试使用它,这抵消了我们到目前为止讨论的许多保护措施。 如果您有擦除数据的能力并且无法恢复手机,那么现在是时候了。

If there is any doubt at all about your personal data, you should go ahead and change your passwords immediately. In fact, you should do it anyway because, hey, you never know. Change all passwords to any service that is connected to your phone automatically, like Gmail, PayPal, and your online banking account. Deny access to your device by services like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Lastly, once you have determined that your phone is definitely gone, you should report your phone as lost or stolen to your carrier so you can avoid being responsible for any charges that were racked up.

如果对您的个人数据有任何疑问,您应该继续并立即更改密码。 实际上,您还是应该这样做,因为,嘿,您永远不会知道。 将所有密码更改为自动连接到手机的任何服务,例如Gmail,PayPal和您的网上银行帐户。 拒绝通过Facebook,Twitter等服务访问您的设备。最后,一旦确定您的手机肯定不见了,您应该将手机丢失或被盗报告给运营商,这样您就可以避免对任何架起来。


(Image by WIlliam Hook)

图片由WIlliam Hook提供)

Verizon flags lost or stolen phones with “bad” ESNs, so they can’t be activated on their network again, though other carriers don’t necessarily do this (AT&T definitely doesn’t). You should also get a police report completed with your device’s serial number if you have insurance. Even if you don’t, it’s not a bad thing to do just in case something else comes up.

Verizon用“不良” ESN标记丢失或被盗的电话,因此尽管其他运营商不一定会这样做(但AT&T绝对不会),但无法再次在其网络上激活它们。 如果您有保险,还应该获得带有设备序列号的警察报告。 即使您不这样做,以防万一有其他事情发生,这也不是一件坏事。

步骤4:更换手机 (Step 4: Replacing Your Phone)

Lastly, you’ll need to replace your device. Many carriers offer insurance on their devices, so if you have a police report and pay a deductible, you can get a replacement. I’ve also heard anecdotal stories of people getting discounts at Apple stores with sob stories and the like, but it hasn’t happened to me. When you report your phone as lost or stolen, your number is suspended so no one can use it. You’re still charged for it, though, per the contract you signed. If you walk-in to your carrier’s store, you might be surprised to find that you have an upgrade waiting for you. Some carriers allow partial discounts for upgrades due to customer loyalty or “annual” discounts, despite you still being on contract. You can also talk to a sales rep and see if you can “borrow” a family member’s upgrade option if you’re on a family plan.

最后,您需要更换设备。 许多运营商都在其设备上提供保险,因此,如果您有警察报告并支付了自付额,则可以更换保险。 我还听到过传闻说人们在苹果商店打折,诸如此类的故事,但我却从未发生过。 当您报告手机丢失或被盗时,您的电话号码将被暂停使用,因此没有人可以使用它。 不过,根据您签订的合同,您仍然需要为此付费。 如果您走进运营商的商店,可能会惊讶地发现正在等待升级。 尽管您仍处于合同中,但某些运营商仍会由于客户忠诚度或“年度”折扣而为升级提供部分折扣。 您还可以与销售代表交谈,看看是否可以“借用”家庭成员的升级选项(如果您有家庭计划)。


Phones off-contract are not cheap in the slightest, but be wary of buying used ones online. Many lost and stolen phones end up here, and there’s usually no guarantee that the phone you paid for will work (see previous section about Verizon flagging “bad” ESNs). Often, if you put out notice in your social circle that you need an older phone, someone will notice they have one laying around that you can use. It may not be the same as your awesome phone, but it’ll get you by until the next upgrade.

合同外的电话丝毫不便宜,但要小心在线购买二手电话。 许多丢失和被盗的电话最终会出现在这里,通常无法保证您所购买的电话能够正常工作(请参阅上一部分有关Verizon标记“不良” ESN的部分)。 通常,如果您在社交圈中发出了您需要较旧电话的通知,则有人会注意到他们周围有一个可以使用的电话。 它可能与您的超赞手机不同,但它将带您进入下一次升级。

Losing your phone is tough, but we hope you’ll take the proper precautions to keep your data safe and possibly get your phone back easily. If not, it’s good to know that you have options and what steps you need to take to safeguard your personal accounts.

丢失手机很困难,但我们希望您采取适当的预防措施以确保数据安全,并可能轻松取回手机。 如果没有,那么很高兴知道您有其他选择,以及需要采取哪些步骤来保护自己的个人帐户。

Have a favorite app or service we didn’t mention? Have a crazy “I lost my phone” or “I caught the thief who stole it” story? Share in the comments!

有我们未提及的最喜欢的应用或服务吗? 有一个疯狂的“我丢失了手机”或“我抓住了偷它的小偷”的故事吗? 分享评论!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/71262/htg-explains-so-you-lost-your-smartphone-now-what/

智能手机丢失 数据安全





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