HTG评论D-Link AC3200超Wi-Fi路由器:满足您Wi-Fi需求的快速太空船

The premium router market is increasingly saturated with high-priced and powerful routers. Even in such a market the D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi Router stands out both in size and styling as well as performance. Read on as we take a closer look at this flame red and feature packed model.

高端路由器市场日益被高价且功能强大的路由器所饱和。 即使在这样的市场中,D-Link AC3200超Wi-Fi路由器在尺寸,样式和性能上也都脱颖而出。 继续阅读时,请仔细阅读此火焰红色和功能丰富的模型。

什么是D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi路由器? (What Is The D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi Router?)

The D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi Router (or DIR-890L) ($299) is D-Link’s current flagship router and a beast both in physical size and power. The router is absolutely massive by any measure and is, to date, the largest router we’ve owned or reviewed with a footprint approximately 16x10x5 and an insect-like protrusion of six stocky non-detachable antennas. The styling of the unit is very distinct with a bright red gloss paint job and a pronounced peaked case. Although we couldn’t quite agree on the metaphor around the office, everyone had an opinion about it with some people calling it the spaceship router, while others referred to it as a drone, alien, or spider.

D-Link AC3200超Wi-Fi路由器(或DIR-890L)(299美元)是D-Link当前的旗舰路由器,无论从物理尺寸还是功耗上都堪称野兽。 无论从任何角度看,该路由器都绝对庞大,并且是迄今为止我们拥有或审查过的最大的路由器,占地面积约为16x10x5,并且像昆虫一样突出了六个坚固的不可拆卸天线。 单元的样式非常鲜明,带有亮红色光泽的油漆作业和明显的尖峰外壳。 尽管我们对办公室周围的隐喻不太同意,但每个人对此都有自己的见解,有人将其称为太空飞船路由器,而其他人则将其称为无人机,外星人或蜘蛛。

Inside that flashy case you’ll find a Broadcom-dual-core 1GHz processor and a tri-band arrangement that splits your Wi-Fi networking load across three radios: one 2.4GHz band for all your 802.11n/g/b clients and two 5GHz bands for all your 802.11ac/n/a clients.

在这种浮华的机箱内,您会发现一个Broadcom双核1GHz处理器和一个三频安排,可将Wi-Fi网络负载分配给三个无线电设备:一个用于所有802.11n / g / b客户端的2.4GHz频带,以及两个适用于所有802.11ac / n / a客户端的5GHz频段。

The router has a total potential bandwidth of 3,200Mpbs (thus the AC3200 designation) but it’s important to understand what that means. No single client or even entire band will ever have access to that amount of transfer speed. The number is derived from the cumulative bandwidth potential if the router is maxed with multiple clients across all three bands. The top theoretical speed is still limited to the total potential output over one of the 5GHz bands, 1,300Mpbs.

该路由器的总潜在带宽为3,200Mpbs(因此称为AC3200),但是了解这意味着什么很重要。 没有任何客户或什至整个频段都无法获得如此高的传输速度。 如果路由器在所有三个频段上都具有多个客户端,则该数字是从潜在的累积带宽中得出的。 最高理论速度仍然限于5GHz频段之一1,300Mpbs上的总潜在输出。

Just because you can’t tap into the total power of the router with a single client, however, doesn’t mean that the naming scheme is a marketing gimmick or a waste of your money. The whole point of increasingly sophisticated routers with multiple bands is to provide adequate available bandwidth for modern homes packed with Wi-Fi hungry devices such that everyone’s laptops, tablets, game systems, streaming sticks, and more all have enough.

但是,仅仅因为您无法利用单个客户端来利用路由器的全部功能,并不意味着命名方案就是营销头或浪费金钱。 具有多个频段的日益复杂的路由器的全部目的是为装有Wi-Fi饥饿设备的现代家庭提供足够的可用带宽,以使每个人的笔记本电脑,平板电脑,游戏系统,流媒体棒等都拥有足够的带宽。

To that end we’ll spoil the review by giving you a strong sense of our conclusion right at the beginning: The D-Link DIR-890L is a very expensive router with a focus on creating a large and powerful umbrella of Wi-Fi coverage for homes with lots of devices and heavy users. This is not, nor would even the most motivated D-Link sales rep suggest such, a router for Grandma and her one iPad.

为此,我们会在开始时就给您强烈的结论感,从而破坏评论:D-Link DIR-890L是一款非常昂贵的路由器,专注于创建大型而强大的Wi-Fi覆盖范围适用于拥有大量设备和大量用户的家庭。 这不是,甚至最有动力的D-Link销售代表也不会建议这样,这是为奶奶和她的一台iPad设计的路由器。

设置 (Setting It Up)

Although setup is just a very tiny portion of the total lifetime interaction you’ll have with your router, it’s both an important step and a strong indicator of how your future experience with the router will go. Two of the things we noted in our previous review of the D-Link DIR-880L was that D-Link thoughtfully included mounting hardware and that the setup wizard and GUI was very user friendly.

尽管设置只是您与路由器进行的整个生命周期交互中的很小一部分,但这既是重要的一步,又是指示您将来如何使用路由器的有力指标。 我们在先前对D-Link DIR-880L的评论中注意到的两件事是,D-Link精心地包括了安装硬件,并且安装向导和GUI非常用户友好。

First, we’re going to make note of it again: D-Link is the only router company we’ve ever reviewed a unit for that includes mounting hardware. We know, we know, drywall mounting hardware costs like a buck or two and that it doesn’t really matter when purchasing a very expensive router. Regardless, we appreciate that tiny attention to detail.

首先,我们要再次加以说明:D-Link是我们曾经审查过包括安装硬件的设备的唯一路由器公司。 我们知道,石膏板安装硬件的成本约为一两美元,而购买非常昂贵的路由器并不重要。 无论如何,我们感谢对细节的微小关注。

Second, the setup wizard and the general user interface remains the easiest to use and most user friendly we’ve tested. There has been a general push across the entire market for more user friendly router interfaces and collectively we’ve seen the user interface experience improve across all the routers we’ve tested. These days ASUS, Netgear, and friends all have radically improved their GUI design game. None the less the D-Link router interface is, hands down, the most intuitive and user friendly. While the simplistic interface might be a turn off to power users that are used to the everything-and-the-kitchen-sink approach you get with aftermarket firmware like DD-WRT it’s nice to have a user interface you don’t need years of networking experience to understand.

其次,设置向导和常规用户界面仍然是我们测试过的最易于使用和最用户友好的界面。 整个市场一直在寻求更用户友好的路由器接口,而总体而言,我们已经看到我们测试过的所有路由器的用户界面体验都得到了改善。 这些天,华硕,Netgear和朋友们都从根本上改进了他们的GUI设计游戏。 毫无疑问,D-Link路由器界面是最直观和用户友好的。 虽然简单的界面可能会关闭,而那些习惯了DD-WRT这样的售后固件的用户却无所不用其极,而高级用户却可以拥有一个不需要多年使用的用户界面。了解网络经验。

You plug it in, connect and run through the wizard, and other than diving deeper into the settings (like configuring a guest network) and you’re done. The screenshot of the main panel above shows you, in very clear terms, that you’re connected to the Internet, that there are clients connected to your router, and whether or not you have a USB storage device attached. Intuitively, clicking on any of the elements in the icon-based GUI either gives you additional information about that item or, in the case of error messages, helps you troubleshoot the problem.

您将其插入,连接并通过向导运行,除了深入研究设置(例如配置来宾网络)之外,就完成了。 上面主面板的屏幕截图非常清楚地显示了您已连接到Internet,是否有客户端连接到路由器以及是否连接了USB存储设备。 直观地,在基于图标的GUI中单击任何元素都可以为您提供有关该项目的其他信息,或者在出现错误消息的情况下,可以帮助您解决问题。

Another user-friendly element of the D-Link GUI is that nearly every menu is divided into a simple and advanced section. Thus when you first go to do something in a given category the GUI gives you the most common task related to that entry and a clean interface (like changing your Wi-Fi password) and then, if you need more advanced adjustments, you can click the advanced link and the menu will expand to reveal additional settings. Again, power users might not be a huge fan of this but for the vast majority of people it’s a perfect setup. It gives you what you most likely need right up front and then gives you more if you need it.

D-Link GUI的另一个用户友好元素是几乎每个菜单都分为简单和高级部分。 因此,当您第一次去执行给定类别中的某项操作时,GUI会为您提供与该条目相关的最常见任务和一个简洁的界面(例如更改Wi-Fi密码),然后,如果您需要更多高级调整,则可以单击高级链接和菜单将展开以显示其他设置。 再次强调,高级用户可能并不是对此的忠实拥护者,但对于绝大多数人来说,这是一个完美的设置。 它为您提供了最可能需要的内容,然后在需要时提供了更多内容。

试驾特色功能 (Test Driving the Specialty Features)

The biggest selling point for the DIR-890L is, by far, just the sheer extra power you get with upgrading to a flagship mode. In addition to that power there are also a handful of auxiliary functions and features worth noting.

到目前为止,DIR-890L的最大卖点就是升级到旗舰模式所获得的强大功能。 除了强大的功能外,还有一些值得注意的辅助功能。

智能连接 (Smart Connect)

We’re pretty big fans of the Smart Connect unction (exclusive to the DIR-880L and DIR-890L). The premise is simple: you assign a single SSID and password to all three bands (the one 2.4Ghz and two 5GHz bands) and the router will actively manage your connections and shuttle devices between the bands to maximize performance.

我们是Smart Connect功能(DIR-880L和DIR-890L除外)的忠实拥护者。 前提很简单:您为所有三个频段(一个2.4Ghz和两个5GHz频段)分配一个SSID和密码,路由器将主动管理您的连接并在两个频段之间穿梭设备以最大化性能。

Let us tell you, that’s the kind of claim we’ve heard made in a million different ways over the years (and we even experimented years ago with using DD-WRT to attempt the same feat). It’s easy to talk about, it’s easy to claim you’ve got a system that works like that, but in practice we’ve always been disappointed with the whole promise of all-in-one SSIDs where the company claims their router will actively manage which device uses what. Historically we always have at least a few devices on our network that freak out and the system falls apart when they can’t maintain a connection to the router.

让我们告诉您,这是多年来我们以百万种不同方式提出的主张(甚至我们几年前甚至尝试使用DD-WRT尝试同样的壮举)。 这很容易谈论,很容易声称您拥有这样的系统,但实际上,我们一直对所有SSID的全部承诺感到失望,因为该公司声称其路由器将积极管理哪个设备使用什么。 从历史上看,我们网络上总是至少有一些设备崩溃,当它们无法维持与路由器的连接时,系统崩溃。

With the DIR-890L we had a wonderfully smooth experience with the “Smart Connect” feature. The entire network is using one SSID, all the devices are happily connected, and as bandwidth demand goes up devices are seamlessly moved between the radios. The best thing we can say about it is that we don’t even notice it working in the background.

使用DIR-890L,我们通过“智能连接”功能获得了极为流畅的体验。 整个网络都使用一个SSID,所有设备都连接良好,随着带宽需求的增长,设备在无线电之间无缝移动。 我们可以说的最好的事情是,我们甚至没有注意到它在后台运行。

访客网络 (Guest Networks)

The guest network, or “Guest Zone” system on the router is easy to toggle on. It’s off by default but you’ll find it under Settings -> Wireless -> Guest Zone.

访客网络或路由器上的“访客区”系统很容易开启。 默认情况下它是关闭的,但是您可以在设置->无线->访客区域下找到它。

The guest network settings are simple and mirror the general setup of your greater network. If you’ve opted to use the Smart Connect feature for your router then you only have one guest network available (as all the available guest networks are folded into the single smart connection).

来宾网络设置很简单,它反映了较大网络的常规设置。 如果您选择对路由器使用Smart Connect功能,则您只有一个来宾网络可用(因为所有可用的来宾网络都被折叠到单个智能连接中)。

If you want multiple guest networks (such as one for your kids and one for your actual guests) then you’ll need to disable the Smart Connect feature. Honestly we’re not big fans of this configuration. You shouldn’t have to disable a really great feature in order to gain access to multiple guest networks. None the less the guest network feature does work as advertised and it easy to set up.

如果您想要多个访客网络(例如一个用于您的孩子,一个用于实际的访客),则需要禁用Smart Connect功能。 老实说,我们不是这种配置的忠实拥护者。 您不必为了启用对多个访客网络的访问权限而禁用一项非常出色的功能。 访客网络功能仍然可以像所宣传的那样正常工作,并且易于设置。

服务质量 (Quality of Service)

The Quality of Service (QoS) functionality on the DIR-890L was a real mixed bag for us. On the plus side, it’s incredibly simple to use with an excellent drag and drop interface.

DIR-890L的服务质量(QoS)功能对我们来说是一个真正的混合包。 从好的方面来说,它具有出色的拖放界面,使用起来非常简单。

It’s very intuitive to simply grab the item on your network and drag it into a prioritized zone. On the downside, however, there are some hiccups with the system. The most obvious of which is that you can’t prioritize a device unless it is currently on your network. Want to give your iPad priority? It has to be with your and connected.

简单地抓住网络上的项目并将其拖到优先区域中是非常直观的。 但不利的一面是,该系统存在一些问题。 最明显的是,除非设备当前在网络上,否则您不能对其进行优先级排序。 要优先考虑您的iPad吗? 它必须与您保持联系。

The second, and more problematic, thing is that the priority system is based exclusively on the device with no ability to prioritize specific traffic types. Let’s say you want to prioritize Skype traffic or streaming video. You can’t prioritize it by the type of traffic only by the device which means you would need to prioritize every device that you run Skype on.

其次,也是有问题的是,优先级系统完全基于设备,无法对特定流量类型进行优先级排序。 假设您要优先处理Skype流量或流式视频。 您不能仅通过设备的流量类型来对其进行优先级排序,这意味着您需要对运行Skype的每个设备进行优先级排序。

Unfortunately you can’t do that because the way the drag and drop system is set up you get one “Highest” priority, two “High” and eight “Medium” priority slots. In practice the drag and drop system should be great but in application it will leave power users very frustrated.

不幸的是,您不能这样做,因为设置拖放系统的方式会获得一个“最高”优先级,两个“高”优先级和八个“中”优先级插槽。 在实践中,拖放系统应该很棒,但在应用中,它将使高级用户感到非常沮丧。

附加的存储/文件共享 (Attached Storage/File Sharing)

The file sharing system works well enough. That’s not a ding on D-Link at all or this particular product, mind you, it’s just a simple expectation of what a router-based file sharing tool entails. We had no problem plugging in a USB 3.0 hard drive and accessing it like a plain old network drive (as well as accessing it with D-Link’s MyDLink software).

文件共享系统运行良好。 请注意,这根本不是D-Link或此特定产品的响当当,这只是对基于路由器的文件共享工具所包含内容的简单期望。 插入USB 3.0硬盘驱动器并像普通的旧网络驱动器一样访问它(以及使用D-Link的MyDLink软件访问它),我们都没有问题。

It wasn’t as screaming fast as a dedicated network storage computer optimized for the task but it’s unreasonable to expect your router to compete with a commercial NAS. We were able to consistently pull down around 60-65Mbps from the attached storage and that’s more than enough for daily use and even streaming media off the drive.

它并没有像针对该任务进行了优化的专用网络存储计算机那样快地尖叫,但是期望您的路由器与商用NAS竞争并不合理。 我们能够从连接的存储中持续拉低大约60-65Mbps,对于日常使用甚至从驱动器中流式传输媒体来说,这已经足够了。

快速VPN (Quick VPN)

The Quick VPN function allows for secure remote access to your home network when you’re away. It’s very simple to setup and requires very little more than turning it on and inputting a password. Most mobile devices like iOS and Android driven phones and tablets support the L2TP/Ipsec protocol the router uses, as do desktop operating systems like Windows and OSX.

快速VPN功能可在您不在时安全地远程访问您的家庭网络。 设置非常简单,只需要打开电源和输入密码即可。 大多数移动设备(如iOS和Android驱动的电话和平板电脑)都支持路由器使用的L2TP / Ipsec协议,Windows和OSX等台式机操作系统也支持。

It’s important to note that this function is focused on getting youinto your home network security and not linking your network outwards to a remote secure network. That’s a bit of an advanced feature and if it’s something you need you’ll have to shop carefully for a router and/or run DD-WRT to get it. You can read more about the process here.

重要的是要注意,此功能侧重于使您进入家庭网络安全性,而不是将网络向外链接到远程安全网络。 这是高级功能,如果需要,则必须仔细购买路由器和/或运行DD-WRT才能获得。 您可以在此处阅读有关该过程的更多信息

绩效基准 (Performance Benchmarks)

We were very pleased with the performance of the DIR-880L. While power users might be ruffled over the lack of granular features in the router control panel there’s little to complain about when it comes to raw power. Despite placement on the ground floor of our test home the router provided consistent and strong coverage throughout the basement, upstairs, attic rooms, and even out into the yard and into the street in front of the house.

我们对DIR-880L的性能感到非常满意。 尽管由于路由器控制面板中缺少细粒度功能,电力用户可能会感到不安,但对于原始电力,几乎没有什么可抱怨的。 尽管路由器放置在我们测试房屋的一楼,但路由器在整个地下室,楼上,阁楼房间,甚至到院子和房子前面的街道中都提供了一致且强大的覆盖范围。

On the 2.4Ghz band the DIR-890L performed very similarly to its predecessor the DIR-880L. The average transfer rate on the 2.4GHz band was 108 Mbps which is so close to the previous router’s specs as to be nearly identical. This isn’t surprising given that we tested it in the same location and that there is an upper threshold to how fast you can go on the 2.4GHz band.

在2.4Ghz频段上,DIR-890L的性能与之前的DIR-880L非常相似。 2.4GHz频带上的平均传输速率为108 Mbps,与先前路由器的规格非常接近,几乎相同。 鉴于我们在同一位置对其进行了测试,并且在2.4GHz频段上运行的速度有一个上限,因此这并不奇怪。

The throughput on the 5GHz band was screaming fast in 802.11ac mode and we consistently got around 500-550 Mbps within a distance of a room or two from the router and even in the attic or out in the backyard it was still around 300 Mbps. Downgrading, if you can even use that word given how fast it still was, to 802.11n still offered more-than-fast enough speeds of approximately 200 Mbps throughout the first floor of the test home.

在802.11ac模式下,5GHz频段的吞吐量正在Swift提高,我们在距路由器一两个房间的距离内始终获得约500-550 Mbps的速度,甚至在阁楼或后院,它仍然约为300 Mbps。 如果您还可以使用降级的话,降级到802.11n仍然可以在整个测试房屋的第一层提供足够快的速度(大约200 Mbps)。

The reality is that once you get into flagship routers, barring any sort of serious design or hardware flaw, the speeds are so fast they become meaningless. The DIR-890L is so fast that neither your local file transfers nor broadband connection can even come close to saturating it. Even on a home network with gigabit Internet and a houseful of guests gaming, streaming, and downloading files you’re just not going to even come close to winding this machine or other machines in its class.

现实情况是,一旦进入旗舰路由器,除非出现任何严重的设计或硬件缺陷,速度如此之快以至于变得毫无意义。 DIR-890L是如此之快,以至于您的本地文件传输或宽带连接都无法接近饱和。 即使在具有千兆位Internet的家庭网络上,也有许多客人在游戏,流媒体和下载文件时,您甚至都无法接近绕开本机或同类产品中的其他机器。

好的,坏的和判决 (The Good, The Bad, and The Verdict)

We don’t just benchmark machines here at HTG we go through the hassle of switching them over for us as primary routers for at least a period of several weeks (and often a month or longer). Now that we’ve lived with the DIR-890L for that period of time, what do we have to say about it?

我们不仅在HTG进行基准测试,还经历了至少几周(通常一个月或更长时间)的麻烦,将它们转换为主要路由器。 既然我们已经在DIR-890L上使用了一段时间,那么我们要说些什么呢?

善良 (The Good)

  • It looks really stylish. Looking good isn’t a requirement for being a good router but this thing looks really awesome.

    看起来真的很时尚。 看起来不错并不是成为一个好的路由器的必要条件,但是这东西看起来确实很棒。
  • LEDs are sufficiently bright and provide sufficient information without lighting your whole house or overwhelming you with extra information.

  • The GUI and user experience is fantastic and user friendly.

  • D-Link openly endorses DD-WRT as a robust third party firmware.

  • It’s screaming fast. You’d be incredibly hard pressed to actually push up against the limitations of the router.

    快速尖叫。 要真正克服路由器的局限性,您将难以承受。
  • It’s very stable; other than upgrading the firmware we didn’t reboot the device once during the entire test period.

    非常稳定; 除了升级固件,我们在整个测试期间都没有重启过设备。

坏人 (The Bad)

  • No eSATA port. We know, we know. This is a niche feature but this is a super premium router.

    没有eSATA端口。 我们知道,我们知道。 这是一个利基功能,但这一个超高级路由器。

  • Non-detachable antenna. While we didn’t find a need to upgrade the antennas in our testing, we always like the possibility of doing so.

    不可拆卸的天线。 尽管我们在测试中发现不需要升级天线,但我们始终喜欢这样做的可能性。
  • While the ultra-simplistic GUI is very user friendly it can be far too limiting for a power user.

  • The QoS is a mess. With broadband and this powerful of a router you might not need it in the first place, but it could use a strong update.

    QoS一团糟。 有了宽带和功能强大的路由器,您可能一开始就不需要它,但可以使用强大的更新。

判决 (The Verdict)

You can’t escape the fact that the DIR-890L is expensive nor can you escape the fact that it simply isn’t a router for everyone. It’s not a router for people on a tight budget. It’s not a router for Grandma’s one-device household. You can even argue that without that upgrade to DD-WRT it isn’t a router for hardcore power users. What we can say about the router is this.

您不能逃避DIR-890L价格昂贵的事实,也不能逃避DIR-890L并非适合所有人的路由器这一事实。 对于预算紧张的人来说,这不是路由器。 它不是奶奶单设备家庭的路由器。 您甚至可以说,如果不升级到DD-WRT,它就不是硬核高级用户的路由器。 我们可以说的是路由器。

It was easy to set up. It’s incredibly powerful and at no point during our testing process were we even able to begin to lag our network despite extended and large file transfers, multiple streaming clients, and other stress tests. It has a wide range and easily covered every story of the test home, the yard, and even into the street and the neighbor’s yard. And, given the string of frustrations we’ve had with routers lately, we can say this above all else: it’s very stable. Other than rebooting it once in the beginning to update the firmware the device ran continuously (and is still running as we write this) off the initial boot. Not a blip, not a hiccup, not a software or hardware reboot needed. That shouldn’t be extraordinary given how important routers are, but we’ve been let down by more than our fair share of routers and firmwares over the last few years.

设置很容易。 它具有强大的功能,即使在扩展和大型文件传输,多个流客户端以及其他压力测试下,我们甚至都无法开始落后于我们的网络。 它的范围很广,可以轻松覆盖测试房屋,院子甚至街道和邻居院子的每个故事。 而且,考虑到我们最近对路由器的一连串挫折,我们可以说高于其他一切:它非常稳定。 除了在开始时重新启动一次以更新固件之外,该设备还从初始引导连续运行(并且在编写本文时仍在运行)。 无需忽悠,无需打not,无需重启软件或硬件。 考虑到路由器的重要性,这并不是不寻常的,但是在过去的几年中,我们对路由器和固件的公平份额感到失望。

So the end word on the matter is this: The DIR-890L is an exceptional router for modern device-packed households that, while a bit light on configuration options, is packed with power and as stable as can be. If it’s in your budget and you’re looking for a beastly router with more than enough reach and bandwidth to spare for your bustling household it’s a sure purchase.

因此,这件事的最终结论是:DIR-890L是现代设备密集型家庭的杰出路由器,虽然在配置选项上略有降低,但它却充满了功率并尽可能稳定。 如果这在您的预算之内,并且您正在寻找一台具有足够的覆盖范围和带宽以供您忙碌的家庭使用的强大路由器,那么这是肯定的购买。


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