综述:Windows Vista外观和风格的16个调整

We’ve come a long way in our coverage of Windows Vista, and it’s time to put together a roundup of all the articles that tweak the appearance of Windows Vista. If you’d like to suggest something that we left out, leave a comment with the details of what you’d like us to feature next.

在涵盖Windows Vista方面,我们已经走了很长一段路,现在该对所有调整Windows Vista外观的文章进行汇总。 如果您想提出我们遗漏的建议,请留下评论,并详细说明您希望我们接下来提供的功能。

引导/登录屏幕 (Boot/Logon Screens )

Customize Your Windows Vista Logon ScreenThat default Vista screen gets boring after a while, but it’s easy to change.

自定义Windows Vista登录屏幕一段时间后,默认的Vista屏幕变得很无聊,但是很容易更改。

Create a Custom Boot Logo for Windows VistaYou can customize that boring Windows Vista boot screen with a small utility.

为Windows Vista创建自定义启动徽标您可以使用小型实用程序自定义无聊的Windows Vista启动屏幕。

Enable Hidden BootScreen in Windows VistaWindows Vista has a built-in “Aurora” boot screen that you can enable with a quick tweak.

在Windows Vista中启用隐藏的BootScreen Windows Vista具有内置的“ Aurora”启动屏幕,您可以通过快速调整来启用它。

有趣的窗口管理器的东西 (Fun Window Manager Stuff)

Increase Size of Windows Vista Taskbar PreviewsMake the built-in taskbar previews much bigger with a free utility by the brilliant Andreas Verhoeven.

增加Windows Vista任务栏预览的大小使用出色的Andreas Verhoeven的免费实用程序,可以使内置任务栏预览更大。

Get the Beryl/Ubuntu “Desktop Cube” Effect for Windows[update: This is no longer available for free, sadly, and is temporarily completely unavailable. This is why we should all support Open Source projects.]

获取适用于Windows的Beryl / Ubuntu“桌面多维数据集”效果[更新:可悲的是,该功能不再免费提供,暂时完全不可用。 这就是为什么我们都应该支持开源项目。]

Great Expose Clone for Windows VistaThis is one of the better clones out there, with many configurable features.

适用于Windows Vista的Great Expose克隆这是目前最好的克隆之一,具有许多可配置的功能。

Mac OSX Expose Clone for Windows VistaThe first expose clone, but you might want to try the one above first.

适用于Windows VistaMac OSX Expose Clone第一个公开克隆,但您可能想首先尝试上述克隆。

字体和图标 (Fonts and Icons)

Tune Your ClearType Font Settings in Windows VistaYou can tune those fonts to look however you’d like.

在Windows Vista中调整您的ClearType字体设置您可以调整这些字体以使其具有所需的外观。

Disable Shortcut Icon Arrow Overlay in Windows VistaA perennial favorite, disabling the shortcut icons.

在Windows Vista中禁用快捷方式图标箭头覆盖多年以来的最爱,禁用快捷方式图标。

Why Do My Windows Vista Fonts Look Horrible?Your computer manufacturer might have screwed up the default settings. 

为什么我的Windows Vista字体看起来很糟糕? 您的计算机制造商可能已经搞砸了默认设置。

Hide Desktop Icon Text on Windows VistaAnother favorite, hiding the text on your icons.

在Windows Vista上隐藏桌面图标文本另一个收藏夹,即在图标上隐藏文本。

航空和东西 (Aero and Stuff)

Trim Windows Vista’s Bloated Window BordersIf you don’t like the huge Vista borders, you can make them smaller easily

修剪Windows Vista的膨胀窗口边框如果您不喜欢硕大的Vista边框,则可以轻松地使其变小

Enable Slow-Motion Aero Animations in Windows VistaSlow motion? What an odd registry hack.

在Windows Vista中启用慢动作Aero动画慢动作? 多么奇怪的注册表黑客。

Disable Aero on Windows VistaDon’t like Aero? You can disable it easily.

在Windows Vista上禁用Aero不喜欢Aero? 您可以轻松禁用它。

Disable Flip3D in Windows VistaFlip3D got you down because it’s so pathetic? Just get rid of it.

在Windows Vista中禁用Flip3D Flip3D让您失望了,因为它是如此可悲吗? 摆脱它。

View Hidden 3D Benchmarks in Windows VistaThis one is pretty cool.

在Windows Vista中查看隐藏的3D基准这很酷。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/16-tweaks-for-vista-look-feel/





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