
A terminal window on a Linux system.
Fatmawati Achmad Zaenuri/Shutterstock Fatmawati Achmad Zaenuri / Shutterstock

Passwords have been a keystone of account security for 60 years, predating Unix by nearly a decade. Learn how to use either the command line or the GNOME desktop environment to manage your passwords in Linux.

密码已经60年来一直是帐户安全的基石,比Unix早了十年。 了解如何在Linux中使用命令行或GNOME桌面环境来管理密码。

如何选择一个强密码 (How to Choose a Strong Password)

The computer password was born from necessity. With the advent of multiuser time-sharing computer systems, the importance of separating and protecting people’s data became apparent, and the password solved that problem.

计算机密码是出于必要而产生的。 随着多用户分时计算机系统的出现,分离和保护人员数据的重要性变得显而易见,而密码解决了该问题。

Passwords are still the most common form of account authentication. Two-factor and multifactor authentication enhances password protection, and biometric authentication provides an alternative method of identification. However, the good old password is still with us and will be for a long time to come. This means you need to know how best to create and use them. Some of the older practices are no longer valid.

密码仍然是最常见的帐户身份验证形式。 两因素和多因素身份验证增强了密码保护,而生物特征身份验证则提供了另一种身份验证方法。 但是,好的旧密码仍在我们身边,并且将持续很长时间。 这意味着您需要知道如何最好地创建和使用它们。 一些较旧的做法不再有效。

Here are some basic password rules:


  • Don’t use passwords at all: Use passphrases instead. Three or four unrelated words connected by punctuation, symbols, or numbers make it much harder to crack than a string of gobbledygook or a password with vowels swapped out for numbers.

    完全不要使用密码:请改用密码短语。 通过标点符号,符号或数字连接的三个或四个不相关的单词,比一串乱码或用元音换成数字的密码更难破解。

  • Don’t re-use passwords: Don’t do this on the same or different systems.


  • Don’t share your passwords: Passwords are private. Don’t share them with others.

    不要共享您的密码:密码是私人的。 不要与他人分享。

  • Don’t base passwords on personally significant information: Don’t use family members’ names, sports teams, favorite bands, or anything else that could be socially engineered or deduced from your social media.


  • Don’t use pattern passwords: Don’t base passwords on patterns or positions of keys, such as qwerty, 1q2w3e, and so on.


Password expiration policies are no longer best practice. If you adopt strong, secure passphrases, you’ll only have to change them if you suspect they’ve been compromised. Regular password changes inadvertently promote poor password choices because many people use a base password and just add a date or digit to the end of it.

密码过期策略不再是最佳做法。 如果您采用强而安全的密码短语,则仅当怀疑它们受到破坏时才需要对其进行更改。 定期更改密码会无意间导致选择错误的密码,因为许多人使用基本密码,而只是在其末尾添加日期或数字。

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has written extensively on passwords and user identification and authentication. Their comments are publicly available in Special Publication 800-63-3: Digital Authentication Guidelines.

美国国家标准技术研究院已撰写了大量有关密码以及用户标识和认证的文章。 他们的评论可在Special Publication 800-63-3:Digital Authentication Guidelines中公开获得。

passwd文件 (The passwd File)

Historically, Unix-like operating systems stored passwords, along with other information regarding each account, in the “/etc/passwd” file. Today, the “/etc/passwd” file still holds account information, but the encrypted passwords are held in the “/etc/shadow” file, which has restricted access. By contrast, anyone can look at the “/etc/passwd” file.

从历史上看,类似Unix的操作系统将密码以及有关每个帐户的其他信息存储在“ / etc / passwd”文件中。 今天,“ / etc / passwd”文件仍然保留帐户信息,但是加密的密码保留在“ / etc / shadow”文件中,该文件具有受限制的访问权限。 相比之下,任何人都可以查看“ / etc / passwd”文件。

To peek inside the “/etc/passwd” file, type this command:

要查看“ / etc / passwd”文件,请输入以下命令:

less /etc/passwd
The "less /etc/passwd" command in a terminal window.

The contents of the file are displayed. Let’s look at the details for this account called “mary.”

显示文件内容。 让我们看看这个名为“玛丽”的帐户的详细信息。

The contents of the passwd file displayed in less in a terminal window.

Each line represents a single account (or a program that has a “user” account). There are the following seven colon-delimited fields:

每行代表一个帐户(或具有“用户”帐户的程序)。 有以下七个以冒号分隔的字段:

  • User name: The login name for the account.


  • Password: An “x” indicates the password is stored in the /etc/shadow file.

    密码:“ x”表示密码存储在/ etc / shadow文件中。

  • User ID: The user identifier for this account.

    用户ID :此帐户的用户标识符

  • Group ID: The group identifier for this account.

    组ID :此帐户的组标识符

  • GECOS: This stands for General Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisor. Today, the GECOS field holds a set of comma-delimited information about an account. This can include items like a person’s full name, room number, or office and home phone numbers.

    GECOS :代表通用电气综合运营主管。 如今, GECOS字段包含有关帐户的一组用逗号分隔的信息。 这可以包括一个人的全名,房间号或办公室和家庭电话号码。

  • Home: The path to the account’s home directory.


  • Shell: Started when the person logs in to the computer.

    Shell :当该人登录到计算机时开始。

Empty fields are represented by a colon.


Incidentally, the finger command pulls its information from the GECOS field.

顺便说一句, finger命令从GECOS字段中提取其信息。

finger mary
The "finger mary" command in a terminal window.

影子文件 (The shadow File)

To look inside the “/etc/shadow” file, you must use sudo:

要查看“ / etc / shadow”文件,必须使用sudo

sudo less /etc/shadow
The "sudo less /etc/shadow" command in a terminal window.

The file is displayed. For every entry in the “/etc/passwd” file, there should be a matching entry in the “/etc/shadow” file.

显示文件。 对于“ / etc / passwd”文件中的每个条目,“ / etc / shadow”文件中都应该有一个匹配的条目。

The contents of the shadow field displayed in less in a terminal window.

Each line represents a single account, and there are nine colon-delimited fields:


  • User name: The login name for the account.


  • Encrypted password: The encrypted password for the account.


  • Last change: The date on which the password was last changed.


  • Minimum Days: The minimum number of days required between password changes. The person has to wait this number of days before he can change his password. If this field contains a zero, he can change his password as often as he likes.

    最小天数:两次密码更改之间需要的最小天数。 此人必须等待此天数才能更改密码。 如果此字段包含零,则他可以随意更改自己的密码。

  • Maximum Days: The maximum number of days required between password changes. Typically, this field contains a very large number. The value set for “mary” is 99,999 days, which is over 27 years.

    最长天数:两次密码更改之间需要的最大天数。 通常,此字段包含非常大的数字。 为“玛丽”设置的值是99,999天,超过27年。

  • Alert Days: The number of days in advance of a password expiration date to display a reminder message.


  • Reset Lock-out: After a password expires, the system waits this number of days (a grace period) before it disables the account.


  • Account expiration date: The date on which the owner of the account will no longer be able to log in. If this field is blank, the account never expires.


  • Reserve field: A blank field for possible future use.


Empty fields are represented by a colon.


获取“最后更改”字段作为日期 (Getting the “Last change” Field as a Date)

The Unix epoch started on January 1, 1970. The value for the “Last change” field is 18,209. This is the number of days after January 1, 1970, the password for the account “mary” was changed.

Unix时代始于1970年1月1日。“ Last change”字段的值为18,209。 这是自1970年1月1日起,帐户“ mary”的密码已更改的天数。

Use this command to see the “Last change” value as a date:

使用此命令以查看“ Last change”值作为日期:

date -d "1970-01-01 18209 days"
The 'date -d "1970-01-01 18209 days"' command in a terminal window.

The date is shown as midnight on the day the password was last changed. In this example, it was November 9, 2019.

日期显示为密码上次更改当天的午夜。 在此示例中,是2019年11月9日。

The "password last changed" date displayed as a date in a terminal window.

passwd命令 (The passwd Command)

You use the passwd command to change your password, and—if you have sudo privileges—the passwords of others.


To change your password, use the passwd command with no parameters:


The "passwd" command with no paramters in a terminal window.

You must type your current password and your new one twice.


Output from the "passwd" command in a terminal window.

更改其他人的密码 (Changing Someone Else’s Password)

To change the password of another account, you must use sudo, and provide the name of the account:


sudo passwd mary
The "sudo passwd mary" command in a terminal window.

You must type your password to verify you have superuser privileges. Type the new password for the account, and then type it again to confirm.

您必须输入密码以验证您具有超级用户特权。 键入该帐户的新密码,然后再次键入以确认。

Changing another user's password with the "passwd" command in a terminal window.

强制更改密码 (Forcing a Password Change)

To force someone to change her password the next time she logs in, use the -e (expire) option:

要强制某人下次登录时更改密码,请使用-e (到期)选项:

sudo passwd -e mary
The "sudo passwd -e mary" command in a terminal window.

You’re told the password expiration date has been changed.


The "password expiry information changed" confirmation in a terminal window.

When the owner of the account “mary” next logs in, she’ll have to change her password:

当帐户“ mary”的所有者接下来登录时,她将不得不更改密码:

The "Warning: Your password has expired" window.

锁定帐号 (Lock an Account)

To lock an account, type passwd with the -l (lock) option:

要锁定帐户,请使用-l (锁定)选项输入passwd

sudo passwd -l mary
The "sudo passwd -l mary" command in a terminal window.

You’re told the password expiration date was changed.


The password expiry data change message in a terminal window.

The owner of the account will no longer be able to log in to the computer with her password. To unlock the account, use the -u (unlock) option:

该帐户的所有者将无法再使用她的密码登录到计算机。 要解锁帐户,请使用-u (解锁)选项:

sudo passwd -u mary
The "sudo passwd -u mary" command in a terminal window.

Again, you’re informed that the password expiry data was changed:


The password expiry data change message in a terminal window.

Again, the owner of the account will no longer be able to log into the computer with her password. However, she could still log in with an authentication method that doesn’t require her password, such as SSH keys.

同样,该帐户的所有者将不再能够使用她的密码登录计算机。 但是,她仍然可以使用不需要密码(例如SSH密钥)的身份验证方法登录。

If you really want to lock someone out of the computer, you need to expire the account.


打击命令 (The chage Command)

No, there isn’t an “n” in chage. It stands for “change age.” You can use the chage command to set an expiration date for an entire account.

不, chage没有“ n”。 它代表“改变年龄”。 您可以使用chage命令设置整个帐户到期日期

Let’s take a look at the current settings for the “mary” account, with the -l (list) option:

让我们使用-l (列表)选项来查看“ mary”帐户的当前设置:

sudo chage -l mary
The "sudo chage -l mary" command in a terminal window.

The expiration date for the account is set to “never.”


Output from "chage" command, showing an account expiration date of "never" in a terminal window.

To change the expiration date, use the -E (expiry) option. If you set it to zero, this is interpreted as “zero days from the Unix epoch,” i.e., January 1, 1970.

要更改到期日期,请使用-E (到期)选项。 如果将其设置为零,则将其解释为“从Unix时代开始的零天”,即1970年1月1日。

Type the following:


sudo chage -E0 mary
The "sudo chage -E0 mary" command in a terminal window.

Recheck the account expiration date:


sudo chage -l mary
Output from "chage" command, showing an account expiration date of "Jan 01, 1970" in a terminal window.

Because the expiration date is in the past, this account is now truly locked, regardless of any authentication method the owner might use.


To reinstate the account, use the same command with -1 as the numerical parameter:


sudo chage -E -1 mary
The "sudo chage -E -1 mary" command in a terminal window.

Type the following to double-check:


sudo chage -l mary

来自“ chage”命令的输出,在终端窗口中显示帐户到期日期“从不”。

The account expiration date is reset to “never.”


在GNOME中更改帐户密码 (Changing an Account Password in GNOME)

Ubuntu and many other Linux distributions use GNOME as the default desktop environment. You can use the “Settings” dialog to change the password for an account.

Ubuntu和许多其他Linux发行版使用GNOME作为默认桌面环境。 您可以使用“设置”对话框更改帐户密码。

To do so, in the system menu, click the Settings icon.


Click the Settings icon.

In the Settings dialog, click “Details” in the pane on the left, and then click “Users.”


Click "Users" in the pane on the left.

Click the account for which you want to change the password; in this example, we’ll select “Mary Quinn.” Click the account, and then click “Unlock.”

单击您要更改密码的帐户; 在此示例中,我们将选择“玛丽·奎因”。 单击该帐户,然后单击“解锁”。

Click "Unock."

You’re prompted for your password. After you’re authenticated, “Mary’s” details become editable. Click the “Password” field.

系统提示您输入密码。 通过身份验证后,“玛丽的”详细信息即可编辑。 点击“密码”字段。

Click the "Password" field.

In the “Change Password” dialog, click the “Set a Password Now” radio button.


Click the "Set a Password Now" radio button.

Type the new password in the “New Password” and “Verify New Password” fields.


Type the new password in the "New Password" and "Verify New Password" fields.

If the password entries match, the “Change” button turns green; click it to save the new password.

如果密码输入匹配,则“更改”按钮变为绿色;否则,按钮变为绿色。 单击它以保存新密码。

In other desktop environments, the account tools will be similar to those in GNOME.


保持安全,保持安全 (Stay Safe, Stay Secure)

For 60 years, the password has been an essential part of online account security, and it isn’t going away any time soon.


This is why it’s important to administer them wisely. If you understand the mechanisms of passwords in Linux and adopt the best password practices, you’ll keep your system secure.

这就是为什么明智地管理它们很重要的原因。 如果您了解Linux中的密码机制并采用最佳密码做法,则可以确保系统安全。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447443/how-to-change-account-passwords-on-linux/





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