
Multiple gaming computers
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While you could host a game server on your PC, sometimes it’s more convenient to have a cloud server running 24/7. Game server hosting can be surprisingly cheap, especially if you’re just looking to play with a few friends.

尽管您可以在PC上托管游戏服务器,但有时更方便的是运行24/7的云服务器。 游戏服务器托管的价格可能出奇的便宜,特别是如果您只是想和几个朋友一起玩。

专用与共享托管 (Dedicated vs. Shared Hosting)

Dedicated hosting is when you rent out an entire rack of a server—or, often, a portion of that rack’s resources. You’ll often be given detailed specifications about what exactly you’re buying, and you’ll generally be paying a bit extra compared to shared hosting.

专用托管是指您租用整个服务器机架(或通常是该机架资源的一部分)时。 通常会为您提供有关要购买的商品的详细说明,并且与共享主机相比,您通常会多花一些钱。

Shared hosting runs multiple instances of a game server across multiple server racks, allowing the hosting provider to save money and provide a low price. However, it’s not always clear what specs you’re getting, and you can run into congestion issues if your server suffers heavy load.

共享主机在多个服务器机架上运行游戏服务器的多个实例,从而使主机提供商可以节省资金并提供低廉的价格。 但是,并不总是很清楚您所获得的规格,如果服务器承受沉重的负担,您可能会遇到拥塞问题。

If you’re looking to set up a server for you and a couple of friends, we recommend you save some money and get shared hosting. If you’re looking to have a lot of people playing on your server, you should try shared hosting first and upgrade to dedicated hosting if it’s necessary.

如果您想为您和几个朋友设置服务器,建议您节省一些钱并获得共享主机。 如果您希望在服务器上玩很多人,则应首先尝试共享主机,并在必要时升级到专用主机。

Depending on what provider you buy your server from, you may also get managed hosting, which is when the provider builds tools to set up, configure, and manage your server automatically, such as automatic restarts and easy mod installing.


共享主机选项 (Shared Hosting Options)

Managed game server hosting panel

All of the options listed here are also managed hosting. You won’t have to worry about setup too much, as it should be relatively straightforward or just handled for you completely.

此处列出的所有选项也是托管主机。 您不必担心设置太多,因为它应该相对简单,或者完全为您处理。

  • Gameservers.com: Very cheap servers for small use cases, as you’re charged by the number of player slots you want. A decent control panel, but no DDOS protection.

    Gameservers.com :用于小型用例的非常便宜的服务器,因为您需要使用所需的玩家插槽数量来收费。 体面的控制面板,但没有DDOS保护。

  • Low.ms: A compromise between dedicated and shared hosting, while still providing a managed control panel for most games. You’ll know the specs you’re getting, but you’ll have to pay extra for a dedicated thread. They also put branding in your server title, which costs $2 to remove, but you might be fine with it if you’re trying to save some money.

    Low.ms :在专用托管和共享托管之间进行折衷,同时仍为大多数游戏提供托管控制面板。 您将了解所获得的规格,但是您必须为专用线程支付额外费用。 他们还会在您的服务器标题中加上商标,删除商标的费用为2美元,但是如果您想节省一些钱,可以选择使用商标。

  • Nodecraft: A shared hosting provider that doesn’t charge per slot. They have different tiers, segmented by RAM and the number of instances you can run. In fact, you can host multiple servers on one tier, RAM permitting.

    Nodecraft :一个共享的托管服务提供商,不按插槽收费。 它们具有不同的层,按RAM和您可以运行的实例数细分。 实际上,在RAM允许的情况下,您可以在一层上托管多个服务器。

Whatever option you go with, make sure it has a managed control panel and supports the game you want.


专用主机选项 (Dedicated Hosting Options)

Dedicated hosting allows you a lot more freedom and control. You can host multiple game servers off one box, as well multiple different games, and since you have full access to the box, you can even host a web server to run a website off the server, or anything else non-game related.

专用托管使您拥有更多的自由和控制权。 您可以将多个游戏服务器托管在一个盒子之外,也可以托管多个不同的游戏,并且由于您对该盒子具有完全访问权限,因此您甚至可以托管一个Web服务器以在该服务器之外运行网站,或其他任何与游戏无关的网站。

  • OVH: Only two locations, Canada and France, but offering very powerful servers for the price. If you don’t care about having the latest gen hardware, you can rent their old equipment from their sister company SYS. Both will be completely fresh servers, and you’ll have to set everything up yourself.

    OVH :只有两个地区,加拿大和法国,但以价格提供功能非常强大的服务器。 如果您不希望拥有最新的硬件,则可以从其姊妹公司SYS租用他们的旧设备。 两者都是完全新鲜的服务器,您必须自行设置所有内容。

  • Gameservers.com: Though this company focuses on shared hosting, it also offers dedicated servers as an option. You’ll even get the managed control panel, though this is optional and will restrict your access to only the control panel.

    Gameservers.com :尽管该公司专注于共享主机,但它也提供专用服务器作为选项。 您甚至会获得托管控制面板,尽管这是可选的,并且将限制您仅访问控制面板。

  • Amazon Web Services: More of a premium, enterprise option. If you’re a game developer looking to host servers, AWS GameLift is worth looking into. If you’re looking for a single, generic server, EC2 will be more suitable. And if you’re a student, you can get $100 in free credit with a .EDU email.

    Amazon Web Services :更多高级的企业选择。 如果您是希望托管服务器的游戏开发人员,则值得研究AWS GameLift 。 如果您正在寻找单个通用服务器,则EC2将更合适。 如果您是学生,则可以通过.EDU电子邮件获得$ 100的免费信用额

设置专用服务器 (Setting Up a Dedicated Server)

Steam Command Line

Most Steam games will use SteamCMD to download and run the server, although you’ll usually have to configure a .bat file with all the starting instructions. Other games may have their own server program you can download—check the game’s official documentation for more information. We’ll link to a few guides here, but if you’re looking to run something that isn’t on this list, a quick web search for the game’s name plus “dedicated server setup” will usually yield useful results.

大多数Steam游戏将使用SteamCMD下载并运行服务器,尽管通常您必须使用所有开始说明来配置.bat文件。 其他游戏可能拥有自己的服务器程序,您可以下载该服务器程序-有关更多信息,请查看游戏的官方文档。 我们将在此处链接到一些指南,但是,如果您要运行不在此列表中的内容,则快速在网络上搜索游戏名称以及“专用服务器设置”通常会产生有用的结果。

After the server is set up and running, you’ll want to ensure that the ports are open on the server, so that people will be able to access it. This step will be different for each host, but if you don’t see anything in the control panel for your provider, you will likely just have to change the Windows Firewall settings and whitelist the server application.

设置并运行服务器后,您需要确保在服务器上打开端口,以便人们可以访问它。 对于每个主机,此步骤将有所不同,但是如果您的提供商的控制面板中没有看到任何内容,则可能只需更改Windows防火墙设置并将服务器应用程序列入白名单。

After the ports are open, people should be able to connect to your server with the IP address, or possibly just through the in-game server browser. Depending on the game, you might want to get a domain name for your server, so you can easily remember the IP address.

打开端口后,人们应该可以使用IP地址或可能仅通过游戏内服务器浏览器连接到您的服务器。 根据游戏的不同,您可能希望获取服务器的域名,以便轻松记住IP地址。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406692/how-to-start-your-own-game-server/





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