python 新闻摘要_每日新闻摘要:随着机器取代工人,黄金一日即将推出

python 新闻摘要

python 新闻摘要

Amazon recently said that it would shift all Prime members from free two-day shipping to free one-day shipping throughout 2019. As it turns out, some customers are already getting bumped to free one-day, as reported by The Verge.

亚马逊最近表示,将在整个2019年将所有Prime会员从免费的两天送达转变为免费的一日送达。事实证明,正如The Verge报道的那样,一些客户已经开始转向一日免费。

While logistically it’s going to take Amazon a while to get free one-day shipping rolled out to all customers—especially those in more rural areas that may be further from distribution centers—it’s nice to see it already rolling out to some others. Of course, one-day shipping isn’t new on the whole, as it was previously available to some users with a minimum $35 order. The “new” one-day shipping option will not only make it the default choice for Prime members but also removes the $35 threshold.

从物流上讲,亚马逊需要花一段时间才能向所有客户(尤其是距离配送中心更远的农村地区)提供一日免费送货服务,但很高兴看到它已经向其他顾客推出。 当然,一日发货并不是一个整体,因为以前某些用户的最低订购价为$ 35。 “新”的一日运送选项不仅使其成为Prime会员的默认选择,而且取消了$ 35的门槛。

This news comes in tandem with a report from Reuters that Amazon is starting to replace some of its human box packers with machines that can pack up orders “4 to 5 times” faster than people. The machines, which are already in a handful of warehouses, can pack a staggering 600 to 700 boxes per hour. That’s insane.

这则新闻与路透社的报道并驾齐驱,该报道称,亚马逊正在开始用可以比人快4到5倍的订单装箱量的机器取代其一些人工装箱机。 这些机器已经在少数仓库中运转,每小时可以包装600至700箱。 太疯狂了

For Amazon, however, it’s not necessarily about speed—“It’s truly about efficiency and savings,” according to the Reuters report. I’m honestly not sure how “efficiency” doesn’t translate almost directly to “speed,” but hey, whatever. If it’s faster, it’s more efficient.

然而,对亚马逊而言,这并不一定与速度有关,“这实际上与效率和节省有关”,据路透社报道。 老实说,我不确定“效率”如何几乎不直接转换为“速度”,但是嘿,不管怎样。 如果速度更快,则效率更高。

The biggest question here, of course, is what this means for the workers who are replaced with the packing machines. As you can probably imagine, box packing is a high-turnover job, so instead of letting workers go, Amazon simply won’t refill those roles as workers quit. Ultimately, the machines will likely replace around 1,300 workers across the country.

当然,这里最大的问题是,这对于被包装机取代的工人意味着什么。 您可能会想到,装箱是一项高周转的工作,因此,除了让员工离开外,亚马逊还不会在员工辞职时重新填补这些职位。 最终,这些机器将有可能取代全国大约1300名工人。

As for the ones who stick with the packing positions, Amazon said those people could be re-purposed to different positions. The machines themselves still require three human workers anyway: one to program orders, one to load up cardboard and glue for the custom-built boxes, and one to clear out the “occasional” jams. And while installing the machines will set Amazon back some $1 million per machine, the company says it can recoup the expense in less than two years and re-invest the money that it will ultimately save into “new services for customers, where new jobs will continue to be created.” Sounds good.

至于那些坚持打包位置的人,亚马逊表示,这些人可能会被重新分配到不同的位置。 这些机器本身仍然仍然需要三名工人:一位负责编程命令,一位负责为定制盒子装满纸板和胶水,一位负责清除“偶尔的”卡纸。 虽然安装这些机器将使亚马逊每台机器损失约100万美元,但该公司表示,可以在不到两年的时间内收回费用,并将这笔钱重新投资,最终节省下来的资金将用于“为客户提供的新服务,在那里将提供新的工作机会”。继续创建。” 听起来不错。

在其他新闻中 (In Other News)

Windows 10 is on 825 million devices, an “unhackable” USB stick was exposing passwords, Office 365 has a crap-ton of subscribers, and a lot more.

Windows 10安装在8.25亿个设备上,一个“不可破解”的USB记忆棒暴露了密码,Office 365拥有大量的订户,等等。

  • Windows 10 is installed on “over 825 million devices:” According to internal documentation obtained by, Windows is still dominant. [Thurrott]

    Thurrott.com获得的内部文档显示, Windows 10安装在“超过8.25亿个设备”上: Windows仍然占主导地位。 [瑟罗特]

  • “Unhackable” USB stick found to be leaking passwords: Honestly, calling your device “unhackable” in the first place is a pretty boneheaded move. The eyeDISK USB drive was compromised pretty easily by using a packet analyzer to detect that it was sending passwords in plaintext. Oops. [TechRadar]

    发现“无法入侵”的USB记忆棒正在泄露密码:老实说,首先将您的设备称为“无法入侵”是相当愚蠢的举动。 通过使用数据包分析器检测到eyeDISK USB驱动器以明文形式发送密码,很容易遭到破坏。 哎呀。 [ TechRadar ]

  • Office 365 has more than 214 million subscribers: Dude, that’s SO many subs. More than Amazon Prime and Spotify Premium combined, according to MSPowerUser. Wild. [MSPU]

    Office 365拥有超过2.14亿用户:杜德(Dude),那么多订阅者。 据MSPowerUser称,这不仅仅是Amazon Prime和Spotify Premium的总和。 野生。 [ MSPU ]

  • Samsung missed the Galaxy Home window…again: Last year, Samsung announced the Bixby smart speaker that no one wanted, then missed the delivery window. It showed it off again at CES 2019 with an April 2019 shipping window, but it missed that too. There must not be a lot of emphasis on delivering it any time soon. [CNET]

    三星错过了Galaxy Home窗口……再次:去年,三星宣布没人想要的Bixby智能扬声器,然后错过了交付窗口。 它在2019年国际消费电子展上再次展示了其2019年4月的发货窗口,但它也错过了这一点。 很快就不能过多强调交付它。 [ CNET ]

  • Google targets “Phone X” against the Pixel 3a: Google started its Pixel 3a campaign hard and heavy, already challenging something called the “Phone X” on price and camera features. 😉 [9to5Google]

    Google针对Pixel 3a瞄准了“ Phone X”: Google艰难而沉重地启动了Pixel 3a运动,已经在价格和相机功能方面挑战了“ Phone X”。 😉 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Spotify is letting artists share the stories behind their music: A new feature called Storyline gives artists an Instagram-like way to share the story behind the song. That’s cool. [Android Police]

    Spotify让艺术家分享音乐背后的故事:一项名为Storyline的新功能为艺术家提供了一种类似于Instagram方式来分享歌曲背后的故事。 这很酷。 [ Android警察]

  • Google may be testing automatic crash detection on phones: Code found in the latest Android Q beta hints at car crash detection, though it’s unclear what this would do once a crash is detected. One could assume it will automatically notify the authorities, but we’ll wait until more info is available to make further assumptions.

    谷歌可能正在测试手机的自动碰撞检测功能:最新的Android Q beta版本中的代码提示了汽车碰撞检测功能,尽管目前尚不清楚一旦检测到碰撞将如何处理。 有人可能会假设它会自动通知当局,但我们将等到有更多信息可做进一步的假设时再进行。

It what may be the most bizarre story I’ve seen in a while, the CFO of a school lunch company called Choicelunch has been arrested for hacking into a competitor’s database and stealing data on hundreds of students. Information on the students, what they like to eat, and known allergies was stolen from The LunchMaster last year then traced back to where Choicelunch is headquartered. An FBI investigation into the data breach eventually pinned the hack on Choicelunch’s CFO. It turns out that school lunches are a high-stakes, cutthroat world. Who knew? [The Register]

这可能是我一段时间以来看到的最奇怪的故事,一家名为Choicelunch的学校午餐公司的首席财务官因侵入竞争对手的数据库并窃取数百名学生的数据而被捕。 去年,The LunchMaster窃取了学生的信息,他们喜欢吃什么以及已知的过敏,然后追溯到Choicelunch总部所在地。 联邦调查局(FBI)对数据泄露的调查最终将黑客锁定在Choicelunch的CFO身上。 事实证明,学校午餐是一个高风险,残酷的世界。 谁知道? [寄存器]


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