
iPhone showing WhatsApp notification with preview hidden
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Unless your lock screen is locked down, anyone who picks up your iPhone can read your notifications. If you want to hide your private WhatsApp conversations from your lock screen, you can disable notification previews in two different ways.

除非锁定屏幕被锁定,否则拿起iPhone的任何人都可以阅读您的通知。 如果要在锁定屏幕上隐藏私人的WhatsApp对话,则可以通过两种不同的方式禁用通知预览。

在锁定屏幕上禁用通知预览 (Disable Notification Previews on Your Lock Screen)

One of the new features introduced with Face ID on iPhone X was the ability to hide notification previews. The feature was rolled out in iOS 11 and is available for all iPhones, including older iPhones with Touch ID.

iPhone X上的Face ID引入的新功能之一是能够隐藏通知预览。 该功能已在iOS 11中推出,并且适用于所有iPhone,包括具有Touch ID的旧版iPhone。

The option is enabled by default for devices with a Face ID sensor (one of the best iPhone privacy features), but you can enable it manually if you have an older iPhone.

默认情况下,具有Face ID传感器的设备(最好的iPhone隐私功能之一)启用该选项,但是如果您使用的是旧版iPhone,则可以手动启用。

When enabled, the content of all notifications are hidden by default. The notification will show the name of the sender and the notification text will simply read “Notification”.

启用后,默认情况下将隐藏所有通知的内容。 通知将显示发件人的姓名,通知文本将简单显示为“通知”。

Notification shown with content hidden on iPhone

When you unlock your iPhone with Face ID, the notification will expand to show the content.

当您使用Face ID解锁iPhone时,通知将展开以显示内容。

Notification shown with content after unlocking iPhone

If you’ve disabled the feature, or if you’re using an older iPhone, you can turn it on from Settings.


Open the “Settings” app and then tap on the “Notifications” option.


Tap on Notifications from Settings app

Here, tap on the “Show Previews” option at the top.


Tap on Show Previews option

Switch to the “When Unlocked” option. Now, your iPhone will only expand the notification content after you scan your face using Face ID, or after you place your finger on the Touch ID sensor.

切换到“解锁时”选项。 现在,您的iPhone仅在使用Face ID扫描脸部或将手指放在Touch ID传感器上之后才会扩展通知内容。

If you want to be extra cautious and don’t want any notification content to show up on the lock screen, choose the “Never” option.


Select When Unlocked or Never option

禁用WhatsApp通知预览 (Disable WhatsApp Notification Previews)

The previous method is an all-or-nothing deal for every notification that come into your iPhone. But what if you only want to disable notification previews for WhatsApp and not for other apps? You can do this using a setting from the WhatsApp app.

以前的方法是对进入iPhone的每个通知进行全有或全无的处理。 但是,如果您只想禁用WhatsApp而不是其他应用程序的通知预览,该怎么办? 您可以使用WhatsApp应用程序中的设置来执行此操作。

Open the “WhatsApp” app and tap on the “Settings” tab found in the bottom-right corner.

打开“ WhatsApp”应用程序,然后点击右下角的“设置”选项卡。

Tap on the Settings button in WhatsApp on iPhone

From there, choose the “Notifications” option.


Tap on Notifications option from WhatsApp

Here, tap on the toggle next to the “Show Preview” option.


Tap on toggle next to Show Preview

Now, when you get a new message on WhatsApp, the notification will tell you the name of the sender and the content area will simply read “Message”.


WhatsApp message shown with preview hidden

This is just one of the many steps you can take to make your WhatsApp account more secure and private. Take a look at our WhatsApp security guide to learn more.

这只是使您的WhatsApp帐户更加安全和私有的众多步骤之一。 查看我们的WhatsApp安全指南以了解更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/662858/how-to-disable-notification-previews-for-whatsapp-on-iphone/





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