caps lock_如何在Windows 7、8、10或Vista中禁用Caps Lock键

caps lock

caps lock

The caps lock key is a remnant of typewriters dating from the nineteenth century. Unless you’re in the accounting department, it’s probably not very useful, so today we’ll learn how to disable it.

大写锁定键是19世纪打字机的残留物。 除非您在会计部门,否则它可能不是很有用,所以今天我们将学习如何禁用它。

UPDATE: We’ve received some reports that some people are having problems with the registry keys on Windows 10 Home edition, at least. It’s a lot simpler to use Sharpkeys to remap your hotkeys though, so make sure to read our article on mapping any key to any key. That’s really the recommended technique – this is more for educational purposes anyway.

更新:我们已经收到一些报告,至少有些人在Windows 10 Home Edition上存在注册表项问题。 不过,使用Sharpkeys重映射您的热键要简单得多,因此请务必阅读我们的文章,该文章将任何键映射到任何键。 实际上,这是推荐的技术–无论如何,这更多是出于教育目的。

If you’re using Mac OS X instead, you can follow our guide on how to disable Caps Lock in OS X using a registry hack, or you can map any key to any key if you really want to.

如果您使用的是Mac OS X,则可以遵循我们的指南,了解如何使用注册表黑客在OS X中禁用Caps Lock ,或者如果您确实愿意,可以将任何键映射到任何键

Note: This article was originally published years ago, but we’ve updated it and are republishing for everybody that might not have seen it. Image by Laurence Vagner

注意:本文最初是在多年前发布的,但是我们已经对其进行了更新,并且正在重新发布,以供所有未曾看到的用户使用。 图片由劳伦斯·瓦格纳( Laurence Vagner)

了解Windows密钥重新映射的工作方式 (Understanding How Windows Key Re-Mapping Works)

Windows doesn’t have a default setting to allow for disabling the key, so what we have to do is re-map the key to something non-existent so as to completely disable it. To do this manually, you’d open up regedit.exe and browse down to the following key:

Windows没有允许禁用密钥的默认设置,因此我们要做的是将密钥重新映射到不存在的密钥,以完全禁用它。 要手动执行此操作,请打开regedit.exe并向下浏览至以下键:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \键盘布局


Here’s the format of the binary data in the Scancode Map key, with the important parts in bold and various colors:

这是Scancode Map键中二进制数据的格式,其中重要的部分以粗体和各种颜色显示:

00000000 00000000 02000000 00003A00 00000000

00000000 00000000 02 000000 0000 3A00 00000000

Here’s how it works:


  • The first 16 zeros are just there to waste space.

  • The “02” in bold represents how many keys you are going to re-map plus 1. (It really represents the length of the data, but whatever)

    粗体的“ 02”表示要重新映射的键数加上1。(它实际上表示数据的长度,但随便什么)
  • The orange bolded “0000” is the key we actually want Windows to map TO, which in this case is nothing, or 0.

    橙色加粗的“ 0000”是我们实际上希望Windows映射到的键,在这种情况下为空,即为0。
  • The blue bolded “3A00” is the key we are mapping from, in this case the caps lock key.

    蓝色加粗的“ 3A00”是我们要映射的键,在这种情况下为大写锁定键。
  • The next 8 zeros are there to waste space as the null terminator.


You can map between multiple keys by incrementing the “02” and then adding another of the colorful bold blocks in the middle. The 3A00 in the mix is the scan code.  For example, if you wanted to disable the caps lock key and then change scroll lock into a caps lock key:

您可以通过增加“ 02”,然后在中间添加另一个彩色粗体块来映射多个键。 混合中的3A00是扫描代码。 例如,如果要禁用大写锁定键,然后将滚动锁定更改为大写锁定键,请执行以下操作:

00000000 00000000 03000000 00003A00 3A004600 00000000

00000000 00000000 03 000000 0000 3A00 3A00 4600 00000000

It might seem complicated, but it’s really fairly simple once you start working with it.


可下载的注册表黑客以禁用或重新映射Caps Lock键 (Downloadable Registry Hack to Disable or Remap the Caps Lock Key)

Now that you’ve learned how these things work internally, you can download and extract the zipfile which contains the following files:


ChangeCapsToControl.regChanges Caps Lock to be a Control key
ChangeCapsToShift.regChanges Caps Lock to be a Shift key
SwitchCapsToScrollLock.regDisables Caps Lock and swaps Scroll lock to be Caps Lock
KillCapsLock.regDisables Caps Lock
DisableKeyboardRemapUninstalls the preference by deleting the key
ChangeCapsToControl.reg 将Caps Lock更改为控制键
ChangeCapsToShift.reg 将Caps Lock更改为Shift键
SwitchCapsToScrollLock.reg 禁用Caps Lock并将滚动锁定替换为Caps Lock
KillCapsLock.reg 禁用大写锁定
DisableKeyboardRemap 通过删除密钥来卸载首选项

Once you’ve applied one of these registry files, you’ll have to reboot your computer for it to work. To uninstall, you can use the uninstall registry tweak, or you can simply delete the Scancode Map key entirely.

一旦应用了这些注册表文件之一,就必须重新启动计算机才能正常工作。 要卸载,您可以使用卸载注册表调整,也可以完全删除Scancode Map项。

Download Keyboard Mappings Registry Tweaks



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