如何在Office 2013中打开被阻止的文件


If you have upgraded to Office 2013, or Office 365, you may have run into problems opening files that have been emailed to you. Try to open a Word file you have received as an email attachment and you are likely to find that Word not only refuses to open the files, but fails to provide much in the way of help.

如果您已升级到Office 2013或Office 365,则在打开通过电子邮件发送给您的文件时可能会遇到问题。 尝试打开作为电子邮件附件收到的Word文件,您可能会发现Word不仅拒绝打开文件,而且无法提供很多帮助。

The reason the file cannot be opened is that it originated from a different computer, and for this very reason it is seen as a potential threat by Office. When you are dealing with files that have been emailed to you, or you have downloaded from the internet, this makes a degree of sense from a security point of view, but it is also extremely annoying.

无法打开文件的原因是它源自另一台计算机,因此,它被Office视为潜在威胁。 当您处理已通过电子邮件发送给您的文件或从Internet下载的文件时,从安全角度来看这是有一定道理的,但这也非常令人讨厌。


The problem is exacerbated by the fact that files stored on a network drive or copied from other computers on your home network can also be affected if they have been archived. The absence of any helpful pointers to how you should go about opening the file in question could leave you pulling out your hair, but there are a couple of solutions.

如果存储在网络驱动器上或从家庭网络中其他计算机复​​制的文件也可能受到影响,则问题会进一步恶化。 缺少任何有关如何打开有问题的文件的有用指示,可能会导致您无法解决问题,但是有两种解决方案。

Office 2013 employs a similar technique to Internet Explorer to determine where files originated from, and this can lead to security issues.

Office 2013采用了与Internet Explorer类似的技术来确定文件起源于何处,这可能会导致安全问题。

取消阻止单个文件 (Unblock Individual Files)

This may be an issue that you don’t encounter all that often, so the best plan of attack to start with is to unblock files on an individual basis.


Right-click a file that has been block by Office and select Properties from the context menu. On the General tab, click the Unblock button at the bottom of the dialog and then click OK. The next time you double-click the file it will open as you would expect.

右键单击被Office阻止的文件,然后从上下文菜单中选择“属性”。 在“常规”选项卡上,单击对话框底部的“取消阻止”按钮,然后单击“确定”。 下次您双击该文件时,它将按您期望的方式打开。


取消阻止所有文件 (Unblocking All Files)

If you find that you are frequently encountering this error message, you may want to take a different approach. I store all of my writing in zip files on a network drive and I have found that any file contained within an archive that I try to access is automatically blocked – the number of times I have to access these files means I’m not happy to have to unblock each file one after another.

如果发现您经常遇到此错误消息,则可能需要采用其他方法。 我将所有文字都存储在网络驱动器上的zip文件中,我发现我尝试访问的存档中包含的任何文件都会被自动阻止-我必须访问这些文件的次数意味着我不满意必须逐个解除阻止每个文件。

In Word 2013 – or whichever Office application you are having problems with – click the File menu and select Options. Click the Trust Center link to the left.

在Word 2013(或您遇到的任何Office应用程序)中,单击“文件”菜单,然后选择“选项”。 单击左侧的“信任中心”链接。


Click the Trust Center Settings button and then click the Trusted Locations link to the left. Here you can specify folders that should always be trusted so that the file stored in them can always be opened.

单击“信任中心设置”按钮,然后单击左侧的“受信任的位置”链接。 在这里,您可以指定应始终受信任的文件夹,以便始终可以打开其中存储的文件。

If you are struggling to open files stored on a network drive you can add this to your list of trusted location; click the ‘Add new location’ button

如果您正在努力打开存储在网络驱动器上的文件,可以将其添加到受信任位置列表中。 点击“添加新位置”按钮


Click Browse and then navigate to the folder or drive you would like to unblock. You also have the option of ticking the ‘Subfolders of this location are also trusted’ to ensure that all files from this drive can be opened.

单击浏览,然后导航到您要取消阻止的文件夹或驱动器。 您还可以选择“也信任此位置的子文件夹”,以确保可以打开该驱动器中的所有文件。


If you click OK followed by OK and then attempt to re-open a file that has been blocked, you will find that it opens without issues.


This solution does not help entirely however. It is not possible to use this method to unblock network locations – it does mean, however, that you can copy troublesome files from a network location to a designated ‘safe’ folder so they can be opened from there.

但是,该解决方案并不能完全帮助您。 无法使用这种方法来解锁网络位置–但是,这确实意味着您可以将麻烦的文件从网络位置复制到指定的“安全”文件夹,以便可以从那里打开它们。

禁用安全性 (Disable Security)

There is another option available to you, but it is one that should be used with caution. Files from potentially unsafe locations are blocked for that very reason – there is a possibility that they are dangerous. But if you are determined to be able to open whichever files you want, you can bypass this security.

您可以使用另一种选择,但应谨慎使用。 出于这个原因,来自潜在不安全位置的文件被阻止了-它们很危险。 但是,如果确定可以打开所需的任何文件,则可以绕过此安全性。

In the Trust Center, head to the Protected View section and untick the boxes labeled ‘Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet’ and ‘Enable Protected View for files located in potential unsafe locations’ before clicking OK



If you do decide to go down this route, you should ensure that you have other security measures in place – antivirus, anti-spyware, etc.


Have you found any other finicky problems with Office 2013? Let us know in the comments below.

您是否发现Office 2013还有其他任何棘手的问题? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/136901/how-to-open-blocked-files-in-office-2013/





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