如何修改Nintendo Switch Dock以获得更好的便携性

The Switch is great! Nintendo’s dock design is…less great. While buying a third-party dock can be risky, there’s an alternative: replace the plastic shell on the original to make it a lean, mean, fast-docking machine.

开关很棒! 任天堂的底座设计……不太好。 虽然购买第三方基座可能会有风险,但还有另一种选择:更换原件上的塑料外壳,使其成为精简,快速,对接的机器。

Accessory makers have begun selling alternate dock shells. They’re really just pieces of plastic, and they’re designed to hold the electronic guts of the official Nintendo dock in a new and much more user-friendly position. This modified layout allows the dock to be about a third of the size of the bulky original for much more convenient travel, while also displaying the Switch’s tablet screen for handy desktop play while it’s charging.

配件制造商已开始销售备用坞壳。 它们实际上只是塑料件,并且旨在将Nintendo官方码头的电子支架固定在一个新的且更加人性化的位置。 这种经过改进的布局使扩展坞的尺寸约为笨重原件的三分之一,从而使出行更加方便,同时还可以显示Switch的平板电脑屏幕,以便在充电时方便桌面播放。

This modified Switch dock is about a third the size of the original, and can display and charge the Switch at the same time.

Because it’s using Nintendo’s genuine dock circuit board and USB-C port, the modified dock retains all of the charging, video-out, and USB connections of the original without the bricking danger of some third-party alternatives. You’ll need to assemble it yourself, but it’s worth the effort.

由于修改后的扩展坞使用了Nintendo的原装扩展坞电路板和USB-C端口,因此保留了原始设备的所有充电,视频输出和USB连接,而没有某些第三方替代产品带来的麻烦。 您需要自己组装,但是值得付出努力。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

All you need to complete this project is one of these third-party shells and about 20 minutes. This shell costs around $15 on Amazon, and it comes with the custom tri-wing screwdriver you’ll need to open Nintendo’s dock. You might want to use your own small screwdrivers, though, since the cheap ones included with the dock are flimsy and uncomfortable.

完成此项目所需要做的只是这些第三方Shell中的一个,大约需要20分钟。 该外壳在亚马逊上的售价约为15美元,并且随附需要打开Nintendo基座的定制三翼螺丝刀。 但是,您可能要使用自己的小螺丝刀,因为扩展坞随附的便宜螺丝刀脆弱且不舒适。

Here’s a bigger, better tri-wing screwdriver if you’d like a permanent Nintendo-specific addition to your toolkit. A few cups or bowls to hold the loose screws will also be useful.

如果您要在工具包中添加永久的任天堂特定功能,请使用更大,更好的三翼螺丝刀。 几个杯子或碗来固定松动的螺丝也将很有用。

第一步:打开Nintendo Switch Dock (Step One: Open the Nintendo Switch Dock)

To get started, remove your Switch’s dock from its normal place by the TV and unplug all the hardware from it. Flip up the cover on the back to reveal the connection ports. Remove these eight screws with your tri-wing driver:

首先,将电视机的扩展坞从电视的正常位置移开,然后从中拔出所有硬件。 掀开背面的盖子,露出连接端口。 用三翼螺丝刀卸下以下八个螺钉:

With these screws removed, you’ll be able to pull out this plastic piece and expose the circuit board of the dock.


The board will be sitting loose in the shell.


第二步:卸下电路板和USB-C端口 (Step Two: Remove The Circuit Board and USB-C Port)

There are two cables connected to the board: the ribbon cable coming from the USB-C port, and the power cable going to the LED. The ribbon cable is on top in this orientation, so grab it first. Pull up the tab holding it in place on the connector, and then pull the cable out.

板上有两根电缆:带状电缆(来自USB-C端口)和电源电缆(通向LED)。 带状电缆在此方向上位于顶部,因此请先抓住它。 向上拉动卡舌,将其固定在连接器上,然后拉出电缆。

Now lift the circuit board up gently, and you’ll see a red and black power light cable connected underneath. Disconnect that, and then you can then completely remove the circuit board.

现在,轻轻地提起电路板,您会看到下面连接了红色和黑色的电源指示灯电缆。 断开连接,然后可以完全卸下电路板。

You can leave the power light cable where it is, but you’re going to need to go after the USB-C port at the bottom of the dock. To access this component, you’ll need to switch to a standard Philips-head screwdriver and remove these nine different screws. Six of them are deeply recessed, so you’ll need a short, skinny screwdriver to get them out.

您可以将电源灯电缆留在原处,但是您需要在扩展坞底部的USB-C端口之后。 要访问此组件,您需要切换到标准的Philips螺丝起子,并卸下这九种不同的螺钉。 其中有六个凹陷很深,因此您需要一把短而细长的螺丝刀才能将它们取出。

With the nine screws removed, you can pull off the next piece of the plastic shell.


Flip the remaining part of the dock around to access the port assembly on the bottom.


Gently pull the ribbon cable to the side, and remove these four screws. This will let you pull off the retention plate, which holds the springs onto the sliding USB-C port. Try not to let the springs get too close to each other: they’ll tangle themselves easily once they’re loose.

轻轻将带状电缆拉到一侧,然后卸下这四个螺钉。 这样您就可以拉出固定板,该固定板将弹簧固定在滑动的USB-C端口上。 尽量不要让弹簧彼此靠得太近:一旦弹簧松动,它们很容易缠在一起。

There are two very, very small screws holding the USB-C port in place on the sliding assembly. You’ll want the smallest screwdriver you have that still includes a good grip for this step. Remove those screws, set them aside, and then pull out the USB-C port.

有两个非常非常小的螺钉将USB-C端口固定在滑动部件上。 您将需要拥有最小的螺丝刀,并且该螺丝刀仍具有良好的抓地力。 卸下这些螺钉,放在一边,然后拉出USB-C端口。

第三步:在新外壳中安装组件 (Step Three: Install Components in the New Shell)

Now you’re almost ready to move the components over to the new dock. Plug the USB-C ribbon cable back into the port on the circuit board, and snap the latch closed. The blue side of the connector should face up, and once you’ve fully closed the latch, you shouldn’t be able to see any blue on the cable:

现在,您几乎可以将组件移到新的扩展坞上了。 将USB-C带状电缆重新插入电路板上的端口,然后扣紧闩锁。 连接器的蓝色面应朝上,并且一旦完全合上闩锁,就不会在电缆上看到任何蓝色:

Don’t worry about the LED light in the original dock: it’s just an indicator and won’t be part of your finished modified dock. With the USB ribbon cable reattached, take the USB-C port on the end of the ribbon cable and insert it into the oval hole in the top shell piece.

不必担心原始扩展坞中的LED灯:它只是一个指示器,不会成为成品改进后的扩展坞的一部分。 重新安装USB带状电缆后,取下带状电缆末端的USB-C端口,并将其插入顶部外壳的椭圆形Kong中。

Now grab the same two tiny screws you removed from either side of the USB-C port in the original Switch dock (in the last part of Step Two). Use them to affix the port to the new shell, this time screwing them in from the bottom.

现在,抓住从原始Switch扩展坞的USB-C端口的两侧卸下的相同的两颗小螺钉(在第二步的最后部分中)。 使用它们将端口固定在新外壳上,这次将它们从底部拧入。

Fold the circuit board over the longest portion of the USB-C ribbon cable. The ports on the board should fit snugly into the cutouts in the shell. If the excess ribbon cable is getting in the way, use your finger to push some of it into the curve of the upper shell piece.

将电路板折叠在USB-C带状电缆的最长部分上。 板上的端口应紧贴外壳的开口。 如果多余的带状电缆挡住了,请用手指将其中的一些推入上壳体的弯曲处。

Use three of the screws that came with the replacement shell to screw down the circuit board in these locations. The circuit board should now be snugly in place, with the various ports aligned with the upper half of the shell.

使用替换外壳随附的三颗螺钉在这些位置拧紧电路板。 现在,电路板应该紧紧地固定在位,并且各个端口与外壳的上半部分对齐。

Place the lower portion of the shell on to the upper part, and use four more screws to affix it. It will only fit in one way.

将外壳的下部放在上部,然后再用四颗螺丝固定。 它只适合一种方式。

Remove the rubber feet from the replacement shell package and stick them over the screw holes.


第四步:检查工作 (Step Four: Check Your Work)

And you’re done! Check around your newly modified dock to make sure there’s plenty of clearance for all the ports. If there is, plug in your power and HDMI cables and test it with your television. You should see the Switch’s picture on your TV.

大功告成! 检查新近修改的扩展坞,以确保所有端口都有足够的间隙。 如果有,请插入电源线和HDMI电缆,然后用电视机进行测试。 您应该在电视上看到Switch的图片。

Note that, because the original circuit board is still being used, the Switch itself thinks it’s in the original dock when you plug it in. That means that it will turn off its screen when it’s inserted. If you want to use the modified dock as a desktop charging stand, try using another, non-Nintendo USB-C charger and unplugging the HDMI cable. I’ve found the one from my Android cell phone lets the Switch screen stay active while it’s charging, allowing me to play at the same time.

请注意,由于仍在使用原始电路板,因此交换机本身在插入时会认为它在原始扩展坞中。这意味着插入时它将关闭屏幕。 如果要将修改后的扩展坞用作桌面充电座,请尝试使用其他非任天堂USB-C充电器并拔下HDMI电缆。 我发现我的Android手机上的那一个可以让Switch屏幕在充电时保持活动状态,让我可以同时玩。

Now that the original dock’s components are in the new shell, reassemble the original dock shell so you can keep it if you ever want to go back. The only tricky part is making sure the spring assembly is properly aligned with the plastic spikes holding them in place. For everything else, just replace the original screws, following Step Two and Step One above in reverse.

现在,原始扩展坞的组件位于新的外壳中,请重新组装原始扩展坞外壳,以便在需要时可以保留它。 唯一棘手的部分是确保弹簧组件与将其固定到位的塑料钉正确对齐。 对于其他所有操作,只需按照上述第二步和第一步相反的顺序装回原来的螺钉即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/357114/how-to-mod-your-nintendo-switch-dock-for-better-portability/





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