kafka irs_如何使用IRS免费文件免费获取TurboTax或H&R Block

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If you watch television, browse the web, or even listen to the radio, you’ve heard them: tax preparation apps promising to help you file your taxes for free. Try to actually use those apps, however, and it doesn’t take long before they ask you for money.

如果您看电视,浏览网络甚至是收听广播,就会听到这些声音:税务准备应用程序有望帮助您免费纳税。 但是,尝试实际使用这些应用程序,不久之后他们就会要求您付款。

You might think your only option is to go along with that, but if you earned less than $66,000, there’s actually an official, truly free method: IRS Free File. This is a partnership between the IRS and several different tax preperation companies, and it offers you free software for working out and filing your taxes online. Companies like TurboTax and H&R Block are here, offering free versions of their software that won’t try to upsell you.

您可能会认为唯一的选择就是坚持这一点,但是如果您的收入少于$ 66,000,实际上有一种官方的,真正免费的方法: IRS免费文件。 这是美国国税局(IRS)与几家不同的税收筹划公司之间的合作伙伴关系,它为您提供免费的软件,用于在线计算和报税。 诸如TurboTaxH&R Block之类的公司都在这里,提供其软件的免费版本,这些软件不会试图向您出售。

And even if you earn more than $66,0000, there are free fillable forms available that anyone can use to file their own taxes online. Here’s where to find these programs, and why they exist.

即使您的收入超过$ 66,0000,也可以使用免费填写的表格,任何人都可以用来在线提交自己的税款。 在这里可以找到这些程序,以及它们存在的原因。

如果您的收入不超过$ 66,000:免费税务软件 (If You Earned $66,000 or Less: Free Tax Software)

Not everyone knows this, but tax software companies including TurboTax and H&R Block offer free versions of their software to the majority of US taxpayers. Because we’re talking about taxes, however, things are a little more complicated than they need to be: different companies offer the free software to different people, and it can be complicated to work out which software you qualify for.

并非所有人都知道这一点,但是包括TurboTaxH&R Block在内的税务软件公司向大多数美国纳税人提供了其软件的免费版本。 但是,由于我们谈论的是税收,所以事情要复杂得多:不同的公司为不同的人提供免费软件,而弄清楚您符合条件的软件可能会很复杂。

To get started, head to the official list of Free File Software Offers on the IRS website. You will see 12 different options, all with different qualifying requirements.

首先,请访问IRS网站上的免费文件软件优惠的正式列表。 您将看到12个不同的选项,所有选项都有不同的资格要求。

This is a little confusing, but the good thing is that all of these programs are free for anyone who qualifies. Even H&R Block and TurboTax, which are notorious for up-selling people halfway through the tax preparation process, will hold back on that if you stick to the Free File system.

这有点令人困惑,但是好处是,所有这些程序对于有资格的人都是免费的。 即使是H&R Block和TurboTax,在纳税准备过程的中途对推销人员都臭名昭著,如果您坚持使用Free File系统,也会阻止这种情况。

Which of these options you use is going to depend on your financial situation as well as where you live, because each has different requirements. The most universal offering is H&R Block, which offers federal and state taxes for free to anyone between 17 and 50 earning $66,000 or less. Start there if that describes you, otherwise check out the other options.

您会使用哪种选择取决于您的财务状况以及居住地,因为每种选择都有不同的要求。 最普遍的产品是H&R Block,它为17岁至50岁之间,收入在66,000美元或以下的人免费提供联邦和州税。 如果可以描述您,请从那里开始,否则请查看其他选项。

收入超过$ 66,000:免费文件填写表格 (Earning Over $66,000: Free File Fillablle Forms)

The name manages to be alliterative without being catchy, in the way only government agencies can pull off. But Free File Fillable Forms also gives you exactly what it sounds like: online versions of tax forms that you can fill out and file for free. This isn’t tax preparation software: it’s basically an online version of the paper forms, along with a web portal for submitting them to the IRS. It’s only offered here for Federal taxes, but many states offer similar systems on their own websites.

该名称在不引起任何人注意的情况下设法成为代名词,只有政府机构才能采用。 但是,免费文件可填写表格也为您提供了确切的听起来:在线版本的税表,您可以免费填写和归档。 这不是税务准备软件:它基本上是纸质表格的在线版本,以及用于将其提交给IRS的网络门户。 它仅在此处提供联邦税,但许多州在自己的网站上提供类似的系统。

Filing your taxes this way is not going to be simple, but it works. If you’re not willing to put in the work, consider looking into paid software, or hiring someone to help you out.

用这种方法纳税并不容易,但是很有效。 如果您不愿意投入工作,请考虑研究付费软件,或雇用某人来帮助您。

Tax companies offer this service as part of a deal with the IRS, as this On The Media story outlines. Check that out if you’re curious, but be warned: it’s infuriating.

正如The On The Media故事概述的那样,税务公司将这项服务作为与IRS交易的一部分。 如果您好奇,请检查一下,但要当心:这太令人生气了。

Regardless of why the program exists, most people don’t know about it at all. Now you do, so you might as well take advantage.

不管该程序为什么存在,大多数人根本不了解它。 现在,您可以这样做,因此您不妨利用一下。

Image Credit: FreeFile

图片来源: FreeFile

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/342408/how-to-get-turbotax-or-hr-block-for-free-with-irs-free-file/

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