


Some people love Minecraft’s 8-bit chunky look, while others can’t believe a game would look like that these days. Whether you want to make Minecraft look chunkier, smoother, or somewhere in between resource packs make it easy to do so on the PC, pocket, and console editions of Minecraft.

有些人喜欢Minecraft的8位大块外观,而另一些人则无法相信如今的游戏外观会如此。 无论您是想让Minecraft看起来显得块状,流畅还是在资源包之间的某个地方,都可以在PC版,Minecraft版和掌上电脑版上轻松实现。

For those of you with a bit of video game experience under your belt, you’re likely well familiar with the concept of “skin packs,” “texture packs,” and “resource packs” as the things have been known over the years and across various video game genres.


Many videos games have distinct directories and locations within the game’s resource archives devoted just to providing visual and audio assets for the game. Typically, these assets are identified by file name and are not otherwise verified in any way such as by file size or creation date.

许多视频游戏在游戏资源档案中有不同的目录和位置,这些档案和位置仅用于为游戏提供视觉和音频资产。 通常,这些资产由文件名标识,并且不以其他任何方式(例如,文件大小或创建日期)进行验证。

As such, it’s pretty easy in many cases to simply swap one asset file for another asset file as long as the filename remains the same. Let’s say you’re playing an old simulation game like Command and Conquer wherein a simple file like “completed.wav” announces the completion of a new base by saying “Base deployed!” or the like. All you’d need to do to jazz up your experience and say, have the game scream, “Goooooood morning, Vietnam!” in Robin William’s voice, would be to download a .wav file of said clip from the 1987 film of the same name and rename it “completed.wav” to replace the old game asset.

这样,在许多情况下,只要文件名保持不变就可以简单地将一个资产文件交换为另一个资产文件。 假设您正在玩“命令与征服”之类的老模拟游戏,其中一个简单的文件(例如“ completed.wav”)通过说“已部署基地”来宣布新基地的建成。 等等。 您需要做的所有事情才能使您的体验更加有趣,并说:“越南,早上好!” 用罗宾·威廉(Robin William)的声音来说,是从1987年的同名电影中下载上述剪辑的.wav文件,并将其重命名为“ completed.wav”,以替换旧游戏资产。

Minecraft, like many other games past and present, supports resource packs. Let’s take a look at what we can accomplish with them (no game modification necessary).

与过去和现在的许多其他游戏一样,Minecraft也支持资源包。 让我们看一下我们可以用它们完成什么(不需要修改游戏)。

了解术语 (Understanding the Terminology)

Before we proceed, let’s clear up the different terms used past and presently, and for different editions of Minecraft.


Prior to Minecraft PC Edition 1.6.1, the packs were known as “texture packs” because at the time, they simply replaced the surface textures of in-game objects. After the 1.6.1 release they were renamed to “resource packs” because they not only replaced the in-game textures but language packs and audio files as well. Despite the change many sites that catalog and organize resource packs still refer to them (both in the site name and on the site itself) as “texture packs.”

在Minecraft PC版本1.6.1之前,这些包被称为“纹理包”,因为当时它们只是替换了游戏中对象的表面纹理。 在1.6.1版本之后,它们被重命名为“资源包”,因为它们不仅替换了游戏中的纹理,还替换了语言包和音频文件。 尽管进行了更改,但许多对资源包进行分类和组织的站点仍将它们(在站点名称中和站点本身上)都称为“纹理包”。

Be aware that resource packs for the PC edition will list not only the version number of the game they should be paired with but also typically, the resolution of the textures inside the pack. The default texture resolution in Minecraft PC Edition is 16×16 pixels per block-face. Textures can be increased incrementally from that original 16×16 pixel size all the way up to 512+ pixels on a side.

请注意,PC版的资源包不仅会列出应与之配对的游戏的版本号,而且还会列出包内纹理的分辨率。 Minecraft PC Edition中的默认纹理分辨率为每个块面16×16像素。 纹理可以从原始的16×16像素大小一直增加到一面最多512+像素。

It should be noted that high-resolution textures are pretty but do increase the load on your GPU as they require more rendering. The 256x texture back seen below on the left half of the screenshot for example, took almost a minute to load on our more-than-powerful-enough gaming PC but offers a significant step up the realism scale from the basic Minecraft look.

应该注意的是,高分辨率纹理很漂亮,但确实会增加GPU的负担,因为它们需要更多的渲染。 例如,在屏幕快照左半部分的下方看到256x纹理背面,花了将近一分钟的时间才能加载到功能强大的游戏PC上,但与Minecraft的基本外观相比,它的逼真度大大提高了。

The Pocket Edition supports texture packs, but unlike the PC Edition, there is no way to easily swap them. You have to manually replace the “terrain.png” file in the Minecraft system directory and restart the game to replace the textures. If you want to return to using the old textures, you need to replace the updated texture with the original. We recommend making a copy of the original texture named “terrain.old” so you always have a local backup.

Pocket Edition支持纹理包,但与PC Edition不同,它无法轻松交换它们。 您必须手动替换Minecraft系统目录中的“ terrain.png”文件,然后重新启动游戏以替换纹理。 如果要恢复使用旧纹理,则需要用原始纹理替换更新的纹理。 我们建议您复制名为“ terrain.old”的原始纹理,以便始终拥有本地备份。

The Console Edition also supports packs, known as “texture packs,” but these are distributed via the marketplaces and range in price from free to a dollar or two. Be advised that the Xbox Live marketplace is littered with scummy looks-like-a-texture-but-isn’t entries that are actually just wallpaper collections of texture packs applied so shop cautiously.

Console Edition还支持称为“纹理包”的包,但这些包是通过市场分发的,价格从免费到一美元或两美元不等。 请注意,Xbox Live市场上到处都是乱蓬蓬的外观,就像是一个纹理,但不是真正的条目,实际上只是应用了纹理包的墙纸集,因此请谨慎购买。

With that clarification out of the way, let’s look at where to find texture packs for the PC.


发现PC版的纹理包 (Discovering Texture Packs for the PC Edition)

As you may recall from our original Minecraft series, version numbers can be quite important when dealing with Minecraft as the game has undergone many minor modifications and several major overhauls in the last few years.


When browsing resource pack websites or reading forum entries about them, make sure to keep an eye out for what version of Minecraft the pack is intended for (remember, the pack system was totally overhauled between 1.6 and 1.6.1.)


Before we start recommending sites to visit, let’s highlight one of the cardinal rules of downloading any kind of Minecraft mod (even light non-permanent modifications like resource packs): never download an .exe file (or the equivalent for your operating system) when searching for Minecraft stuff.


There is no reason for a resource pack to be packaged in any sort of installation file. Resource packs should be .ZIP archives that you absolutely do not need to interact with or install beyond extracting them to your Minecraft folder so that the Minecraft app itself can handle them. It’s unfortunate, but there are a lot of web sites out there that take advantage of Minecraft’s popularity with children to serve up viruses, malware, and other nasty content because the kids downloading it don’t know any better.

没有理由将资源包打包在任何类型的安装文件中。 资源包应该是.ZIP档案,您绝对不需要与.ZIP档案进行交互或安装,只需将它们解压缩到Minecraft文件夹中即可,以便Minecraft应用本身可以处理它们。 不幸的是,但是有很多网站可以利用Minecraft在儿童中的受欢迎程度来提供病毒,恶意软件和其他令人讨厌的内容,因为下载它的孩子对此并不了解。

With that said, there are some pretty fantastic and legitimate resources to find Minecraft resource packs.


The Official Minecraft Forums: The first and most active place to find resource packs is the official Minecraft forums. If you’re not active in the forums or very familiar with modding, it will take you a little while to get your bearings and learn to read all the shorthand codes in the subject lines, but the forums offer the most diverse and frequently updated source of resource packs around.

Minecraft官方论坛:查找资源包的第一个也是最活跃的地方是Minecraft官方论坛。 如果您不活跃于论坛或对改装非常熟悉,则可能需要一些时间来掌握方向并学习阅读主题行中的所有速记代码,但是论坛提供了最多样化且经常更新的资源的资源包。

Planet Minecraft: We introduced you to this resource in the previous guide as a great place to find maps. It’s also a great place to find resource packs (labeled as “texture packs” on the site) with plenty of sorting features and clear labeling.

Planet Minecraft :我们在上一指南中向您介绍了此资源,它是查找地图的好地方。 这也是查找具有大量分类功能和清晰标签的资源包(在网站上标记为“纹理包”)的好地方。

MinecraftTexturePacks: More minimalistic in design and content than Planet Minecraft, it still has a wide assortment of great skins to pick from.

MinecraftTexturePacks :与Planet Minecraft相比,Minecraft在设计和内容上更具简约性,仍然可以选择各种各样的精美皮肤。

ResourcePack.net: ResourcePack.net’s strong suite is clear categories. Whether you’re looking for modified default skins, realistic skins, RPG or horror-themed, or other genres, it’s easy to find what you’re looking for.

ResourcePack.net:ResourcePack.net的强项明确类别。 无论您是要寻找修改后的默认外观,逼真的外观,RPG还是恐怖主题主题,还是其他类型,都可以轻松找到所需的内容。

Again, let us emphasize that resource packs should always be .ZIP files, and in the case of downloading packs for Minecraft PE, they may just be a plain .PNG file with no compressed container at all. Don’t download resource packs from websites that want you to download an executable!

同样,让我们​​强调一下,资源包应该始终是.ZIP文件,并且在下载Minecraft PE的包时,它们可能只是一个纯净的.PNG文件,根本没有压缩容器。 不要从希望您下载可执行文件的网站上下载资源包!

在Minecraft PC版中激活资源包 (Activating Resource Packs in Minecraft PC Edition)

Once you’ve found a resource pack you’d like to try, simply download it and save it to the /resourcepack/ subdirectory of the Minecraft profile you wish to apply the resource pack.

找到要尝试的资源包后,只需下载它,然后将其保存到您希望应用该资源包的Minecraft配置文件的/ resourcepack /子目录中即可。

Fire up Minecraft and open a world or join a server. Because resource packs are a completely client-side modification that don’t alter any gameplay mechanics you can use resource packs on both local and server-based worlds without any issue.

启动Minecraft并打开世界或加入服务器。 因为资源包是完全客户端修改的,不会改变任何游戏机制,所以您可以在本地和基于服务器的世界上使用资源包而不会出现任何问题。

Once you’ve saved the resource pack .ZIP file to the proper folder and started Minecraft, you can load and unload your resource packs on the fly by pressing “ESC” to bring up the in-game menu and selecting “Options.”

将资源包.ZIP文件保存到适当的文件夹并启动Minecraft之后,您可以通过按“ ESC”以调出游戏菜单并选择“选项”来即时加载和卸载资源包。

Under the Options menu, select “Resource Packs…” at the bottom of the left hand column.


The resource packs system is laid out clearly. All available packs are listed on the left and all loaded packs are listed on the right. Hover over the pack you want to load or unload and click the arrow that appears, as seen in the screenshot above.

资源包系统布局清晰。 左侧列出了所有可用的软件包,右侧列出了所有已加载的软件包。 将鼠标悬停在要加载或卸载的包上,然后单击显示的箭头,如上面的屏幕快照所示。

The default resource pack is always loaded and cannot be unloaded. As of Minecraft 1.7 you can load multiple resource packs but the last loaded pack will take precedence in any conflicts that arise. This is useful if you have a resource pack with textures you really like, but you’ve found another resource pack that’s just new background music — you can load the first pack with the textures and then the second pack with the music to get the best of both worlds.

默认资源包始终处于加载状态,无法卸载。 从Minecraft 1.7开始,您可以加载多个资源包,但是在出现任何冲突时,最后加载的资源包将优先。 如果您有一个真正喜欢的纹理的资源包,但又找到了另一个只是新的背景音乐的资源包,这将很有用–您可以加载第一个带有纹理的资源包,然后加载第二个带有音乐的音乐包以获得最佳效果。两个世界。

For our demonstration we’re using the Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Craft resource pack by Koa_Neuva. Here we are at a lovely little desert village before loading the pack:

在我们的演示中,我们使用Koa_Neuva制作的《塞尔达传说:马略拉岛的手Craft.io品》资源包。 在装箱之前,我们在一个可爱的小沙漠村庄里:

After loading the pack, the village takes on a much darker appearance with textures heavily influenced by the Legend of Zelda game Majora’s Mask.

装入背包后,该村庄的外观看上去要暗得多,其质地受到《塞尔达传说》游戏Majora's Mask的严重影响。

Not only are the in-game textures changed, but this comprehensive resource pack also changes the in-game sounds to those from Majora’s Mask and other popular Zelda games. It also changes the menus, on-screen display, and in-game objects and resources to match the styling of the Zelda game too.

不仅更改了游戏中的纹理,而且此综合资源包还将游戏中的声音更改为Majora's Mask和其他流行的Zelda游戏中的声音。 它还会更改菜单,屏幕显示以及游戏中的对象和资源,以匹配Zelda游戏的样式。

Here’s the default combat menu in a Minecraft creative-mode game, for example.


Here is that same menu with the resource pack loaded.


Fans of the Zelda franchise will find quite a few familiar sights just in this sub-menu alone, let alone in all the music, in-game sound effects, and other fun little Zelda-esque references sprinkled throughout the pack. You may notice that the redstone tab seen in the screenshot above, for example, is marked by a red rupee – this skin changes the piles of redstone dust into Hyrulian rupees.

仅在此子菜单中,Zelda特许经营权的粉丝就会发现很多熟悉的景象,更不用说所有音乐,游戏内音效以及其他整个Zelda风格的有趣小引用了。 您可能会注意到,例如,在上面的屏幕快照中看到的红石选项卡上标有红色卢比–这种皮肤将一堆红石粉尘变成了Hyrulian卢比。

That’s all there is to it! With very little effort (and typically little strain on performance) you can completely change the look of Minecraft with a resource pack.

这里的所有都是它的! 只需很少的精力(通常对性能的压力很小),您就可以使用资源包完全改变Minecraft的外观。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/202617/how-to-restyle-your-minecraft-world-with-resource-packs/






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