iphone 快捷 自定义_如何在iPhone上自定义3D Touch快捷方式

iphone 快捷 自定义

iphone 快捷 自定义

3D Touch is a terrific innovation, bringing a new level of functionality to iPhone. Usually, the 3D Touch shortcuts baked into app icons are just fine, but there are a few things you can do to customize or manipulate some of these shortcuts.

3D Touch是一项了不起的创新,为iPhone带来了更高水平的功能。 通常,应用程序图标中内置的3D Touch快捷方式很好,但是您可以做一些事情来定制或操作其中的一些快捷方式。

自定义Phone和FaceTime中的收藏联系人 (Customize Favorite Contacts in Phone and FaceTime)

The Phone and FaceTime apps offer direct ways to customize the favorite contacts that appear. If you 3D touch either of these apps, you’ll see that four contacts are shown:

Phone和FaceTime应用程序提供了直接自定义出现的收藏联系人的直接方法。 如果您用3D触摸这两个应用程序之一,则会看到显示了四个联系人:

To customize which contacts appear in the 3D Touch shortcuts menu, open your Phone app and tap on the “Favorites” tab, then tap “Edit” in the upper-right corner.

要自定义3D Touch快捷菜单中显示的联系人,请打开“电话”应用,然后点击“收藏夹”选项卡,然后点击右上角的“编辑”。

Once you’re in edit mode, use the handles along the right edge to drag your contacts into the order you prefer. Remember, the top four will appear as 3D Touch shortcuts.

进入编辑模式后,使用右边缘上的手柄将联系人拖入所需的顺序。 请记住,前四名将显示为3D Touch快捷方式。

Once that’s done, go ahead and check to see that the changes took.


FaceTime works the exact same way. So if you FaceTime someone more than you call them, then you may want to add that person to your Favorites and move them into your top four.

FaceTime的工作方式完全相同。 因此,如果您将FaceTime命名为某个人,而不是给他们打电话,那么您可能需要将该人添加到“收藏夹”中,并将他们移到前四名中。

在其他应用程序中操作3D Touch快捷方式 (Manipulate 3D Touch Shortcuts in Other Apps)

While Phone and FaceTime are the only two apps that allow you to directly change the 3D Touch shortcuts, you can manipulate other apps to alter how 3D Touch shortcuts appear.

“电话”和“ FaceTime”是仅有的两个允许您直接更改3D Touch快捷方式的应用程序,但是您可以操纵其他应用程序来更改3D Touch快捷方式的显示方式。

Let’s look at Messages. With Messages, the three contacts that appear in your Messages 3D Touch shortcuts are the three most recently contacted people, rather than your favorites.

让我们看一下消息。 使用消息,出现在Messages 3D Touch快捷方式中的三个联系人是最近联系的三个人,而不是您的收藏夹。

As such, while you can’t designate who appears in your 3D Touch shortcuts directly like you can with Phone or FaceTime, you can manipulate who shows up here. For example, if you send a message to someone, they will immediately appear at the top of the shortcuts.

因此,虽然您无法像在Phone或FaceTime中那样直接指定在3D Touch快捷方式中出现的人,但是您可以控制此处出现的人。 例如,如果您向某人发送消息,他们将立即出现在快捷方式的顶部。

On the other hand, if you delete a message thread from the top three, then that contact will then disappear from your shortcuts.


Reminders is another app that relies on the top items. But with Reminders, you can move lists to the top and change how the 3D Touch shortcuts appear. Just lightly press on the list and then you can drag it into the top four.

提醒是另一个依赖于热门项目的应用程序。 但是,使用“提醒”,您可以将列表移到顶部,并更改3D Touch快捷方式的显示方式。 只需轻按列表即可,然后将其拖到前四名中。

Just be aware that as you update and add other lists, your top four will change, and so too will your shortcuts.


Beyond this, you will notice that other 3D Touch shortcuts may change and you can influence what you see. For example, the Weather app’s shortcuts can be changed by adding or removing locations. The Notes app will change depending on the top note in your list.

除此之外,您会注意到其他3D Touch快捷方式可能会更改,并且可以影响您看到的内容。 例如,可以通过添加或删除位置来更改“天气”应用程序的快捷方式。 Notes应用程序将根据列表中的顶部注释而变化。

It would be nice if you could change the shortcuts in the Settings app to access other system functions, or you could pin certain events from the Calendar app, but sadly those options aren’t available right now. Perhaps as iOS continues to evolve so too will the ability to configure 3D Touch shortcuts.

如果您可以在“设置”应用中更改快捷方式以访问其他系统功能,或者可以从“日历”应用中固定某些事件,那将是很好的选择,但是遗憾的是这些选项目前不可用。 也许随着iOS的不断发展,配置3D Touch快捷方式的能力也会随之提高。

Take some time and explore all your apps and their 3D Touch shortcuts. You may find you can alter others not mentioned here.

花一些时间浏览您所有的应用程序及其3D Touch快捷方式。 您可能会发现可以更改此处未提及的其他内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/285139/how-to-customize-3d-touch-shortcuts-on-iphone/

iphone 快捷 自定义





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