

Plenty of Mac users grew up with DOS machines, and as such have fond memories of playing classic DOS games. Maybe you’ve even got some old CDs in a drawer somewhere. But your Mac won’t run old games like that out of the box.

大量Mac用户在DOS机器上长大,因此对玩经典DOS游戏有着美好的回忆。 也许您甚至在抽屉中的某处有一些旧CD。 但是您的Mac不会开箱即用地运行旧游戏。

However, a Mac app called Boxer makes it easy to get those games running in macOS. We’ve talked about how to use DOSBox to run old apps and games on Windows computers, and DOSBox is available for Mac too. But if the Mac platform is about anything, it’s beautiful design that makes complex things simple. When it comes to running DOS games, Boxer embodies that perfectly. Built on DOSBox code, Boxer adds a beautiful interface and workflow that makes setting up your favorite classic games really simple.

但是,一个名为Boxer的Mac应用程序使在MacOS中运行这些游戏变得容易。 我们已经讨论了如何使用DOSBox在Windows计算机上运行旧的应用程序和游戏,并且DOSBox也可用于Mac。 但是,如果Mac平台适用于任何事物,那么它的精美设计可以使复杂的事情变得简单。 说到运行DOS游戏,Boxer完美体现了这一点。 Boxer以DOSBox代码为基础,增加了漂亮的界面和工作流程,使设置您喜欢的经典游戏变得非常简单。

Here’s a quick run-through of the process of installing classic DOS games using Boxer. It’s easier than you think.

这是使用Boxer安装经典DOS游戏的过程的快速浏览。 它比您想象的要容易。

使用Boxer安装旧的DOS游戏 (Installing Old DOS Games With Boxer)

First, download Boxer. The application comes in a ZIP file, which you can unzip just by clicking it. Next, drag the Boxer icon over to your Applications folder, or wherever you would like to store it.

首先,下载Boxer 。 该应用程序包含一个ZIP文件,您只需单击即可将其解压缩。 接下来,将Boxer图标拖到“应用程序”文件夹中,或拖到想要存储的位置。


Now launch Boxer. You’ll see three main options; we’ll start by clicking “Import a New Game.”

现在启动Boxer。 您将看到三个主要选项; 我们将首先点击“导入新游戏”。


If you’ve got a CD for the game you want to play, insert it and drag the drive from Finder over to the application. You can also drag over an ISO file of a ripped CD, or just a folder containing the installation files. In my case, I’m going to install Sim City 2000 from an external CD drive.

如果您有要播放的游戏的CD,请插入CD,然后将驱动器从Finder拖到应用程序上。 您也可以将翻录的CD的ISO文件或仅包含安装文件的文件夹拖到上面。 就我而言,我将从外部CD驱动器安装Sim City 2000。


Boxer will then ask you to find the installer, using a list of choices found inside the disk or folder. Typically it’s something like “install.exe,” but this will vary.

然后,Boxer将使用磁盘或文件夹内的选择列表,要求您找到安装程序。 通常,它类似于“ install.exe”,但这会有所不同。


Next, Boxer will launch the DOS-based installer. Follow the steps in the process. Boxer helpfully lets you know which sound drivers to use at the bottom of the window, so make sure you configure things properly when asked. The installation will run just as you remember it running back in the 90s.

接下来,Boxer将启动基于DOS的安装程序。 请按照过程中的步骤进行操作。 Boxer可以在窗口底部帮助您知道要使用哪些声音驱动程序,因此请确保在询问时正确配置了东西。 就像您记得90年代开始运行时一样,该安装将运行。


When the installation process is complete, you’ll be asked whether the installer ran properly or needs to run again. Click “Finish Importing” if you think the process is done.

安装过程完成后,系统将询问您安装程序是否正常运行或需要再次运行。 如果您认为此过程已完成,请单击“完成导入”。


Now you can give a name for the game, and even an image. I recommend you find a box cover for your game using Google Image Search, then drag the image over to Boxer.

现在,您可以为游戏命名,甚至可以命名为图像。 我建议您使用Google Image Search为游戏找到一个盒盖,然后将图像拖到Boxer上。


The result looks great, doesn’t it?



用拳击手玩DOS游戏 (Playing DOS Games With Boxer)

You can browse your games in the Finder: they’re in a folder called “DOS Games”, which is in your home folder.

您可以在Finder中浏览游戏:它们位于主文件夹中的“ DOS游戏”文件夹中。


Go ahead and launch the game you just installed. The first time you launch the game, you’ll be presented with a DOS-based command prompt. You can click the executable for the game from the choices in the bottom of the screen. In this case, “sc2000.exe” is what we’re looking for.

继续并启动您刚刚安装的游戏。 首次启动游戏时,将显示一个基于DOS的命令提示符。 您可以从屏幕底部的选项中单击游戏的可执行文件。 在这种情况下,我们正在寻找“ sc2000.exe”。


Once you do that, you will be asked whether you want this application to run automatically next time. If the game is running without issue, click “Launch Every Time.”

完成此操作后,系统将询问您是否希望该应用程序下次自动运行。 如果游戏正常运行,请单击“每次启动”。


The hard part is done! Now you can enjoy your game.

困难的部分完成了! 现在您可以享受游戏了。


配置Boxer使事情正确 (Configuring Boxer to Make Things Just Right)

While playing a game, your mouse and keyboard will be “captured” by Boxer. To use your mouse and keyboard outside the window, hold Command and click anywhere.

在玩游戏时,Boxer将“捕获”您的鼠标和键盘。 要在窗口外使用鼠标和键盘,请按住Command并单击任意位置。

Once you do, you can check out Boxer > Preferences in the menu bar. From here you can change where Boxer stores your games, what Boxer does when it first opens, and configure a few display settings.

完成后,您可以在菜单栏中签出Boxer> Preferences。 在这里,您可以更改Boxer存放游戏的位置,Boxer首次打开时的操作,并配置一些显示设置。


Four main choices let you choose between smoothing out graphics or adding scanlines, which can imitate the look of a vintage computer monitor. You’ll also find means to add MT-32 ROMs to get the music of certain games working.

有四个主要选择,您可以在平滑图形或添加扫描线之间进行选择,这可以模仿老式计算机显示器的外观。 您还将找到添加MT-32 ROM的方法,以使某些游戏的音乐正常工作。

And that’s about it! You’ve now got an easy way to install any DOS game on your Mac. You could even install Windows 3.1 inside it. if you want to really go nuts. Enjoy!

就是这样! 现在,您已经可以在Mac上轻松安装任何DOS游戏。 您甚至可以在其中安装Windows 3.1 。 如果您真的想发疯。 请享用!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/280621/how-to-easily-play-classic-dos-games-on-your-mac/





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