如何使用电视或遥控器来控制Apple TV

The Apple TV remote works well enough but many people detest having multiple remote controls and prefer to control their entire media center experience from a single input. If you’re one of those people you’re in luck. Your Apple TV there can learn to accept input from your TV, receiver, cable box or other remote control.

Apple TV遥控器运行良好,但是许多人不喜欢拥有多个遥控器,而是更愿意通过单个输入来控制其整个媒体中心体验。 如果您是这些人之一,那么您很幸运。 那里的Apple TV可以学习接受来自电视,接收器,电缆盒或其他遥控器的输入。

Even though the fourth generation Apple TV uses Bluetooth for communicating with the base unit, both the remote and the base unit support traditional infrared (IR) communication, like more traditional remotes. And, hidden away in the settings, there’s an easy way to teach your Apple TV to recognize input from any IR-based remote.

即使第四代Apple TV使用蓝牙与基本单元进行通信,遥控器和基本单元也都支持传统的红外(IR)通信,就像更传统的遥控器一样。 而且,隐藏在设置中的一种简单方法是教您的Apple TV识别任何基于IR的遥控器的输入。

Not everyone needs to go through this process, however. If you have relatively new equipment in your media center (HDTV, receiver, etc.) there’s a good chance you don’t even need to program the Apple TV to use an IR remote because the Apple TV supports HDMI-CEC, an over-the-wire control standard baked right into newer HDMI devices. If your TV and/or attached equipment supports HDMI-CEC, you can use your TV’s remote to control your Apple TV just by enabling HDMI-CEC on your TV, then telling the Apple TV to use it.

但是,并非每个人都需要经历这个过程。 如果您的媒体中心中有相对较新的设备(HDTV,接收器等),您很有可能甚至不需要对Apple TV进行编程即可使用IR遥控器,因为Apple TV支持HDMI-CEC ,线控标准已被移植到较新的HDMI设备中。 如果您的电视和/或连接的设备支持HDMI-CEC,则只需在电视上启用HDMI-CEC ,然后告诉Apple TV使用它,就可以使用电视的遥控器来控制Apple TV。

Again, for emphasis, you only want to follow along with this tutorial if the devices connected to your Apple TV do not support HDMI-CEC. If they do not, or if you wish to use an older universal remote that is IR only, then proceed.

再次强调一下,仅当连接到Apple TV的设备不支持HDMI-CEC时,您才需要遵循本教程。 如果没有,或者您希望使用仅是IR的旧式通用遥控器,请继续。

教您的Apple TV新遥控器 (Teach Your Apple TV The New Remote)

For this tutorial you’ll need three things: the stock remote for your Apple TV, the IR remote you wish to program your Apple TV to recognize, and a clear and unobstructed view to the front of the Apple TV unit (where the IR receiver is hidden beneath the glossy black surface of the Apple TV).

在本教程中,您需要做三件事:Apple TV的库存遥控器,希望对Apple TV进行编程以使其识别的IR遥控器以及Apple TV单元(IR接收器所在的位置)的清晰无阻的视图隐藏在Apple TV有光泽的黑色表面下方)。

基本设定 (Basic Setup)

To begin programming your remote, select the settings option on the main screen of your Apple TV. Within the settings menu select “Remote and Devices”.

要开始对遥控器进行编程,请在Apple TV主屏幕上选择设置选项。 在设置菜单中,选择“远程和设备”。

Within the “Remote and Devices” menu select “Learn Remote”. Note the section labeled “Home Theater Control” is grayed out. That happens when your TV set does not support the previously mentioned HDMI-CEC standard. If that section is not grayed out, your device supports HDMI-CEC and we suggest you investigate the matter further as you may be able to use the existing media buttons on your remote with next to zero setup.

在“远程和设备”菜单中,选择“学习远程”。 请注意,标有“家庭影院控制”的部分显示为灰色。 当您的电视机不支持先前提到的HDMI-CEC标准时,就会发生这种情况。 如果该部分未显示为灰色,则您的设备支持HDMI-CEC,我们建议您进一步研究此问题,因为您可以在设置为零的情况下使用遥控器上的现有媒体按钮。

When you make the selection to learn a new remote, the Apple TV will prompt you to get your remote ducks in a row, so to speak: make sure the remote you plan on using has available buttons for you to assign to the Apple TV. Any buttons that are hard coded to some function on the actual TV are not suitable for use.

当您选择学习一个新的遥控器时,Apple TV会提示您连续拿起遥控鸭子,可以这么说:确保您计划使用的遥控器有可用的按钮可分配给Apple TV。 硬编码为实际电视上某些功能的任何按钮均不适合使用。

In the first wave of programming, you’ll be prompted to press and hold the button you want to program. Hold the button until the meter, seen below, fills all the way. If at any time there is a button you cannot or do not wish to program you can use the navigation pad on your Apple Remote to click to the right and skip that entry.

在第一波编程中,系统将提示您按住要编程的按钮。 按住按钮,直到仪表完全充满为止,如下图所示。 如果在任何时候有一个按钮您不能或不希望编程,则可以使用Apple Remote遥控器上的导航板单击向右并跳过该条目。

Once you finish the basic setup, you’ll be prompted to name the configuration. Even though hunt-and-pecking with the on-screen keyboard is annoying we’d recommend naming the profile clearly like “Samsung HDTV” or what not.

完成基本设置后,系统将提示您命名配置。 即使使用屏幕键盘来回打扰很烦人,我们还是建议您将配置文件明确命名为“ Samsung HDTV”,否则不要命名。

When you’re done with the basic setup, you can click “OK” to exit or move onto the advanced configuration by selecting “Set Up Playback Buttons”. If the IR remote you are using has dedicated playback buttons on it (or other unused buttons you could hijack to use for the purpose) proceed to the advanced setup by selecting the “Set Up Playback Buttons” option.

完成基本设置后,可以通过选择“设置播放按钮”来单击“确定”退出或进入高级配置。 如果您正在使用的红外遥控器上有专用的播放按钮(或您可以劫持的其他未使用的按钮,则可以通过使用此按钮进行劫持)通过选择“设置播放按钮”选项进行高级设置。

进阶设定 (Advanced Setup)

In the advanced learning section, you can program your Apple TV to recognize media playback commands from your IR remote.

在高级学习部分,您可以对Apple TV进行编程,以识别来自IR遥控器的媒体播放命令。

Locate the media playback buttons on the remote and, just like in the basic setup, press and hold the button to teach it to the Apple TV. Remember you can click right on the Apple TV remote to skip configuring a given button for your IR remote. In our case we had media buttons on our IR remote that corresponded to every function except the last two (playback jump back and jump forward) and we simply skipped them.

找到遥控器上的媒体播放按钮,就像在基本设置中一样,按住按钮将其播放到Apple TV。 请记住,您可以在Apple TV遥控器上单击鼠标右键以跳过为IR遥控器配置给定按钮的操作。 在我们的案例中,我们的IR遥控器上有与每个功能相对应的媒体按钮,除了最后两个功能(播放后退和前进),我们只是跳过了它们。

After you complete the advanced setup you’ll be returned to the general settings menu. Confirm your IR remote is functioning the way it should, and enjoy using the same remote for your TV set and Apple TV.

完成高级设置后,您将返回到常规设置菜单。 确认您的IR遥控器能够正常工作,并喜欢在电视机和Apple TV上使用相同的遥控器。

如何重命名,重新配置和删除IR遥控器 (How to Rename, Reconfigure and Remove Your IR Remote)

If there are any hiccups in the functionality, feel free to return to Settings > Remotes and Devices where the remote, with the profile name you provided, will be listed under “Learned Remotes”. There, you can rename it, run through the basic and advanced button configuration to iron out any playback issues, and delete the profile if you no longer need it or get a new remote control.

如果该功能有任何问题,请随时返回设置>遥控器和设备,其中带有您提供的配置文件名称的遥控器将列在“学习的遥控器”下。 在这里,您可以对其进行重命名,运行基本和高级按钮配置以消除任何播放问题,如果不再需要它或获取新的遥控器,则可以删除该配置文件。

That’s all there is to it. By investing a few minutes of time you can program any IR-based remote to control your Apple TV.

这里的所有都是它的。 通过花费几分钟的时间,您可以对任何基于IR的遥控器进行编程,以控制Apple TV。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/241847/how-to-use-your-tv-or-receiver-remote-to-control-your-apple-tv/





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