如何释放Nintendo Switch内部存储空间

The Nintendo Switch comes with a meager 32GB of storage. You can expand your storage with an SD card, but that’s still a pretty small amount of space on your console. Here are several ways you can clear up internal storage space, or at least offload some of that data to an SD card.

Nintendo Switch仅有32GB的存储空间。 您可以使用SD卡扩展存储空间,但是控制台上的空间仍然很小。 您可以通过以下几种方式清理内部存储空间,或者至少将其中一些数据卸载到SD卡中。

By default, if you have an SD card installed in your Switch, the console will automatically store downloaded games and screenshots to it until it’s full. If you started using your console without an SD card, or if you don’t have one, you might need to clean house once in a while.

默认情况下,如果您的Switch中安装了SD卡,则控制台将自动将下载的游戏和屏幕截图存储到其中,直到充满为止。 如果您在没有SD卡的情况下开始使用控制台,或者没有SD卡,则可能需要不时打扫房间。

There are two ways to delete games on the Switch. You can either delete them, which will take all your game save data with it, or you can “archive” them. Archiving a game will delete all of the game data (which takes up the bulk of the space on your console) but leave your game saves where they are. That way, if you download the game again in the future, you don’t have to start over.

删除Switch上的游戏有两种方法。 您可以删除它们,这将带走所有游戏保存数据,也可以“存档”它们。 存档游戏会删除所有游戏数据(占用控制台上的大部分空间),但会将游戏保存在原处。 这样,如果您以后再次下载游戏,则不必重新开始。

This is important because your game saves are only stored on your console. Nintendo doesn’t sync your game saves, let you back them up, or even copy them to your SD card. If you delete a game from your console, your game save is gone forever. So if you haven’t played Breath of the Wild for a bit and want to delete it to make room for something else, archive it instead. For that reason we almost always recommend archiving instead of deleting games if you ever want to come back to them.

这很重要,因为您保存的游戏仅存储在控制台上。 Nintendo不会同步您的游戏保存,您可以备份它们,甚至将它们复制到SD卡中。 如果您从控制台删除游戏,则游戏保存将永远消失。 因此,如果您有一段时间没有玩过《荒野之息》,并想删除它以腾出更多空间,请存档。 因此,我们几乎总是建议存档而不是删除游戏(如果您想返回游戏)。

If a game is installed on your Switch’s internal storage, you’ll also need to archive it in order to move it over to your SD card. Start by inserting your SD card, then archive the game you want to move. Once it’s gone, re-download the game from the eStore and it will be installed on the SD card by default.

如果将游戏安装在Switch的内部存储器上,则还需要对其进行存档,以便将其移至SD卡上。 首先插入SD卡,然后将要移动的游戏存档。 一旦消失,请从eStore重新下载游戏,默认情况下它将安装在SD卡上。

To archive a game, select it on your home screen and press either the + or – buttons on your controller.


This will open up an Options menu. Scroll down to Manage Software and select Archive Software. If you are 100% certain that you never want to play a game again and want to free up a little more space, choose Delete Software. Again, though, there is no way to recover your game saves if you delete the game from your console.

这将打开一个选项菜单。 向下滚动到“管理软件”,然后选择“存档软件”。 如果您100%确信不再希望再次玩游戏并想腾出更多空间,请选择“删除软件”。 同样,如果从控制台删除游戏则无法恢复游戏保存。

You can also see which games are taking up the most space and uninstall those—as well as manage other data hogs like screenshots—from the Settings menu. First, select Settings from the home screen.

您还可以从“设置”菜单中查看哪些游戏占用了最多的空间,并卸载了这些游戏以及管理其他数据记录(如屏幕截图)。 首先,从主屏幕中选择设置。

Scroll down to Data Management. Here, choose Manage Software.

向下滚动到数据管理。 在这里,选择管理软件。

On this screen, you’ll see a list of your games, sorted by how much space they take up on your console. Select one of the games and you can either archive or delete it.

在此屏幕上,您会看到游戏列表,按游戏在控制台上占用的空间排序。 选择其中一个游戏,您可以将其存档或删除。

Back on the Data Management screen, you also have one other option labeled Manage Save Data/Screenshots.


Under this menu, you can either choose Delete Save Data or Manage Screenshots. We’ll start with Delete Save Data.

在此菜单下,您可以选择“删除保存数据”或“管理屏幕截图”。 我们将从删除保存数据开始。

This screen will list all the games that you have save data for, as well as how much space those game saves are taking up. Select a game to delete some saves.

该屏幕将列出您​​已保存数据的所有游戏,以及这些游戏节省的空间。 选择一个游戏删除一些保存。

If you have saves from multiple player profiles, you can delete them each individually on this screen. This is particularly handy if you’ve let someone else use your console, but they won’t be playing again. Remember, if you delete game save data from here, it can never be restored.

如果您具有多个播放器配置文件中的保存,则可以在此屏幕上分别将它们删除。 如果您让其他人使用您的控制台,则特别方便,但是他们不会再玩了。 请记住,如果您从此处删除游戏保存数据,将永远无法恢复。

Under the Manage Screenshots menu, you’ll find a few different options. You can change the default save location for your screenshots (when you insert an SD card it should become the default, but you can change this if you’d rather save screenshots to your internal storage), copy your screenshots from one storage to another, or delete all of your screenshots at once. If you choose Manage Individual Images, you’ll be taken to the Album app where you can browse screenshots, delete just certain photos, or even share them to Facebook and Twitter.

在“管理屏幕截图”菜单下,您会找到一些不同的选项。 您可以更改屏幕快照的默认保存位置(插入SD卡时,它应成为默认位置,但是如果您希望将屏幕快照保存到内部存储空间,则可以更改此设置),将屏幕快照从一个存储空间复制到另一个存储空间,或一次删除所有屏幕截图。 如果选择“管理单个图像”,您将被带到“相册”应用程序,您可以在其中浏览屏幕截图,仅删除某些照片,甚至将它们共享到Facebook和Twitter。

For the most part, game downloads will take up the bulk of the space on your console, but you can archive the games without losing your save data. If you’re done playing with a game for a while, just archive it and keep your saves. Between that and easing up on the screenshot button a bit, you can manage with that 32GB of internal storage just fine.

在大多数情况下,游戏下载将占用控制台上的大部分空间,但是您可以存档游戏而不会丢失保存数据。 如果您一段时间玩完游戏,只需将其存档并保存即可。 在那和放开屏幕快照按钮之间,您可以使用32GB的内部存储进行管理。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/311385/how-to-free-up-space-on-your-nintendo-switchs-internal-storage/





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