


Ever since Vista, Windows’ Control Panel has been a little difficult to navigate. Windows 10’s new Settings app is better, but not as feature filled. Here’s an easier way to get to the page you want: Use these shortcuts and the Windows Run menu.

自从Vista开始,Windows的“控制面板”一直很难导航。 Windows 10的新“设置”应用程序更好,但功能不尽如人意。 这是进入所需页面的一种更简便的方法:使用这些快捷方式和Windows运行菜单。

为什么这些快捷方式可以节省您的时间 (Why These Shortcuts Save You Time)

One of the first things most people do when booting up a new computer (or after a fresh install of Windows) is head over to the Control Panel to make changes to the way Windows looks, the way their mouse and keyboard functions, and to otherwise personalize their Windows experience. This is usually, thanks to the way Microsoft shuffles the location of things within the Control Panel, when people immediately (and understandably) start complaining about how they can’t find anything.

大多数人在启动新计算机时(或在全新安装Windows之后)要做的第一件事就是转到“控制面板”,以更改Windows的外观,其鼠标和键盘的功能以及其他方式。个性化他们的Windows体验。 通常,这要归功于Microsoft在“控制面板”中调整事物位置的方式,这时人们立即(并且可以理解)开始抱怨他们找不到任何东西。

While we’re sure there’s a design reason behind something as trivial (but annoying) as moving the location of the “Power Options” or “Time and Date” menu between Windows versions, it’s incredibly annoying when you navigate the Control Panel in what should be a familiar route, only to find you can’t locate the thing you’re looking for.


Now, in fairness to Microsoft, even though they move stuff around all the time they have done a pretty good job making it relatively intuitive to type search terms into the search box in the Start Menu to find them (even if where those items end up being is different from where you recalled). Nonetheless even then it can be a bit of a guessing game to get to exactly where you want to go. Plus, these will work great if your Start menu is borked for some reason.

现在,为了公平起见,即使Microsoft一直在移动内容,他们做得很好,这使得在“开始”菜单的搜索框中键入搜索词来查找它们相对直观(即使这些项目最终出现在哪里)与您回忆的地方不同)。 尽管如此,要准确到达您想去的地方还是有些猜测的游戏。 另外,如果您的“开始”菜单由于某种原因而停顿了,那么它们将非常有用。

Fortunately there’s a handy little geek trick (and we like geek tricks) you can call on that makes it entirely irrelevant where the item you’re looking for is buried in the Control Panel (or even what the menu it’s buried under is named). Unbeknownst to most people, the Control Panel is merely a big panel of shortcuts pointing back to a collection of individual Control Panel tools parked in the Windows directory. Every one of these tools, all of which end in the file extension *.cpl, is directly accessible via the Run Dialog box and command line.

幸运的是,有一个方便的小怪胎技巧(我们喜欢怪胎技巧),可以调用它,使您所寻找的项目在控制面板中的埋入位置(甚至是其下埋的菜单的名称)完全不相关。 大多数人都不知道,控制面板只是一大堆快捷方式,它们指向驻留在Windows目录中的各个控制面板工具的集合。 这些工具的每一个都以文件扩展名* .cpl结尾,可通过“运行”对话框和命令行直接访问。

Even better, there is very little change in names of these files over time–many of the *.cpl entries haven’t changed since the days of Windows 95. If you get in the habit of jumping to the Control Panel entry you want with the shortcuts, then it doesn’t matter if the entry moves significantly between Windows 7, 8, 10, and whatever updates come with Windows 10 or further Windows iterations–you’ll never waste time looking for entry you want again.

更好的是,这些文件的名称随时间的变化很小-自Windows 95以来,许多* .cpl条目从未更改过。如果您习惯于跳转到所需的“控制面板”条目,快捷方式,那么无论条目在Windows 7、8、10之间是否有重大变化,以及Windows 10或更高版本的Windows附带的任何更新都无所谓-您再也不会浪费时间寻找您想要的条目。

如何使用控制面板快捷方式 (How to Use Control Panel Shortcuts)

To use the *.cpl Control Panel shortcuts all you need to do is simply type the shortcut for the Control Panel tool you need into either the Run Dialog box (accessible in Windows via Win+R) or into the Start Menu command box (available on the Start Menu of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10).

要使用* .cpl控制面板快捷方式,只需在运行对话框(在Windows中可通过Win + R访问)或“开始菜单”命令框(可用)中键入控制面板工具的快捷方式即可。在Windows 7,Windows 8.1和Windows 10的开始菜单上)。

Although we’re listing the *.cpl shortcuts for Windows 10 in this article, the majority of them, as we noted above, are backwards compatible. For reference (and a bit of historical fun) here are the Microsoft help files pertaining to Control Panel shortcuts for Windows 95/98 and Windows XP. You’ll find nearly all of them in our list.

尽管我们在本文中列出了Windows 10的* .cpl快捷方式,但如上所述,它们中的大多数都是向后兼容的。 作为参考(以及一些历史乐趣),这里是与Windows 95/98Windows XP的“控制面板”快捷方式有关的Microsoft帮助文件。 您几乎会在我们的列表中找到所有这些对象。

You can run any of these commands either by typing them into the Start Menu search bar, pressing Win+R to open the run dialog box and entering them there, or even from the command line by using the command “control [shortcutname.cpl]”. In very rare cases, the shortcut will only work via command line (noted below by the inclusion of the “control” prefix in the command listing.

您可以通过在开始菜单搜索栏中键入它们,按Win + R打开运行对话框并在其中输入它们来运行这些命令,甚至可以通过使用“ control [shortcutname.cpl]”命令从命令行运行这些命令。 ”。 在极少数情况下,快捷方式只能通过命令行使用(以下注意事项是在命令列表中包含“ control”前缀)。

  • control access.cpl: Accessibility Options

    控制access.cpl :辅助功能选项

  • appwiz.cpl: Add/Remove Programs

    appwiz.cpl :添加/删除程序

  • bthprops.cpl: Bluetooth Devices

    bthprops.cpl :蓝牙设备

  • timedate.cpl: Time/Date Properties

    timedate.cpl :时间/日期属性

  • desk.cpl: Display Properties

    desk.cpl :显示属性

  • inetcpl.cpl: Internet Properties

    inetcpl.cpl :Internet属性

  • joy.cpl: Joystick Properties

    joy.cpl :操纵杆属性

  • main.cpl: Mouse Properties

    main.cpl :鼠标属性

  • main.cpl keyboard: Keyboard Properties


  • mmsys.cpl: Multimedia/Sound Properties

    mmsys.cpl :多媒体/声音属性

  • ncpa.cpl: Network Connections

    ncpa.cpl :网络连接

  • powercfg.cpl: Power Options

    powercfg.cpl :电源选项

  • sysdm.cpl: System Properties

    sysdm.cpl :系统属性

  • wscui.cpl: Windows Security Center

    wscui.cpl :Windows安全中心

  • firewall.cpl: Windows Firewall

    firewall.cpl :Windows防火墙

  • hdwwiz.cpl: Device Manager

    hdwwiz.cpl :设备管理器

  • intl.cpl: Windows Region Settings

    intl.cpl :Windows区域设置

  • telephon.cpl: Phone and Modem Settings

    telephon.cpl :电话和调制解调器设置

  • tabletpc.cpl: Tablet Settings (unavailable on non-tablet PCs)

    tabletpc.cpl :平板电脑设置(在非平板电脑上不可用)

In addition to the above shortcuts, there are a few command line tricks that will take you directly to relevant folders like “control printers” to jump to the Printers folder and “control fonts” to jump to the fonts folder.


By and large, we managed to get by these days with using the actual Control Panel (or, more frequently, the search function within the Start Menu) but with a little effort to memorize a few key terms, you can zip right to where you want to go with ease.








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