c# workflow集成_将Google Wave与Windows Workflow集成

本文介绍了如何使用免费应用程序Waver和Google Wave Notifier将Google Wave与Windows工作流程更好地结合,提供类似本地应用的体验。Waver是一个基于Adobe Air的应用,可让Google Wave在Windows、Mac或Linux上运行,而Google Wave Notifier则会在接收到新Wave消息时在任务栏显示通知。
c# workflow集成

c# workflow集成

Have you given Google Wave a try, only to find it difficult to keep up with?  Here’s how you can integrate Google Wave with your desktop and workflow with some free and simple apps.

您是否尝试过Google Wave,却发现很难跟上? 您可以通过以下一些免费和简单的应用程序将Google Wave与您的桌面和工作流程进行集成。

Google Wave is an online web app, and unlike many Google services, it’s not easily integrated with standard desktop applications.  Instead, you’ll have to keep it open in a browser tab, and since it is one of the most intensive HTML5 webapps available today, you may notice slowdowns in many popular browsers.  Plus, it can be hard to stay on top of your Wave conversations and collaborations by just switching back and forth between the website and whatever else you’re working on.  Here we’ll look at some tools that can help you integrate Google Wave with your workflow, and make it feel more native in Windows.

Google Wave是一个在线网络应用程序,与许多Google服务不同,它不容易与标准桌面应用程序集成。 相反,您必须将其保持在浏览器选项卡中,并且由于它是当今可用的最密集HTML5 Web应用程序之一,因此您可能会注意到许多流行的浏览器的运行速度有所下降。 此外,仅通过在网站和您正在从事的任何其他事情之间来回切换,就很难掌握Wave对话和协作的顶部。 在这里,我们将介绍一些工具,这些工具可以帮助您将Google Wave与工作流集成在一起,并使它在Windows中显得更加原生。

Use Google Wave Directly in Windows

在Windows中直接使用Google Wave

What’s one of the best ways to make a web app feel like a native application?  By making it into a native application, of course!  Waver is a free Air powered app that can make the mobile version of Google Wave feel at home on your Windows, Mac, or Linux desktop.  We found it to be a quick and easy way to keep on top of our waves and collaborate with our friends.

使Web应用程序看起来像本机应用程序的最佳方法之一是什么? 当然,通过使其成为本机应用程序! Waver是一款免费的Air供电应用程序,可以使Windows Wave的移动版本在Windows,Mac或Linux桌面上像在家里一样。 我们发现这是一种紧跟潮流并与朋友合作的快速简便的方法。

To get started with Waver, open their homepage on the Adobe Air Marketplace (link below) and click Download From Publisher.

要开始使用Waver,请在Adobe Air Marketplace上打开其主页(下面的链接),然后单击从发布者下载


Waver is powered by Adobe Air, so if you don’t have Adobe Air installed, you’ll need to first download and install it.

Waver由Adobe Air驱动,因此,如果未安装Adobe Air,则需要先下载并安装它。


After clicking the link above, Adobe Air will open a prompt asking what you wish to do with the file.  Click Open, and then install as normal.

单击上面的链接后,Adobe Air将打开提示,询问您要如何处理文件。 单击“打开” ,然后按常规安装。


Once the installation is finished, enter your Google Account info in the window.



After a few moments, you’ll see your Wave account in miniature, running directly in Waver.  Click a Wave to view it, or click New wave to start a new Wave message.  Unfortunately, in our tests the search box didn’t seem to work, but everything else worked fine.

片刻之后,您会看到直接在Waver中运行的微型Wave帐户。 单击一个Wave进行查看,或单击New wave开始一个新的Wave消息。 不幸的是,在我们的测试中,搜索框似乎无效,但其他所有功能都正常。


Google Wave works great in Waver, though all of the Wave features are not available since it is running the mobile version of Wave.

Google Wave在Waver中的运行效果很好,尽管所有Wave功能都无法运行,因为它正在运行Wave版本。


You can still view content from plugins, including YouTube videos, directly in Waver.



Get Wave Notifications From Your Windows Taskbar


Most popular email and Twitter clients give you notifications from your system tray when new messages come in.  And with Google Wave Notifier, you can now get the same alerts when you receive a new Wave message.

收到新邮件时,最流行的电子邮件和Twitter客户端会从系统托盘中向您发送通知。借助Google Wave通知程序,当您收到新的Wave邮件时,现在可以收到相同的警报。

Head over to the Google Wave Notifier site (link below), and click the download link to get started.  Make sure to download the latest Binary zip, as this one will contain the Windows program rather than the source code.

转到Google Wave通知程序网站(下面的链接),然后单击下载链接开始使用。 确保下载最新的Binary zip,因为其中将包含Windows程序而不是源代码。


Unzip the folder, and then run GoogleWaveNotifier.exe.



On first run, you can enter your Google Account information.  Notice that this is not a standard account login window; you’ll need to enter your email address in the Username field, and then your password below it.

首次运行时,您可以输入您的Google帐户信息。 请注意,这不是标准帐户登录窗口; 您需要在“用户名”字段中输入您的电子邮件地址,然后在其下方输入密码。


You can also change other settings from this dialog, including update frequency and whether or not to run at startup.  Click the value, and then select the setting you want from the dropdown menu.

您还可以从此对话框更改其他设置,包括更新频率以及是否在启动时运行。 单击该值,然后从下拉菜单中选择所需的设置。


Now, you’ll have a new Wave icon in your system tray.  When it detects new Waves or unread updates, it will display a popup notification with details about the unread Waves.  Additionally, the icon will change to show the number of unread Waves.  Click the popup to open Wave in your browser.  Or, if you have Waver installed, simply open the Waver window to view your latest Waves.

现在,系统托盘中将出现一个新的Wave图标。 当它检测到新的Wave或未读更新时,它将显示一个弹出通知,其中包含有关未读Wave的详细信息。 此外,该图标将更改为显示未读Wave的数量。 单击弹出窗口以在浏览器中打开Wave。 或者,如果已安装Waver,只需打开Waver窗口即可查看最新的Waves。


If you ever need to change settings again in the future, right-click the icon and select Settings, and then edit as above.

如果以后需要再次更改设置,请右键单击该图标并选择“设置” ,然后按上述进行编辑。


Get Wave Notifications in Your Email 


Most of us have Outlook or Gmail open all day, and seldom leave the house without a Smartphone with push email.  And thanks to a new Wave feature, you can still keep up with your Waves without having to change your workflow.

我们大多数人整天都打开Outlook或Gmail,很少离开家而没有带推送电子邮件的智能手机。 而且由于有了Wave的新功能,您仍然可以保持Waves的状态,而不必更改工作流程。

To activate email notifications from Google Wave, login to your Wave account, click the arrow beside your Inbox, and select Notifications.

要激活来自Google Wave的电子邮件通知,请登录到您的Wave帐户,单击“收件箱”旁边的箭头,然后选择“通知”


Select how quickly you want to receive notifications, and choose which email address you wish to receive the notifications.  Click Save when you’re finished.

选择要接收通知的速度,然后选择希望接收通知的电子邮件地址。 完成后,单击“保存”。


Now you’ll receive an email with information about new and updated Waves in your account.  If there were only small changes, you may get enough info directly in the email; otherwise, you can click the link and open that Wave in your browser.

现在,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含有关您帐户中新的和更新的Waves的信息。 如果只有很小的变化,您可能会直接在电子邮件中获得足够的信息。 否则,您可以单击链接并在浏览器中打开该Wave。




Google Wave has great potential as a collaboration and communications platform, but by default it can be hard to keep up with what’s going on in your Waves.  These apps for Windows help you integrate Wave with your workflow, and can keep you from constantly logging in and checking for new Waves.  And since Google Wave registration is now open for everyone, it’s a great time to give it a try and see how it works for yourself.

Google Wave作为协作和交流平台具有巨大的潜力,但默认情况下,很难跟上Waves的发展。 这些适用于Windows的应用程序可帮助您将Wave与工作流集成在一起,并可以防止您不断登录和检查新的Wave。 由于Google Wave注册现已向所有人开放,因此现在是一个尝试一下的机会,看看它如何为自己工作。



Signup for Google Wave (Google Account required)

注册Google Wave (需要Google帐户)

Download Waver from the Adobe Air Marketplace

从Adobe Air Marketplace下载Waver

Download Google Wave Notifier

下载Google Wave通知程序

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19688/integrate-google-wave-with-your-windows-workflow/

c# workflow集成

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