pc phone传输数据_立即在PC上试用Windows Phone 7

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Anticipation has been building for the new Windows Phone 7 Series ever since Microsoft unveiled it at the Mobile World Congress in February.  Now, thanks to free developer tools, you can get a first-hand experience of the basic Windows Phone 7 Series devices on your PC.

自从微软在2月份的世界移动通信大会上推出Windows Phone 7系列以来,人们就一直在为新的Windows Phone 7系列建立期望。 现在,借助免费的开发人员工具,您可以在PC上获得基本Windows Phone 7系列设备的第一手经验。

Windows Phone 7 Series represents a huge change in the mobile field for Microsoft, bringing the acclaimed Zune HD UI to an innovative phone platform.  Windows Mobile has often been criticized for being behind other Smartphone platforms, but Microsoft seeks to regain the lead with this new upcoming release.  A platform must have developers behind it to be useful, so they have released a full set of free development tools so anyone can make apps for it today.  Or, if you simply want to play with Windows Phone 7, you can use the included emulator to try out the new Metro UI.  Here’s how to do this today on your Vista or 7 computer.

Windows Phone 7系列代表了Microsoft在移动领域的巨大变化,将广受赞誉的Zune HD UI引入了创新的电话平台。 Windows Mobile经常因落后于其他Smartphone平台而受到批评,但是Microsoft试图通过即将发布的新版本重新获得领先地位。 平台必须在其后方具有开发人员才能有用,因此他们已经发布了全套免费的开发工具,因此任何人都可以立即为其开发应用程序。 或者,如果您只想使用Windows Phone 7,则可以使用随附的仿真器尝试新的Metro UI。 以下是今天在Vista或7计算机上执行此操作的方法。

Please note: These tools are a Customer Technology Preview release, so only install them if you’re comfortable using pre-release software.

请注意:这些工具是Customer Technology Preview版本,因此只有在您愿意使用预发布软件的情况下才安装它们。

Getting Started


First, download the Windows Phone Developer Tools CTP (link below), and run the installer.  This will install the Customer Technology Preview (CTP) versions of Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone, Windows Phone Emulator, Silverlight for Windows Phone, and XNA 4.0 Game Studio on your computer, all of which are required and cannot be installed individually.

首先,下载Windows Phone开发人员工具CTP(下面的链接),然后运行安装程序。 这将在计算机上安装Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone,Windows Phone Emulator,Silverlight for Windows Phone和XNA 4.0 Game Studio的客户技术预览(CTP)版本,这些都是必需的,不能单独安装。

Accept the license agreement when prompted.



Click “Install Now” to install the tools you need.  The only setup customization option is where to save the files, so choose Customize if you need to do so.

单击“立即安装”以安装所需的工具。 唯一的设置自定义选项是保存文件的位置,因此如果需要,请选择“自定义”。


Setup will now automatically download and install the components you need, and will additionally download either 32 or 64 bit programs depending on your operating system.



About halfway thorough the installation, you’ll be prompted to reboot your system.



Once your computer is rebooted, setup will automatically resume without further input.



When setup is finished, click “Run the Product Now” to get started.



Running Windows Phone 7 on your PC

在PC上运行Windows Phone 7

Now that you’ve got the Windows Phone Developer tools installed, it’s time to get the Windows Phone emulator running.  If you clicked “Run the Product Now” when the setup finished, Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone should have already started.

现在您已经安装了Windows Phone Developer工具,是时候运行Windows Phone模拟器了。 如果在安装完成后单击“立即运行产品”,则Windows Phone的Visual Studio 2010 Express应该已经启动。


If not, simply enter “visual studio” in your start menu search and select “Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone”.

如果不是,只需在开始菜单搜索中输入“ Visual Studio”,然后选择“ Windows Phone的Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express”。


Now, to run the Windows Phone 7 emulator, we have to test an application.  So, even if you don’t know how to program, we can open a phone application template, and then test it to run the emulator.  First, click New Project on the left hand side of the front page.

现在,要运行Windows Phone 7仿真器,我们必须测试一个应用程序。 因此,即使您不知道如何编程,我们也可以打开电话应用程序模板,然后对其进行测试以运行模拟器。 首先,单击首页左侧的“新建项目”。


Any of the application templates would work for this, but here let’s select “Windows Phone Application”, and then click Ok.

任何应用程序模板都可用于此目的,但在这里我们选择“ Windows Phone应用程序”,然后单击“确定”。


Here’s your new application template, which already contains the basic phone application framework.  This is where you’d start if you want to develop a Windows Phone app, but for now we just want to see Windows Phone 7 in action.

这是您的新应用程序模板,其中已经包含基本的电话应用程序框架。 如果要开发Windows Phone应用程序,则从这里开始。但是现在,我们只想看到Windows Phone 7的实际应用。


So, to run the emulator, click Debug in the menu and then select Start Debugging.



Your new application will launch inside the Windows Phone 7 Series emulator.  The default template doesn’t give us much, but it does show an example application running in Windows Phone 7.

您的新应用程序将在Windows Phone 7系列模拟器中启动。 默认模板没有给我们太多帮助,但是它确实显示了在Windows Phone 7中运行的示例应用程序。


Exploring Windows Phone 7

探索Windows Phone 7

Click the Windows button on the emulator to go to the home screen.  Notice the Zune HD-like transition animation.  The emulator only includes Internet Explorer, your test application, and a few settings.

单击仿真器上的Windows按钮以转到主屏幕。 注意类似Zune HD的过渡动画。 该仿真器仅包括Internet Explorer,您的测试应用程序和一些设置。


Click the arrow on the right to see the available applications in a list.



Settings lets you change the theme, regional settings, and the date and time in your emulator.  It also has an applications settings pane, but this currently isn’t populated.

设置可让您更改主题,区域设置以及模拟器中的日期和时间。 它还具有一个“应用程序设置”窗格,但是当前未填充。


The Time settings shows a unique Windows Phone UI.

时间设置显示唯一的Windows Phone用户界面。


You can return to the home screen by pressing the Windows button.  Here’s the Internet Explorer app running, with the virtual keyboard open to enter an address.  Please note that this emulator can also accept input from your keyboard, so you can enter addresses without clicking on the virtual keyboard.

您可以通过按Windows按钮返回主屏幕。 这是Internet Explorer应用程序的运行状态,其中打开了虚拟键盘以输入地址。 请注意,该仿真器也可以接受键盘输入,因此无需单击虚拟键盘即可输入地址。


And here’s Google running in Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7.

这是在Windows Phone 7的Internet Explorer中运行的Google。


Windows Phone 7 supports accelerometers, and you can simulate this in the emulator.  Click one of the rotate buttons to rotate the screen in that direction.

Windows Phone 7支持加速度计,您可以在模拟器中对其进行仿真。 单击旋转按钮之一以朝该方向旋转屏幕。


Here’s our favorite website in Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7 in landscape mode.

这是我们在Windows Phone 7上以横向模式在Internet Explorer中最喜欢的网站。


All this, running right inside your Windows 7 desktop…

所有这些都可以在Windows 7桌面内运行…


Developer tools for Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7开发人员工具

Although it may be fun to play with the Windows Phone 7 emulator, developers will be more excited to actually be able to create new and exciting apps for it.  The Windows Phone Developer Tools download includes Visual Studio Express and XNA Game Studio 4.0 which lets you create enticing games and apps for Windows Phones.  All development for Windows Phones will be in C#, Silverlight, and the XNA game framework.  Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone includes templates for these, and additionally has code samples to help you get started with development.

尽管使用Windows Phone 7模拟器可能会很有趣,但是开发人员对于能够真正为其创建新的令人兴奋的应用程序将更加兴奋。 Windows Phone开发人员工具下载包括Visual Studio Express和XNA Game Studio 4.0,可让您为Windows Phone创建诱人的游戏和应用程序。 Windows Phone的所有开发都将在C#,Silverlight和XNA游戏框架中进行。 Windows Phone的Visual Studio Express包括这些模板,此外还具有代码示例,可帮助您开始开发。



Many features are still not functional in this preview version, such as the search button and most of the included applications.  However, this still gives you a great way to experience firsthand the future of the Windows Phone platform.  And, for developers, this is your chance to set your mark on the Windows Phone 7 Series even before it is released to the public.  Happy playing and developing!

在此预览版本中,许多功能仍不起作用,例如搜索按钮和大多数随附的应用程序。 但是,这仍然为您提供了亲身体验Windows Phone平台未来的好方法。 而且,对于开发人员而言,这是您甚至可以在Windows Phone 7系列上向公众发布之前在其上留下自己的标记的机会。 玩和发展愉快!



Download Windows Phone Developer Tools CTP

下载Windows Phone开发人员工具CTP

Windows Phone Developer Site

Windows Phone开发人员站点

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13030/try-out-windows-phone-7-on-your-pc-today/

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