



When it comes to music, album art is a big part of the fun. But what if you’ve got hundreds of albums with no cover art? Read on to see how you can track down the correct art for each.

在音乐方面,专辑封面是其中很大一部分。 但是,如果您有数百本没有封面的专辑怎么办? 继续阅读以了解如何找到每种艺术品的正确作品。

专辑封面下载器 (Album Art Downloader)

We’re going to be using a free application called Album Art Downloader. It’s got an unconventional interface, but it works very well. To get started, click the link, download the application and install it.

我们将使用一个名为Album Art Downloader的免费应用程序。 它具有非常规的界面,但效果很好。 首先,单击链接,下载并安装应用程序。

准备音乐库 (Preparing Your Music Library)

For this tutorial to work, you’re going to need a very neat, orderly music library. Each album should reside in its own subfolder, and the files should all have correct metadata so that Album Art Downloader knows what to search for. If your house is in order, great; but if you need a bit of help getting there, check out our previous post showing How to Clean Up and Fix Your Music Library with the MusicBrainz Database. Once your library is all neat, move on to the next step.

为了使本教程正常工作,您将需要一个非常整洁,井井有条的音乐库。 每个专辑应位于其自己的子文件夹中,并且文件都应具有正确的元数据,以便专辑封面下载器知道要搜索的内容。 如果您的房子井井有条,那就太好了; 但是如果您需要一些帮助,请查看我们以前的文章,其中显示了如何使用MusicBrainz数据库清理和修复音乐库。 图书馆全部整理好后,请继续下一步。

搜索专辑封面 (Searching For Album Art)

It’s now time to run Album Art Downloader. This is what you’re supposed to see when running the application for the first time:

现在该运行专辑封面下载器了。 这是您首次运行该应用程序时应该看到的内容:


This is the Search window. Its job is to help you find the cover art for one single album, using a myriad of sources. Album Art Downloader does not have its own cover art database on the web; instead, it uses numerous plugins to search existing databases, starting from massive libraries such as Amazon, CD Baby,  Google Images, all the way to more obscure sources such as RevHQ and Psyshop. By default, it also searches your local files, which isn’t very helpful. So the first thing we’ll do is scroll down to the bottom of the list and disable the local file search:

这是“搜索”窗口。 它的工作是使用多种资源来帮助您找到一张专辑的封面。 Album Art Downloader在网络上没有自己的封面艺术数据库。 取而代之的是,它使用大量插件来搜索现有数据库,从大型库(例如Amazon,CD Baby,Google Images)开始,一直到RevHQ和Psyshop等更晦涩的资源。 默认情况下,它还会搜索您的本地文件,这不是很有帮助。 因此,我们要做的第一件事是向下滚动到列表的底部并禁用本地文件搜索:


Feel free to disable any other sources you don’t think you’ll need in the process, just like we’ve disabled Take2 and Yes24 above. From our experience, Amazon and Google Images are usually enough to track down most albums. Another thing you should do at this point is set the “Sort by” listbox to “Area”, as shown in the screenshot above. This would ensure the largest images would float to the top of the search results.

随意禁用您在此过程中不需要的任何其他来源,就像我们已经禁用了上面的Take2和Yes24一样。 根据我们的经验,Amazon和Google Images通常足以追踪大多数专辑。 此时,您应该做的另一件事是将“排序依据”列表框设置为“区域”,如上面的屏幕截图所示。 这样可以确保最大的图像浮在搜索结果的顶部。

Now that we’re all set, it’s time to point Album Art Downloader at our music collection and tell it what it should fetch. Go to File > New > File Browser, or hit Ctrl+B.

现在我们已经准备就绪,是时候将Album Art Downloader指向我们的音乐收藏,并告诉它应该获取什么。 转到文件>新建>文件浏览器,或按Ctrl + B。


The File Browser is a separate window; that’s what’s odd about the Album Art Downloader interface – it uses lots of separate windows that pop up all over the place. Once you get used to that, the application is very easy to use. Point the File Browser at your music library (C:\Users\ezuk\Music above) and click the large Search button.

文件浏览器是一个单独的窗口; 这就是专辑封面下载器界面的奇特之处-它使用了许多单独的窗口,这些窗口遍布整个地方。 一旦习惯了,该应用程序将非常易于使用。 将文件浏览器指向您的音乐库(上面的C:\ Users \ ezuk \ Music),然后单击大搜索按钮。


Album Art Downloader will go through your entire music library quite rapidly, looking for the artist name, album name, and whether or not the album already has artwork. Click “Select all albums with missing artwork”, and then click Get Artwork for Selection.

“专辑封面下载器”将非常快速地浏览您的整个音乐库,查找艺术家姓名,专辑名称以及专辑是否已包含艺术品。 单击“选择所有缺少艺术品的专辑”,然后单击“获取艺术品供选择”。


Album Art Downloader will now pop up three separate search windows in parallel. Do not be alarmed – the application is just trying to save you time. Since searching through multiple image databases tends to take some time, working in parallel is efficient: While you’re busy sorting through the results of the first search, the other two are already fetching images. By the time you’re done with the first search, the second one is ready for you.

专辑封面下载器现在将并行弹出三个单独的搜索窗口。 不要惊慌-该应用程序只是在试图节省您的时间。 由于搜索多个图像数据库通常会花费一些时间,因此并行工作效率很高:在您忙于对第一个搜索的结果进行排序时,其他两个已经在获取图像。 当您完成第一个搜索时,第二个搜索已为您准备就绪。


Let’s start sifting through the first one. The thumbnails are tiny, but you can click and hold a thumbnail to pup up a full-size version of the file. You can also drag the line alongside each “tile” to make the tiles larger.

让我们开始筛选第一个。 缩略图很小,但是您可以单击并按住缩略图来缩小文件的完整尺寸。 您还可以将线条拖到每个“平铺”旁边,以放大图块。


Once you’ve tracked down the correct album art at a good resolution, double-click the thumbnail or single-click the diskette icon. A file called “folder.jpg” (or .png, as the case may be) will be saved in the folder containing the album. You’re done! Close the search window, and a new one will pop up, searching for the next album. Don’t wait for this window to fill up with images; just switch to one of the other two windows waiting for you, pick the correct image, save, and close. Rinse, lather, repeat. In no time your music library will be full of beautiful, high resolution artwork!

一旦以正确的分辨率找到了正确的专辑封面,请双击缩略图或单击软盘图标。 名为“ folder.jpg”(或.png,视情况而定)的文件将保存在包含相册的文件夹中。 你完成了! 关闭搜索窗口,将弹出一个新窗口,搜索下一张专辑。 不要等待该窗口充满图像; 只需切换到等待您的其他两个窗口之一,选择正确的图像,保存并关闭即可。 冲洗,起泡,重复。 您的音乐库将立即充满美丽,高分辨率的作品!







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