
A Comcast sign in Eugene, OR
Joshua Rainey Photography/Shutterstock.com 约书亚·雷尼(Joshua Rainey)摄影/Shutterstock.com

AT&T, Comcast, and T-Mobile have already lifted data caps, which are already indefensible at the best of times. No internet service provider should rake in extra profits from harsh data caps at a time when people have to work, study, and entertain themselves at home.

AT&T,Comcast和T-Mobile已经提高了数据上限,这在最佳情况下是不可辩驳的。 在人们不得不在家工作,学习和娱乐的时候,任何互联网服务提供商都不应从苛刻的数据上限中获得额外的利润。

This matters. For example, Comcast normally charges $10 for each extra 50 GB of data their customers use above the 1 TB data cap. With companies asking their employees to work from home, schools canceling classes, large events being banned, and more people being asked to quarantine themselves at home, home internet usage will likely go up. That shouldn’t be an excuse to tack on extra fees and increase profit margins.

这很重要。 例如,Comcast通常会向客户每超出1 TB数据上限使用的额外50 GB数据收取$ 10。 随着公司要求员工在家工作,学校取消课程,禁止大型活动以及要求更多人在家隔离自己的工作,家庭互联网使用率可能会上升。 那不应该成为增加额外费用和增加利润率的借口。

Here’s the good news: Some ISPs have already done the right thing. AT&T has lifted data caps on its home broadband service. Comcast has followed, removing overage fees for people who go over their data caps for now. For data on the go, T-Mobile is offering unlimited data to all its customers and an additional 20 GB of mobile hotspot data. More ISPs will hopefully follow.

这是个好消息:一些ISP已经做了正确的事情。 AT&T取消了其家庭宽带服务的数据上限。 康卡斯特紧随其后,为那些超出数据上限的人取消了超额费用。 对于旅途中的数据, T-Mobile将为其所有客户提供无限数据以及额外的20 GB移动热点数据。 希望会有更多的ISP跟进。

Comcast is also offering its “Internet Essentials” plan for low-income families for free for the next two months and is raising its speed from 15 Mbps down and 2 Mbps up to 25 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up.

康卡斯特还将在未来两个月内免费为低收入家庭提供“ Internet Essentials”计划,并将其速度从15 Mbps和2 Mbps降低到25 Mbps和3 Mbps。

Other ISPs have made much smaller moves but haven’t lifted their data caps. Verizon will waive late fees “for the next 60 days” “because of coronavirus,” which is surely better than doing nothing at all. Major ISPs like AT&T, Charter, CenturyLink, Comcast, Cox, Sonic, Sprint, and T-Mobile have also agreed with the FCC not to suspend their customers’ service and to waive late fees.

其他ISP采取了较小的措施,但并未提高其数据上限。 Verizon将“因为冠状病毒”免除“未来60天”的滞纳金,这肯定比不采取任何行动要好。 AT&T,Charter,CenturyLink,Comcast,Cox,Sonic,Sprint和T-Mobile等主要ISP也已与FCC达成协议,不要暂停其客户的服务并免收滞纳金。

More ISPs need to step up and follow AT&T, Comcast, and T-Mobile’s leads.


We’ve never liked home broadband data caps. These fees are basically pure profit for ISPs. Internet connections are getting faster and faster, but data caps aren’t going up. You can pay for a gigabit internet connection from Comcast and it comes with the same 1 TB data cap as its slowest connection. These data caps never seem to rise even as ISPs add capacity to their networks.

我们从未喜欢家庭宽带数据上限。 这些费用对于ISP来说基本上是纯利润。 Internet连接越来越快,但数据上限并没有增加。 您可以从Comcast购买千兆位的互联网连接,并且其最慢的连接具有相同的1 TB数据上限。 即使ISP为网络增加容量,这些数据上限似乎也从未增加。

As more people telecommute, video chat online, stream 4K content, and download ever-larger games, it’s easier than ever to push up against these data caps. This situation shouldn’t be a bonanza of extra fees for ISPs.

随着越来越多的人进行通勤,在线视频聊天,流4K内容并下载更大的游戏,抵御这些数据上限比以往任何时候都更加容易。 这种情况不应该给ISP带来额外费用。

After all, if AT&T and Comcast can afford to lift data caps and have plenty of capacity to do so even while more people than ever are staying home, why can’t they permanently remove data caps? TechCrunch argues that ISPs could abandon data caps forever for this reason. We certainly hope they do.

毕竟,即使AT&T和Comcast能够负担得起数据上限并有足够的能力做到这一点,甚至在比以往任何时候都更多的人呆在家里的情况下,为什么他们不能永久删除数据上限呢? TechCrunch认为,由于这个原因,ISP可能永远放弃数据上限。 我们当然希望他们这样做。

Be sure to wash your hands.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/662170/all-isps-should-lift-data-caps-due-to-coronavirus/

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