


A terminal window on a Linux system.
Fatmawati Achmad Zaenuri/Shutterstock Fatmawati Achmad Zaenuri / Shutterstock

If you want to schedule a Linux job that will happen only once, cron is overkill. The at family of commands is what you need! And if you want to run processes only when your system has free resources, you can use batch.

如果您要安排仅执行一次Linux作业,那么cron实在是太过分了。 您需要的at系列命令! 而且,如果只在系统拥有可用资源时才运行进程,则可以使用batch

如何安排Linux作业 (How to Schedule Linux Jobs)

The cron daemon maintains a list of jobs it runs at specific times. These tasks and programs run in the background at the scheduled times. This offers you great flexibility for scheduling tasks that need to be repeated. Whether you need to run a task once every hour, at a specific time each day, or once a month or year, you can set it up in cron.

cron守护程序维护在特定时间运行的作业列表。 这些任务和程序在计划的时间在后台运行。 这为您安排需要重复的任务提供了极大的灵活性。 无论您需要每小时,每天特定时间还是每月或每年一次运行任务,都可以在cron进行设置。

However, this doesn’t help if you want to schedule a task to run just once. Sure, you can set it up in cron, but then you have to remember to go back and remove the crontab entry after the task executes, which is inconvenient.

但是,如果您只想安排一个任务运行一次,这将无济于事。 当然,您可以cron进行设置,但是之后您必须记住要在任务执行后返回并删除crontab条目,这很不方便。

With Linux, if you’re struggling with a problem, it’s almost a guarantee someone else has struggled with it, too. Fortunately, because Unix-like operating systems have been around so long, there’s also an excellent chance someone has created a solution to your problem.

使用Linux时,如果您遇到问题,也几乎可以确保其他人也对此感到困难。 幸运的是,由于类似Unix的操作系统已经存在了很长时间,因此也很有可能有人为您的问题创建了解决方案。

For the problem outlined above, they have, and it’s called at.


安装at命令 (Installing the at Command)

We had to install at on Ubuntu 18.04 and Manjaro 18.1.0 (it was already installed on Fedora 31).

我们必须要安装at Ubuntu上18.04和Manjaro 18.1.0(它已经被安装在Fedora 31)。

To install at on Ubuntu, use this command:

at Ubuntu上安装,请使用以下命令:

sudo apt-get install at
The "sudo apt-get install at" command in a terminal window.

After the installation completes, you can start the at daemon with this command:


sudo systemctl enable --now atd.service
The "sudo systemctl enable --now atd.service" command in a terminal window.

On Manjaro, you install at with this command:


sudo pacman -Sy at
The "sudo pacman -Sy at" command in a terminal window.

After the installation completes, type this command to start the at daemon:


sudo systemctl enable --now atd.service
The "sudo systemctl enable --now atd.service" command in a terminal window.

On any distribution, you can type this command to make sure the atd daemon is running:


ps -e | grep atd
The "ps -e | grep atd" command in a terminal window.

如何交互使用at命令 (How to Use the at Command Interactively)

To use at, you have to assign it a date and time to run. There’s a great deal of flexibility in the way you can write these, which we cover later in this article.

要使用at ,你必须为它分配一个日期和时间来运行。 您可以很灵活地编写这些内容,我们将在本文后面介绍。

However, even though we’re going to use at interactively, you have to provide the date and time upfront. If you don’t include anything on the command line, or you type something that isn’t a date and time, at responds with “Garbled time,” as shown below:

然而,即使我们要使用at交互,你必须提供的日期和时间的前期。 如果您在命令行中未包含任何内容,或者您​​键入的不是日期和时间,则at响应时显示“乱码时间”,如下所示:

at banana
An incorrect use of the "at" command in a terminal window.

Dates and times can be explicit or relative. For example, let’s say you want to have a command execute one minute from now. at knows what “now” means, so you can use now and add one minute to it, like so:

日期和时间可以是明确的也可以是相对的。 例如,假设您希望从现在开始一分钟执行一条命令。 at知道“现在”的意思,所以你可以使用now一分钟添加到它,就像这样:

at now + 1 minute
The "at now + 1 minute" command in a terminal window.

at prints out a message and an at prompt, and waits for you to type the commands you want to schedule. First, though, consider the message, as shown below:

at输出一条消息和一个at提示符,并等待您键入要计划的命令。 但是,首先考虑该消息,如下所示:

The "at" command prompt in a terminal window.

It tells you at launches an instance of the sh shell and will run the commands inside that. Your commands won’t be executed in the Bash shell, which is compatible with the sh shell but has a richer feature set.

at启动时告诉您sh shell的实例,并将在其中运行命令。 您的命令不会在Bash Shell中执行,后者与sh Shell兼容,但具有更丰富的功能集。

If your commands or scripts try to use a function or facility that Bash provides, but sh doesn’t, they’ll fail.


It’s easy to test whether your commands or scripts will run in sh. Use the sh command to start an sh shell:

测试您的命令或脚本是否将在sh运行很容易。 使用sh命令启动sh shell:

The "sh" shell in a terminal window.

The command prompt changes to a dollar sign ($), and you can now run your commands and verify that they operate correctly.

命令提示符更改为美元符号( $ ),您现在可以运行命令并验证其是否正常运行。

To return to the Bash shell, type the exit command:

要返回到Bash shell,请键入exit命令:


You won’t see any standard output or error messages from the commands. This is because the sh shell launches as a background task and runs without any sort of screen interface.

您不会从命令中看到任何标准输出或错误消息。 这是因为sh shell作为后台任务启动,并且在没有任何屏幕界面的情况下运行。

Any output from the commands—good or bad—is emailed to you. It’s sent via the internal mail system to whomever runs the at command. This means you have to set up and configure that internal email system.

命令的任何输出(无论好坏)都会通过电子邮件发送给您。 它通过内部邮件系统发送给运行at命令的任何人。 这意味着您必须设置和配置该内部电子邮件系统。

Many (most) Linux systems don’t have an internal email system as there’s rarely a need for one. Those that do typically use a system like sendmail or postfix. If your system doesn’t have an internal email system, you can have scripts write to files or redirect output to files to add logging.

许多(大多数)Linux系统没有内部电子邮件系统,因为很少需要一个内部电子邮件系统。 那些确实使用诸如sendmailpostfix之类的系统的公司。 如果您的系统没有内部电子邮件系统,则可以使脚本写入文件或将输出重定向到文件以添加日志记录。

If the command doesn’t generate any standard output or error messages, you won’t get an email, anyway. Many Linux commands indicate success via silence, so in most cases, you won’t get an email.

如果该命令未生成任何标准输出或错误消息,则无论如何您都不会收到电子邮件。 许多Linux命令通过静默指示成功,因此在大多数情况下,您不会收到电子邮件。

Now, it’s time to type a command in at. For this example, we’ll use a small script file called that deletes the *.bak, *.tmp, and *.o files. Type the path to the command, as shown below, and then press Enter.

现在,是时候在键入命令at 。 在此示例中,我们将使用一个名为sweep.sh的小脚本文件,该文件将删除*.bak*.tmp*.o文件。 键入命令的路径,如下所示,然后按Enter。

The "~/" command in a terminal window.

Another command prompt appears, and you can add as many commands as you like. It’s usually more convenient to have your commands in a single script and simply call that script from within at.

出现另一个命令提示符,您可以根据需要添加任意数量的命令。 它通常有在一个脚本你的命令,更方便,更简单地调用脚本中at

Press Ctrl+D to tell at you’re finished adding commands. at shows <EOT>, which means end of transmission. You’re told the job number and when the job is scheduled to run, as shown below:

按Ctrl + d告诉at添加完命令。 at显示<EOT>时,表示传输结束。 系统将告知您作业编号以及该作业的预定运行时间,如下所示:

Confirmation of "job 4" scheduled to run "Wed Dec 18 08:37:00 2019" in a terminal window.

After the job executes, type the following to check your internal mail:


The "mail" command in a terminal window.

If there’s no mail, you have to assume success. Of course, in this case, you can check and see if the *.bak , *.tmp, and *.o files were deleted to confirm the command worked.

如果没有邮件,则必须承担成功。 当然,在这种情况下,您可以检查*.bak*.tmp*.o文件是否已删除,以确认命令是否有效。

Type the following to run the whole thing again:


at now + 1 minute
The "at now + 1 minute" command in a terminal window.

After one minute, type the following to recheck your mail:


The "mail" command indicating "1 message 1 unread" in a terminal window.

Hey, we’ve got mail! To read message number one, press 1, and then hit Enter.

嘿,我们收到邮件了! 要阅读第一条消息,请按1,然后按Enter。

An internal email in a terminal window.

We received an email from at because the commands in the script generated error messages. In this example, there were no files to delete because when we ran the script previously, it removed them.

我们收到了一封来自的电子邮件at因为脚本中的命令生成了错误消息。 在此示例中,没有要删除的文件,因为当我们先前运行脚本时,它删除了它们。

Press D+Enter to delete the email and Q+Enter to quit the mail program.

按D + Enter删除电子邮件,然后按Q + Enter退出邮件程序。

日期和时间格式 (Date and Time Formats)

You have a lot of flexibility when it comes to the time formats you can use with at. Here are a few examples:

你有很大的灵活性,当谈到你可以使用的时间格式at 。 这里有一些例子:

  • Run at 11:00 a.m.:


    • at 11:00 AM

    Run at 11:00 a.m.:


  • Run at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow:


    • at 11:00 AM tomorrow

    Run at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow:


  • Run at 11:00 a.m. on this day next week:


    • at 11:00 AM next week

    Run at 11:00 a.m. on this day next week:


  • Run at this time, on this day, next week:


    • at next week

    Run at this time, on this day, next week:


  • Run at 11:00 a.m. next Friday:


    • at 11:00 AM next fri

    Run at 11:00 a.m. next Friday:


  • Run at this time next Friday:


    • at next fri

    Run at this time next Friday:


  • Run at 11:00 a.m. on this date, next month:


    • at 11:00 AM next month

    Run at 11:00 a.m. on this date, next month:


  • Run at 11:00 a.m. on a specific date:


    • at 11:00 AM 3/15/2020

    Run at 11:00 a.m. on a specific date:


  • Run 30 minutes from now:


    • at now + 30 minutes

    Run 30 minutes from now:


  • Run two hours from now:


    • at now + 2 hours

    Run two hours from now:


  • Run at this time tomorrow:


    • at tomorrow

    Run at this time tomorrow:


  • Run at this time on Thursday:


    • at thursday

    Run at this time on Thursday:


  • Run at 12:00 a.m.:


    • at midnight

    Run at 12:00 a.m.:


  • Run at 12:00 p.m.:


    • at noon

    Run at 12:00 p.m.:


  • If you’re a Brit, you can even schedule a command to run at teatime (4 p.m.):


    • at teatime

    If you’re a Brit, you can even schedule a command to run at teatime (4 p.m.):


查看工作队列 (Looking at the Job Queue)

You can type the atq command to see the queue of scheduled jobs, as shown below.


Output from the "atq" command showing 5 jobs in a terminal window.

For each command in the queue, atq displays the following information:

对于队列中的每个命令, atq显示以下信息:

  • Job ID


  • Scheduled date


  • Scheduled time


  • Queue the job is in. The queues are labeled “a,” “b,” and so on. Normal tasks you schedule with at go into queue “a,” while tasks you schedule with batch (covered later in this article) go into queue “b.”

    正在将作业排队。 队列被标记为“ a”,“ b”等。 您预设标准的任务at进入队列“一”,而你的任务附表batch (在本文后面介绍)进入队列“B”。

  • The person who scheduled the job.


在命令行上使用at (Using at on the Command Line)

You don’t have to use at interactively; you can also use it on the command. This makes it easier to use inside scripts.

您不必使用at交互; 您也可以在命令上使用它。 这使得在内部脚本中更容易使用。

You can pipe commands into at, like this:

您可以将命令通过管道传递到at ,如下所示:

echo "sh ~/" | at 08:45 AM
An "echo "sh ~/" | at 08:45 AM" command in a terminal window.

The job is accepted and scheduled by at, and the job number and execution date are reported just as before.

作业已在接受并安排at ,并且作业编号和执行日期的报告方式与以前一样。

与命令文件一起使用 (Using at with Files of Commands)

You can also store a sequence of commands in a file, and then pass it to at. This can be a plain text file of commands—it doesn’t have to be an executable script.

您还可以在文件中存储一系列命令,然后将其传递给at 。 这可以是命令的纯文本文件-不必是可执行脚本。

You can use the -f (file) option in the following way to pass a filename to at:

您可以通过以下方式使用-f (文件)选项,将文件名传递给at

at now + 5 minutes -f clean.txt
An "at now + 5 minutes -f clean.txt" command in a terminal window.

You can achieve the same result if you redirect the file into at:


at now + 5 minutes < clean.txt
An "at now + 5 minutes < clean.txt" command in a terminal window.

从队列中删除计划的作业 (Removing Scheduled Jobs from the Queue)

To remove a scheduled job from the queue, you can use the atrm command. If you want to see the queue first to find the number of the job you want to remove, you can use atq . Then, use that job number with atrm, as shown below:

要从队列中删除计划的作业,可以使用atrm命令。 如果要首先查看队列以查找要删除的作业编号,则可以使用atq 。 然后,将该工作号与atrm ,如下所示:

atrm 11
Removing job 11 from the at queue in a terminal window.

如何查看工作的详细视图 (How to See a Detailed View of Jobs)

As we mentioned previously, you can schedule jobs far into the future. Sometimes, you might forget what a job is going to do. The atq command shows you the jobs in the queue, but not what they’re going to do. If you want to see a detailed view of a job, you can use the -c (cat) option.

如前所述,您可以安排将来的工作。 有时,您可能会忘记工作要做的事情。 atq命令显示队列中的作业,但不显示它们的工作。 如果要查看作业的详细视图,可以使用-c (cat)选项。

First, we’ll use atq to find the job number:


Output from the "atq" command in a terminal window.

Now, we’ll use job number 13 with the -c option:


at -c 13
The "at -c 13" command and output in a terminal window.

Here’s a breakdown of the information we get back about the job:


  • First line: This tells us the commands will run under the sh shell.

    第一行:这告诉我们命令将在sh shell下运行。

  • Second line: We see the commands will run with both a user and group ID of 1000. These are the values for the person who ran the at command.

    第二行:我们看到命令将同时以用户ID和组ID 1000运行。这是运行at命令的人员的值。

  • Third line: The person who receives any emails atsends.


  • Fourth line: The User Mask is 22. This is the mask used to set the default permissions for any files created in this sh session. The mask is subtracted from 666, which gives us 644 (the octal equivalent of rw-r--r--).

    第四行:用户掩码”为22。这是用于设置此sh会话中创建的任何文件的默认权限的掩码。 从666中减去掩码,得到644(等效于rw-r--r--的八进制数)。

  • Remaining data: The majority are environment variables.


Output from the "-c 13" command in a terminal window.
  • Results of a test. A test checks to make sure the execution directory can be accessed. If it cannot, an error is raised, and the job execution is abandoned.

    测试结果。 测试检查以确保可以访问执行目录。 如果不能,将引发错误,并放弃作业执行。

  • The commands to be executed. These are listed, and the contents of the scripts that are scheduled are displayed. Note that although the script in our example above was written to run under Bash, it will still be executed in an sh shell.

    要执行的命令。 这些被列出,并显示计划的脚本的内容。 请注意,尽管上面示例中的脚本被编写为在Bash下运行,但仍将在sh shell中执行。

批处理命令 (The batch Command)

The batch command operates similarly to the at command, but with three significant differences:


  1. You can only use the batch command interactively.


  2. Rather than scheduling jobs to execute at a specific time, you add them to the queue, and the batch command executes them when the system’s average load is lower than 1.5.


  3. Due to the above, you never specify a date and time with the batch command.


When you use the batch command, you call it by name with no command line parameters like so:


The "batch" command in a terminal window.

Next, add tasks just as you would with the at command.


控制对at命令的访问 (Controlling Access to the at Command)

The at.allow and at.deny files control who can use the at family of commands. These are located within the /etc directory. By default, only the at.deny file exists, and it’s created when at is installed.

at.allowat.deny文件控制谁可以使用at系列命令。 它们位于/etc目录中。 默认情况下,只有at.deny文件存在,并且是at安装at时创建的。

Here’s how these work:


  • at.deny: Lists applications and entities that cannot use at to schedule jobs.

    at.deny :列出无法使用at计划作业的应用程序和实体。

  • at.allow: Lists who can use at to schedule jobs. If the at.allow file doesn’t exist, at only uses the at.deny file.

    at.allow :列出谁可以使用at调度作业。 如果at.allow文件不存在,则at仅使用at.deny文件。

By default, anyone can use at. If you want to restrict who can use it, use the at.allow file to list those who can. This is easier than adding everyone who cannot use at to the at.deny file.

默认情况下,任何人都可以使用at 。 如果要限制谁可以使用它,请使用at.allow文件列出可以使用的人。 这比将无法使用at所有人添加到at.deny文件at要容易得多。

Here’s what the at.deny file looks like:


sudo less /etc/at.deny
The "sudo less /etc/at.deny" command in a terminal window.

The file lists components of the operating system that cannot use at. Many of these are prevented from doing so for security reasons, so you don’t want to remove any from the file.

该文件列出了不能at使用的操作系统组件。 由于安全原因,许多此类文件都被禁止这样做,因此您不想从文件中删除任何文件。

The contents of the at.deny file in a terminal window.

Now, we’ll edit the at.allow file. We’re going to add dave and mary, but no one else will be allowed to use at.

现在,我们将编辑at.allow文件。 我们要添加davemary ,但没有人会被允许使用at

First, we type the following:


sudo gedit /etc/at.allow
The "sudo gedit /etc/at.allow" command in a terminal window.

In the editor, we add the two names, as shown below, and then save the file.


"dave" and "mary" added to gedit.

If anyone else tries to use at, he’ll be told he doesn’t have permission. For example, let’s say a user named eric types the following:

如果其他任何人尝试使用at ,则会被告知他没有许可。 例如,假设一个名为eric的用户键入以下内容:


He would be refused, as shown below.


"eric" is refused permission to use "at" in a terminal window.

Again, eric is not in the at.deny file. As soon as you put anyone in the at.allow file, any- and everyone else is denied permission to use at.

同样, eric不在at.deny文件中。 将任何人放入at.allow文件中后, at.allow和其他所有人都被拒绝使用at权限。

非常适合一次性 (Great for One-Offs)

As you can see, both at and batch are ideal for tasks you only need to run once. Again, as a quick review:

如您所见, atbatch都是只需要运行一次的任务的理想选择。 再次,作为快速回顾:

  • When you need to do something that isn’t a regular process, schedule it with at.


  • If you want to run a task only when the system load is low enough, use batch.








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