
本文介绍了如何使用Google Docs、Slides和Sheets中的'画图格式'工具来轻松复制和粘贴文本、单元格和图片的格式。只需选中源文本或对象,点击'画图格式'图标,然后应用到目标位置即可。此外,还提供了相应的键盘快捷键以提高效率。在Slides中,该工具可用于多张幻灯片的图片格式复制,在Sheets中则适用于单元格格式的统一。


Google Docs Suite header image.

Should you need to use the same style across different parts of your document, Google Docs lets you copy formatting from text, cells, or an object with the Paint Format tool. Here’s how to copy and paste formatting in Docs.

如果您需要在文档的不同部分使用相同的样式,则可以使用Google Docs使用“画图格式”工具从文本,单元格或对象复制格式。 以下是在文档中复制和粘贴格式的方法。

在文档中使用绘画格式 (Use Paint Format in Docs)

Fire up your browser, head to Google Docs, and open a document.


Highlight the text you want to copy the format of, and then click on the “Paint Format” icon in the toolbar.


Highlight the text you want to copy the format of, and then click the "Paint Format" tool icon.

After it’s enabled, your cursor turns into a paint roller to show you the format was copied. Highlight the text you want to apply the format to and watch the magic happen.

启用后,您的光标变成一个油漆滚筒,向您显示复制的格式。 突出显示要应用格式的文本,并观看魔术的发生。


If you have more than one section that you want to paste a format to, double-click the “Paint Format” icon to lock it. You can then use the tool repeatedly without clicking it again.

如果您要粘贴格式的部分不止一个,请双击“ Paint Format”图标将其锁定。 然后,您可以重复使用该工具,而无需再次单击它。

You can also use Paint Format with keyboard shortcuts. To copy a format, press Ctrl+Alt+C (Windows or Chrome OS) or Command+Option+C (Mac). To paste, press Ctrl+Alt+V (Windows or Chrome OS) or Command+Option+V (Mac).

您还可以将绘画格式与键盘快捷键一起使用。 要复制格式,请按Ctrl + Alt + C(适用于Windows或Chrome操作系统)或Command + Option + C(适用于Mac)。 要粘贴,请按Ctrl + Alt + V(Windows或Chrome操作系统)或Command + Option + V(Mac)。

在幻灯片中使用绘画格式 (Use Paint Format in Slides)

The Paint Format tool can be used in Google Slides to copy the format of pictures across multiple slides.


Fire up your browser and open a Google Slides document. Click the image with the format you want to paste onto images from other slides, and then click the “Paint Format” icon.

启动浏览器并打开Google幻灯片文档。 单击具有您要粘贴到其他幻灯片图像上的格式的图像,然后单击“绘画格式”图标。

Click the image with the format you want to copy, and then click the "Paint Format" icon.

After the tool is enabled, and you see the paint roller mouse cursor, click another image for it to receive the identical formatting of the initial image.


Click another image you want to paste the format to.

The same as before, if you want to apply this format to multiple targets without having to click the initial image first, double-click the “Paint Format” icon to lock it.

与以前相同,如果要将此格式应用于多个目标而不必先单击初始图像,则双击“ Paint Format”图标以将其锁定。

The "Paint Format" tool in action.

在图纸中使用绘画格式 (Use Paint Format in Sheets)

The Paint Format tool in Sheets lets you copy formatting applied to text in cells, just as you would in Docs. Although you aren’t able to copy a formula over to other cell ranges, this is an extremely powerful tool when formatting tables in your spreadsheets.

表格中的绘画格式工具可让您复制应用于单元格中文本的格式,就像在文档中一样。 尽管您无法将公式复制到其他单元格区域,但是在格式化电子表格中的表格时,这是一个功能非常强大的工具。

Open your browser, and then open a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Click on and highlight a formatted cell, and then click the “Paint Format” icon.

打开浏览器,然后打开Google表格电子表格。 单击并突出显示格式化的单元格,然后单击“绘画格式”图标。

Click on and highlight the cell you want to copy the format from, and then click the "Paint Format" icon.

The mouse cursor turns into a paint roller to show the format is copied. Click on a cell to paste the format into it.

鼠标光标变成油漆滚筒,以显示格式被复制。 单击一个单元格以将格式粘​​贴到其中。

Click on the cell you want to apply the format to.

If you want to apply the same format to multiple cells, Sheets doesn’t support locking the tool by double-clicking it. Instead, click the cell you want to copy the format of, click the “Paint Format” icon, and then click and drag to highlight all the cells you want to apply the format to.

如果要将同一格式应用于多个单元格,则Sheets不支持通过双击来锁定该工具。 而是单击要复制其格式的单元格,单击“绘画格式”图标,然后单击并拖动以突出显示要将格式应用到的所有单元格。

The "Paint Format" tool in action.







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