windows计算器_如何使用Windows 10计算器



The built-in Windows calculator has come a long way since first being introduced with Windows 1.0 in 1985. It includes different modes, date calculations, and some handy everyday conversions functions. Here’s how you can get the most out of the often overlooked calculator app.

自1985年首次与Windows 1.0一起引入以来,内置的Windows计算器已经走了很长一段路。它包含不同的模式,日期计算以及一些方便的日常转换功能。 这是您如何从经常被忽视的计算器应用中获得最大收益的方法。

在计算器模式之间切换 (Switching Between Calculator Modes)

As you’ll see below, the Calculator does a lot more than add, subtract, multiply, and divide. You can choose from four modes, depending on your needs.

正如您将在下面看到的,计算器的作用远远不止加,减,乘和除。 您可以根据需要从四种模式中进行选择。

To switch between modes, click the menu button at the top left and then select a mode from the options below.


Here’s what those different modes do.


标准模式 (Standard Mode)

The Standard mode is useful for basic math operations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, as well as for finding square roots, calculating percentages, and working with fractions. This is probably the mode that most people will feel comfortable with most of the time.

标准模式对于基本的数学运算(例如加,减,乘和除),以及求平方根,计算百分比和处理分数非常有用。 这可能是大多数人在大多数时间都会感到舒适的模式。

科学模式 (Scientific Mode)

Scientific mode expands on the Standard mode, giving you the additional functions you’d find on a typical scientific calculator. In addition to the Standard mode operators, it contains functions like log, modulo, exponent, trigonometric degrees, and SIN, COS, and TAN.

科学模式在标准模式下进行了扩展,为您提供了典型科学计算器上可以找到的其他功能。 除标准模式运算符外,它还包含对数,模,指数,三角度以及SIN,COS和TAN等功能。

程序员模式 (Programmer Mode)

This mode is designed for programmers. It adds the ability to switch between different number systems—binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. It also adds new operations for working with logic gates—Or, And, Xor, and Not—and bit shifting—Lsh, Rsh, RoR, and RoL.

此模式是为程序员设计的。 它增加了在不同数字系统(二进制,十进制,十六进制和八进制)之间切换的能力。 它还增加了用于处理逻辑门(或,与,异或非)和位移(Lsh,Rsh,RoR和RoL)的新操作。

Also, Programmer mode lets you switch between Byte (8 bits), Word (16 bits), DWord (32 bits), and QWord (64 bits) and has an option for binary bit toggling.


日期计算模式 (Date Calculation Mode)

The Date Calculation mode is a handy little tool that lets you calculate the difference between two specific dates. This is perfect for figuring out things like how many days old you are or how many days it is until your next vacation.

日期计算模式是一种方便的小工具,可让您计算两个特定日期之间的差。 这非常适合弄清楚您几岁或下一个假期之前多少天。

All you have to do is select the start and end date, and the calculator will determine the months, weeks, and days between the two.


转换测量 (Converting Measurements)

Ever come across a recipe and it calls for milliliters when you want fluid ounces or been shopping online, and all the prices are in Euros? Well, the calculator has you covered for those and quite a few more everyday conversions you might encounter. Some other conversions include temperature, speed (mph to km/h, knots, or Mach), weight and mass, and data storage, to name just a few.

是否曾经遇到过一种配方,当您想要液体盎司或在网上购物时需要毫升,并且所有价格都以欧元为单位? 好吧,计算器为您提供了这些服务,您可能还会遇到很多日常转换。 其他一些转换包括温度,速度(英里/小时至英里/小时,节或马赫数),重量和质量以及数据存储,仅举几例。

Click the menu button and select a type of conversion from the list in the “Converter” section.


Click the first measurement—this will be the input—and select a unit from the list provided.


Click the second measurement—this will be the output—and select a unit there as well.


Now, enter your measurement, and the calculator will convert it for you. It also shows a few other related conversions along the bottom.

现在,输入您的测量值,计算器将为您进行转换。 它还在底部显示了一些其他相关的转换。

将数字存储在内存中 (Storing Numbers in Memory)

If you use certain numbers a lot and don’t want to plug them into your calculator every single time, storing them into the calculator’s memory helps a lot. It’s a super useful function that’s available on the Standard, Scientific, and Programmer modes. You’ll control the memory functions using the MS, MR, M+, M-, and MC buttons.

如果您经常使用某些数字,并且不想每次都将其插入计算器,则将它们存储到计算器的内存中会很有帮助。 这是在标准,科学和编程器模式下可用的超级有用的功能。 您将使用MS,MR,M +,M-和MC按钮控制存储功能。

Here’s how they work:


  • MS: Save a new number into the memory.


  • MR: Recall the number from memory.


  • M+: Adds together the number in the input box to the most recently stored number. Can also be used from the memory pane if you want to add to a different number in memory.

    M +:将输入框中的数字加到最近存储的数字。 如果要添加到内存中的其他号码,也可以从内存窗格中使用。

  • M-: Subtracts the number in the input from the most recently stored number. Can also be used from the memory pane if you want to subtract from a different number in memory.

    M-:从最近存储的号码中减去输入中的号码。 如果要从内存中的其他数字中减去,也可以从内存窗格中使用。

  • MC: Clears all numbers from your memory storage.


  • M: Displays all current numbers stored in memory.


Using the MR, M+, and M- buttons work much the same way they do on a physical calculator, working with the last number you stored to memory. However, you also have access to any other numbers you’ve stored to memory during your current session. To see them, click the M button with the down arrow to the far right. You can then click any number in your memory to insert it.

使用MR,M +和M-按钮的工作方式与使用物理计算器的方式非常相似,只使用存储到存储器中的最后一个数字。 但是,您还可以访问当前会话期间存储在内存中的任何其他号码。 要查看它们,请单击M按钮,并在最右边使用向下箭头。 然后,您可以单击内存中的任何数字以将其插入。

If you’d rather have your memory queue always open, resize your window horizontally and it should pop open when it has enough space to show it all.


计算器历史 (Calculator History)

If you need to take a look at all the calculations you’ve made in your current session, they’re stored conveniently inside the calculator’s history. Calculator keeps the history stored even when you switch modes, but it is erased when you close the Calculator app.

如果您需要查看当前会话中所做的所有计算,它们会方便地存储在计算器的历史记录中。 计算器即使在切换模式时也可以保存历史记录,但是当您关闭计算器应用程序时,历史记录将被删除。

访问历史 (Accessing the History)

There are two ways you can access the history inside the app. The first is to click the history button located in the top right corner. This shows you the list of recent calculations. Clicking on anything in the history will load it back into the calculator’s input box.

您可以通过两种方式访问​​应用程序内的历史记录。 第一种是单击右上角的历史记录按钮。 这将显示最近计算的列表。 单击历史记录中的任何内容会将其重新加载到计算器的输入框中。

If you want to keep the history open, resize the Calculator window horizontally and it should pop up when the window is big enough.


删除历史 (Deleting the History)

You can delete individual entries from your history or delete the entire history at once.


To delete an individual entry, right-click it and then click the “Delete” command. To delete the entire history, click the little trashcan icon at the bottom right of the pane.

要删除单个条目,请右键单击它,然后单击“删除”命令。 要删除整个历史记录,请单击窗格右下角的小垃圾桶图标。

键盘快捷键 (Keyboard Shortcuts)

The Calculator app has keyboard shortcuts integrated into it to make things a bit easier for those of us that like to use hotkeys to get around the desktop. To start with, if you have a number pad on your keyboard, make sure NumLock is turned on and then you can use the pad to perform calculations.

计算器应用程序集成了键盘快捷键,从而使我们这些喜欢使用热键来绕过桌面的人变得更容易了。 首先,如果键盘上有数字键盘,请确保已打开NumLock,然后可以使用该键盘执行计算。

Also, there are some other shortcuts you can use. You can find a full list of these shortcuts on the Microsoft Support Windows Keyboard Shortcuts page, but here are a few of the more generally useful ones:

另外,您还可以使用其他一些快捷方式。 您可以在“ Microsoft支持Windows键盘快捷方式”页上找到这些快捷方式的完整列表,但以下是一些更常用的快捷方式

  • Alt+(1-4): Hold down Alt and press any number from one to four to switch to the different calculator modes.

    Alt +(1-4):按住Alt并按从1到4的任意数字以切换到不同的计算器模式。
  • Delete: Clear the current input (this works like the CE key on the calculator)

  • Esc: Clear all input (this works like the C key on the calculator)

  • Ctrl+H: Turn history on and off.

    Ctrl + H:打开和关闭历史记录。

And that’s about it—probably more than you ever wanted to know about the Windows Calculator. Still, it’s an underappreciated tool that packs in a lot of useful features.

就是这样-可能比您想了解的Windows计算器要多得多。 尽管如此,它还是一个未被充分利用的工具,它包含了许多有用的功能。







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