如何在Windows 10上打开计算器?


Simple or complex calculations are part of our daily life. As a popular operating system Windows provides the tool named Calculator in order to make our calculation in an easy and fast way. In this tutorial, we will learn how to open the Windows calculator in different ways like from the start menu, application search, command line, run menu, desktop shortcut, taskbar, keyboard shortcut. This tutorial can be also used other versions of Windows like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server in most cases.

简单或复杂的计算是我们日常生活的一部分。 作为流行的操作系统,Windows提供了一个名为“ Calculator的工具,以方便快捷地进行计算。 在本教程中,我们将学习如何以不同的方式打开Windows计算器,例如从开始菜单,应用程序搜索,命令行,运行菜单,桌面快捷方式,任务栏,键盘快捷方式。 在大多数情况下,本教程还可以用于其他Windows版本,例如Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows Server。

什么是计算器? (What Is Calculator?)

Windows operating systems provide different useful applications for daily use. The calculator is one of there as its name suggests it is used for different types of calculations.

Windows操作系统提供各种有用的应用程序供日常使用。 计算器就是其中之一,顾名思义,它可用于不同类型的计算。

Windows Calculator

Even it may seem very simple which is designed for arithmatics calculations the Windows Calculator can provides different types of calculation for different areas like Scientific, Programmer, Date, Currency, Volume, Length, Weight and Mass, Temperature, Energy, Area, Speed, Time and Power.


Windows Calculator Features

从程序文件中打开计算器(Open Calculator From Program Files)

As a popular Windows tools calculator is provided via the Program File. We will just open the program files from the start menu like below and locate the calculator from the C letter like below.

通过Program File提供了流行的Windows工具计算器。 我们将只从开始菜单中打开程序文件,如下所示,并从C字母中找到计算器。

Open Calculator From Program Files

从开始菜单打开计算器(Open Calculator From Start Menu)

We can open the calculator from the start menu without trying to locate from program files. We will just type “calculator” to the start menu search box like below and the calculator will be listed like below. We can open the calculator by clicking to the match list or clicking to the open button like below.

我们可以从开始菜单打开计算器,而无需尝试从程序文件中查找。 我们只需要在开始菜单搜索框中键入“ calculator”,如下所示,计算器就会列出如下。 我们可以通过单击匹配列表或单击打开按钮(如下所示)来打开计算器。

Open Calculator From Start Menu

从命令行,MS-DOS或PowerShell打开计算器(Open Calculator From Command Line, MS-DOS or PowerShell)

The calculator can be also opened from the command line or MS-DOS or PowerShell. We need to provide the calculator executable name which is calc.exe but we can also use the calc command as a shortcut.

也可以从命令行或MS-DOS或PowerShell中打开计算器。 我们需要提供计算器可执行文件名称calc.exe但是我们也可以使用calc命令作为快捷方式。

Open Calculator From Command Line, MS-DOS or PowerShell

从运行中打开计算器(Open Calculator From Run)

Windows Run provides similar function to the command line. We can open the calculator from the Run Box by typing the executable name calc.exe or calc like below. The run box can be opened with the WIN+R keyboard shortcut.

Windows Run提供与命令行类似的功能。 通过键入可执行文件名称calc.exe或如下所示的calc可以从“运行框”打开计算器。 可以使用WIN+R键盘快捷方式打开运行框。

Open Calculator From Run

从桌面快捷方式打开计算器(Open Calculator From Desktop Shortcut)

In order to open calculator from a desktop shortcut we need to create the calculator shortcut. First we will right click to the desktop and use New -> Shortcut like below.

为了从桌面快捷方式打开计算器,我们需要创建计算器快捷方式。 首先,我们将右键单击桌面并使用“ New -> Shortcut如下所示。

Create New Shortcut

In the following screen we will provide the exact location of the calculator application. The calc.exe is located under the

在以下屏幕中,我们将提供计算器应用程序的确切位置。 calc.exe位于

Set Calculator Shortcut Location

The last step is setting a name for the shortcut which will be Calculator in this example.


Set Calculator Shortcut Name

Now the shortcut is created on the desktop. We can open the calculator from this shortcut just by double click on to it.

现在,快捷方式已在桌面上创建。 我们可以通过双击该快捷方式来打开计算器。

Calculator Desktop Shortcut

从任务栏打开计算器(Open Calculator From Taskbar)

The calculator can be also opened from the taskbar easily. But in order to open a calculator from the taskbar, the taskbar should contain the taskbar icon of the calculator which can be added easily. First, open the calculator by using other methods described previously. Then right-click the calculator icon on the taskbar and click to the Pin to taskbar like below.

还可以从任务栏轻松打开计算器。 但是,为了从任务栏打开计算器,任务栏应包含可以轻松添加的计算器的任务栏图标。 首先,使用前面介绍的其他方法打开计算器。 然后右键单击任务栏上的计算器图标,然后单击“ Pin to taskbar如下所示。

Create Calculator Shortcut For Taskbar

Now the calculator shortcut for taskbar is created and we can click to calcualtor taskbar shortcut to open the calculator.


Open Calculator From Taskbar

使用键盘快捷键打开计算器(Open Calculator with Keyboard Shortcut)

Another practical way to open the calculator is using a keyboard shortcut. In order to use keyboard shortcut we should create and set a keyboard shortcut for the calculator.

另一种打开计算器的实用方法是使用键盘快捷键。 为了使用键盘快捷键,我们应该为计算器创建并设置键盘快捷键。

Open Calculator Properties

We will see the following screen where we will click to the Shortcut key and press the shortcut key which is F3 in this example. The last step is clicking to the Apply and OK .

我们将看到以下屏幕,在该屏幕上,我们将单击“ Shortcut key ,然后按快捷键,在此示例中为F3 。 最后一步是单击“ Apply然后OK

Set Keyboardshortcut For Calculator

Now we can open the calculator by just pressing the F3 key from the keyboard.


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-open-calculator-on-windows-10/





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