bash剪切复制粘贴_如何在Microsoft Word中剪切,复制和粘贴



Cutting, copying, and pasting are three of the most basic features available to a computer user, but as you might expect Microsoft Word gives you more options than just those. There’s a built-in Office clipboard that’s pretty powerful, the ability to choose the format of content you paste, and more. Here’s how it all works.

剪切,复制和粘贴是计算机用户可以使用的三个最基本的功能,但是您可能希望Microsoft Word提供的不仅仅是这些功能。 有一个内置的Office剪贴板,功能强大,可以选择粘贴内容的格式,还有更多功能。 这就是全部的运作方式。

以您想要的方式粘贴文本 (Paste Text the Way You Want)

When you paste text using Ctrl+V, Word defaults to pasting both the text and any formatting applied to that text. This means that the text will look like it did in the original location. Technically, Word copies the formatting marks in the text, which can be interpreted in different ways. This is why you might find that text copied from a website can appear much larger in Word; the formatting marks are interpreted differently by Word than they are by your web browser.

当您使用Ctrl + V粘贴文本时,Word默认会同时粘贴文本和应用于该文本的所有格式。 这意味着文本看起来像在原始位置一样。 从技术上讲,Word复制文本中的格式标记,可以用不同的方式来解释它们。 这就是为什么您可能会发现从网站复制的文本在Word中会显得更大的原因。 Word对格式标记的解释与Web浏览器对格式标记的解释不同。

Instead of hitting Ctrl+V, you can click Home > Paste to see some different options.

您可以单击“主页”>“粘贴”来查看一些其他选项,而不是按Ctrl + V。

The “Paste” drop-down menu shows a few options as icons across the top. From left to right these are:

“粘贴”下拉菜单在顶部显示一些选项作为图标。 从左到右分别是:

  • Keep Source Formatting: This is the default option you get when pressing Ctrl+V, as described above.

    保持源格式:这是按Ctrl + V时获得的默认选项,如上所述。

  • Merge Formatting: This command pastes just the text you’ve copied but changes the formatting to match the surrounding text into which you’re pasting.


  • Picture: This command inserts the text as a picture.


  • Keep Text Only: This command removes all formatting from the original text. The text will take on the default formatting of the paragraph into which you insert the text.

    保留文本此命令从原始文本中删除所有格式。 文本将采用插入文本的段落的默认格式。

There are also a couple of other options on the “Paste” drop-down menu. The “Paste Special” command lets you paste whatever you’ve copied as a special document type. For example, you could paste as a Word document, picture, or even HTML. The options available in the Paste Special window change depending on what you’ve copied. If you copied text, for example, you could insert it as a separate Word document. If you copied an image, you can change the format of the image when you paste (which we’ll talk more about in the next section).

“粘贴”下拉菜单上还有两个其他选项。 “粘贴特殊”命令使您可以粘贴复制为特殊文档类型的所有内容。 例如,您可以将其粘贴为Word文档,图片甚至HTML。 “选择性粘贴”窗口中可用的选项会根据您复制的内容而变化。 例如,如果复制了文本,则可以将其作为单独的Word文档插入。 如果您复制了图像,则可以在粘贴时更改图像的格式(我们将在下一节中详细讨论)。

The “Set Default Paste” option lets you change the default paste action (when you press Ctrl+V) if you don’t want “Keep Source Formatting” to be the default.

如果您不想将“保留源格式”设置为默认值,则可以使用“设置默认粘贴”选项更改默认的粘贴操作(按Ctrl + V时)。

以您想要的方式粘贴图像 (Paste Images the Way You Want)

When you paste an image into Word, it gives you some flexibility on the format. Click Home > Paste > Paste Special (after copying an image) to see the options.

将图像粘贴到Word中时,它为格式提供了一定的灵活性。 单击主页>粘贴>选择性粘贴(复制图像后)以查看选项。

In this case, we’re pasting from the clipboard, so we can choose if we want the pasted image to be in PNG or BitMap format. If we were pasting an image file, we’d get the choice to embed it as a file or link to it instead (which lowers the size of the document).

在这种情况下,我们是从剪贴板粘贴的,因此我们可以选择是否要粘贴的图像为PNG或BitMap格式。 如果要粘贴图像文件,则可以选择将其嵌入为文件或链接至该文件(这会减小文档的大小)。

You can also choose whether your pasted images default to “in line with text” or a different text wrapping by going to File > Options > Advanced > Insert/Paste Pictures As.


If you’re not sure what text wrapping is, or why you might change it, we’ve got you covered.


复制格式并将其应用于其他文本 (Copy Formatting and Apply it to Other Text)

You’ve got your formatting set just so, and now you want various other parts of your document to look the same. It would be a pain to have to change each block of text to match manually, so Word provides the Format Painter tool to help. Format Painter copies the formatting from selected text and then pastes it into other text. If you select an entire paragraph, it copies the paragraph formatting. If you select just a few words of text, it copies any character formatting applied to that text.

格式设置如此,现在您希望文档的其他各个部分看起来相同。 必须手动更改每个文本块以使其匹配,这很痛苦,因此Word提供了Format Painter工具来提供帮助。 格式刷从选定的文本复制格式,然后将其粘贴到其他文本中。 如果选择整个段落,它将复制段落格式。 如果仅选择文本的几个单词,它将复制应用于该文本的所有字符格式。

Select the text with the formatting you want to copy, hit Home > Format Painter and then select the text to which you want to paste the formatting. If you want to paste formatting to multiple locations, select the text and then double-click the “Format Painter” button. Anything you click or select after that gets pasted with the original formatting, and you can click the “Format Painter” button again to turn it off.

选择要复制格式的文本,单击“主页”>“格式刷”,然后选择要将格式粘贴到的文本。 如果要将格式粘贴到多个位置,请选择文本,然后双击“格式刷”按钮。 之后单击或选择的任何内容都将粘贴原始格式,然后可以再次单击“格式刷”按钮将其关闭。

For more tips on using Format Painter, check out our full guide to copying formatting in Word.

有关使用Format Painter的更多提示,请查看我们有关在Word中复制格式的完整指南。

将跟踪的更改从一个文档复制到另一个文档 (Copying Tracked Changes From One Document to Another)


If you’re using Tracked Changes and you want to move part of a document to a new document, you might not want to lose those tracked changes. Thankfully you don’t have to, but it’s not always obvious how to do it. This is primarily because you have to turn the Track Changes feature off before you copy the text.

如果您使用的是“跟踪的更改”,并且想要将文档的一部分移至新文档,则可能不想丢失那些跟踪的更改。 值得庆幸的是,您不必这样做,但如何做到这一点并不总是显而易见的。 这主要是因为在复制文本之前必须关闭“跟踪更改”功能。

This initially seems counter-intuitive, but there is some logic behind it. If you copy text with tracked changes and don’t turn the feature off first, Word assumes that you want to copy that text as if all the changes had been accepted. Want to know more? Check out our guide to copying, and pasting text with tracked changes.

最初,这似乎违反直觉,但是背后有一些逻辑。 如果您复制具有跟踪更改的文本并且不先关闭功能,Word就会假定您要复制该文本,就好像所有更改都已被接受一样。 想知道更多? 查看我们的指南,以复制和粘贴带有跟踪更改的文本

使用钉剪切或复制很多东西,然后一次粘贴所有东西 (Using the Spike to Cut or Copy Lots of Things and Then Paste Them All at Once)


You’ve written a great document and all is well, except that you now want to move various bits of it around to create a new paragraph. Or maybe you want to go through your document and copy all the names of people into a list in another document. Either way, this means you’ll have to cut individual bits of text from the document, go to the site of your new paragraph, paste the text in, then rinse and repeat until you’re done—right? Wrong.

您已经编写了一个不错的文档,一切都很好,只不过您现在想要移动文档的各个部分以创建新段落。 或者,也许您想浏览文档并将所有人员的姓名复制到另一个文档的列表中。 无论哪种方式,这都意味着您必须从文档中剪切出个别文本,转到新段落的位置,粘贴文本,然后冲洗并重复直到完成为止,对吗? 错误。

The spike is one of Word’s best-kept secrets. It’s named after those literal spikes you used to see get in paper-based offices and sometimes still see in restaurants—you know, the sharp metal thing they stab receipts onto?

峰值是Word保留得最好的秘密之一。 它以您曾经在纸质办公室看到的尖峰尖刺而得名,有时在餐馆里仍然看到。您知道,这些尖锐的金属尖刺着收据吗?

In Word, you can select some text and then hit Ctrl+F3 to cut that text and place it in your spike. Want to copy instead of cut? Just hit undo after hitting Ctrl+F3—that undoes the cutting of the text but not the placing of that text onto the spike. You can keep doing this to keep adding more text to the spike.

在Word中,您可以选择一些文本,然后按Ctrl + F3剪切该文本并将其放置在尖峰中。 要复制而不是剪切? 在按Ctrl + F3后只需单击undo(撤消)即可撤消对文本的剪切,但不会撤消将文本放置在尖峰上。 您可以继续执行此操作,以继续向峰值添加更多文本。

When you’re ready to paste everything, place your insertion point where you want to paste the text you’ve collected and then hit Shift+Ctrl+F3. This pastes everything in the spike at that location and also clears everything from the spike. Each item you had in the spike is pasted as its own paragraph, making it a great way to create a list.

当您准备粘贴所有内容时,请将插入点放置在要粘贴收集的文本的位置,然后按Shift + Ctrl + F3。 这会将所有内容粘贴在该位置的尖峰中,并清除尖峰中的所有内容。 您在秒杀中拥有的每个项目都将粘贴为自己的段落,这使其成为创建列表的好方法。

Want to know more? Check out our complete guide to using the spike in Word.

想知道更多? 查看有关使用Word中的尖峰的完整指南。

使用Office更好的剪贴板 (Use Office’s Much Better Clipboard)

The Windows Clipboard has always been fairly limited (although it is getting some upgrades soon). You copy something to the clipboard and then paste it somewhere else. The biggest limitation to the Windows Clipboard is that it only holds one thing at a time. Copy something new and whatever was there is now gone.

Windows剪贴板一直受到相当有限的限制(尽管即将获得一些升级)。 您将某些内容复制到剪贴板,然后将其粘贴到其他位置。 Windows剪贴板的最大限制是一次只能容纳一件事。 复制新内容,现在什么都消失了。

Enter the Office Clipboard, which can store up to 24 different items. You don’t even have to copy things in a different way. Just keep copying things by selecting them and hitting Ctrl+C and the Office Clipboard stores them for you.

输入Office剪贴板,该剪贴板最多可以存储24个不同的项目。 您甚至不必以其他方式复制内容。 只需选择它们并按Ctrl + C并继续复制它们,Office剪贴板就会为您存储它们。

When it’s time to paste content, you can open the Office Clipboard by clicking on the small arrow in the bottom right of the Home > Clipboard group.


You see a nice list of the last 24 things you’ve copied—text, images, whatever. You can then paste or delete individual items on the list.

您会看到一个不错的列表,其中列出了您最近复制的24件事-文本,图像等。 然后,您可以粘贴或删除列表中的单个项目。


It’s a great tool (and one we’ve highlighted previously, so give it a go! You’ll wonder how you managed without it.


完全不使用剪贴板 (Don’t Use the Clipboard At All)

Clipboards are all well and good, but the cool kids can copy and paste without using them at all.


We’ve covered this before of course, but a reminder never hurts. If you’ve got something stored on the clipboard and you don’t want to lose it, you can select text in your Word document and then Ctrl+right-click somewhere else in the document to cut the text from the original location and move it there. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+right-click to copy the selected text instead of cutting it.

我们当然已经介绍过了,但是提醒永远不会伤害您。 如果剪贴板上存储了某些内容,并且不想丢失,可以在Word文档中选择文本,然后按Ctrl +右键单击文档中的其他位置以从原始位置剪切文本并移动它在那里。 您也可以使用Ctrl + Shift +右键单击来复制选定的文本,而不是剪切它。

将“插入”更改为“粘贴键” (Change “Insert” to be a “Paste Key”)

By default, the Insert key on your keyboard toggles between Overtype and Insert modes, but you can change it to be a Paste key if you don’t use those other functions. Using the Insert key for pasting used to be a common function years ago, but Ctrl+V has become the default in the Windows world.

默认情况下,键盘上的插入键可在改写和插入模式之间切换,但如果不使用其他功能,则可以将其更改为粘贴键。 多年前使用插入键进行粘贴是一种常见功能,但是Ctrl + V已成为Windows世界中的默认设置。

If you have happy memories of using Insert to paste text in ye olden days, or you’ve got mobility issues that make it easier to use a single key, we’ve provided instructions on how to change Insert into a Paste key.


As usual, Word has a lot more going on with even a simple thing like cut, copy and paste.  Have we missed a good trick?  Let us know in the comments!

与往常一样,Word甚至还有很多简单的事情,例如剪切,复制和粘贴。 我们错过了一个好把戏吗? 让我们在评论中知道!







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