
Try to install an extension from outside the Chrome Web Store and Chrome will tell you that extensions “can only be added from the Chrome Web Store.” However, this message is incorrect – you can still install extensions from elsewhere.
尝试从Chrome网上应用店外部安装扩展程序,Chrome会告诉您“只能从Chrome网上应用店添加扩展程序”。 但是,此消息不正确-您仍然可以从其他位置安装扩展。
This restriction is in place to prevent malicious websites from installing bad extensions, apps, and user scripts. You should only install extensions from legitimate websites you trust – the LastPass website, for example.
设置此限制是为了防止恶意网站安装错误的扩展程序,应用程序和用户脚本。 您应该仅从您信任的合法网站(例如LastPass网站)安装扩展程序。
手动安装扩展 (Manually Installing an Extension)
To install an extension manually, click the wrench menu, point to Tools, and select Extensions to open the Extensions page.