调制解调器 拨号音 原理_为什么拨号调制解调器这么吵?

调制解调器 拨号音 原理

调制解调器 拨号音 原理

Throughout the 1990s the majority of internet users began their session with the noisy handshake of a dial-up modem, but what exactly was all that electronic chatter about? Read on as we investigate one of the more iconic sounds of the burgeoning Internet age.

在整个1990年代,大多数互联网用户都是通过拨号调制解调器的嘈杂握手开始会话的,但是电子聊天到底是什么呢? 在我们研究新兴互联网时代更具标志性的声音之一时,请继续阅读。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-drive grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的问答环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,它是Q&A网站的社区推动组织。

While dial-up modem use might be down from the nearly 100% market saturation in the 1990s to only 10% of current US internet users, the sound of a dial-up modem connecting lives on in the memories of geeks everywhere. This week we’re taking a look at the technology behind the noisy process and what exactly was going on when you dialed in for your internet session.

尽管拨号调制解调器的使用可能已从1990年代的近100%市场饱和度下降到仅占当前美国互联网用户的10%,但拨号调制解调器连接的声音在世界各地的极客记忆中依然存在。 本周,我们将研究嘈杂过程背后的技术以及您拨入互联网会话时的实际情况。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Celeritas poses the question surely millions of people have asked themselves over the years:


I know that the signal was just tone pulses but why was it when (back in the 90s) when you first connected to the internet you heard a bunch of funny noises. After that if you were to use the internet, it still was using the telephone line, why no funny noises then?

我知道信号只是音调脉冲,但是为什么呢(早在90年代)当您首次连接到互联网时,听到了很多有趣的声音。 之后,如果您要使用互联网,但仍在使用电话线,那为什么没有有趣的声音呢?

Why indeed? What was going on during the noisy part and why the silence afterwards?

为什么会这样呢? 在嘈杂的部分发生了什么,为什么之后又保持沉默?

答案 (The Answers)

Several SuperUser contributors fleshed out an answer for us. Scott Chamberlain writes:

几位SuperUser贡献者为我们提供了一个答案。 斯科特·张伯伦写道:

Modems originally allowed you to send data over a network that was designed to only carry voice. Because of that, the communication method between two modems had to be in the audible hearing range (or it would not get carried on the phone line). This is no longer needed because the phone system can now carry both voice and data at the same time (DSL).

调制解调器最初允许您通过旨在仅承载语音的网络发送数据。 因此,两个调制解调器之间的通信方法必须在可听见的听觉范围内(否则将不会通过电话线传送)。 由于电话系统现在可以同时传送语音和数据(DSL),因此不再需要此功能。

The sounds were there all the time, you just needed to pick up the phone to hear it. The reason they played it over a loudspeaker to start with is so you could hear if somthing went wrong with the connection (busy signal, wrong number, a person picked up instead of a modem on the other end, etc).

声音无时无刻不在,您只需要拿起电话即可收听。 他们首先通过扬声器播放它的原因是,您可以听到连接是否有问题(忙信号,错误的号码,有人接听而不是另一端的调制解调器等)。

Tylerl expands on that and explains how you could manipulate your modem to pipe down:


The whistles and chirps and buzzes that you hear when a modem is going through its initial handshake process is a test of the telephone line quality. A modem send precisely specified sounds and the other listens see what it actually hears on the other end. This way the modems know how clear the line is between them and what sort of frequencies they can use to communicate with each other. The more frequencies they can use and the lower the noise, the higher the speed they’ll be able to communicate at.

调制解调器经过其初始握手过程时听到的啸叫声和嗡嗡声是对电话线质量的测试。 调制解调器发送精确指定的声音,而另一听者则看到其在另一端实际听到的声音。 这样,调制解调器就知道它们之间的连接线有多清晰,以及它们可以用来相互通信的频率是多少。 他们可以使用的频率越多,噪声越低,它们能够以更高的通信速度进行通信。

If a connection ever failed due to connection quality, it would generally fail during this initial handshake process. And if you were listening, you could usually tell why (e.g. you got an answering machine on the other end instead of a modem).

如果连接由于连接质量而失败,则通常会在此初始握手过程中失败。 而且,如果您正在收听,通常可以说出原因(例如,另一端有答录机而不是调制解调器)。

As such, modems were usually configured to play this handshake sequence out loud. This was configured by sending AT M1 to the modem during setup. Alternately, AT M2 means to leave the speaker on all the time, while AT M0 means don’t turn the speaker on at all. See the AT command set for more information.

这样,通常将调制解调器配置为大声播放此握手序列。 通过在设置过程中将AT M1发送到调制解调器进行配置。 另外,AT M2表示始终保持扬声器打开,而AT M0表示完全不打开扬声器。 有关更多信息,请参见AT命令集

The actual transmission noise that you would hear if you picked up the phone during an active session (as opposed to during this handshake procedure) just sounds like static.


Oh the magic of AT M0; discovering that command was like being given an invisibility cloak-stealthy late night browsing for everyone. While Tylerl notes that high-baud traffic sound just like static, contributor Supercat notes that very low-baud modems were a different story:

哦,AT M0的魔力! 发现该命令就像是一个隐形斗篷,可以在深夜偷窥所有人。 泰勒(Tyller)注意到高波特率的流量听起来像静态的一样,而贡献者Supercat注意到非常低波特率的调制解调器却是另一回事:

At 300 baud, it’s possible to audibly hear incoming data. On occasions, I’ve turned on the modem speaker if I wanted to hear when characters arrived on a generally-idle line. Higher baud rates use a “data-scrambler” circuit so that most patterns of data are no longer audibly distinguishable.

波特率为300时,可以听到传入的数据。 有时,如果我想听字符何时到达通常为空闲的行,我会打开调制解调器扬声器。 较高的波特率使用“数据加扰器”电路,因此大多数数据模式不再在听觉上可区分。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/126778/why-are-dial-up-modems-so-noisy/

调制解调器 拨号音 原理

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