


backlit keyboard bokeh header

Whether you’re typing an email in your browser or writing in a word processor, there are convenient keyboard shortcuts usable in almost every application. You can copy, select, or delete entire words or paragraphs with just a few key presses.

无论您是在浏览器中键入电子邮件还是在文字处理器中书写,几乎所有应用程序都可以使用便捷的键盘快捷键。 您只需几次按键就可以复制,选择或删除整个单词或段落。

Some applications may not support a few of these shortcuts, but most applications support the majority of them. Many are built into the standard text-editing fields on Windows and other operating systems.

某些应用程序可能不支持其中一些快捷方式,但是大多数应用程序支持其中的大多数。 Windows和其他操作系统的标准文本编辑字段中内置了许多内容。

处理单词 (Working With Words)

We’re used to the arrow, Backspace, and Delete keys working with a single character at a time. However, we can add the Ctrl key to have them effect entire words or paragraph at the same time.

我们习惯于同时使用单个字符的箭头键,退格键和Delete键。 但是,我们可以添加Ctrl键,使它们同时作用于整个单词或段落。

Ctrl+Left Arrow – Move cursor to beginning of previous word.

Ctrl +向左键–将光标移至上一个单词的开头。

Ctrl+Right Arrow – Move cursor to beginning of next word

Ctrl +向右键–将光标移至下一个单词的开头

Ctrl+Backspace – Delete previous word.

Ctrl + Backspace –删除上一个单词。

Ctrl+Delete – Delete next word.

Ctrl + Delete –删除下一个单词。

Ctrl+Up Arrow – Move cursor to beginning of paragraph.

Ctrl +向上键–将光标移动到段落的开头。

Ctrl+Down Arrow – Move cursor to end of paragraph.

Ctrl +向下键–将光标移到段落的结尾。

Mac Users: Use the Option key instead of the Ctrl key.


ctrl key

Image Credit: Renato Targa on Flickr

图片提供: Flickr上的Renato Targa

移动光标 (Moving the Cursor)

The Ctrl key can also be combined with the Home and End keys.


Home – Move cursor to beginning of current line.

Home –将光标移动到当前行的开头。

End – Move cursor to end of current line.


Ctrl+Home – Move cursor to top of the text entry field.

Ctrl + Home –将光标移至文本输入字段的顶部。

Ctrl+End – Move cursor to bottom of the text entry field.

Ctrl + End –将光标移动到文本输入字段的底部。

Page Up – Move cursor up a frame.

Page Up –将光标向上移动一帧。

Page Down – Move cursor down a frame.

Page Down –将光标向下移动一帧。

page up page down

Image Credit: Book Glutton on Flickr


选择文字 (Selecting Text)

All of the above shortcuts can be combined with the Shift key to select text.


Shift+Left or Right Arrow Keys – Select characters one at a time.

Shift +左或右箭头键–一次选择一个字符。

Shift+Up or Down Arrow Keys – Select lines one at a time.

Shift +向上或向下箭头键–一次选择一行。

Shift+Ctrl+Left or Right Arrow Keys – Select words – keep pressing the arrow keys to select additional words.

Shift + Ctrl +向左或向右箭头键–选择单词–按住箭头键可选择其他单词。

Shift+Ctrl+Up or Down Arrow Keys – Select paragraphs.

Shift + Ctrl +向上或向下箭头键–选择段落。

Shift+Home – Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of the current line.

Shift + Home –在光标和当前行的开头之间选择文本。

Shift+End – Select the text between the cursor and the end of the current line.

Shift + End –在光标和当前行的结尾之间选择文本。

Shift+Ctrl+Home – Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of the text entry field.

Shift + Ctrl + Home –在光标和文本输入字段的开头之间选择文本。

Shift+Ctrl+End – Select the text between the cursor and the end of the text entry field.

Shift + Ctrl + End –在光标和文本输入字段的末尾之间选择文本。

Shift+Page Down – Select a frame of text below the cursor.

Shift + Page Down –在光标下方选择一个文本框。

Shift+Page Up – Select a frame of text above the cursor.

Shift + Page Up –在光标上方选择文本框架。

Ctrl+A – Select all text.

Ctrl + A –选择所有文本。

You can use several of these shortcuts to fine-tine your selected text. For example, you could press Shift+End to select the text to the end of the current line, and then press Shift+Down to also select the line below it.

您可以使用这些快捷方式中的几种来细化所选文本。 例如,您可以按Shift + End选择当前行末的文本,然后按Shift + Down也选择其下方的行。

After selecting text, you can start typing immediately to replace the text – you don’t have to press Delete first.


shift key

Image Credit: James_jhs on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的James_jhs

编辑中 (Editing)

You can really speed up text-editing by using the Ctrl keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste text.


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert – Copy selected text.

Ctrl + CCtrl + Insert –复制选定的文本。

Ctrl+X, Shift+Delete – Cut selected text.

Ctrl + XShift + Delete –剪切选定的文本。

Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert – Paste text at cursor.

Ctrl + VShift + Insert –将文本粘贴到光标处。

Ctrl+Z – Undo.

Ctrl + Z –撤消。

Ctrl+Y – Redo.

Ctrl + Y –重做。

格式化 (Formatting)

Formatting shortcuts only work if the application or website you’re using supports text formatting. If you have text selected, the shortcut will apply the formatting to your selected text. If you don’t have text selected, the shortcut will toggle the associated formatting option.

仅当您使用的应用程序或网站支持文本格式设置时,格式化快捷方式才起作用。 如果您选择了文本,快捷方式会将格式应用于您选择的文本。 如果您未选择文本,则快捷方式将切换相关的格式设置选项。

Ctrl+B – Bold.

Ctrl + B –粗体。

Ctrl+I – Italic.

Ctrl + I –斜体。

Ctrl+U – Underline.

Ctrl + U –下划线。

keyboard undo cut copy paste

Image Credit: Tess Watson on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的Tess Watson

功能 (Functions)

These function keys are common to most text-editing applications. If you use them in your web browser, you’ll open your browser’s associated dialogs.

这些功能键是大多数文本编辑应用程序所共有的。 如果您在网络浏览器中使用它们,则将打开浏览器的关联对话框。

Ctrl+F – Find. This opens the find dialog in most applications to search for text — I’ve even seen it work in some applications that didn’t have a Find option in their menus.

Ctrl + F –查找。 这会在大多数应用程序中打开“查找”对话框来搜索文本-我什至已经看到它在某些菜单中没有“查找”选项的应用程序中可以正常工作。

F3 – Find next.

F3 –查找下一个。

Shift+F3 – Find previous.

Shift + F3键–查找上一个。

Ctrl+O – Open.

Ctrl + O –打开。

Ctrl+S – Save.

Ctrl + S –保存。

Ctrl+N – New document.

Ctrl + N –新文档。

Ctrl+P – Print.

Ctrl + P –打印。

These keys work in most applications, but are particularly useful in text editors:


Alt – Activate application’s menu bar. You can use the arrow keys to select a menu option and the Enter key to activate it.

Alt –激活应用程序的菜单栏。 您可以使用箭头键选择菜单选项,然后使用Enter键将其激活。

Alt+F – Open File menu.

Alt + F –打开文件菜单。

Alt+E – Open Edit menu.

Alt + E –打开“编辑”菜单。

Alt+V – Open View menu.

Alt + V –打开“查看”菜单。


Image Credit: Kenny Louie on Flickr

图片信用: Flickr上的Kenny Louie

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/115664/42-text-editing-keyboard-shortcuts-that-work-almost-everywhere/


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