“ IMY”是什么意思,如何使用?

"I Miss You!" written on a piece of paper
PlusONE/Shutterstock PlusONE /快门

In today’s busy world, it’s not always easy to find the time to call and catch up with friends and loved ones. Instead of never communicating, when you’re thinking about someone, send them a quick “I miss you” or “IMY” text.

在当今繁忙的世界中,找时间打电话和跟上亲朋好友并不总是那么容易。 当您在思考某人时,请发送快速的“我想念您”或“ IMY”文字,而不是从不交流。

“我想你” (“I Miss You”)

IMY is an abbreviation of the phrase “I miss you,” and is most often used in text messages and informal communication. It is a simple (and thoughtful) way of telling another person that you miss them.

IMY是“我想念你”一词的缩写,通常用于短信和非正式交流中。 这是告诉他人您想念他们的一种简单(且周到)的方法。

According to Google Trends, “IMY” has been searched most often in the United States, Armenia, and Lebanon. The search term really began to skyrocket on the web in 2004, and its popularity has increased, most notably during the start of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on text messaging and the song “I.M.Y (Miss You)” by Kodak Black.

根据Google趋势,在美国,亚美尼亚和黎巴嫩搜索“ IMY”的频率最高。 搜索词真正开始于2004年在网络上激增,其流行程度有所提高,尤其是在2020年COVID-19大流行期间,其重点是短信和柯达·布莱克(Kodak Black)的歌曲“ IMY(Miss You)”

如何使用IMY (How to Use IMY)

The abbreviation is most commonly used and understood by younger generations (think generations Y and Z), but don’t bet that someone who isn’t as tech- or text-savvy will understand what the phrase means.


Here are a few proper ways to use IMY in texts:


  • Thinking of you. IMY a lot.

    想着你。 IMY很多。
  • How have you been? IMY!

    你最近怎么样? 天哪!
  • IMYT. I hope you’re well.

    IMYT。 我希望你很好。

The slang is not limited to intimate interactions. It may also be used with close friends who have not seen each other or spoken in an extended period of time. For example, friends who may have lost touch due to stressful life situations.

语不仅限于亲密互动。 它也可以与长时间未见面或讲话的密友一起使用。 例如,可能因生活压力大而失去联系的朋友。

“ IMY”与“ ILY” (“IMY” vs. “ILY”)

"I miss you so much" written on a sign next to flowers
Cora Mueller/Shutterstock 科拉·穆勒/ Shutterstock

There are a few variations of IMY that are common in messaging platforms, and it is most similar to “ILY” or “I Love You” because it’s easy to switch out the word “miss” for “love.” Abbreviations like “ILYSM” (I Love You So Much) and “ILYMTA” (I Love You More Than Anything) are easily interchangeable. Of course, the use of the word “miss” and “love” have two entirely different meanings, so be careful which word you choose.

在消息传递平台中,有一些IMY常见变体,它与“ ILY”或“ I Love You”最相似,因为很容易将“ miss”一词切换为“ love”。 “ ILYSM”(我非常爱你)和“ ILYMTA”(我爱你胜于一切)这样的缩写很容易互换。 当然,“ miss”和“ love”一词的使用有两个完全不同的含义,因此请小心选择哪个词。

The standalone abbreviation “MY” (“Miss You”) is almost never used as it’s already an English word.

独立缩写“ MY”(“ Miss You”)几乎从未使用过,因为它已经是英文单词了。

All of these variations can be spelled capitalized or uncapitalized. IMY is informal and can be used to respond quickly to messages, but online slang should be avoided in many professional settings.

所有这些变体都可以拼写大写或不大写。 IMY是非正式的,可用于快速响应消息,但在许多专业环境中,应避免使用在线语。

Variations of IMY mean the exact same as the original phrase, with varying degrees of urgency. You can respond to “I miss you” with “IMYT” (Or “IMY2”) to let someone know you miss them, too. Here are several other options you can choose from:

IMY的变体意味着与原始短语完全相同,但程度不同。 您可以用“ IMYT”(或“ IMY2”)回复“我想念您”,让别人知道您也想念他们。 您可以从以下几种其他选项中进行选择:

  • “IMYSM” I miss you so much.

    “ IMYSM”,我非常想你。
  • “IMYM” I miss you more.

    “ IMYM”,我更加想念你。
  • “MYSM” Miss you so much.

    “ MYSM”非常想念你。
  • “IMY2” alt. “IMYT.”

    “ IMY2”替代项。 “ IMYT。”
  • “IMYMTA” I miss you more than anything.

    “ IMYMTA”我最想念您。

Acronyms and abbreviations have a way of making us seem more casual and less impersonal in textual conversation. But at the same time, they can help convey a sense of closeness and comfort when messaging someone you care about during a busy workday or when you’re on the go.

首字母缩略词和缩写词使我们在文字对话中显得更加随意和非个人化。 但是同时,当您在忙碌的工作日或旅途中与您关心的人进行通讯时,它们可以帮助您传达亲密和舒适的感觉。

There are a lot of slang terms and abbreviations in common use, but few connote the closeness and familiarity of a simple ‘IMY.” If you’re curious about other internet abbreviations and acronyms, check out our pieces on IDK and IRL.

常用的terms语和缩写词很多,但很少有人暗示简单的“ IMY”的亲密程度。 如果您对其他互联网缩写和缩写感到好奇,请查看我们关于IDKIRL的文章

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672361/what-does-imy-mean-and-how-do-you-use-it/





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