alfred 常用搜索_如何使用Alfred完善macOS的Spotlight搜索

alfred 常用搜索

alfred 常用搜索

Spotlight Search on macOS has gotten a lot better over the last few years, but there’s still so much potential that’s missing. Enter Alfred, which is similar to Spotlight Search, but on some major steroids.

在过去的几年中,macOS上的Spotlight搜索已经变得越来越好,但是仍然缺少许多潜力。 输入Alfred,这与Spotlight搜索类似,但在某些主要类固醇上。

阿尔弗雷德能做什么? (What Can Alfred Do?)

In essence, Alfred is a Spotlight Search replacement. It’s not quite as smart as Spotlight Search at first (e.g. typing “Red Sox” wouldn’t show you sports scores in Alfred like it would in Spotlight Search), but with some customization and add-ons, you can make Alfred do so much more than Spotlight Search ever could.

本质上,Alfred是Spotlight Search的替代品。 起初它不如Spotlight Search聪明(例如,键入“ Red Sox”不会像在Spotlight Search中那样向您显示Alfred的运动成绩),但是通过一些自定义和附加功能,您可以让Alfred做很多事情比Spotlight Search所能提供的更多。

Alfred does have some basic features that make it stand out right away, like its web search functionality. This allows you to quickly search a handful of different sites like Google, Wikipedia, IMDB, Amazon, and more. You can even add your own custom search protocols for specific websites that you frequent.

Alfred确实具有一些使其立即脱颖而出的基本功能,例如其网络搜索功能。 这使您可以快速搜索少数几个不同的站点,例如Google,Wikipedia,IMDB,Amazon等。 您甚至可以为自己经常访问的特定网站添加自己的自定义搜索协议。

If you buy the Powerpack (more about that down below), you get even more capabilities, like text expansion and “Workflows“. Workflows are basically macros that let you assign a keystroke to an action, like opening up iTunes and turning up the volume when you enter “music” into the Alfred bar. It’s very similar to AutoHotkey or Keyboard Maestro.

如果您购买了Powerpack(更多信息,请参见下文),您将获得更多功能,例如文本扩展和“工作流程”。 工作流基本上是宏,可让您为操作分配击键,例如,在Alfred栏中输入“音乐”时,打开iTunes并调高音量。 它与AutoHotkey或Keyboard Maestro非常相似。

Workflows can also add further capabilities to Alfred, like the ability to convert different units, create timers, look up movie ratings, and even control your Philips Hue lights right from the Alfred bar.

工作流程还可以为Alfred添加更多功能,例如转换不同单位创建计时器,查找电影收视率甚至甚至可以从Alfred栏中控制Philips Hue灯的功能

If you’re convinced, here’s how to set up Alfred and get going in no time.


第一步:下载并安装Alfred (Step One: Download and Install Alfred)

To download Alfred, visit the app’s websitedon’t download it from the Mac App Store, since the company abandoned the Mac App Store (probably due to dumb restrictions by Apple).

要下载Alfred,请访问该应用程序的网站-不要从Mac App Store下载该应用程序,因为该公司放弃了Mac App Store(可能是由于Apple的愚蠢限制)。

Once on the Alfred website, click on “Download Alfred 3”. After it’s done downloading (which should take less than a minute, depending on your internet connection), double-click the .DMG file to open it up and begin the installation process.

进入Alfred网站后,单击“下载Alfred 3”。 下载完成后(取决于您的Internet连接,可能需要不到一分钟的时间),双击.DMG文件将其打开并开始安装过程。

Drag the Alfred icon into the Applications folder, just like you would with any other app you’re installing on your Mac.


Next, open up the Applications folder and double-click the Alfred app to fire it up for the first time.


Once open, Alfred will continue to run in the background, and if you have “Launch Alfred at login” enabled, it will automatically begin to run whenever you boot up your computer.


第二步:更改Alfred的热键 (Step Two: Change Alfred’s Hotkey)

The first thing you’ll want to do is change the hotkey for bringing up Alfred, which is a bit different than bringing up Spotlight Search. By default, Spotlight Search uses Command+Space, and since we’ll want to replace Spotlight Search with Alfred, we’ll need to change the Alfred hotkey to Command+Space.

您要做的第一件事是更改启动Alfred的热键,这与启动Spotlight Search有点不同。 默认情况下,Spotlight Search使用Command + Space,并且由于我们要用Alfred替换Spotlight Search,因此我们需要将Alfred热键更改为Command + Space。

This step is technically optional, but our goal is to replace Spotlight Search, so we want to change the hotkey Alfred uses to the one that Spotlight Search normally uses. You can use a different hotkey for both if you want to continue using Spotlight Search alongside Alfred, but that would be needlessly redundant.

从技术上讲,此步骤是可选的,但我们的目标是替换Spotlight搜索,因此我们要将Alfred使用的热键更改为Spotlight Search通常使用的热键。 您可以使用两种不同的热键,如果你想继续使用Spotlight搜索阿尔弗雷德一起,但是这将是不必要的冗余。

Before we can change Alfred’s hotkey, though, we need to disable Spotlight Search’s hotkey so that Alfred can use it. To do this, open up System Preferences and click on “Spotlight”.

不过,在更改Alfred的热键之前,我们需要禁用Spotlight Search的热键,以便Alfred可以使用它。 为此,请打开“系统偏好设置”,然后单击“ Spotlight”。

Down at the bottom, click on “Keyboard Shortcuts”.


Click on the checkmark next to “Show Spotlight Search” to uncheck it.


Next, go back to the main Alfred window and click inside the box next to “Alfred Hotkey”.

接下来,返回到Alfred主窗口,然后在“ Alfred Hotkey”旁边的框内单击。

Press Command+Space on your keyboard to change Alfred’s hotkey to that same keystroke. Now, whenever you hit Command+Space on your keyboard, Alfred will pop up instead of Spotlight Search.

按键盘上的Command + Space可以将Alfred的热键更改为相同的击键。 现在,只要您在键盘上按Command + Space,Alfred就会弹出而不是Spotlight Search。

第三步:了解和自定义Alfred (Step Three: Learn About and Customize Alfred)

Once you have Alfred all ready to go, you’ll want to take some time to look through the different menus and features to not only learn about what all Alfred can do, but to customize the settings to your specific needs. Most of these things are within the “Features” tab.

一旦您准备好所有Alfred,您就需要花一些时间浏览不同的菜单和功能,以不仅了解Alfred的所有功能,还可以根据您的特定需求自定义设置。 其中大多数都在“功能”选项卡中。

To make things a bit easier for you, though, here’s a rundown of the different sidebar menus available to you within the “Features” tab:


  • Default Results: Default results show up in the Alfred bar when you just enter in a generic search term without a keyword first. This is where you can customize default results.

    默认结果:当您仅输入不带关键字的常规搜索字词时,默认结果就会显示在Alfred栏中。 您可以在此处自定义默认结果。

  • File Search: This is where you can customize and modify how you search for files in the Alfred bar, like changing keywords and excluding certain results from showing up.


  • Web Search: Here you can create a list of different websites that you can search from the Alfred bar. As mentioned above, there are already some there by default to get you started, but you can create your own.

    网页搜索:您可以在此处创建可从Alfred栏中搜索的其他网站的列表。 如上所述,默认情况下已经有一些入门,但是您可以创建自己的。

  • Calculator: Settings for the calculator feature of Alfred. There’s not much to change here, though.

    计算器: Alfred计算器功能的设置。 不过,这里没有太多更改。

  • Dictionary: Settings for the dictionary feature. You can change the language, as well as the keywords for enabling the dictionary in the Alfred bar.

    词典:词典功能的设置。 您可以在Alfred栏中更改语言以及启用字典的关键字。

  • Contacts: Customize how Alfred handles your contacts that are stored on your Mac. You can also send emails to a contact from the Alfred bar. This is a paid Powerpack feature.

    联系人:自定义Alfred如何处理Mac上存储的联系人。 您也可以通过Alfred栏将电子邮件发送给联系人。 这是一项付费的Powerpack功能。

  • Clipboard: Alfred can save your clipboard history in case you copied something but forgot to paste it, or something like that. In this menu, you can customize these settings. This is a paid Powerpack feature.

    剪贴板: Alfred可以保存剪贴板历史记录,以防万一您复制了某些内容但忘记了粘贴之类的东西。 在此菜单中,您可以自定义这些设置。 这是一项付费的Powerpack功能。

  • Snippets: This is where you can create and manage your text expansion macros. The best thing is that you don’t need the Alfred bar at all to use snippets—they work pretty much in any text field. This is a paid Powerpack feature.

    代码段:您可以在此处创建和管理文本扩展宏。 最好的事情是,您根本不需要Alfred栏即可使用摘要,它们几乎可以在任何文本字段中使用。 这是一项付费的Powerpack功能。

  • iTunes: This is where you can customize the iTunes integration, which allows you to control your music right from the Alfred bar. This is a paid Powerpack feature.

    iTunes:您可以在此处自定义iTunes集成,从而可以从Alfred栏上直接控制音乐。 这是一项付费的Powerpack功能。

  • 1Password: If you use 1Password, you can integrate it into Alfred, allowing you to search for a password and immediately go to that website and login. This is a paid Powerpack feature.

    1Password:如果使用1Password,则可以将其集成到Alfred中,从而允许您搜索密码并立即转到该网站并登录。 这是一项付费的Powerpack功能。

  • System: This is where you can customize all of the different system commands you can give your Mac from the Alfred bar, like sleep, restart, lock, and even quit apps.


  • Terminal/Shell: This allows you to execute shell or Terminal commands right from the Alfred bar. There’s not a lot to customize here, but it’s pretty basic in the first place. This is a paid Powerpack feature.

    Terminal / Shell:这使您可以直接从Alfred栏中执行Shell或Terminal命令。 这里自定义的内容不多,但首先是非常基本的。 这是一项付费的Powerpack功能。

As for the other tabs at the top of the window, there’s “Workflows”, “Appearance”, “Advanced”, and “Remote”. Here’s a quick rundown of those features:

至于窗口顶部的其他选项卡,则有“工作流程”,“外观”,“高级”和“远程”。 以下是这些功能的简要介绍:

  • Workflows: These are what make Alfred so great. I already sort of explained Workflows up top, so I won’t bore you again, but I will say that you can also install pre-created Workflows on top of creating your own, and there are a lot of great Workflows that users have created on the Alfred Forums and on Packal.

    工作流程:这些就是使Alfred如此出色的原因。 我已经在某种程度上解释了工作流,所以我不会再让您感到厌烦,但是我想说,您还可以在创建自己的工作流的基础上安装预先创建的工作流,并且用户创建了许多很棒的工作流在Alfred论坛Packal发表演讲

  • Appearance: This is where you can customize the look of Alfred, as well as where you want the bar to pop up on your screen.


  • Advanced: An assortment of miscellaneous settings that you probably won’t need to mess with, but they’re there just in case.


  • Remote: This is where you can set up and customize Alfred Remote, which can turn your iPhone or iPad into a screen full of different shortcuts that execute on your Mac.

    远程:在这里可以设置和自定义Alfred Remote ,它可以将您的iPhone或iPad变成一个包含在Mac上执行的不同快捷方式的屏幕。

Overall, the best way to learn how to use Alfred is to just experiment with it, and if you ever discover something that you can’t do with Alfred, then there’s probably a Workflow that you can create or install to add that specific capability.


关于Powerpack (About the Powerpack)

Alfred is free to use, but you can unlock a handful of extra features at a cost, called the Powerpack. I highly recommend getting it because it gives you features like text expansion, integration with different apps (namely iTunes and 1Password, but also through Workflows), the ability to run shell and Terminal commands right from the Alfred bar, and access to Workflows that I’ve mentioned several times already.

Alfred是免费使用的,但是您可以付费购买一些额外的功能,称为Powerpack 。 我强烈建议您使用它,因为它为您提供了诸如文本扩展,与其他应用程序(即iTunes和1Password,还可以通过工作流)集成,可以直接从Alfred栏中运行shell和终端命令以及访问我所访问的工作流等功能。已经提到过几次了。

The only downside is the price. The Powerpack costs $25, which is only good through a single version of Alfred, but you can spend $46 to get free lifetime support. In other words, if you buy the Powerpack now, it will only be good for Alfred v3. If the company were to ever release an Alfred v4, you’d have to buy the Powerpack again if you went with the cheapest option to begin with.

唯一的缺点是价格。 Powerpack的价格为25美元,这仅对于Alfred的单个版本来说是不错的选择,但您可以花46美元获得终身免费支持。 换句话说,如果您现在购买Powerpack,它将仅对Alfred v3有用。 如果公司要发布Alfred v4,那么如果您一开始选择了最便宜的选择,那么您就不得不再次购买Powerpack。

The good news is that with the Powerpack, Alfred essentially replaces a handful of paid apps that you would normally still spend money for, like TextExpander ($40/year) and Keyboard Maestro ($36), so it evens out in the end.

好消息是,有了Powerpack,Alfred基本上取代了您通常仍会花钱购买的少数付费应用程序,例如TextExpander(每年40美元)和Keyboard Maestro(每年36美元),因此最终收支平衡。


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