Windows 10共享功能是什么,如何使用?


Internal file sharing has been a part of the Windows operating system for years, but it’s only with the introduction of version 10 that Microsoft has finally decided to give its users the opportunity to share their content with local accounts and the world at large, all from the same place.


共享选项卡 (The Share Tab)

Once you click into the Share tab from the File Explorer, you’ll be greeted by a breadth of different tools and options you can use to make sharing the files from your computer much faster than ever before.


A fresh addition to Windows 10, in the top left corner of every File Explorer window you’ll see there are now three integrated options to get your files off your PC and out to the web with one click: Share, Email, and Zip.

Windows 10的新增功能,在每个“文件资源管理器”窗口的左上角,您现在都可以看到三个集成选项,只需单击一下即可将文件从PC上移到Web上:共享,电子邮件和Zip。


First up is the Share button, an option that will bring up a prompt that some of you might already recognize from Windows 8.1.

首先是“共享”按钮,该选项将提示您某些人可能已经从Windows 8.1中识别出来。


After the Share icon is selected, the ubiquitous Share Charm will pop out from the right side of your desktop, where you’ll find several different social options depending on which apps you already have installed through the Windows Store. In this example we’ve pre-loaded the Facebook and OneNote apps, both of which are already programmed to handle picture sharing requests from a default setup of File Explorer.

选择“共享”图标后,随处可见的“共享超级按钮”将从桌面的右侧弹出,您将在其中找到几个不同的社交选项,具体取决于您已经通过Windows应用商店安装了哪些应用。 在此示例中,我们预加载了Facebook和OneNote应用程序,这两个应用程序均已编程为处理来自File Explorer默认设置的图片共享请求。

As long as you’ve already logged into your respective accounts, you’ll be able to immediately share any images you’ve downloaded or edited on your machine right from the file system, no web browser or extra email client required.


通过电子邮件发送 (Send as an Email)

Next up is the option to email pictures, documents, and files to anyone on your contact list in an instant.



To start, you should know that if you go to use the Email button (highlighted above), but find it’s been grayed out, you’ll need to go online and find a compatible desktop-based email client that Windows can recognize as a default program first.



Here I’ve opted for Mozilla’s Thunderbird to manage the request ahead of time. Once your desktop email client is installed, you’ll need to set the program as the default handler of mail requests on Windows 10.

在这里,我选择了Mozilla的Thunderbird来提前管理请求。 安装桌面电子邮件客户端后,您需要将程序设置为Windows 10上邮件请求的默认处理程序。


To do this, begin by entering the Settings app, and navigating to the System section.



Scroll down in the System sidebar to find the Default Apps page. Once here, choose the option to “Set defaults by app.”

在系统侧栏中向下滚动以找到默认应用程序页面。 进入此处后,选择“通过应用设置默认值”选项。


After the window below appears, run through the list on the left side to find the email application you downloaded and installed ahead of time.



Once the app is selected, open the link at the bottom which reads “Choose defaults for this program”. For the specific purpose of activating the Mail icon in our Share menu, the toggle you need to set for Thunderbird or your preferred program is the “Send Mail Command”, seen below.

选择应用程序后,打开底部的链接,显示为“选择该程序的默认值”。 为了激活“共享”菜单中的“邮件”图标,您需要为Thunderbird或首选程序设置的切换是“发送邮件命令”,如下所示。


Once this is linked to the email client of your choosing, the File Explorer’s Email icon will light up, and you’ll be able to automatically send any file through the email client of your choice!



与本地和网络用户共享 (Share With Local and Networked Users)

Next up; what if the people you want to share with aren’t an email away, but live on your same WiFi network instead? Windows 10 offers up two refreshed methods of filesharing from the days of 8.1, both of which are quickly and easily accessible from the confines of the File Explorer panel.

接下来如果您想与之共享的人没有收到电子邮件,而是住在同一WiFi网络上怎么办? Windows 10从8.1版本开始提供了两种刷新的文件共享方法,可以从“文件资源管理器”面板的范围中快速轻松地访问这两种方法。

The first is to share with other members of your local network, given that you’ve already set a homegroup up before trying to passing files between both computers.



Once you select the user you want to share with, you can click the arrow next to their name in the prompt to configure their permissions. This is useful if you want to share a file among multiple accounts, but also prefer to maintain ultimate control of the file through administrative editing privileges.

选择要共享的用户后,可以在提示中单击其名称旁边的箭头以配置其权限。 如果要在多个帐户之间共享一个文件,但又希望通过管理编辑权限保持对文件的最终控制,则此功能很有用。


The second method is to simply choose another user on the same machine you’re working from, and send it over to their account through the option highlighted “Specific People” in the Share tab.



Select this option, and only users registered on your local computer will see the file pop up on their desktop the next time they log in.


压缩它 (Zip it Up)

For larger files which could prove too unwieldy for the average email client, Microsoft has also included a handy compression tool in the Share toolbar which will shrink down any files you need.


To create a .zip file for sharing, click the “Zip” icon in the top right corner of File Explorer.

要创建共享的.zip文件,请单击文件资源管理器右上角的“ Zip”图标。


Once you select this, an archive of the parent directory will automatically appear in the same folder, waiting for you to rename it.


This option is especially useful for users who need to transmit entire folders between email addresses or Dropbox accounts, and can make for a few less clicks the next time a pack of accounting reports need to get on the manager’s desk ASAP.


停止分享 (Stop Sharing)

And in case you got a bit too trigger happy with the new Share permissions, revoking ownership to a file or folder is just as easy as granting it.


If you’d prefer that a specific file is removed from the sharing ecosystem after it’s already been added, you can use the same Share toolbar to stop broadcasting anything that’s accidentally been left open with the “Stop Sharing” option. This can be found both on the right hand side of the Share tab, as well as inside the standard drop-down menu, highlighted below.

如果您希望在添加特定文件后将其从共享生态系统中删除,则可以使用相同的“共享”工具栏停止广播任何意外关闭的“停止共享”选项。 可以在“共享”选项卡的右侧以及下面突出显示的标准下拉菜单中找到它。


Keep in mind, however, that while removing share permissions inside Windows 10 iteself is easy, any files that have already been sent to social media hubs will need to be deleted on the sites themselves. If a photo is posted to Facebook, only deleting it from the Facebook server will make it entirely private again.

但是请记住,在Windows 10 iteself中删除共享权限很容易,但是,已经发送到社交媒体中心的所有文件都需要在站点本身上删除。 如果将照片发布到Facebook,仅将其从Facebook服务器上删除,将使其再次完全变为私人照片。

File sharing was already a pretty easy job, but leave it to the engineers behind Windows 10 to simplify the process even further with the help of File Explorer’s brand new Share tab.

文件共享本来就很容易,但是在File Explorer全新的“共享”选项卡的帮助下,将其留给Windows 10背后的工程师来进一步简化过程。


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