如何将小工具添加回Windows 8和10(以及为什么您不应该这样做)

Desktop gadgets and the Windows Sidebar were a big hallmark feature in Windows Vista and Windows 7. But Microsoft removed desktop gadgets, and you won’t find them in Windows 8 or 10.

桌面小工具和Windows边栏是Windows Vista和Windows 7中的一大特色。但是Microsoft删除了桌面小工具,在Windows 8或10中找不到它们。

Windows桌面小工具因存在安全风险而被终止 (Windows Desktop Gadgets Were Discontinued Because They’re a Security Risk)

There’s a reason these were discontinued in Windows 8 and 10: Microsoft’s desktop gadget platform has a variety of security problems. That’s not just our opinion–that’s what Microsoft says.

这些是在Windows 8和Windows 10中不再使用的原因:Microsoft的桌面小工具平台存在各种安全问题。 这不仅仅是我们的意见,而是微软所说的。

Microsoft’s official security advisory on the subject explains two big problems. First, Microsoft says it’s aware of legitimate desktop gadgets that contain security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Attackers could exploit a vulnerability in a gadget to gain control over your entire computer, if you’re signed on as a user account with administrator privileges.

微软公司在此问题上的官方安全公告解释了两个大问题。 首先,微软表示,它知道包含安全漏洞的合法桌面小工具,攻击者可能会利用这些小工具。 如果您以具有管理员权限的用户帐户登录,则攻击者可以利用小工具中的漏洞来控制整个计算机。

Second, your computer could be compromised if an attacker creates a malicious gadget and gets you to install it. Install a gadget and it can run any code it wants on your computer with your full system permissions.

其次,如果攻击者创建恶意小工具并让您安装它,则您的计算机可能会受到威胁。 安装一个小工具,它就可以在您具有完整系统权限的情况下在您的计算机上运行所需的任何代码。

In other words, the desktop gadgets aren’t just a lightweight gadget platform. Gadgets are full Windows programs with full access to your system, and there are third-party gadgets with known security vulnerabilities that will never be fixed. But many Windows users may not realize installing a gadget is just as dangerous as installing a program.

换句话说,桌面小工具不仅是轻量级的小工具平台。 小工具是具有对您的系统的完全访问权限的完整Windows程序,并且某些第三方小工具具有已知的安全漏洞,这些漏洞永远不会修复。 但是许多Windows用户可能没有意识到安装小工具与安装程序一样危险。

That’s why Windows 8 and 10 don’t include desktop gadgets. Even if you’re using Windows 7, which includes desktop gadgets and the Windows Sidebar functionality, Microsoft recommends disabling it with their downloadable “Fix It” tool.

这就是Windows 8和Windows 10不包含桌面小工具的原因。 即使您使用的Windows 7包括桌面小工具和Windows边栏功能,Microsoft也建议使用可下载的“修复”工具将禁用

Yes, Microsoft is trying to push its own live tiles instead of desktop gadgets. But, if live tiles aren’t good enough for you, there’s a better desktop gadget platform.

是的,Microsoft正在尝试推销自己的活动磁贴,而不是桌面小工具。 但是,如果实时拼贴对您来说不够好,那么会有更好的桌面小工具平台。

您应该做什么:为现代台式机小工具获取雨量计 (What You Should Do: Get Rainmeter for Modern Desktop Gadgets)

There is a way to re-enable desktop gadgets on Windows 8 and 10 if you really want to. However, we strongly advise against it. Not only are there security concerns, but Microsoft’s desktop gadgets are a dead platform, so it will be difficult to find solid gadgets for it.

如果您确实愿意,可以使用一种方法在Windows 8和10上重新启用桌面小工具。 但是,我们强烈建议您不要这样做。 不仅存在安全问题,而且Microsoft的桌面小工具已经死了,因此很难找到可靠的小工具。

Instead, we recommend downloading Rainmeter. While other desktop wiget platforms like Microsoft’s desktop gadgets, Google Desktop gadgets, and Yahoo! Widgets (formerly known as Konfabulator) have all been axed by their parent companies, Rainmeter is still going strong. Rainmeter is a free, open-source desktop widget platform with a large community of people making desktop gadgets, known as “skins”. Frankly, it’s better looking and more customizable than the other options ever were. You’ll find a ton of skins available that are customizable right down to every nook and cranny.

相反,我们建议下载Rainmeter 。 而其他桌面Wietet平台,例如Microsoft的桌面小工具,Google桌面小工具和Yahoo! 小部件(以前称为Konfabulator)已被其母公司裁员,Rainmeter仍在发展。 Rainmeter是一个免费的开放源代码桌面小部件平台,拥有许多制造桌面小工具(称为“皮肤”)的人。 坦白说,它比以前的其他选项更好看,更可定制。 您会发现大量可定制的皮肤,直到每个角落。

Installing and configuring Rainmeter is a tad more complex than using Windows desktop gadgets, but it’s worth if if you want a modern desktop gadget platform that’s much more customizable than anything Windows itself ever offered.


如何重新启用桌面小工具(如果绝对必要) (How to Re-Enable Desktop Gadgets (If You Absolutely Must))

If you really want to restore the original desktop gadgets to Windows 10 or 8.1, you can use one of two third-party programs: 8GadgetPack or Gadgets Revived. Both are very similar, but 8GadgetPack seems to be more widely recommended and includes more gadgets.

如果您确实要将原始的桌面小工具还原到Windows 10或8.1,则可以使用两个第三方程序之一: 8GadgetPackGadgets Revived 。 两者非常相似,但是似乎更广泛地建议使用8GadgetPack并包含更多小工具。

After installing 8GadgetPack or Gadgets Revived, you can just right-click your Windows desktop and select “Gadgets”. You’ll see the same gadgets Window you’ll remember from Windows 7. Drag and drop gadgets onto the sidebar or desktop from here to use them. You can configure gadgets just as you could on Windows 7–right-click a gadget and select “Options” to access any configuration options the gadget may have.

安装8GadgetPack或Gadgets Revived后,您可以右键单击Windows桌面并选择“ Gadgets”。 您将看到与Windows 7相同的小工具窗口。从此处将小工具拖放到侧栏或桌面上以使用它们。 您可以像在Windows 7上一样配置小工具–右键单击一个小工具,然后选择“选项”以访问该小工具可能具有的任何配置选项。

It’s good that 8GadgetPack includes a variety of desktop gadgets, because it’s difficult to find them online at this point. Microsoft took down its own desktop gadget gallery website years ago. If you’re hunting for more desktop gadgets, just watch out for third-party desktop gadgets that may be malicious.

8GadgetPack包含各种桌面小工具是件好事,因为此时很难在线找到它们。 微软几年前关闭了自己的桌面小工具画廊网站。 如果您正在寻找更多的桌面小工具,请提防可能有害的第三方桌面小工具。

You won’t find as many third-party gadgets for this dead platform as you will for Rainmeter, though. Even when Windows desktop gadgets were supported, Rainmeter was the superior alternative–and now that holds true more than ever. Give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.

但是,在这个死掉的平台上找不到像Rainmeter那样多的第三方小工具。 即使Windows桌面小工具得到了支持,Rainmeter的是更好的选择,而现在也是如此比以往任何时候。 试一试。 您不会失望的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/277161/how-to-add-gadgets-back-to-windows-8-and-10-and-why-you-probably-shouldnt/

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